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企业形象是市场经济条件下,企业参与竞争的又一资源,而且也是企业唯一经久不衰的竞争优势之所在。良好的企业形象,对外可以增强企业的适应能力,对内可以增强企业的凝聚力,它使企业的适应能力和凝聚力统一协调起来,从而增强企业的综合实力。树立良好的企业形象,已成为市场经济条件下,企业求得生存和发展的最佳策略,而这一策略的实施,离不开CIS战略这一有效途径。  相似文献   

秦皇岛发电有限责任公司原为秦皇岛热电厂,是拥有100万千瓦发电容量的国有大型企业,目前有1 600名员工,平均年龄31岁。资金密集、技术密集、队伍年轻是企业的突出特点。建厂伊始,我们就十分重视企业文化建设,并于1996年开始谋划导入企业形象战略即CIS。CIS是综合运用经济学、心理学、美学、哲学、管理学、市场营销等多学科对企业进行总体策划的战略。到1998年底,历时22个月,在华嘉公司的帮助下,率先在全国电力系统完成了CIS整体设计,1999年初又制定了CIS3~5年导入规划。通过CIS的导入和实施,我公司的企业文化建设迈上了一…  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,企业的腾 飞必须有有形与无形资产的双翼。翻开国际国内每一个成功企业或知名企业的历史,我们会发现,在其雄厚的资产背后无不拥有一套独具特色的企业形象战略。 企业形象战略是将企业外部视觉形象直至深层的经营观念都进行系统的规划,帮助企业从经营宗旨、组织体系、市场策略、人员素质等方面进行全方位综合治理的系统工程。 规模化是实施企业形象的坚实基础。当前,企业正处于从计划经济向市场经济转型的特殊时期。在旧的经济体制下,企业“大而全”、“小而全”的现象比较严重,不仅浪费了大量资源,而且难以形成塑…  相似文献   

构筑特色企业文化,一直是我国许多企业的追求。近年来一些单位成功的经验表明:切实加强以人为本的企业文化建设,实施企业形象战略,已成为企业面向市场、适应市场的紧迫而重要的任务。特别是在全球经济一体化,我国即将加入WTO的情况下,具有更重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

塑造企业形象是赢得竞争的战略举措刘兰英(天津计算技术研究所)在发展社会主义市场经济,建立现代企业制度的今天,提高职工素质、塑造企业形象正日益为广大的企业所重视。企业把塑造良好的形象作为发展战略,是市场经济和社会化大生产的必然要求。良好的企业形象是推动...  相似文献   

企业的长期战略—企业形象管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一企业形象管理的意义及内涵在长期计划经济条件下,国有企业形成了一套产品经济的产、供、销经营模式。企业不面向市场,不考虑销售状况、顾客需求、市场竞争等因素,从而形成了一种固有的经营思路:注重厂房、设备等有形资产投资,认为这是“实”的,能直接创造效益。对...  相似文献   

一、企业形象的涵义及作用企业形象是一个组织在担当社会角色的过程中给社会留下的印象 ,它既不同于文学作品中创造出来的人物形象 ,也不同于能引起人们思想感情的具体形态或姿态。它是一个企业在精神文明建设和物质文明建设中所表现出来的精神面貌和性格特征。一般来讲 ,企业形象是指得到社会认可的企业文化的综合反映和外部表现。企业形象的形成是产品、服务、人员素质、公共关系和经营作风等在社会上产生的印象。这种形象不仅来源于有形的外部事物 ,也来自于企业长期为公众所感知和记忆的企业行为和企业风尚。随着社会主义市场经济的发展…  相似文献   

The relationships between capital structure and corporate strategy in previous U.S. and Australian empirical studies, which use different definitions of capital structure, and hence have different functional relationships, are considered. A model using the U.S. specification with the Australian data is estimated, for which previous conclusions relating to profit are confirmed. The relationship between strategy and capital structure is thus shown to be less than robust. The conclusion that debt/equity ratios of highly diversified firms are more strongly affected by firm-level variables is supported. An explanation that the capital market rewards focused firms because they are easier to understand and price is offered.  相似文献   

Larger firms are often hypothesized to have higher prices than smaller competitors because of their market power or implicit collusion on prices. Advertising is often suggested as another cause of price elevation due to its ability to differentiate products of equivalent or inferior quality. This study examines the effect of these and other factors on prices in the major home appliance industry. The most interesting result is the strong corporate effect on prices, which permeates pricing strategies across categories, models and time. Contrary to the hypotheses listed above, larger corporations have lower prices, and advertised products are not higher priced. Strategic and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 62 multinationals, this paper examines the impact of global diversification strategy on corporate profit performance by integrating the product and the international market dimensions of diversification. The results suggest that the corporate profit performance impact of related and unrelated diversification varies contingent upon the extent of a firm's international market diversification. One important lesson of this work is that both business strategy researchers and managers should review corporate diversification as having distinct yet interactive strategic dimensions—product and international market—and they would do well to recognize both the different and the joint effect of these dimensions on corporate profit performance.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1980s U.S. domestic firms have faced significant increases in foreign‐based (i.e., import) competition as reductions in barriers to international commerce have resulted in markets and industries becoming increasingly global. Despite the growing and widespread importance of foreign‐based competition, the influence that such competition may exert on corporate diversification strategy is a question largely overlooked in the strategic management literature. This paper examines the impact of foreign‐based competition in a firm's core business on both the level and nature of a firm's diversification strategy at the corporate level in a panel dataset of U.S. firms over the period 1985–94. Our findings provide the first evidence that increased foreign‐based competition is indeed a statistically significant factor explaining both the reduced business‐level diversity and the increased strategic focus of U.S. firms that has been widely perceived over the past two decades. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

