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Subprime mortgage crisis, which was triggered by a dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the United States,has interrupted china's peaceful rise and has major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets around the globe. Although the direct impact of the subprime crisis is rather small to china's economy since the exposure of several national banks to the U.S. subprime lending market is relatively limited, there is no denying that the U.S. subprime crisis has been dragging down world's major stocks for months and making it difficult for china's foreign trade. It is predictable that the impact of this financial tsunami will shed its shadow on china's economy sooner or later. Experts are of the view that China may not be directly hit by the crisis as a result of its strong economic fundamentals, limited exposure to this particular variety of assets,  相似文献   

China's foreign trade and export enterprises have encountered unprecedented pressure during the global financial crisis - but analysts say they believe innovation is the way out for the "Made in China" brand.
The Quanzhou Baofeng Shoes Company, one of China's leading producer of slippers, is precisely the type of exporter that should be on its knees. Headquartered in Quanzhou, a coastal city in southeastern Fujian Province, Baofeng used to export 90 percent of its annual output to the United States.  相似文献   

1 Introduction
The global financial crisis, whose effects have been most severe on the world's largest banks, has created a vacuum in banking sector in Africa by stalling investment from the traditional investor. The world's largest banks, brought to their knees by the crisis, and having had to be bailed out, are in no position to continue investing in the banking sector in Africa. China, less severely affected by the crisis, with a burgeoning economy, and with banks that are awash with cash, is, in contrast,  相似文献   

Port is playing an important role in logistics supply chain and directly related to shipping line's benefits, shipper's benefits and freight forwarder's benefits. Since the downturn of worldwide financial crisis last year, with the decline of the import and export turnover through the world, especially, many American and European ports, the whole industry has suffered remarkable decrease in throughput. However, some of the proactive ports won't limit their eye- sight on EU and American markets, rather than transfer to looking for the business opportunities from the emerging market. Due to China is one of the important emerging powers to accelerate recovery the world economy, many foreign ports want to take an occupy here, and Zeebrugge Port is one of them.  相似文献   

With the trend of globalization, no country will be spared and immune to what is happening on the global stage. Faced with the current global financial crisis and subsequent economic recession, to every corner of the world, what measures should be taken are heatedly discussed on the level of international community, country and company. On the level of international community, two words on every leader's lips are coordination and cooperation; most of them have realized no country can take on the crisis alone. On the level of sovereign country,  相似文献   

What is appropriate developing model for China's economy in the financial crisis prevailing in the world? Experts in the First Session of Commercial Council's Festival Beijing December 16, told China's Foreign Trade, commercial council is wave of the future, integration and cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises is the only way out.  相似文献   

In the short run, China's export is a usable weather vane for the health of the global economy and the strength of consumer demand. A slump in export to some extent means economic depression elsewhere. Besides, the development direction choices of manufacturer will be pivotal to China's upgrade from export-oriented economy to a more well-rounded economy. The immediate threat to this upgrade is from the global slowdown that Chinese exports declined in November last year heralds tough times in 2009.  相似文献   

The implementation of the Cultural Industry Promotion Plan will have a very significant impact not just on China's cultural development, but also the entire national economic and social development. The impact will be in four aspects: first, changing the way of economic development andadjusting the economic structure; second, expanding domestic demand, increasing employment, and actively responding to the current financial crisis; third, achieving prosperity of socialist culture and better meeting people's cultural need; last, promoting Chinese culture and enhancing our country's cultural soft dower.  相似文献   

Financial crisis has caused lots of real economies to close down, which leads to a great number of people lost jobs in turn. Increase in unemployment rate, layoffs and cut in salaries, all related news are on newspapers, televisions and the internet every day, causing a panic to the world. Are we in an economic depression like 1930s? And isn't there anything we can do against this?  相似文献   

On December 13, 2008, China- Japan-Korean Summit was held in Fukuoka, Japan. The summit, which was greatly different from the previously eight summits held in the framework of ASEAN plus China, Japan and South Korean, that is 10+3, was confined to only these three countries and it's the first time for them to do so. It happened to be China's first foreign activity after the opening of the Central Economic Working Conference in the same month and explained its new economic policy and measures in 2009. In addition, it's the first time for three main economic entities to meet after the breakout of the global financial crisis, Thus financial and economic affairs were the core issues of the summit.  相似文献   

