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近一段时间 ,某银行地市级分行计算机中心的某些服务器 ,如储蓄服务器、本地服务器多次出现了相同的奇怪现象 :正常运行的计算机被意外关掉。经检查机器的各方面资源都没有明显的故障 ,而且相同配置的服务器也只是个别机器被关掉 ,最关键的是被关的机器上除了关机信息外没有其他报错信息。综合种种迹象确定 ,是市分行下属的某县支行机房中有人用 telnet登录到市分行的服务器 ,进入一个菜单用户后 ,执行了菜单中的关机选项而关掉了正在运行的机器。通过这件事例 ,使人警觉到利用远程计算机进行高科技作案的潜在危险。 目前银行系统的计算机网…  相似文献   

在很多的应用环境中,并不是每个用户都需要对系统的某些特性进行设置。同时,这样的随意设置将会给系统管理员带来很大的麻烦。本文介绍一些关于使用注册表来限制设置项的方法。  相似文献   

本介绍了VPN网络的具体概念及运用VPN解决网络安全问题的方法。  相似文献   

随着互联网的广泛应用,网上病毒也在迅速蔓延。上网的计算机感染病毒时经常会发生以下情况:如计算机启动后自动打开一连串网页,并限制对主页属性窗口的修改等等。虽然现有的杀毒软件可以解决这个问题,但是它会把原先有的记录和设置也删掉,又回到最初状态。那么,有没有一个更好的方法来解决这个问题呢?笔者在实践过程中找到一个好办法,现介绍给大家。  相似文献   

SCOUnix操作系统因其运行稳定,对硬件配置的要求不高,目前正被广泛应用于银行、电信、保险、证券、铁路等行业,但系统管理员水平的参差不齐势必会发生遗忘超级用户root密码的现象。下面笔者根据多年的维护经验,以SCOOpenServer5.0.5操作系统为例,介绍一种用应急启动软盘解决roo  相似文献   

在计算机网络化高度普及的今天,实际工作中经常需要实现不同局域网间的互连。当两网处于异地时我们可以使用路由器通过X.25、帧中继、DDN等电信公网构筑广域网实现互连;而如果两网在同一建筑物内时是否还必须使用路由器模式呢?答案显然是否定的。我们可以通过WINDOWS 2000很  相似文献   

随着SCO UNIX操作系统广泛应用于金融、电信等领域,使用UNIX系统的用户经常会遇到这样的烦恼:UNIX系统崩溃后,使用应急引导盘等方法仍然不能修复引导区,系统不能正常启动,或者即使用应急引导盘启动系统,面对大量的资料数据也不能用软盘备份出来。由于UNIX系统是多用户多进程的分时系统,尤其是SCO UNIX OpenServer 5.0.5以上版本面市的时间不太长,许多系统管理员面对这种情况也没有解决办法,只好重装系统,导致大量的资料数据丢失。为了解决这个问题,笔者经过一段时间的摸索,总结出…  相似文献   

在工作中,我们经常会遇到“DLL文件出错”提示情况,这种情况虽然有时不会影响系统正常工作,但是有时却会导致应用软件无法正常使用。下面就对造成DLL文件出错问题的原因和解决方法作初步分析。  相似文献   

美国知名市场调研机构扬基集团日前发布了一份有关Windows Vista操作系统和信息安全市场的分析报告。报告指出,由于Windows Vista的安全功能比较完备,在操作系统上市之后,消费将无需再购买一些桌面安全软件,而桌面防火墙和反间谍软件厂商将最先受到冲击。  相似文献   

人保系统的计算机应用,已从单机运行方式过渡到以市公司为中心的集中处理方式,各县级支公司通过广域网,远程 Telnet登录到市公司主机。由于网络的原因,有些进程会突然僵死,导致消耗系统大量的资源,直接影响机器的正常运行。当用户发现系统速度慢得无法忍受时,请求系统管理员解决,系统管理员要手工查找僵死的进程,一一杀之。为了实时地、自动地杀死这些僵死的进程,本人编写了 Shell程序 Autokill,以下是 Autokill程序脚本 : # # autokill # ps- ef | awk‘ { print$ 1,$ 2,$ 7,$ 8 }’ | \ awk‘ /[0- 9][0- 9]:[0- …  相似文献   

