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Economic Geography and Multinational Enterprise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes an economic geography model with two countries, two sectors, and two factors of production, allowing for single-plant and double-plant firms. Location patterns are studied by assessing the existence of the various equilibrium configurations. Income and wages are allowed to change following defection, and it is assumed that labor migrates towards the country with highest real wages. It is shown that the tendency towards configurations characterized by an "industrial core" and an "agricultural periphery" predicted by models which do not allow for the existence of FDI, is reduced by the presence of multinationals.  相似文献   

杨清 《当代财经》2005,(10):67-71
本文在简要分析中国跨国公司发展基本情况的基础上,分别从大型企业、企业集群、中小型企业、国内市场产品饱和的企业等方面分析了我国企业成长为跨国公司的四个成长点,并分析了各自的成长条件和障碍。  相似文献   

随着中国市场的不断开放和中国经济在世界经济中地位的不断上升,跨国公司更倾向于并购大型国有企业以实现在中国的本地化的经营。并购这种快速进入中国市场的有效方式,将外资并购推向一个高潮期。规范的跨国并购能为国有资产退出提供重要的途径。在并购政策的设计上,一方面要缩小“国退”、“外进”产生的偏离,引导外资更积极地发挥国有经济退出中承接主体的作用,另一方面要规范外资并购我国国有企业,防止国有资产流失。  相似文献   

This paper examines how differences in the integration strategies followed by firms active in foreign markets affect the way productivity and policy shocks spread their effects worldwide. The analysis incorporates costly trade and local sales by multinational firms in a general-equilibrium open economy macroeconomic model. The mode of foreign market access is found to play a major role in the international business cycle, affecting the dimension of consumption and output spillovers worldwide. We show that despite financial markets being effectively complete, consumption risks may not be fully insured in the world economy as long as multinational firms discriminate prices across markets. Furthermore, cross-country differences in firms' integration strategies can account for extensive asymmetries in the way country-specific and global shocks are transmitted in the world economy. We argue that this may have relevant consequences for the welfare implications of monetary and trade policies.  相似文献   

During the Bretton Woods era, the debate surrounding U.S. export sales versus U.S. multinational production focused primarily on the maintenance of pegged exchange rates and labor’s concern over the export of jobs. The collapse of Bretton Woods gave at least the hope that a decline in the dollar would expand exports and limit imports. Yet, the forty-year secular decline in the dollar has been one with a secular expansion of U.S. trade deficits. The older concerns of U.S. multinational sales competing with U.S. exports retain a current relevance. They help explain the unending nature of U.S. trade deficits.  相似文献   

International Competition for Multinational Investment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examine the economic justification for providing investment subsidies to foreign-owned multinationals. These provide employment opportunities and generate demand for domestic intermediate inputs, produced by domestic workers with increasing returns to scale. Offering subsidies to multinationals may be in the national interest if the investment raises the net value of domestic production. When agglomerative forces are sufficiently strong, a subsidy that attracts the first foreign firm may induce several to enter, establishing a thriving modern sector. With a limited number of foreign enterprises, countries may compete to attract investment. This subsidy competition transfers much of the rents to the multinationals.
JEL classification: F 12; F 23  相似文献   

国际服务贸易的发展与国际货物贸易密切相关,尤其是在中国这样一个国际货物贸易蓬勃发展的国家,因此,实证分析我国国际服务贸易与国际货物贸易的相互贡献程度很有必要.本文对我国服务进出口对货物部门和货物进出口对服务部门的贡献率进行了研究.从为对方生产部门增加值的形成和增长的贡献率来看,我国货物进出口对服务部门的贡献大于服务进出口对货物部门的贡献.这说明了我国对外货物贸易的蓬勃发展已经并且还会促进服务业的增长.但是,我国服务进出口对货物部门发展的贡献却相对小得多,说明我国国际服务贸易亟待发展.  相似文献   

企业知识市场交易模型的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了在网络计算的环境下的企业知识需求分析和企业知识交易,分析了知识交易的方式,构造了企业知识交易模型,定义了企业知识交易方式代码、交易难度系数和企业知识链中的交易方式系数和交易模式系数,指出了企业知识的市场与企业的Intranet、知识图和交易规则等相关。  相似文献   

在国际形势复杂多变、新冠肺炎疫情肆虐的全球背景下,我国跨国公司国际化创新发展需要国内创新资源支撑,但当前研究主要关注国际创新资源对跨国企业国际化创新的影响。基于国际化创新内外双循环格局,选取2010—2019年我国电子信息产业上市公司为研究样本,通过Tobit回归探究母国企业创新网络对国际化创新绩效的影响,结果表明,母国企业创新网络规模正向影响国际化创新,而高管国际化和企业数字化具有正向调节作用。结论对我国跨国企业利用国内技术创新资源构建国际化创新双循环格局具有重要现实意义:一是在宏观政策上,政府要加强国内创新网络建设以支撑企业国际化创新发展;二是在跨国企业内部,要重视国际化人才引进和企业内部数字化建设,通过积累国际化创新人力资源促进国际创新资源吸收,并为创新效率提升奠定数字化基础。  相似文献   

