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In recent years, there is an upward tendency as to Japan's application for patent in China; last year Japancompleted 13,736 cases of patent application in China, which is increased by 38.9% compared with thesame period of last year, and which accounts for over 1/3 of the total amount of foreign application forpatent. There is a tendency that the quantity of Japan's application for patent in China will surpass the totalamount of patent application by all English-speaking countries. This infor…  相似文献   

According to the report from the Zero2IPO ,a wellkonwn venture capital research and consultancy instititure in Chian,China‘s investment from venture capital fell greatly in the second season in 2003.For only 21 venture capital institutes invested in 28 enterprises,totalling US$93 million ,about 61% falling as compared whit US$240 million in the first season this year.For the first half of this year,venture capital from Chinese and overseas instititutes invested 66 domestic and domestic-related enterprises with the amount at US$332 million,witnessing 30% up as compared with the same period of last year,accounting for 79% of the total amount for last year.Such momentum is still encouraging for recovery of venture capital.  相似文献   

According to customs statistics,Chinese trade imports and exports totaled US$ 1,759.32 billion from January to October this year, representing an increase of 23.5 percent over the same period last year,and nearly equal to the total amount of imports and exports from all of last year. Exports were US$ 985.84 billion dollars, increasing by 26.5 percent, while imports accounted for US$ 773.48 billion dollars,increasing by 19.8 percent. Trade surplus has grown over the last ten months to US$ 212.36 billion, increasing by 59 percent, which is 10.2 percent slower than the growth rate of the trade surplus in the 9 months previous to that.  相似文献   

In the first half of year 2003,FAW-Volkswagen has a good situation in business,and keeps a high growth in production and sales.From January to June,FAW-Volkswagen has finished more than half of the whole year‘s task in production and sales;in has totally sold 130,300 cars,which is increased by 44.5% compared with the same period of last year,it has totally produced 147,500 cars,which is increased by 74.5% compared with the same period of last year.  相似文献   

CHINA AT NO.2     
China has outstripped Japan as the world's second-biggest economy after three decades of spectacular growth. Second-quarter GDP figures from Japan released on August 16 show that its economic output, at US$1.288 Ctrillion, fell short of the US$1.339 trillion China reported for the three months ended in June, which suggests that outpacing Japan in an early quarter is seen as a good indication that China has the momentum to past Japan for the full year.  相似文献   

On January 13, China Customs issued the annual profile of China's foreign trade, including import and export, in 2008. According to the Customs statistics, trade volume last year amounted to US$2.562 trillion, a year-on-year growth of 17.8%. In the total amount, value of US$1.42 trillion goes for China's export growth, 17.2% up, while the import takes up US$1.13 trillion, 18.5% up. The trade surplus stood at US$295.47 billion in 2008, increased by 12.5% year-on-year, with the net increase value ofUS$32.83 billion.  相似文献   

Since the normalization of the diplomatic ties between China and ) Japan, the bilateral economic relations have deepened continually. According to the statistic of Japan, China passed U.S. to become Japan's top trade partner as well as is the second largest export market for Japan and is the largest import resource for Japan. Japan companies such as Mitsui, Sumitomo, Sony and Panasonic, have set the subsidiaries in China and explored their scales. This year 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the ChinaJapan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.  相似文献   

2005 is the last year of China‘s No. 10 Five-year Plan. With China ‘s booming economic development, domestic enterprises are facing up with not only quite a lot of opportunities, but also some potential challenges, for instance, with the upgoing oil prices, the energy and the raw materials are no longer in efficient supply, this is a problem that domestic enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises have to face. How to deal with the situation, Zhang Bin, President of China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation (Sinotrans) gives his comments when interviewed by China‘s Foreign Trade.……  相似文献   

China‘s export of passenger cars,private cars in particular,has maintained a momentum of fast growth this year,which serves as the highlight of the auto market in 2008.The latest statistics show that in the first seven months car export grew by 85.98% over the same period of last  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been comments or predictions from both official and folk circles in Japan about when Chinas GDP will surpass that of Japan. In the middle ,of August, Japan's official statistics showed that in the second quarter this year, Japan fell behind China in GDP, which was reported by Japan's major media. This is not a novel topic, so the media did not show any sign of shock. Even so, we can still sense different and completed reactions from Japan's public opinion on its "being surpassed".  相似文献   