企业形象识别系统是国际石油公司企业形象建设的基本维度和重要途径.国际石油公司普遍建立了相对完备的品牌形象管理架构和工作机制,企业形象传播具有较强的计划性和延续性,重视危机公关对企业形象的维护和修复作用.我国石油企业在国际竞争中存在软实力和硬实力不匹配、美誉度和贡献度不匹配的现象,企业形象建设亟待与国际接轨.需建立完善、稳定、高效的企业形象建设工作机制,构建适应国际化发展需要的企业形象识别系统,巩固和加强企业形象建设根基和基础,积极为企业形象建设营造良好的舆论环境.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of state shares on corporate innovation strategy and performance in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Through an investigation of 541 publicly traded companies in five high-tech industries during the period between 2000 and 2005, we find that the presence of state shares have a positive effect on the corporate choice of a process innovation strategy over a product innovation one. However, this relationship is moderated by the overall ownership concentration ratio. Moreover, our findings suggest that companies with large state shares prefer to conduct innovations independently rather than collaboratively with others, and they usually achieve better innovation performance. These findings indicate that the government play a role as both an investor and a resource allocation coordinator and therefore complicate the relationship between ownership structure and corporate innovation activities.
Han Zhang (Corresponding author)Email:

Erming Xu   (PhD, Renmin University of China) is a professor of management at the School of Business in Renmin University of China. His research interests include corporate governance mechanisms and performance in China, state shares with corporate innovation strategy, Asian business strategy in the emerging markets. His work has appeared in premier journals such as Management World, China Industrial Economy, etc. He is editor of Management Review, Nankai Business Review, R&D Management, Chinese Journal of Management, and Economic Management. He serves as the associate chair of the Chinese Academy of Business Management, and also an independent director of China Telecom Corporation Limited. Han Zhang   (PhD, Capital University of Economics and Business) is a lecturer of management at School of Business Management in Capital University of Economics and Business. Her research interests include strategic management and innovation. Her work has appeared in Economic Theory and Business Management and Contemporary Finance & Economics.  相似文献   

In multidivisional firms, the corporate staff is central to the implementation of corporate‐level strategy, but empirical evidence on its function is limited. We examine one corporate staff through e‐mail analysis. We find sharp cross‐sectional differences in communication patterns: staff members have networks that are larger, more integrative, and richer in structural holes. However, much of this difference is attributed to sorting processes, rather than being caused by employment in the corporate staff per se. Further, once people receive the ‘corporate imprimatur,’ they retain aspects of it even when they move back to the line organization. These results imply that the literature's emphasis on structure as a means to achieve coordination undervalues a selection process in which individuals with broad networks match to coordination‐focused jobs in the corporate staff. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between corporate strategy and capital structure, specifically the diversfication and financing strategies of a firm. The results show that equity financing is preferred for related diversification and unrelated diversification is associated with debt financing. Additionally, firms diversifying through acquisitions are more likely to use public sources of financing and those emphasizing internal development of new businesses depend primarily on private sources of financing. Using simultaneous equation estimation, we found a reciprocal relationship between a firm's financial strategy and its corporate diversification strategy. Mode and nature of diversification are also reciprocally interrelated. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

碳排放管理正在成为全球大企业的优先发展战略和提升竞争力的方式。2010年,4700多家全球大型企业通过碳信息披露项目(CDP)披露了碳排放信息,少数跨国公司开始要求其全球供应商进行碳信息披露,部分能源企业已入围2010碳信息披露领袖企业指数(CDLI)和碳绩效领袖企业指数(CPLI),在碳信息披露方面取得先行优势。世界各国的标准化机构和国际标准化组织在碳排放核算与披露等方面积极制定和推出多项标准:一是在《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)下缔约国政府间为协商各国碳减排量及核算准则等政治性议题而制定碳核算标准或规范;二是制定国际一致性技术性核算标准,以及国际企业或组织的技术性查核规范;三是在国家层面为推动国内碳减排核算与交易活动而制定相关标准;四是为规范行业碳核算与碳信息披露而制定标准或指南。碳排放管理正给企业发展的外部环境带来重大变化,中国石油企业应加快碳核算、碳信息披露等碳排放管理能力的建设,塑造低碳时代负责任的企业形象。  相似文献   

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