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The World Energy Conference will be held in Munich in mid-September. It will have to deal with diverse and complex problems of energy policy, for the seventies have presented tremendous challenges in the energy field. The control over oil—with 46% of the world supply still by far the most important source of energy—has been reorganized and two oil crises have exposed the flow of supplies to severe disruption and political hazards. As far as can be foreseen, the supply is unlikely to keep abreast of the world-wide rise of energy consumption. To replace the oil gradually will therefore be the major task in the energy field in the coming decades. What will be the supply position between now and the year 2000? And which structural changes will have to be effected?  相似文献   

This short essay on financial speculation with agricultural commodities offers (1) a survey on the real economy factors that caused recent hunger crises, (2) an overview of the academic research on the impact of index-based financial speculation on agricultural markets, and (3) a discussion of political measures that are appropriate — or inappropriate — for improving global food security.  相似文献   

Hans Spilker 《Intereconomics》1975,10(12):381-383
The European Regional Conference and the Council of the European Communities are both pursuing a regional policy concept which, on the one hand, focuses on the promotion of economic activity in areas of scanty development and, on the other, aims at curbing rather than promoting the development of central urban areas. In the following paper — read to the First Conference of Local Authorities in European Border Regions at Galway, Ireland, on October 15 to 17 — Dr Spilker is dealing with the question whether this concept lends itself to successful application in the peripheral regions of Europe.  相似文献   

Long-term growth in most developing countries is driven by the adaptation of technology from developed countries. The question, however, of how to promote technology adaptation is a difficult one. The following article introduces a transaction cost perspective and applies it to the concrete and—against the background of the 4th Ministerial Conference of the WTO in November 2001—topical question: how do WTO rules impact on development in terms of technology adaptation? This issue is of utmost importance to the EU, which put forward the argument that the new Trade Round had to become a “Development Round”.  相似文献   

The GATT Minister Conference to be held in Tokyo from September 12 to 14 will be the prelude to a new round of international negotiations about further liberalisation of world trade. Preparatory work of some six years thus comes to its conclusion.  相似文献   

"To promote global cooperation under the new century's trend of globalization,Asians all around the world play an important and irreplaceable role", said Allen Wu, the Chairman of the Asian American Republican National Federation, in his speech when attended "2007 Asian Pacific International Cooperation Conference among CEOs, Governors, and Mayors"and "Global Outsourcing Conference" held in Guangzhou and Tianjin, China.  相似文献   

A world without advertising would be a world in which economic choices were made as rationally and efficiently as solicitors, for example, are chosen by the general public—with a pin. The best way to appreciate the benefits of advertising, argues the author, is to follow through the impact that advertising would have on a market in which it is not, at present, allowed, such as the market for legal advice in the UK.  相似文献   

In view of the urgency and size of the problem how to feed the world’s population, the framework given to the recent World Food Conference did not seem to be over-extended. The poor results, however, give again rise to the general question whether international mammoth meetings like the one in Rome have not long lost their usefulness.  相似文献   

True, selling to Malaysia can be as easy as selling to Arizona—provided you have your export plan in place. Planning is important for any business interested in overseas markets, but essential for the new-to-export company if it is to have a smooth and orderly entry into world markets.  相似文献   

21世纪旅游业发展初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄元春 《商业研究》2004,(6):158-159
旅游业已成为并将继续成为世界最大的产业之一 ,由于国际旅游人数持续上升 ,旅游将成为国际经济贸易的重要组成部分 ,旅游业将在全球经济的结构中发挥重要作用。 2 1世纪 ,旅游业作为一个流动性强、涉及范围广的新兴产业 ,在全球化背景下 ,将会出现什么样的发展趋势 ,是值得我们关注的问题。  相似文献   

This speech compares and contrasts two different interpretations of the current plight of the global economy. It argues that the world has been suffering not so much from a structural deficiency in aggregate demand—secular stagnation—but from the aftermath of financial booms gone wrong—financial cycle drag. This perspective suggests that the very low levels of interest rates that have prevailed are not necessarily equilibrium ones—consistent with the “natural rate”. And although it indicates that the headwinds from the financial bust, while very persistent, are temporary, it also points to a number of material risks ahead: further episodes of financial distress, a “debt trap” and, ultimately, a rupture in the open global economic order. To limit these risks, policies should be rebalanced towards structural measures and address more systematically the financial cycle.  相似文献   

