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我国畜禽生产中复合饲料配方计算方法虽有多种,但都难以达到畜禽营养需要的最优标准。G.P.法是运筹学的一个新分支,80年代初引入我国,采用这一方法,可以使配方最优地接近畜禽营养需要。  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 本会名称:中国地质经济学会(Geological Economics society of china.缩写:G.E.S.C)。 第二条 本会是中国地质经济科学理论与应用研究,的群众性学术团体。 第三条 本会的宗旨是:坚持四项基本原则,团结和组织全体会员开展地质经济科学理论和应用研究,促进地质矿产事业的改革和发展,为我国社会主义现代化建设的伟大历史任务服务。  相似文献   

杜卡 《致富之友》2009,(11):44-51
受人尊敬的美国医药学家、出版人、艺术收藏家和慈善家阿瑟·姆·赛克勒博士(Dr.Arthur M.Sackler),收藏志趣既深且广,被称为"现代美第奇"。但私人收藏终究只是一个过程。赛克勒生前辉煌宏伟的艺术王国,大部分早已进入博物馆成为公众赞叹的对象,同时也仍有相当规模的艺术品在拍卖官的小槌下一件一件离散开。这些曾经带给他乐趣的艺术品继续着聚散离合的故事。  相似文献   

Review and prospect of water resources in China:60 years of splendid water resources/ZHANG Yue (Ministry of Water Resources, P. R. China, Beijing 100053, Chian)
Abstract: The development course of water resources in P. R. China since its founding for 60 years was reviewed. The outstanding achievements of water resources in socialistic construction were depicted. A conclusion is drawn that that the water resources in P. R. China have always followed the road of scientific development of securing the nation, enriching the people and strengthening the country. The reformation and development of water resources are fuU of Chinese characteristics and exhibit the power and wisdom of the Chinese Nation ' s Furthermore, they also times in the thought of water resources industry social material basis for harnessing water resources . fully show the advance with the harnessing water resources. The in P. R. China provide important securing the nation, enriching the people and strengthening the country and greatly contribute to the development of the economy and the society.  相似文献   

试论企业核心竞争力的来源与决定因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业核心竞争力(CoreCompetence of the Corpora-tion)是管理学与经济学交叉融合的理论成果,主要源于战略管理理论、经济学理论、知识经济理论、创新理论对持续竞争优势之源与逻辑的探索。1990年,G.K.Prahalad和Gray Hamel在《哈佛商业评论》上发表的《企业的核心竞争力》正式确立了它在管理学理论上的地位。 一、企业核心竞争力与企业发展的关系 核心竞争力是企业能力理论的核心概念。所谓企业核心  相似文献   

2019 is the 70 th anniversary of the founding of the people’s Republic of China and the key year for implementing the rural vitalization strategy.Summarizing the great achievements made by agriculture and rural areas in the past 70 years will have an important theoretical value for promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and the strategy of rural revitalization.Under such circumstances,the 10 th member congress and 2019 academic seminar of CAAE was successfully held in Beijing.The key to promote rural revitalization lies in deepening rural reform,focus on the property right system and market-oriented allocation of factors,and establish a system and mechanism of free circulation and equal exchange between urban and rural areas.In order to promote the organic connection between small-scale peasant and the modern agriculture,it is necessary to speed up the development of agriculture social service industry.Finally,it is suggested to adhere to the two-wheel drive of rural revitalizationand new urbanization,promote the effective coverage of rural public services,and improve the rural governance mode of combining autonomy,rules of law and virtue.  相似文献   

Through analyzing the development foundation and present situation, the paper finds existing problems of seaweed industry in Qingdao. They are the sharp decline of seaweed aquaculture, low-grade processing of seaweed food, less capital investment, poor infrastructure and low technology. In combination with the development status of China seaweed industry, the paper put forward corresponding development strategies and industrial policies of the seaweed industry from the point of development emphases, key technologies and other aspects. The paper provides practical advices for government authorities making industry development plan, and provides technical support for promoting the Blue Economic Zone of Qingdao sustainable development.  相似文献   

Driving forces for change of water footprint in China based on IPAT-LMDI model/XI Xu, et al (College of Urban and Environment, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China)
Abstract: By establishing IPAT model for change of water footprint, the driving forces for change of water footprint in China are decomposed into three humanistic factors of population, affluence and technology. The contribution rates of the above three factors to change of China' s water footprint as well as their average annual contribution rates in various provinces in China from 1997 to 2011 are measured using the LMDI decomposition model. The results show that the impact of the degree of affluence on change of water footprint is the greatest, that of the population is the smallest, both of which are positive driving factors, and the technology has bidirectional driving effects, while currently it is substantially negative driving force.  相似文献   

