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The organization of the meetings of the approximately 50 economics associations of the Allied Social Science Associations has evolved over the past 140 years, beginning with meetings of the American Social Science Association in 1865, which included social scientists from political science, history, sociology, and economics. Out of this association, the separate disciplines formed their own organizations beginning in the 1880s. Though several of these associations continued to meet together until the 1930s, each discipline gradually separated its meetings from those of the others. During the 1940s, however, other newly formed economics associations began meeting at the same time and place as the AEA, and the Allied Social Science Associations evolved out of these meetings. Though the name of the organization includes “social science,” the associations meeting together are predominately, if not completely, economics associations. These associations, however, profess many different approaches to the study of economics. This paper traces the evolution of these meetings and attempts to come to some conclusions concerning the significance of this association, the most important of which is the role of the ASSA in providing a broad and tolerant platform and a vehicle through which different points of view toward economic theory and policy can be discussed.  相似文献   

The Allied Social Science Associations is a marketing name for an annual three‐day, citywide conference of about 9,000 economists that is organized, managed, and controlled by the American Economic Association (AEA). AEA invites the participation of about 50 additional (i.e., allied) economics‐related societies that organize the scholarly content of a portion of the ASSA meetings. It is this broader meeting that operates under the ASSA flag. Although the AEA has met periodically with other social science associations since the 19th century, the current format dates back to the 1960s. The convention rotates among approximately 10 large U.S. cities. A centralized staff at AEA headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee has managed the convention since 1986. The ASSA name was first used on the conference program in 1952.  相似文献   

Chris Skinner was born in London on 12 March 1953. He completed a BA in mathematics in 1975 at the University of Cambridge. He then obtained an MSc degree in statistics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 1976 and worked as an assistant statistician in the Central Statistical Office for 1 year. After working as a research assistant in LSE from 1977 to 1978, he joined the University of Southampton as a lecturer in 1978, where he earned a PhD in social statistics in 1982. He remained at the University of Southampton, where he became a senior lecturer in 1989 and professor of statistics in 1994. While serving as the head of his department from 1997 to 2000, he played a crucial role in the creation of an MSc programme in official statistics in 1999. In 2011, he returned to the LSE, where he currently holds the position of professor of statistics. Chris is the author of over 80 peer‐reviewed articles in statistical journals and the co‐editor of two influential books on the analysis of survey data. He made significant research contributions covering areas that include the analysis of survey data, inference in the presence of non‐response and measurement errors and statistical disclosure control. He served on several advisory committees, including the Statistical Methods Advisory Committee at Statistics Canada (from 2000 to 2011) and the National Statistics Methodology Advisory Committee in the United Kingdom (from 2001 to 2010). He has received numerous awards and honors for his outstanding contributions to survey sampling and social statistics. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, Fellow of the British Academy and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. In 2009, he received the West Medal from the Royal Statistical Society for contributions to social statistics, and in 2010, he was made a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. In 2019, he also received the Waksberg award to recognize his contributions to survey methodology. The following conversation took place at LSE on 21 May 2019.  相似文献   

积累的社会结构(Social Structure of Accumulation,简称SSA)理论是激进政治经济学领域最重要的理论创新之一,该理论有着坚实的马克思主义经济学渊源。西方激进主义经济学者对该理论的研究成果众多,创新不断。本文将该理论研究的最新趋向归纳为三点:一是西方激进主义学者开始从宏观的角度重新思考和构建或者说是界定一种新的可以认知资本主义发展的SSA理论框架;二是西方激进主义学者开始对SSA的形成;三是发展中的机制和要素进行探讨和西方激进主义学者开始从积累的社会结构角度解读"中国模式",并且对西方激进主义学者在这三个方面的研究方法和研究进展进行了深入评析,希望能对国内学者在认识和研究SSA理论时提供一些方向性的研究素材。  相似文献   

This article tests for the existence of the political replacement effect, as suggested by Acemoglu and Robinson: [American Political Science Review, Vol. 100, pp. 115–131]. They argue that the implementation of market‐oriented reform is crucially driven by the political calculus of incumbent governments: they implement economic policy change if such a choice is not expected to reduce their chances to retain power. This implies a non‐monotonic relationship between the level of political competition and the extent of economic reform. We test this hypothesis using data for 102 countries over the period 1980 to 2005. Our results strongly support the theory.  相似文献   