We study a significant innovation with widespread consequences for the mutual fund industry: the introduction of multiple-class funds that give investors a choice among alternative load and fee structures. The transition to a multiple-class structure represents an important step in the evolution of the mutual fund industry. It also provides a well-controlled setting for research on the structure of funds, on investor clienteles and their impact on fund performance and, more generally, about the manner in which financial innovations tend to be adopted. We develop a simple model of a fund's decision on whether and when to introduce new classes and empirically investigate the model's predictions that: (a) Funds with more skilled management, less sensitivity of flows to performance, smaller size, higher existing loads and membership in larger families are better positioned to benefit and, therefore, more likely to switch to a multiple-class structure earlier; (b) The new classes increase the level and volatility of fund inflow by attracting investors with short and uncertain investment horizons – which, in turn, can negatively impact fund performance. Our empirical results are generally supportive of the model's predictions.  相似文献   

目前,各家银行的数据中心都集中了大量的应用和系统,业务需求的迅猛增长使得应用的推出和升级速度不断加快,数据中心不断面临着规模扩张要求,并要求获得更多的硬件,网络和人力等资源。然而,在现有的设备和资源中,有相当部分并没有获得充分利用,通过进行资源整合和智能分配,可以在一定程度上解决以上问题。借助网络资源虚拟化技术,可以在主机上采用LPAR(Logic PARtition)虚拟分区技术实现主机系统资源的合理分配,在存储应用方面则可以通过SAN(Storage Area Network)来搭建存储资源整合平台,该应用已经在银行数据中心取得实际应用,运行效果良好。  相似文献   

随着银行业务的发展和Web的广泛应用,对接入可靠性的要求日益提高。银行一般会有多条互联网接入线路,通过不同的ISP接入互联网,从而更稳定地获得互联网上的信息。在实现多ISP接入后,为方便内部用户的局域网接入和管理,往往将这些接入线路连接在网络中的同一个路由设备上。这种情况下,网络管理者常常通过他们自由定义的一些策略来实现数据包的路由和转发,而不仅仅依靠传统的基于目的地址的路由协议,即通过策略路由技术实现多条ISP的接入。  相似文献   

得益于互联网技术的纵向渗透以及高风险社会保障需求的增长,我国诞生了一种类似于保险的创新模式——类保险网络互助。类保险网络互助作为风险保障领域的新兴事物,自诞生伊始就势如破竹,迎来快速发展,如今已经形成了较为稳定的运营模式和可观的规模效益。然而和经济领域的其他创新一样,该新兴模式在运营过程中始终面临着各界对其模式安全、经营合规、监管归属等诸多方面的考量甚至质疑。在此背景下,有必要对类保险网络互助的发展概况、运营模式、性质厘定、风险识别、监管策略等进行全面审视,为网络互助行业和监管机构提供决策参考。  相似文献   

POS 系统是由银行主机、POS 前置机、POS 接入设备 和 商业 网 点 之 间 通过 PSTN(公 用 电 话 网)或 分 组 交换网进 行联机业 务处 理的 银行支 付系 统,它 具有 消费结算、退 货、自动授 权、转账、查 询、代理收 费等功能。 河 北 建 行 自 1996年 城 市 综 合 网 系 统 投 入 运 行 以来,POS 系统的 NA C(网络访问 控制器,也 称网控 器)与POS 前置机之间采用低速的 RS232(异步连接通信方式) 异步 串口 实现, 各地 市级分 行的 PO S 系统自 成体系 。 河北 建 行 根 据 金融 电 子 化 的 发展 趋 势 , 提出 实 现POS 系统…  相似文献   

