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张向晨 《国际贸易》1999,(11):20-23
乌拉圭回合结束5年后,发展 中国家的一个普遍感觉是,它们未能充分把参与多边贸易谈判可能获得的利益转化成实际利益。一个重要原因是发展中国家在乌拉圭回合中没有做好参与多边贸易谈判的充分准备,发展中国家决心在新一轮谈判中弥补这一遗憾。在酝酿西雅图部长会议宣言的过程中,发展中国家提交了不少立场文件,媒体普遍认为发展中国家将在新一轮谈判中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,中国企业在参与铁矿石国际定价过程中处处陷入被动.大多数人在分析其原因时都指出了中国在铁矿石价格谈判中存在的问题,但缺乏理论上的说明,必须进一步探究铁矿石价格谈判中的联盟问题.  相似文献   

新一轮农业谈判中发展中国家的立场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国入世后,农业将是受到影响最大的几个部门之一。多哈谈判启动了新一轮谈判,而农业谈判仍是重要内容之一。本文指出了发展中国家对其在世界农产品贸易中处境的不满,分析了发展中国家对新一轮农业谈判态度冷淡的原因及其主场,以便能对中国在新一轮农业谈判中策略的选择有一定的启示。  相似文献   

本刊讯英国《经济学家》周刊9月15日一期文章:坎昆会议已成重大事件。此次会议高明的政治手段比会议产生的任何单项建议都将具有更加深远的影响。以中国、印度和巴西为首的发展中国家第一次自我组织起来,形成联盟,表明了它们要与欧盟和美国较量的意愿。就像工会的诞生一样,发展中国家发现了团结、行为准则和对抗的力量。中国的参与对这一进程至关重要。印度和巴西以前曾努力组建一个发展中国家集团,但总是因各种经济或政治压力而失败。中国是一个大国,而且地位重要,所以不能任意摆布。有了中国,这个联盟才有意义。此次会议发出的重要信号仍然是:多边主义仍有生命力。世界贸易组织还远远不是一个完善的机构。对世贸组织的批评很多完全是合理的。但是,对于发展中国家来说,如果要想与欧盟和美国进行双边协议谈判,世贸组织则是一个发展中国家在其中拥有较大权力的论坛。如果联合起来,它们就能获得平等待遇,如果单独行事,它们就会被当作是乞讨者。英刊《经济学家》:发展中国家组成联盟以争取获得平等待遇  相似文献   

WTO谈判破裂的原因与最后成功的关键   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WTO谈判破裂的直接原因是美国和印度在SSM触发条件方面相持不下,根本原因是农业谈判和非农产品谈判都未能达成最后的协商一致,政治原因是主要谈判方美国、欧盟和印度都有各自的难题。要重开谈判并获得最后成功,主要谈判方特别是美国必须首先让步。为此,发展中国家要共同努力,推动多哈回合真正回到发展回合的轨道。  相似文献   

发展中国家在世贸组织新一轮谈判中的立场、目标及策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世贸组织第三次部长会议将于1999年11月30日~12月3日在美国西雅图举行,届时将发动新一轮多边贸易谈判。这是世贸组织在全面实施其协议以来举行的一次范围较为广泛、参加成员及观察员最多、影响也将最大的谈判。它将全面评估世贸组织成立以来多边贸易体制取得的成就、存在的问题,并力图为21世纪国际经贸竞争制定新的规则。本文拟就发展中国家所面临的国际经贸环境、在新一轮谈判中的目标、立场及谈判策略进行综合分析。一、发展中国家的贸易政策环境及新一轮谈判的背景1.90年代以来,发展中国家加快了贸易自由化改革的步…  相似文献   

本文分析了经典博弈论与进化博弈论的主要区别,引述了分析多群体非对称博弈的复制动态方程,并以此为工具求得了在世贸组织谈判中,发达国家与发展中国家之间利益分配的进化博弈解:谈判结局出现有利于发达国家的利益分配状况要远远多于有利于发展中国家的状况,最终发达国家能得到谈判议题可能产生的贸易利益的绝大部分。在此基础上,本文进一步分析了这一结论对于发展中国家的政策意义。  相似文献   

新一轮多边贸易谈判即将拉开帷幕。本文着重探讨发展中国家在世界贸易组织新一轮谈判贸易与环境议题上的基本立场和具体谈判策略,以期对我国入世后参加世贸组织新一轮谈判有所裨益。  相似文献   