In 2008, the momentum of the outward investment of Chinese enterprises was strong. The amount of outward investment continued to grow rapidly, and has for the first .time exceeded USS50 billion, reaching USS55.91 billion. China's automobile industry has undergone decades of development and has formed a huge production capacity, with part of its pioneering enterprises having conducted a number of useful attempts in internationalization. The once-in-a-century financial crisis influenced various industries in every country. Nevertheless, China's auto enterprises are facing a rare opportunity in outward investing. Enterprises need to achieve their own technological upgrading with the "going global" strategy in order to maintain long-term stability and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Jamaica is China's largest trading partner in the English-speaking Caribbean and bilateral trade has developed rapidly, although last year bilateral trade has been greatly affected because of the economic crisis. However, with continuous development of the two economies, bilateral economic development and trade has great potential. During Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding's first visit to China in February 2010,  相似文献   

Sharp reduction
Many Chinese PC producers' revenue has decreased greatly due to the influence of the crisis. Sales and profits witnessed a dramatically decrease in China's PC market. Lenovo, China's largest PC manufacturer, grew 17 percent in PC sales in the second quarter of 2008 in Greater China, declined by 8 percent from its first quarter, and the market share fell to 27.9 percent from 28.8 percent. Worse situation came across to other major PC producers. Founder, the second largest PC producer in China, decreased 11.36 percent year on year in PC sales volume. Similar decline happened to other peers in no exception.  相似文献   

"I cannot see clearly when the real estate bubble in China will burst. However, there is certainty that housing prices will swiftly fall, and China can learn the lesson from the 1980s' real estate market in Japan" said Professor Robert.J.Shiller, "I don't want to put my judgment as a foreigner on the Chinese people, however, the housing price is obviously too high in some big cities. My suggestion is that since income is in an overall down- ward trend, the housing price should be much lower. Although income will grow as time goes by, the value of Chinese houses should not reach that of London and New York for another 20 to 30 years. Currently, the soaring housing price in China is like a bubble. Personally, I will definitely not buy or invest in property in China."  相似文献   

When the Pearls in Pearl River Delta (PRD) is mentioned, Hong Kong will also naturally jump to people's mind. It must not only due to PRD's proximity with Hong Kong, but also due to Hong Kong's special role in the development of this region. Admittedly, Hong Kong really provided strong drive for the takeoff of the PRD Economic Zone. But with the prosperity of PRD, the nearly tailored combinations and complementarity have taken shape between Hong Kong and PRD, pushing the economy in the two areas to grow far more rapidly than otherwise.  相似文献   

Director Xu Changming:Upgrading China's own brand is the only way out. At present,the impact of the American financial crisis is spreading to its entity economy, and unfortunately,the automorive industry is once again the first victim to feel the aftershock.China's automotive industry is also facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities,  相似文献   

To forward the relationship between China and Canada in financial and trade sectors and strengthen the cooperation in avoiding the worse impact of international financial crisis, Canadian financial high-level leaders involving Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, Canada's Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty, Federal Superintendent of Financial Institutions Julie Dickson, as well as five major banks and the two biggest insurance companies in Canada, who are looking to strengthen and expand business ties with China, visited China from August 8 to August 14, 2009. Also they send warm invitations to China enterprises to invest and to be listed in Canada. This visit is a preparation for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's coming visit to China in November.  相似文献   

China-ASEAN FTA, the world's largest free trade area in terms of population took effect on January 1, 2010, covering 13 million square kilometers and 1.9 billion people. Over 90 percent of the commodities traded between China and the six original ASEAN countries, including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, now enjoy no tariffs from 2010. As a window to ASEAN countries, Beibu Gulf Economic Zone is in more limelight since the new year.  相似文献   

In battling against the current global economic crisis, fiscal and taxation policies, as the most important means to intervene the economy, has been the major approach for the governments throughout the wodd to offset impact of the crisis, China, as the economy with the fastest growth, has received much attention, and China's fiscal and taxation policies which contributed much to the strong economic recovery, in partieular, is the very concern of the public.  相似文献   

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