In the year of 2006, China produced and sold over 7.2 million automobiles, representing a year-on-year growth of more than 25%. In this regard, China has become the second largest market only to the U.S. for new autos. By the end of last year, the total amount of autos owned by China stood around 40 million, and it was predicted that this figure would roar to 70 million 3 years later.  相似文献   

According to the data newly issued by China‘s Central Bank, deposit balance including foreign exchange in internal financial institutions has reached US$ 162.8 billion, increasing by 10.9% over the last year by the end of March of 2005. In the first quarter of this year, deposit of foreign exchange has increased by US$8 billion, growing by US$10.4 billion over the last year. Loan balance of foreign exchange of financial institutions has amounted to US$146.9 billion, increasing by 13.3% over the last year.Loan of foreign exchange in the first quarter has increased by US$ 10.8 billion, growing by US$1.4 billion over the last year.……  相似文献   

According to the data newly issued by China‘s Central Bank, deposit balance including foreign exchange in internal financial institutions has reached US$162.8 billion, increasing by 10.9% over the last year by the end of March of 2005. In the first quarter of this year, deposit of foreign exchange has increased by US$8 billion, growing by US$10.4 billion over the last year. Loan balance of foreign exchange of financial institutions has amounted to US$146.9 billion, increasing by 13.3% over the last year.Loan of foreign exchange in the first quarter has increased by US$10.8 billion, growing by US$1.4 billion over the last year.  相似文献   

In the year of 2006, China produced and sold over 7.2 million automobiles, representing a year-on-year growth of more than 25%. In this regard, China has become .the second largest market only to the U.S. for new autos. By the end of last year, the w total amount of autos owned by China stood around 40 million, and it was predicted that this figure would roar to 70 million 3 years later.[第一段]  相似文献   

China's producer's price index (PPI) for manufactured goods rose by 2.4% in July over the same period of last year, the National Bureau of Statistics said.  相似文献   

"China GDP will maintain growth of about 9%, which is higher than the estimate of 7.2% from the beginning of the year," said Cao Yushu, Secretary General and spokesman for the commission at a forum in the capital city.He also noted that macroeconomic control measures taken by the central government had been working.The country has implemented various measures since last year to cool the  相似文献   

Special Report for Trend of China‘s Metallurgy Mine recently released by Morgan Stanley stated that the key of China‘s steel industry lies in the equilibrium between supply increase and consumption demand. It is predicated by this bank that China‘s consumption for major metals will double in next five to six years, and furthermore China‘s borrowing consumption pattern is the factor to promote the increase in global demand for metal. As China‘s income per capita just reaches the critical point that caused substantial increase in metal consumption per capita in the history of other countries, China‘s metal consumption still stays at the early stage of increaseof high speed.  相似文献   

China's import and export in March, 2009 continued to be another month of decreasing trade. On April 10, General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China announced the profile of China foreign trade import and export in the first quarter of this year. According to the customs' statistics, the total import and export value for March amounted to US$162.02 billion, 20.9% decreasing compared with the same period last year. Among the total value, the export value amounted to US$90.29 billion, down 17.1% year-on-year,  相似文献   

It's been an uncertain month so far for China's real estate. With investors and potential buyers still uncertain which way policy is headed, figures for the first few weeks of January are relatively mixed. Total land area sold has gone up in some major cities. But prices and transaction volumes are down after a frantic rush at the end of last year.  相似文献   

At the routine press conference of the Ministry of Commerce ,(MOFCOM)on May 17, it was released that the investment from the US to China from January to April witnessed decline.During the period, 475 companies were set up, down by 3.85% year on year and the real investment amount was US$1028 million, decreased by 28% year on year. On June 15, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) officially released the utilization of foreign investment in China from January to May in 2011.According to Yao Jian, the spokesman of MOFCOM, the investment from US to China from Januaryto May continued to be in decline, with the total investment for the past five months in 2011 as USS1285 million, down by 24.12% year on year.In contrast, in the same period, the investment from ten Asian countries (regions) including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and South Korea reached US$41,236 billion, an increase of 29.28% year on year, and the investment from 27 EU countries amounted to US$2,929 billion, an increase of 9.02% from the previous year.  相似文献   

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