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The article clarifies the way in which ‘the aesthetic’ is conceptualised in relation to business ethics in order to assess its potential to inform theory building and developmental practices within the business ethics field. A systematic review of relevant literature is undertaken which identifies three ontologically based accounts of the relationship between the aesthetic and business ethics: ‘positive’ ones (in which ‘the good is equated with ‘the beautiful’), ‘negative’ accounts (in which aesthetic craving is seen to foster ethical malfeasance) and ‘Postmodern’ renderings (in which the aesthetic and the ethical are seen to be ideologically informed). Five epistemologically based approaches are also made explicit: those in which the aesthetic is thought to develop enhanced perceptual discernment, those in which the aesthetic catalyses emotional sensitivity, those in which the aesthetic contributes to imaginative capacity, those in which the aesthetic prompts integrative apprehension and those in which the aesthetic is seen to foster critical reflexivity. The review reveals two key findings: firstly, the dearth of empirically based research to substantiate claims made about the aesthetic’s ability to foster ethical capabilities, which leads to proposals for further research; secondly, the analysis indicates the significance of critical reflexivity both in resolving the apparent dichotomy between ontologically based perspectives asserting the aesthetic’s ability to lead to ethically sound or egregious behaviour, and in underpinning the capacities of perceptual discernment, emotional connectivity, imagination and integrative apprehension which epistemologically based approaches assert the aesthetic can foster.  相似文献   

This article takes a view of strategy which disputes the common distinctions between formulation and implementation, and between programmed and adaptive strategies. It argues that corporate success derives from a competitive advantage which is based on distinctive capabilities, which is most often derived from the unique character of a firm's relationships with its suppliers, customers or employees, and which is precisely identified and applied to relevant markets. Strategy is that process.  相似文献   

索福克勒斯的《俄狄浦斯王》是古希腊悲剧的典范,亚里士多德在《诗学》中曾予以高度评价。但是《俄狄浦斯王》所触发的很难说是一种适度的情感,因为悲剧的"突转"所显示出的人和世界的虚无本性并非可被理性所能接受的真相。另外,《俄狄浦斯王》中的乱伦情节有着本体论的意义,即它既是建构文本的推动力量,也带给观众以置身无序的幻灭感受。虚无和无序把人从世界那里分割开来,使其只能作为其自身存在。这种持守自身的存在者是超越的和自由的,却也是已然死亡的和被放逐的,这是持守自身的存在者所不得不有的命运,也是《俄狄浦斯王》的悲剧性之所在。  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of two trading countries which are related by a bilateral production externality. Necessary conditions which must characterize an optimal tax structure from the point of view of one country are solved for and interpreted. Second, the model serves as a vehicle to extend the theory of corrective taxation in the case where only one policy instrument is available to deal with several distortions simultaneously. It is pointed out that the ranking of alternate second best tax structures typically depends upon which good is imported and which good is exported.  相似文献   

In an open, unregulated and globalised economy, it is logical that the problem of corporate government not only occupy the time of academics, but also preoccupy both companies and the public administration. Corporate governance varies depending on several factors, such as the culture of a particular country, the economic situation and the organisational structures. Thus, there is no single recipe which can be applied automatically and is universally valid in all contexts. However, it is possible to propose some general principles which have duly stood the test of experience and are recognised as providing valuable guidance for efficient corporate governance.The aim of this article is to present the Spanish "Olivencia Report", which is an attempt to draft an "ethical code" containing a number of practices and principles, which, if they were to be applied, could improve the governance of the larger Spanish companies listed on the Stock Market.The pages which follow narrate the story of the making of the report, and highlight those features which distinguish this report from other analogous reports published in other countries, and which inspired the Olivencia Report. These reports, which include the "Cadbury Report", the "Viénot Report" and the "Peters Report" among others will also be dealt with. Once the more outstanding aspects of the Spanish report have been highlighted, the article closes with a brief concluding section, which goes beyond the case in question and stresses the relationship between ethics, corporate governance and the mission of the enterprise. This focus is of some importance as the literature on corporate governance rarely brings the ethical problem to the fore.  相似文献   