发展中国家由于其自身经济发展的局限,他们在国际服务贸易中的竞争力有待提高,但对"自然人流动"这种国际服务贸易提供方式,发展中国家具有比较优势.正确认识自然人流动的特点及其规律性,认识发达国家对自然人进入其市场的条件限制,并通过在世贸组织中的谈判,减少自然人流动在国际服务贸易中受到的限制和遇到的障碍,可以促进人力资源在世界范围内的更有效配置,增加发展中国家的利益.我国作为发展中大国,在推动自然人流动方面应该成为重要角色,并谋求自己的利益.  相似文献   

<正> 伴随着近年来全球范围保护消费者知情权和选择权浪潮的兴起,目前环境保护的外延已逐步扩大,包含了对消费者人体健康的保护。在 WTO 及其前身 GATT 共五十余年的历史上没有真正讨论并制订出一个规范贸易与环境关系问题的具体协议。尤其对很多发展中国家而言,这个问题还很陌生。本文将着重探讨发展中国家在 WTO 新一轮回合贸易与环境议题上的基本立场和具体谈判策略,以期对我国“入世”后参加 WTO 新一轮回合谈判有所裨益。  相似文献   

This paper highlights what we know from market microstructure and how this should guide the design of equity markets in developing counties. I first consider the basic economic functions of capital markets and of exchanges. I develop more fully the importance of price discovery and liquidity, and how these are affected by the market environment and by characteristics of firms themselves. I then consider the particular implications of this for capital markets in emerging countries. Research has suggested various links between market designs and performance, and I review the implications of these for exchange structure. I conclude with some thoughts on how best to structure markets for newly listing companies.  相似文献   

李燕燕 《商业研究》2005,(24):144-146
发达国家投资厂商对发展中国家的直接投资已发生了很大变化,传统直接投资以投资者持有足够股权对投资项目保持有效控制的活动方式,新直接投资是以其他方式不同程度地参与控制,或只参与收益分享而不参与控制。新直接投资是由传统直接投资、间接融资、纯国际贸易相结合而形成的国际经济活动,反映了投资的实质性特征。  相似文献   

Over the last one hundred and fifty years, the extraction and processing of non-renewable resources has provided the basis for the three industrial revolutions that have led to the modern economies of the developed world. In the process, the nature of resource extraction firms has also changed dramatically, from small-scale operations exploiting easily accessible deposits to large, vertically integrated, capital intensive transnational corporations characterized by oligopolistic competition. In the last ten to fifteen years, coinciding with processes of economic globalization, another major change has been occurring as resource extraction industries have been shifting their operations from developed to developing countries. This shift has greatly impacted the populations of these countries and raises a variety of ethical issues. This article investigates the nature of these changes and the ethical issues that arise, focusing in particular on the development impact of the activities of these industries and the potential adequacy of different policy approaches to regulating them.  相似文献   

Corporate governance reforms are occurring in countries around the globe. In developing countries, such reforms occur in a context that is primarily defined by previous attempts at promoting "development" and recent processes of economic globalization. This context has resulted in the adoption of reforms that move developing countries in the direction of an Anglo-American model of governance. The most basic questions that arise with respect to these governance reforms are what prospects they entail for traditional development goals and whether alternatives should be considered. This paper offers a framework for addressing these basic questions by providing an account of: 1) previous development strategies and efforts; 2) the nature and causes of the reform processes; 3) the development potential of the reforms and concerns associated with them; 4) the (potential) responsibilities of corporate governance, including the (possible) responsibilities to promote development, and; 5) different approaches to promoting governance reforms with an eye to promoting development.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing is a means of production which systematically restores existing equipment to like-new condition. It offers an ecologically sound and economical means of production which offers LDCs a host of benefits. Distinct from mere ad hoc repairing, remanufacturing couples the benefits of employing cheap, used machines, with an efficient means of production. Most of the existing literature on remanufacturing is technical and production orientated; such research is reviewed. In addition, an array of marketing and distribution issues are analyzed. Since most failures of remanufacturing stem from marketing problems, this discussion is especially useful to policy makers and development specialists. If thoughtfully employed, remanufacturing offers LDCs greater self-sufficiency using relatively cheap "light" industry manned by unskilled and semi-skilled labor.  相似文献   

If local personnel are qualified or can be trained to fill managerial positions in a subsidiary located in a developing country, then MNCs should give them the opportunity to do so. When local talent isn%'t available, expatriates should be used but they need to be fully briefed about the culture, language, and other aspects of the developing country to be their home.  相似文献   

本文以 21世纪为背景,回顾了南北经济关系在过去近半个世纪里的演变,并对当前发展中国家面临的困境作了分析,以此为基础强调建立国际经济新秩序的必要性和艰巨性。  相似文献   

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