A bstract . The diversity of thought among American economistsis investigated using samples of the memberships of the American Economic Association, the Union for Radical Political Economists and the Association for Evolutionary Economics. Discriminant analysis reveals a complex web of theoretical and organizational integration and separatism involving theoretical orientation in economics, emulative economists, scholarly research focus, organizational membership, and political values. The modal radical economist espouses a radical political economic philosophy and pursues Marxist/radical scholarship in an academic setting. The modal neoclassical economist , radical in neither disciplinary nor personal political beliefs, is found, more often than the other types, in nonacademic administrative work. Marxist/radical and institutionalist scholarship are mutually exclusive. Other dimensions of the professional role, as well as a number of social and biographical background characteristics, do not differentiate between types of economists.  相似文献   

A bstract .   This symposium was first presented at a session entitled "Noneconomic Objectives in the History of Economic Thought" that was held at the Allied Social Science Association Meetings in January 2002.  相似文献   

李翠亭  崔章 《价值工程》2013,(35):19-21
因其在发展中国家激发梦想和愿望的能力无人能比,美国一直拥有最强大的软实力。以追求霸权利益为目的,美国武力向外推行民主的外交政策和民主移植给目标国造成的破坏性后果激起了广泛的反美主义浪潮。世界高涨的反美情绪减弱了美国的软实力,而这正是美国引领世界所必需的。一轮接一轮的民意测验表明,美国的软实力已经衰退,尤其是在伊斯兰世界。理想主义的小布什把推进民主放在美国外交政策的优先地位,其受挫的教训把奥巴马引向了"巧实力"外交战略。  相似文献   

近年来受某些不良事件的影响,科技社团社会公信力不高的问题不断引起关注,对科技社团社会公信力进行系统研究并建立一套指标体系进行评价势在必行,但国内外学者在这方面鲜有涉及,尤其是评价指标体系在国内尚属空白.将主要探讨科技社团社会公信力的主要影响因素,进而为评价指标体系的建立提供依据。  相似文献   

李翠亭 《价值工程》2012,31(19):286-288
在美国软实力研究领域,约瑟夫.奈一直是领军人物。2000—2010十年间美国软实力的发展轨迹颇具研究意义。向别国推行民主是小布什政府外交战略的主要建筑模块,但向中东推进民主的实践不仅代价昂贵而且损害了美国的形象。根据皮尤研究中心所做的国际民调数据,小布什执政时期美国的软实力总体上趋于明显下降。相比之下,奥巴马政府借助巧实力战略在一定程度上提升了世人对美国的信任度。  相似文献   

Politics of Urbanism: Seeing Like a City is Warren Magnusson's most recent book. It will find a permanent place as a key contribution in the annals of urban studies, urban politics, political and state theory and international relations, marking a turning point in the way scholars, activists and policymakers see the world. In particular, Magnusson fundamentally questions how we understand and analyse our world from the perspective of the state (the illusion of the sovereign), suggesting we shift instead to the perspective of the city (with its multiplicity of authorities). ‘How welcome should this be?’ is the question that I put to three Canadian colleagues — Roger Keil, Andrew Sancton and Zack Taylor — at the 2011 meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association in Waterloo, ON, Canada. Their answers follow a summary of this rather concise and very readable book that Serena Kataoka and I prepared to introduce those commentaries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand whether consumers from different cultures have varied perception towards reconstructed products. Cultural divergence concept provides the theoretical support for the study. Data are collected from consumers of two culturally diverse societies (India and the United States). We use grounded theory for interview and data analysis. From the data, 23 open codes and 8 axial codes for Indian consumers and 28 open codes and 8 axial codes for the American consumers are generated. The key finding of our study suggests that culture plays a decisive role in shaping consumers' perception towards reconstructed products. The other findings of our study indicate that consumers of both societies are influenced by other factors that include product‐ or process‐related factors, brand‐ or store‐related factors, and individual factors. We discuss policy level, firm level, and nonprofit or charity level implications. Finally, limitation and scope for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

