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Process industries often have features that differ from other businesses, such as round‐the‐clock production and costly and specialized production processes—features that have not been dealt with in the project management literature. We highlight and identify the complexity of R&D projects in the Swedish process industry and its interrelated process development and product development activities based on results from interviews and a case study. The different competence areas in which a project manager must integrate and manage R&D projects is illustrated. We conclude that a project manager needs both production and product‐related competence, including customers' processes.  相似文献   

基于系统复杂性的大型工程综合审计模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型工程综合审计模式包括工程建设审计和工程绩效审计两个子系统,其中工程建设审计包括质量审计、财务和造价审计、资金运营审计、业务管理审计、组织审计等内容;而工程绩效审计主要从工程经济效益、区域经济效益、生态环境效益和其他效益方面对工程进行评价.综合审计模型突破了传统的"事后审计"行为,将审计工作前移,加强了对大型工程项目的管理和监督.  相似文献   

复杂科学与城市转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究城市问题,应将城市看成是一种复杂的自适应系统,这样才能较准确地把握城市作为一个生态系统的本质和内涵。本文分析了城市作为复杂自适应系统的若干特征,城市的组织成长方式,并提出城市转型的基本思路是重建微降解等十项微循环。  相似文献   

《Economic Affairs》1988,8(2):7-10
The dramatic movements in share prices in the world's stock markets this autumn have provoked unrest among normally enthusiastic advocates of the free-market economy. Ludwig Lachmann, formerly Professor of Economics and Economic History at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and one of the doyens of the Austrian School of economic analysis, suggests that although the defenders of capitalism must not argue away the drawbacks of speculative markets, they should not neglect the advantages of such activity in a reaction against recent volatility.  相似文献   

面对复杂的规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国在过去40年来的改革开放政策指导下,城市发展及建设的工作取得了举世瞩目的成就。然而,有关城市发展中计划(plans)产生现象及效果的解释包罗万象,从土地开发个案到城市发展;从个人到团体;从私部门到公部门;从个体行为到社会选择以及从空间形态到社会结构,等等,不胜枚举,此皆为广义规划(planning)逻辑所欲解释的现象。中国的规划界目前最欠缺的是适合解决快速城镇化所带来城市问题的基础规划理论。如何有系统地及严谨地解释这些规划现象,将是中国未来规划研究的一大挑战。随着复杂科学渐趋成熟以及规划逻辑逐渐形成,论述这两大知识体系的关系,进而提出适合在中国文化生根的复杂学派,作为朝此规划研究方向迈进的一个尝试。  相似文献   

张屹 《价值工程》2011,30(4):83-83
建筑工程项目管理制度已经采用了多年,已经形成了一套完整有效的体制。但同时,建筑工程管理中的一些问题也渐渐暴露出来。本文就目前我国建筑工程管理中存在的一些问题,探析加强建筑工程管理工作的措施。  相似文献   

Economic policy is commonly treated as a vehicle for selecting among possible allocative outcomes within an economy. An economy, however, is a complex network of relationships whose patterns can be understood but whose details can be neither predicted nor controlled. Because of this complexity, allocative outcomes are not direct objects of choice. They are simply emergent consequences of human interaction that takes place within some framework of governing rules and conventions. All economic policy can do is modify some of the rules that govern this interaction. Economic policy is thus constitutive and not allocative in character, being centrally involved in shaping the character of the regime that governs our relationships with each other.  相似文献   

A bstract . The technological and social complexities and synergistic interdependencies of our times have rendered the individualistic, classical liberal view of freedom all but helpless as a guide to intelligent action. An alternative conceptualization is needed. The instrumentalist view, founded as it is in the principle of the continuity of the life process , provides such an alternative. In contrast with the negative "freedom as the absence of coercion" view of the individualists, the instrumentalist views freedom as a positive power of participation in the framing of rules of right conduct. Such power, in order to be instrumentally effective, must also be founded in the best available warranted knowledge of the potential consequences of alternative patterns of rules. This need for a more expansive and relevant view of freedom comes most forcefully into focus at the interface between powerful, but potentially destructive technologies and the attendant need for their social control.  相似文献   

