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王秋芹  冯勤超 《价值工程》2009,28(11):94-96
软件项目风险管理是一门新兴的学科。近年来,出现了一系列软件项目风险管理方法,取得了相应的成果。介绍了软件项目风险管理相关概念,阐述了软件项目风险管理工具和方法,并进行了比较分校。  相似文献   

A heavily burdened project manager must ensure effective information sharing with actors inside and outside the organization because this is a necessary condition for a new product development (NPD) project to achieve its objectives. Knowledge, however, on who actually assists a project manager with the information sharing during NPD projects is limited; therefore, this study of longitudinal objective email data (4658 emails) during a NPD project contributes to theory and practice by advancing our understanding of when and how the project manager establishes relationships with different core actors inside and outside the organization to promote the information sharing.  相似文献   

Implementing a performance measurement system (PMS) for research and development (R&D) is fundamental for supporting decision making and motivating researchers and engineers; however, this is a very challenging task, because effort levels are not measurable and success highly uncertain. Even if the subject has largely been debated in academic and practitioners literature so far, an acknowledged managerial approach is not available yet. This paper investigates the implementation and use of a PMS in new product development (NPD) projects, which represents a relatively unexplored issue in the R&D performance measurement debate. In particular, studying the case of a military aircraft development project, it provides a reference framework that integrates the major literature contributions' findings and suggests a practical approach for the design and implementation of an effective PMS for NPD.  相似文献   

Organizations are becoming more and more aware of how important it is to strengthen the competences of their project managers. This fact acquires greater relevance in the development and international cooperation sector because of the need to have qualified professionals who can take up the challenges and address the specific demands of an ever more demanding and constantly evolving sector. This article provides the results of research that more than 100 experts in project management and administration participated in to detect which competences are the most relevant in this context.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the variables affecting the project system vulnerability to political risks in international construction projects. A questionnaire survey was conducted and 138 responses were received from both academia and industry. The exploratory factor analysis was then adopted to uncover the relationships among these variables. The results showed that three exposure factors (i.e., attribute‐based exposure, strategy‐based exposure, and transaction‐based exposure) and three capacity factors (i.e., core competitive capacity, relative bargain capacity, and integrate adaptive capacity) were believed to be the significant underlying factors for the project system vulnerability to political risks. Also, case studies were conducted and the results indicated that the emergent framework was suitable and tractable for application in the future. This study provides a method for measuring the project system vulnerability to political risks; thus, international construction enterprises can decrease their risk exposure and enhance their capacity for dealing with political risks in international construction projects.  相似文献   

Collaborative research projects require a high amount of creativity to create innovative results. Project management has to ensure that it recognizes and encourages creativity. This can be done successfully only if the nature of creative tasks is well understood. The current literature on creativity provides a well‐accepted model to characterize creativity. Based on a literature review and case study we transfer the findings into the context of collaborative information systems (IS) research projects and we evaluate their applicability. We derive specific criteria and characteristics for the identification of creative tasks, find a set of different task types, and provide implications directly usable by project managers.  相似文献   

航空行业项目管理创新的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郜艳玲 《价值工程》2011,30(9):216-216
本文从航空产品传统项目管理出发,分析传统项目管理面临的问题及挑战,对项目进一步创新管理提出了迫切的需求。在原有项目管理基础上,对航空行业项目管理的创新进行了新的探索与实践,并提出了几点适合本公司航空行业项目管理创新的思考与建议。  相似文献   

应用新产品研发项目管理模式能实现企业资源的高效利用,缩短研发周期,降低产品成本,提高产品质量,减小风险,提高企业新产品研发的能力与水平。文章从项目管理的相关理论知识入手,结合实践对先进的新产品研发项目管理模式进行研究,有针对性地提出解决措施,为促进新产品研发项目管理模式应用,进一步提高企业新产品研发能力和水平积累经验和提供参考。  相似文献   

Defining “project success” has been of interest for many years, and recent developments combine multiple measurable and psychosocial factors that add to this definition. There has also been research into success factors, but little research into the causal chains through which success emerges. Following the multi‐dimensionality of “success,” this article shows how success factors combine in complex interactions; it describes factors contributing to project performance by a company working on two major construction programs and shows how to map and analyze paths from root causes to success criteria. The study also identifies some specific factors—some generic, some context‐dependent—none of these is uncommon but here they come together synergistically.  相似文献   

This article examines the intersection of the project management body of knowledge with new product development (NPD). The area under examination is the development of consumer products that have a significant engineering production content. It is concluded that the project management method, with its structured task definition and software tools, is generally useful for managing NPD projects. However, in some areas, project management incompletely meets the needs of NPD. Specifically, NPD is characterized by complex interrelated activities and large uncertainties about precisely which solution path will be taken, such that the full scope of the project can often not be anticipated beforehand. The article identifies that more research is required to validate the stage‐gate and lean project management methods. Whereas cost is the primary focus in project management, with NPD there is a need to consider both cost and income (from product sales) in making strategic decisions. Communication and human resource management are important factors in NPD success, but existing project management perspectives have little to say about the social and behavioral aspects, such as organizational culture, team dynamics, and leadership styles, especially not for NPD. Current project management practices are very much based on “output control” (targets, appraisal, rewards, management by objectives), which the human resource management literature identifies as inhibiting innovation. There is also likely to exist an intersection, as yet poorly understood, between project management and knowledge management, particularly for innovation processes such as NPD. For practitioners, the main message is that the project management method provides a basic, but imperfect, tool for managing NPD. The relevance for researchers is that gaps have been identified in the project management method as it is currently applied to NPD. Several places are identified where further research is required to (a) better understand the causality between factors (e.g., human resource management) and project success and (b) adapt project management methods to better serve the NPD process.  相似文献   