杨蔚  李维 《价值工程》2008,27(5):5-7
随着经济全球化进程的不断加快,对外贸易对于任何一个国家来说都已经成为经济发展的焦点之一。尤其对于自加入WTO以来越来越成为名副其实的"世界工厂"的中国来说,一方面我国正处在经济迅猛增长的关键时期,另一方面对外贸易的依存度一直在不断上升,此时此刻对外贸易与经济增长之间的相关性的研究就更加具有价值。我国应该优化进出口贸易结构,在汇率制度上进行创新,在政策上辅佐支持国际贸易,以使其发挥出对经济增长的促进作用的最好水平。  相似文献   

The growth of health care costs and expenditures recently led to suggestions for innovations that would affect demand for health care. However, supply side issues were largely ignored in the debate despite the fact that the American Medical Association has controlled entry since it was granted that power by legislators early in this century. We consider the supply side of the market for physicians' services over 1983–1991. Our estimated index of market power indicates nontrivial power among physicians. This suggests that conventional policy tools could reduce costs in this market. This, in turn, could effectively lower insurance premiums.  相似文献   

This paper studies technology policy within a version of Jones's [1995. R&D-based models of economic growth. Journal of Political Economy 103, 759–784] non-scale R&D-based growth framework that incorporates imitation of foreign techniques. In the model, imitation is the most important source of productivity growth at the beginning of the convergence process, whereas innovation dominates later on. In addition, the transitional dynamics of the model can account for well-known empirical regularities regarding the relationship between the level of economic development and public support to technology innovation and imitation. The paper shows as well that, even though policy in Jones-type non-scale models has no long-run growth effects, level effects can be substantial.  相似文献   

In 1998 the British Trades Union Congress established an Organising Academy to train a new generation of paid union organisers. This article reviews the first two years of the Academy and offers an initial evaluation. It seeks to gauge whether the initiative has prompted innovation in organision policy in unions and led to successful organising outcomes.  相似文献   

吴雅冰 《价值工程》2008,27(5):18-23
改革开放后,广东以"三来一补"、"大进大出"的加工贸易起步,大量吸引外商投资,对外贸易与GDP总额飞速增长。2007年广东GDP超过台湾的3766亿美元,追赶"四小龙"15年后广东经济总量已超其三,紧追韩国。对外贸易是广东经济增长的主要推动力,准确衡量对外贸易对广东经济增长的贡献率,对于改善广东外贸结构,加强对外贸易对广东经济增长的促进作用,顺利实现广东"十一·五"规划目标,率先进入小康社会,具有重大的实践意义。  相似文献   

李则 《新远见》2012,(17):33-34,10
与以往的科技项目竞标不同,建立国家临床医学研究中心实际上是在转变临床研究的组织模式,布局中国临床研究和转化医学的未来发展。2012年7月5日,科技部下发了关于开展"国家临床医学研究中心"(下称"国家中心")申报工作的通知,将会同卫生部、总后卫生部试点建设包括心血管病、恶性肿瘤等6个重点疾病防治领域的国家中心和疾病防治协同研究网络(下称"协同网络")。  相似文献   

银行的信息获取和处理能力将对其信贷决策的质量产生重要影响,会计信息作为一种交易型融资行为赖以发生的重要信息对银行信贷决策具有重要的价值,这在西方大量的研究中得以证明。国内外的学者在会计信息及其质量对银行信贷决策的影响进行了大量的研究,本文将围绕会计信息及其质量在银行贷款利率、贷款期限、贷款方式以及限制性条款等信贷决策方面的作用来梳理该领域的相关文献,以期对我国将来相关的理论研究和工作实践提供指导。  相似文献   

The annual supplement of the AJES for 2008 titled Henry George: Political Ideologue, Social Philosopher, and Economic Theorist had as its first and longest essay "Henry George's Political Critics" by Professor Michael Hudson. It offered a multitude of criticisms, most of which Prof. Hudson seemed to agree with. All purported to be criticisms of George as a political strategist, though some seem more to originate from Hudson's disagreement with theoretical positions George was bound to take. The purpose of this short paper is to show that Professor Hudson's long article fails to do what it seems intended to do. That is, it fails to show that trade unionists and especially socialists were "natural allies" of the Georgist movement, that it was George's fault that that they were not, and that George "allied" his movement irrevocably to "capital," rejecting its "natural allies."  相似文献   

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