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Do we really need so many shows? What is lacking in these auto exhibitions? Will these shows keep pace with the growing demand? It's really high time for us to think about these questions.[第一段]  相似文献   

In early 1980s when China's reform and opening up policy just began,a photo taken by a foreigner,on which a sea of bicycles moving on the street at the front of the Tian'anmen Tower.[第一段]  相似文献   

On March 10, statistics from China's General Administration of Customs showed that its exports climbed 45.7% in February from a year earlier, and 21% increase from January, beating estimates and providing fresh evidence of a robust recovery in an economy poised to overtake Japan as the second-largest in the world. Economists said the data signaled a rebound in consumer demand from the United States and other Western markets after the financial crisis last year.  相似文献   

When you name the different automakers, what comes to your mind? Bayerische Motoren WerheAG(BMW), Mercedes- Benz, and Audi from Germany? Ford and General Motors from the U.S.? Toyota, Mitsubishi, and Mazda from Japan? Peugeot and Citroen from French? Volvo from Sweden? Mini from Britain? Fiat from Italy? Hyundai from South Korea? or you even recalled the famous and lovely bumblebee, Chevrolet in the Transformers movie?  相似文献   

A Chinese national research center said recently that the consumer price index (CPI) is still .within government control although it will "keep rising at a moderate rate for a relatively long time".  相似文献   

2007 was the Russia's China Year, and one of big events for the remarkable year was the 5th China Auto International (Russia) Exhibition Tour. The tour flamed up the Chinese heat in this Eastern European nation. In 2006, Russia ranked the first largest country that imported autos from China, an impressive leap from that of the 2005, which was only ranked 6th. Therefore, when the organizing committee decided that the 5th China Auto International Exhibition Tour would be held in Russia, many automakers showed great interests.  相似文献   

As the effects of the subprime crisis in the U.S. continue to grow and spread across the ,world, many financial institutions in the U.S. and E.U. have closed down.  相似文献   

随着中俄贸易的发展,我国对俄劳务输出的人数在逐年递增,涉及的领域也不断扩大。同时,也出现了劳务人员素质低、管理不规范、俄方审批程序繁冗且周期长和务工人员安全和权宜难以保障等亟待解决的问题。建议应加强政府间的合作与协调;加强务工人员培训基地建设,培养多层次的赴俄劳务技术人员;提高在俄劳务人员安全意识,构建有效的管理机制。  相似文献   

世界经济形势逐步明朗所带来的诸多利好因素将为中国汽车的整车出口创造难得的机遇。 2010年,中国汽车整车出口在全球经济尚不景气的时期实现了新平台的跨越,首次超过了500亿美元。2011年1季度,汽车整车出口同比增速超过50%,为全年的发展开了个好头。  相似文献   

洪波 《市场研究》2008,(5):22-26
<正>一、引言中国的出口贸易在过去的二十几年里一直保持着高增长的态势,不仅为我国创造了大量外汇,更成为推动经济增长的重要力量。特别是加入WTO以来,我国的出口贸易增长更加迅猛。2002年我国对外贸易总额为6207.7亿美元,2005年增长到14219.1亿美元;其中出口额由  相似文献   

论我国出口产品附加值偏低的原因及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国出口产品附加值普遍偏低已经成为制约外贸出口良性增长的主要原因,如何提高出口产品的附加值已成为我们面临的重大课题。本文从制度因素和企业因素等多方面分析了导致出口产品附加值低的原因,并在此基础上提出一些改善的建议。  相似文献   

On March 10,statistics from China's General Administration of Customs showed that its exports climbed 45.7% in February from a year earlier,and 21%increase from January,beating estimates and providing fresh evidence of a robust recovery in an economy poised  相似文献   

China‘s export of passenger cars,private cars in particular,has maintained a momentum of fast growth this year,which serves as the highlight of the auto market in 2008.The latest statistics show that in the first seven months car export grew by 85.98% over the same period of last  相似文献   

我国出口与经济增长的实证分析——兼与孙焱林先生商榷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从“对外贸易是经济增长的发动机”的评价入手,分析了对外贸易给一国带来的动态利益,同时联系我国实际得出当前开展对外贸易对经济增长的重要现实意义。文章利用回归模型验证了我国1979~1999年国内生产总值与出口额的正相关关系,并提出了对外贸出口的深层次思考。  相似文献   

In recent years,Chinese independent auto manufacturers have demonstrated their strong competitive ability in overseas markets, and attracted people's attention as the export market has heated up. According to the most recent figures, Chinese auto exports have increased continuously over the last three years, especially in 2006 as the export numer rose to 343,500 increasing by 97.2 percent when compared with the same period last year, and the export value was 3.1 billion US dollars, an increase of 97.8 percent, over the previous year.  相似文献   

Last year, the volume of China's auto trade reached US$66.878 bil- lion of which imports accounted r for US$25.982 billion, a year-on-year increase of 24.45 percent; while exports totaled US$40.896 billion, growing by 45.31 percent. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) predicts that the number of autos sold in 2008 will break the 1 million barrier for the first time in history, representing an increase of about 20 percent.  相似文献   

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