人参Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer是我国传统补益药中最具有代表性的药物之一《神农本草经》载:“人参主补五脏,安精神、定魂魄、止惊悸、除邪气,明目、开心、益智、久服轻身延年。”临床应用至少已有两千多年的历史了。近年来国内外不少学者对人参进行了大量的生药、植化、生化、实验药理与临床等  相似文献   

日光性皮炎俗称"日晒伤",是由于皮肤暴露部位因日光过度照射,在暴露部位引起的皮肤急性光毒反应.日光中的中、长波紫外线辐射使真皮内多种细胞释放组胺、5-羟色胺、激肽等炎性介质,使真皮内血管扩张,引起组织水肿.  相似文献   

Relevant issues on utilization efficiency and evaluation methods for water resources/BAI Ying, et al (College of Water Science, Key Laboratory for Water and Sediment Science of Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)Abstract: The utilization efficiency of water resources and the definition and connotation of its evaluation were discussed. The worldwide advances in relevant issues on utilization efficiency of water resources were introduced.  相似文献   

Projection pursuit model for evaluation of reserve modes of water resources in Zhejiang Province;
Abstract: A projection pursuit model for evaluation of the reserve modes of water resources in Zhejiang Province was established by means of the accelerated genetic algorithm. A conclusion is drawn that the strategic reserve modes of water resources in Zbejiang Province can be divided into four levels. The first level is for replacement reserves,  相似文献   

Theory and methods for eco-economic operation of hydropower stations/CHANG Jin-shi ( College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract: A new theory for the economic operation of hydropower stations as well as the corresponding methods was proposed based on the coupling of economic and ecological standards, namely the eco-economic operation theory. The proposed theory would realize the optimal economic operation of hydropower stations on condition that the ecological system of rivers would be kept healthy as regards the operation of the existing hydropower stations.  相似文献   

走城市土地高效利用之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods of examples, documents and comparison are employed to research the efficiency of Chinese city land utilization, discovering that the efficiency of city land utilization is low the way of which to extend is to use more land in the process of our country's urbanism. Therefore on the basis of analyzing how the way becomes that, the writer objectively evaluates some relative measures in state department of “The decision of deepening reform of land management”, meanwhile puts forward the suggestion, hoping to further push the efficiency of our country land utilization.  相似文献   

For the specialty of the cases about joint infringement of water pollution, special judicial rules which are different from those for general torts should be designed. In consideration of the factors of relieving victims, facilitating courts make judgments and preventing misuse of discretion,  相似文献   

The rural reform in China has successfully motivate the initiatives of people, as the subject of economic activities, and impelled the development of production. On the other hand,the reform brought lots of newproblems and aspects of the economy demanding solutions. Therefore,on this issue,we open the column of RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT OF THE RURAL REFORM AND DEVELOPMENT and published  相似文献   

On the base of the analysis on the production present condition of Shanxi province′s millet and little food grains other than wheat and rice,mainly elaborating the forthcoming historical opportunity to exploit millet and little food grains other than wheat and rice.At last ,putting forward some concrete measures to vigorously produce millet and little food grains other than wheat and rice,realize business management and make it to become a new point of rice of agriculture econony of Shanxi province.  相似文献   

主题 :台湾求购新鲜的樱桃和桃公司名称 :THEWELLSFUNDINC .公司地址 :3RDFL .NO .10LANE 56 0CHONG CHENGRD .HSIN DAN主题 :美国求购饲料大麦公司名称 :M .A .B .ASSOCIATES公司地址 :82 90ClearyBlvdPlantation ,FL 3332 4UnitedStates主题 :巴拿马求购番茄酱公司名称 :WTI 2 0 0 1TradingCo公司地址 :WorldTradeCenter (Panama)主题 :孟加拉求购油菜籽公司名称 :Sk .A .A .Parvez公司地址 :…  相似文献   

Mixed fuzzy clustering analysis based on feature weights and its application in classification of flood disaster grade/KONG Ling-yan, et al (College of Sciences, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China) Abstract: A mixed fuzzy clustering analysis method based on feature weights was put forward. In other words, the weights of sample characteristics were obtained by use of the relief F method based on an improved ISODATA method.  相似文献   

The relation between the urban and rural economy is alway a controversial issue in China. There are lot of experiences and lessons we can conclude from the changing relation of urban and rural economy in the history. To some extent, the present stagnant situation of the rural reform can attributo to the frustration of the  相似文献   

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