In this paper we survey and appraise the main contributions to solving and stabilising non‐linear equation systems typically found in Economics. We are keen wherever possible to draw distinctions and limiting cases between different solution methods, define acceleration strategies and encourage the use of hybrid or switching algorithms. Both large‐scale traditional macroeconomic models as well as smaller non‐linear analytical models are considered.  相似文献   

工厂的固体废物(简称固废)即垃圾,是指员工在生产、加工、流通、消费以及生活等过程对某一种物质提取目的组分或使用其功能之后.而被丢弃的固态或半固态(泥浆状)的剩余物质。固废若不及时有效管理和处置.必然会对大气、土壤、水体等我们赖以生存的环境造成污染。这是企业建立环境管理体系(EMS)必须面对而且要认真解决的问题之一。  相似文献   

本文选取2012—2015年中证800上市公司为初始样本,实证研究了我国上市公司金融衍生品使用对审计师审计费用的作用机制,研究发现:金融衍生品的使用能够显著提高审计费用;审计努力程度是公司金融衍生品使用影响审计费用的作用路径;金融衍生品使用能够影响审计质量。  相似文献   


This article discusses empirical research findings indicating that complexity is a dominant characteristic in local government change and addresses that the current complexity sets limits to rational reform processes and gives way to political leadership.

During the recent decade, intermunicipal co-operation has emerged as a major issue in local governance in Finland. Despite the fact that the need for intense co-operation is acknowledged in most surveys, practical steps are often difficult to take due to complexity of the interorganizational action. Actors come upon complex situations involving many issues; situations where the issues are continuously changing and complicatedly interdependent. Circumstances are further blurred by the fact that actors often hide their preferences.

In the changing local governance, complexity, paradoxes and uncertainty decrease the prospective of managerial and expert knowledge, because rational calculations do not give definitive support for decision making. From this perspective, we have reached the limits of rational, clear-cut reforming. More than before, the implementation of change depends on the emergence of political leaders willing and able to take responsibility for reforms.  相似文献   

工程投标报价策略和技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王志良 《价值工程》2010,29(19):91-91
施工企业应采用相应的投标策略和报价技巧,以达到既能中标,又能获得良好经济效益的目的。施工企业投标时可根据不同工程的具体情况,确定不同的投标报价策略和报价技巧。  相似文献   

有个故事说某报纸曾举办一项高额奖金的有奖征答活动,题目是在一个充气不足的热气球上,载着三位关系世界命运兴亡的科学家。此刻热气球即将坠毁,必须丢出一个人以减轻载重,使其余的两人得以存活,请问该丢下哪一位科学家?问题刊出之后,因为奖金数额庞大,信件如雪片飞来。在这些信中,每个人皆竭尽所能,甚至天马行空地阐述他们认为必须丢下哪位科学家的宏大见解。最后结果揭晓,巨额奖金的得主竟是一个小男孩。他的答案是:将最胖的那位科学家丢出去。事物本源其实很简单,但人们往往把他们复杂化。思路决定出路。无论是在工作中,还是在生活中,能…  相似文献   

Decisions in Economics and Finance - In this study, we characterized the dynamics and analyzed the degree of synchronization of the time series of daily closing prices and volumes in US$ of three...  相似文献   

供应链系统的复杂自适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究系统科学中关于复杂自适应理论的基础上,结合已有的研究成果,阐述了供应链作为一个复杂自适应系统在全息子系统、聚集、非线性、基于流程、合作共生和个体交互六个方面应具有的特性和运作机制。并根据供应链系统节点企业自身特性,描述了节点企业间在自适应方面的表征,涉及到节点企业的战略决策、组织架构和订单履行三个过程。最后分析了造成自适应性的动力因素,节点间层层的供需关系是造成自适应的原动力,而且信息共享、内部机制的完善和积木聚集产生的涌现也起到了关键作用。  相似文献   

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