应用新产品研发项目管理模式能实现企业资源的高效利用,缩短研发周期,降低产品成本,提高产品质量,减小风险,提高企业新产品研发的能力与水平。文章从项目管理的相关理论知识入手,结合实践对先进的新产品研发项目管理模式进行研究,有针对性地提出解决措施,为促进新产品研发项目管理模式应用,进一步提高企业新产品研发能力和水平积累经验和提供参考。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to identify the risks in green retrofit projects in Singapore; analyze their risk criticalities; compare the risk criticalities between conventional and green retrofit projects; and provide mitigation measures for the critical risks. Twenty risks and 37 mitigation measures were identified from a literature review. A questionnaire survey was performed with 30 professionals experienced in green retrofits, and five post‐survey interviews were conducted. The results indicated “post‐retrofit tenants’ cooperation risk” was the top risk, and that 19 risks were more critical in green retrofits than in conventional retrofits. Additionally, 28 mitigation measures obtained significant agreement.  相似文献   

Knowledge management of a new product development project team is critical for a firm's competitive advantage, and incentive mechanism is one of the most effective knowledge management drives. In this paper, we examined the effects of non‐financial incentive and team‐based financial incentive on knowledge management performance in China and identified the moderating effects of knowledge attributes (codifiability and teachability). Our findings indicate that non‐financial incentive and team‐based financial incentive have positive effects on knowledge management performance. Codifiability and teachability enhance the team‐based financial incentive–knowledge management performance relationship. Finally, implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Focusing on new product development projects, this study suggests that the effect of a market orientation on innovation performance relationships may differ depending on whether the market orientation is responsive or proactive. This study also argues that process‐based and outcome‐based rewards moderate the effect. Based on a survey of 186 new product development projects in 122 high‐tech firms, this study found that responsive and proactive market orientations have positive influences on incremental innovation performance and radical innovation performance, respectively. In addition, the positive effect of a proactive market orientation on performance is strengthened by process‐based rewards, whereas the positive effect of a responsive market orientation on performance is positively moderated by outcome‐based rewards. This study provides practical implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

High reliability organizations claim to be special organizations that have consistently demonstrated safe performance in operating environments, which are simultaneously of high technical complexity, high consequence, and high tempo. This article argues that the literature on high reliability organizing, which emerged through studying day‐to‐day operations in the nuclear industry, air traffic control industry, and U.S. navy aircraft carriers, might hold important lessons for how the project management community can approach the management of safety‐critical projects—projects in which safety is of paramount importance. Its aim is to consider how high reliability organizing might be realized in these safety‐critical projects.  相似文献   

The specificity of project management in different contexts and industries is recognized, but little empirical research encompasses a sufficiently broad range of contexts and project types to precisely identify these specificities. This article adopts such a wide perspective based on a large sample of data from an ongoing empirical investigation of project management practice. Contextual archetypes are identified (i.e., clusters of experienced practitioners that share similar organizational and project contexts). Archetypes of contextualized practice are then investigated through the study of the extent of use of empirically identified toolsets in each cluster. The results empirically confirm some well‐known assumptions about practice but also sharpen the knowledge and understanding of practice in real complex multidimensional contexts. A new concept of “performing‐maturity” emerged from the data. This concept sheds light on the entangled imbrications of maturity, competence, and success. Practices are regressed against performing‐maturity to reveal best contextualized practices.  相似文献   

高建明 《价值工程》2010,29(10):83-84
PPP项目风险因素比较复杂,本文对加强我国PPP项目风险管理提出的建议包括:指导思想和法规制度建设,几个关系的正确处理,具体的措施、以及政府应尽快地建立健全有关PPP项目的相关法规以及加速培养PPP方面的专业人才,确保政府和投资者的合法权益。  相似文献   

We consider identification of early warning signs (EWS) in projects. Project professionals are not good at detecting or acting on EWS. Barriers that lead to this are identified. The nature of EWS and their detection change with the evolving situation. Project assessments, typically part of gateways, are useful in identifying EWS connected to the formalities of the project. As complexity increases, assessments have more limited use, and the project is increasingly dependent on detecting EWS by informal “gut feeling.” Thus, knowledge, experience, and communication skills are increasingly important in complex situations. We conclude with a list of early warning signs.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether project management maturity (PMM) relates to perceived organizational performance and how an organization's cultural orientation is a contributing factor. Perceived organizational performance is defined as project effectiveness and efficiency followed by resulting business performance. A survey‐based research was conducted with 86 project professionals from various U.S. service and manufacturing organizations. The study revealed that PMM is significantly related to business performance but not to project performance. Furthermore, while clan organizational culture is a sole contributing factor for project and business performances, PMM interacts with market culture in improving business performance. This study shows that in order to deal with project time, budget, and expectations issues, an organizational culture change toward sharing, collaboration, and empowerment is a must. Furthermore, an increasing project management maturity along with a results‐oriented organizational culture improves an organization's competitiveness, resulting in cost savings and increased sales. PMM efforts are therefore crucial. PMM accompanied by an understanding of cultural orientation is a best strategy for today's project‐based organizations.  相似文献   

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