现有的有关股票市场发展对货币需求影响的研究,暗含着一个假设:货币流通速度不变。在一个投机性极强的股市里,这一假设难以成立。对Friedman的替代效应修正后,股市发展对货币需求影响与我国实际情况相吻合。股市发展对M1有正向作用,对M2有负向作用,后者的主要成因是我国股市具有极强投机性。  相似文献   

We show that an economy grows or stagnates depending on which of three objects people most esteem as tokens of status. If the main object of status preference is consumption, then a steady state with full employment is reached. If it is physical capital (which is a producible asset), then permanent growth with full employment occurs. However, if it is money (which is not a producible asset), stagnation with persistent unemployment arises.  相似文献   

This article explores the regional geography of professional, information and intellectual services in Norway. Norway is used as one way of critiquing the global cities literature by exploring the multiple ways in which knowledge intensive services are created and consumed outside global cities. Norway's regional geography of knowledge services is one of concentration and dispersal; both processes are explained by the ways in which clients access external expertise. An evolving spatial division of expertise is identified based on the ways in which service suppliers and consumers access and combine expertise that is available in different locations. Part of this evolving spatial division of expertise is illustrated in the ways in which large European providers of consultancy expertise have displaced American providers from Norway's top ten ranking of consultancy providers. The paper identifies a series of fundamental changes that are taking place in the consultancy industry that affect the ways in which consultancy is provided to the Norwegian market.  相似文献   

网络交易市场的不断增长,第三方支付方式的使用日益广泛,第三方支付机构所管理的客户备付金也不断增多。法理上,第三方支付机构客户备付金及其孳息的所有权应该由第三方支付机构的客户所享有;实际上,第三方支付机构客户备付金的孳息难以分配给其所有者。设立一个第三方机构代表第三方支付机构客户行使所有权,并完善相关立法,不失为解决这一问题的最好的途径。  相似文献   

The word 'participation' is taken to refer to a situation in which employees have some sort of share in the businesses which employ them. On this basis a classificatory scheme is produced which distinguishes between different forms of participation as well as the sources and motives behind those different forms. Participation as a whole is then distinguished from bargaining between management and labour. In bargaining, separate and opposing interests are accepted. In participation, there is an attempt to produce an over-arching common interest. More importantly, bargaining operates outside those organizational arrangements definitive of a business which grant a strictly subordinate role to labour with respect to management structures and property entitlements. In contrast, participation is a modification of those arrangements up to, but not beyond, a position of equality for labour. It is this which gives participation its essentially reformist character and exposes it to attack from both those seeking a more than participatory share to labour and those for whom even a participating share is excessive.  相似文献   

跨国公司撤资分为自愿撤资和非自愿撤资,本文研究的是自愿撤资。自愿撤资又分为防御型的自愿撤资和进攻型的自愿撤资。防御型的自愿撤资是由跨国公司投资经营最终失败引起的,进攻型的自愿撤资则是跨国公司公司重构战略的一部分。无论何种形态的自愿撤资都是资本逐利的表现,是符合经济规律的。  相似文献   

The minute advances of health policy in the developing countries and the cost explosion which has hit the health services in the industrialized countries have created an urgent problem. The main culprit is often thought to be the “common-burden principle” which most states apply to the financing of their health services. Possible alternatives are the “user principle” which is more in line with market methods and the “originator principle” which is known from its use in the environmental sphere and is now also being discussed in the health sector. It could be applied to products which are injurious to health (cigarettes, sweets) and harmful production processes (piece-work, water pollution). The author examines the possibilities of curbing health-care spending and drawing nearer to health-policy aims by turning away from the “common burden principle”.  相似文献   