The Eleventh World Energy Conference 1980 was held in Munich from the 8th to the 12th of September. “Looking ahead to 2020”—the title of the energy survey published for this conference—indicates that the long-term trend was in the centre of interest. Oil is a finite resource and has to be substituted in the long run. It is the period in between which causes much concern because during this time we cannot do without oil. It is against this background that we have asked Senator Wolfgang Oehme, chairman of the board of Esso A.G., to present to us his views on this critical period of time.  相似文献   

The presence of some 4,000 delegates from about 150 countries showed what great interest the Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat) held by the UN in Vancouver from May 31 to June 11, 1976, had evoked in many countries. This conference in Canada which was the largest ever to be arranged by the UN dealt with a problem which has manifested itself all over the world.  相似文献   

The Musicians’ Dilemma—the lack of affordable healthcare for the uninsured or underinsured musical entrepreneur—is actually a common problem plaguing not only 33% of musicians, but approximately 19% of the American population as a whole. The current research uses social marketing principles to conceptualize a template for designing a marketing program that meets the healthcare needs of the target market. Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM) is a nonprofit organization that links healthcare providers, local businesses, and community donors in a network providing basic preventive health services to this essential segment of the community. HAAM's business model is analyzed and cast on the social marketing framework so that it can be adapted for use by other music cities. Although the template could also be applied to serve other uninsured populations, it is critical that research be undertaken to understand the specific characteristics and needs of each target market and used to adapt the model to those populations.  相似文献   

Looking around the world, one realizes that national minimum wages are not uncommon. Yet it is still very difficult to estimate what effects a minimum wage might have in Germany. This is not just a question of how high the minimum wage should be — its impacts would also depend on many details of practical implementation. The present article addresses these issues.  相似文献   

The 11th session of the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the second Ministerial Conference of that Organisation took place in Accra from February 19 to 23, 1973. The Commission—a regional organisation of the United Nations—has 41 independent African states as members.  相似文献   

In July 1940, JACKSON Sze Man Leung (here-in-after called Jackson Leung) was born in an oversea Chinese family in West-Java, Indonesia. During 18 to 24 April 1955, the world famous Asian-African Conference was held in Bandung, Indonesia. At that time, Jackson Leung, a 15-year-old Indonesian born Chinese and a girl Xie Cai Yue were chosen to greet the Chinese delegation on behalf of the local Indonesian Chinese community. This historic moment of presenting bouquet to Premier Zhou had made a deep, lifelong impact in Jackson Leung's life. Even today, he said, "It was the softest part of my heart that was touched at that moment, the part of my heart that belongs to China and belongs to Indonesia."  相似文献   

The United States is engaged in two huge trade negotiations—the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership—that will have a profound impact on our economy and on the world trade system. These agreements can be an important template for new rules governing world trade, and they address some important new areas, such as regulatory issues. However, if they are to be a good template, U.S. negotiators have to alter some of their proposals, and these new agreements have to prohibit predatory trade practices, such as currency manipulation.  相似文献   

The NCC is an independent, government funded public body which carries out policy work in the interests of consumers. In 1988 at the request of the British government it published a study of the EEC Common Agricultural Policy summarised below. The outcome was a set of proposals for far-reaching reform. Since publication the EEC has made some tentative moves towards reform with the latest farm price review proposals for price cuts and the introduction of support for farmers through direct income aids, which should be a more satisfactory form of support for farmers than price fixing. However, the collapse of the GATT Conference in Montreal demonstrates the dangerous lack of agreement over world agricultural policy, which could have serious consequences for consumers and farmers.  相似文献   

It is the third session of Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference,attracting both domestic and foreign government officials and entrepreneurs to walk away from the troubles the financial crisis brought,sit down and carry on discussions,however,the topic has changed unexpectedly echoing with the big environment.Different from surrounding with"how to help Chinese government walk out and be accepted by the world?"in the beginning,the foreign delegations turned to concentrate on"how to persuade Chinese enterprises to come and settle down?".  相似文献   

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