Financing constraints are important to triggering controlling shareholders' share pledges. However, the related literature faces two major challenges: the endogeneity problem and the lack of direct evidence of why and how individual share pledges can ease corporate financing constraints. Based on China's Share Pledge Reform (SPR) in Q4 2012 and the phenomenon that private firms face discrimination when obtaining bank loans, this paper studies the impact of financing constraints on share pledging behavior and its mechanisms by building a difference-in-differences (DID) model. The SPR makes it more convenient for shareholders to raise money through share pledges, and shareholders of private firms facing stronger financing constraints are more vulnerable to this reform than are state-owned enterprises (SOEs). After the SPR, the probability of share pledging by controlling shareholders of private firms is approximately 23.04% higher than that of controlling shareholders of SOEs, and the pledge ratio is approximately 16.53% higher. Further tests reveal that, after the SPR, controlling shareholders of private firms are more inclined than those of SOEs to provide loans to the company to alleviate its financing constraints. Heterogeneity tests further corroborate the finding that this effect is more significant in private firms that are smaller and do not have shareholders of banking and institutional firms among their top ten shareholders.  相似文献   

We construct optimal portfolios of equity funds by combining historical returns on funds and passive indexes with prior views about asset pricing and skill. By including both benchmark and nonbenchmark indexes, we distinguish pricing-model inaccuracy from managerial skill. Modest confidence in a pricing model helps construct portfolios with high Sharpe ratios. Investing in active mutual funds can be optimal even for investors who believe managers cannot outperform passive indexes. Optimal portfolios exclude hot-hand funds even for investors who believe momentum is priced. Our large universe of funds offers no close substitutes for the Fama-French and momentum benchmarks.  相似文献   


The use of social media platforms to facilitate teaching and learning requires resources (hardware and Internet access) to enable active student participation. Limited access to these resources may impair students’ learning and, should the students consequently fail to graduate, tacitly contribute to their social exclusion. The results of a survey amongst students at a South African university, identified statistically significant differences relating to hardware and Internet access between more affluent students, and lower income students. Using social media may, therefore, be countering the objective of widening the admissions to universities in South Africa as an attempt to address past exclusionary practices. This study raises awareness with instructors and administrators globally, about the risk of tacit social exclusion, as a result of the tools selected to facilitate learning.  相似文献   

Capital management by mutual financial institutions (such as credit unions) provides a valuable testing ground for assessing the impact of capital regulation and theories of managerial behaviour in financial institutions. Limited access to external equity capital means that capital accumulation must be met primarily by reliance on retained earnings. To deal with shocks to the capital position and avoid breaching regulatory requirements, managers will aim to have a buffer of capital in excess of the regulatory minimum. Moreover, mutual governance arrangements and an absence of capital market discipline mean that managers have discretion to set target capital ratios which differ significantly from industry averages. This paper develops a formal model of capital management and risk management in mutual financial institutions such as credit unions which reflects these industry characteristics. The model is tested using data from larger credit unions in Australia, which have been subject to the Basel Accord Risk Weighted Capital Requirements since 1993. The data supports the hypothesis that credit unions manage their capital position by setting a short term target profit rate (return on assets) which is positively related to asset growth and which is aimed at gradually removing discrepancies between the actual and desired capital ratio. Desired capital ratios vary significantly across credit unions. There is little evidence of short run adjustments to the risk of the asset portfolio to achieve a desired capital position.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that future performance is predictable from past performance, that is, funds with superior (inferior) performance in the past are likely to remain good (bad) performers in the future. This research addresses the persistence of mutual fund performance in a European regional market (the Portuguese equity fund market). Some of the problems in evaluating fund persistence are identified in the context of limited sample size and using the peer group median as a benchmark for contingency table analysis of performance persistence. The criteria for assessing performance persistence based on the contingency table methodology of repeated winners and losers are presented in terms of significance statistics, adjusted for small sample bias. The adjustments are accomplished through the Yates continuity correction and Fisher's exact p-value. The appropriateness of each criteria under different circumstances is also discussed. The analysis of the returns of all Portuguese domestic equity funds, since a representative number was established, shows some performance persistence (on a quarterly basis). The persistence, however, is reduced when the returns are controlled for the various dimensions of risk. Significant risk persistence has been documented. Furthermore, for more or less frequent intervals of measurement, the industry persistence is rejected, although individual funds exhibit superior/inferior performance.  相似文献   

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