飞行器在地面测试目前所采用的是有线电缆网,严重制约了飞行器测试的机动性和计算机化。本文提出一种无线脱落插头概念,其可靠性、安全性能够满足飞行器测试的要求。无线脱落插头是微电子、计算机技术与通信技术相结合产品,是蓝牙技术在飞行器测试中的一个新应用。它将促进飞行器测试自动化,有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

This article tests the view that the impact which foreign direct investment (FDI) has upon employment within the host economy will vary according to the entry mode which the multinational enterprise (MNE) chooses, the type of subsidiary and the nationality of the parent organisation which is established in the regional economy. Data were collected from the subsidiaries of foreign-owned firms in the UK. A model was devised and tested with estimations using this data. The results provide support for the view that the impact of FDI may be differentiated by entry mode, nationality and subsidiary type. Specifically, firms which entered by way of greenfield investment created positive employment effects as compared to those which entered by means of a merger or acquisition where the effects were relatively negative. There is some evidence that impact is also ownership specific. Finally, those subsidiaries which performed more value-added functions had a positive effect on employment.  相似文献   

金属丝面料作为新型功能性面料是目前市场上较流行的一款高附加值的面料,一般同等技术水平下,金属丝占的比例越高价格越贵。目前常用的检测手段主要是手工拆分,虽准确但耗时长,效率低,通过建立高温灰化法检测金属丝含量,一次可以处理多个样品,且与手工拆分法有着同样的准确度,精密度也良好,是一个可以广泛应用的检测方法。  相似文献   

本文认为,从货币资本运营为主向以人力资本运营为主转变是现代企业资本运营的重要飞跃和必然趋势;人力资本筹集是人力资本运营的基础,人力资本运用是人力资本运营的核心,人力资本收益分配是人力资本运营的必然结果,它们共同构成人力资本运营的基本内容。  相似文献   

中小企业财务管理中存在的问题和解决措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前我国中小企业的工业产值、利税和出口额占全国比重较大,但由于中小企业规模小、管理不够规范、受传统体制和宏观经济影响大等因素,使其面临许多困难和问题。通过对中小企业融资政策法规不够完善、融资困难、财务控制薄弱、内部控制制度不完善、财务人员素质偏低等问题的分析,提出进一步完善有利于中小企业融资的优惠政策、建立企业财务管理体系、拓宽融资渠道、加强财务控制、提高管理水平、提高会计全员的素质等解决措施,以保证中小企业在激烈的市场竞争中健康、稳步发展。  相似文献   

修辞的原则是修辞界讨论较多的内容,但把修辞的原则分解为潜性原则和显性原则采讨论,尚不多见。修辞应该有潜性原则和显性原则之分。修辞的潜性原则是诚信,它是内在的,看不见,摸不着的;修辞的显性原则是得体,它是外在的,听得见,感受得到的。诚信是表达的出发点和落脚点。得体是诚信的结果和表现形式。诚信必须通过得体这个美丽的外衣来显现。但诚信和得体之问是非对称关系,因此,不可逆向推断。  相似文献   

介绍了GPIB总线的工作原理,运用NI公司NAT 7210协议芯片设计了一种以单片机为核心的电台激励器GPIB接口电路,讨论了单片机软件的流程并给出了软件设计的流程图,对相关工程技术人员能起到一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

以马克思主义为基础的流通理论在建立市场经济过程中发挥了重要作用,但当其随着流通产业的发展进入了新的阶段后,却面临着发展的困惑,就其理论根源而言,是因为主流西方经济学将精力集中在不影响私有产权基础上的制度设计和机制研究,加之理论发展上的路径依赖,对于竞争性的流通领域进行理论研究不符合其理论传统和研究路径.理论上的滞后导致流通产业实践过程中隐含危机,因此流通理论虽不是主流西方经济学的研究范畴,但产业发展和变化要求我们循序渐进的进行流通理论的创新,使其符合时代的需要.  相似文献   

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