程婷 《时代经贸》2008,6(8):106-107
随着全球化发展的不断深入,国际贸易领域出现了许多新的重大变化,其中最令人瞩目的是全球性生产网络的建立和产品内贸易的不断增长.产品内分工基础上的产品内贸易的发展对于发达国家和发展中国家都具有重要影响,它拓宽了经济开放国家或地区的国际贸易参与度,但处在产品内国际分工不同生产环节的企业所荻收益却并非一致.  相似文献   

Followers of urban affairs and public policy have written much over the years about the rise of suburbia and development beyond older city boundaries in the US, whether such development is called urban, suburban, or ex-urban sprawl. Many researchers have focused on various issues concerning sprawl, especially on the unintended consequences that new development has had for municipal finances, neighborhood income and residential segregation, and transportation planning, among other issues. Over the last decade, a new area in the literature on sprawl has focused on how the “built environment” of residential areas can impact health and emergency services. We contribute to this latest set of papers on sprawl by trying to empirically estimate the impact of sprawl in metropolitan regions on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) spending on “public assistance.” This assistance encompasses spending on debris removal, emergency protective measures, and rehabilitating or rebuilding of infrastructure, public buildings, public utilities, parks and recreational areas, in post-disaster relief efforts. In our exploratory analysis, the results indicate that urban sprawl is a factor in influencing the level of FEMA’s public assistance spending.  相似文献   

We introduce intermediaries into the Brander-Spencer model of strategic trade policy. A key finding is that in regimes involving independent retailers, output competition and linear pricing (and two-part tariffs under certain restrictions), the optimal policy involves an export tax instead of a subsidy. If firms commit to vertical structure before governments commit to policy then under output competition firms choose integration, whereas if policy precedes structure then at least one firm chooses separation. Under price competition separation is a dominant strategy regardless of whether the structure decision is made before or after the policy decision.  相似文献   

国际贸易的迅猛发展在为全球经济注入活力的同时,也加剧了国际经济秩序的不公正性和不合理性。如何构建符合正义诉求的国际贸易新秩序,使其符合各国的基本利益,满足各国人民的合理要求,实现人类的整体利益已经成为国际贸易面临的重要问题。因此,基于对国际贸易中不公正现象的剖析,探寻国际贸易正义的内涵及其实现路径已显得十分必要。  相似文献   

We examine the effects of free trade agreement (FTA) on tariffs and welfare in a three‐country model with vertical trade, where an FTA is formed between a country exporting a final good whose production involves using an intermediate good, and a country exporting the intermediate good in exchange for the final good. We demonstrate that the FTA reduces its member country's external tariff, whereas it raises the non‐member country's tariff. The non‐member country unambiguously becomes better off. In contrast, the FTA may or may not make its member countries better off. This implies that the formation of an FTA may not always be Pareto‐improving.  相似文献   

Discriminating Among Alternative Theories of the Multinational Enterprise   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent theoretical developments have incorporated endogenous multinational firms into the general–equilibrium model of trade. One simple taxonomy separates the theory into "vertical" models, in which firms geographically separate activities by stages of production, and "horizontal" models, in which multiplant firms duplicate roughly the same activities in many countries. The authors nest a horizontal and a vertical model within a hybrid (unrestricted) "knowledge–capital model" and estimate the specifications with data on US foreign direct investment activity. In the nested econometric tests, the data sample cannot distinguish statistically between the unrestricted model and the restricted horizontal model, indicating that the latter captures virtually all of the determinants of FDI. The tests overwhelmingly reject the vertical model.  相似文献   

论中国企业跨国并购   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
本文分析了中国企业跨国并购的现状、制约我国企业跨国并购的因素 ,阐述了我国企业跨国并购急需解决的战略问题 ,并提出了一些对策  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interrelationship between a firm's incentive to engage in international predatory pricing and its domestic vertical industry ties in the context of the deep-pockct theory of predation. The deep pocket stems from a vertically integrated firm's ability to shift funds between its upstream and downstream divisions. enabling it to prey on vertically unintegrated upstream competitors. Vertical integration is shown to function as a cause of and a deterrent to foreign predatory behavior.  相似文献   

国际税收影响跨国公司资本结构选择的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以传统的MM理论分析框架为基础,逐步把国内税收和国际税收引入研究框架,重点分析了不同的国际税收规则是如何影响跨国公司的资本结构选择。通过理论分析可知,税收抵免制度、利息分配制度和归集税制都能显著抑制企业利用债务进行融资的倾向。这为我国跨国公司确定合理的资本结构以及完善我国资本弱化管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

提出跨国公司因其"跨国"性,社会责任本身也变得更加复杂。探讨跨国公司如何在不同于母国的环境中确立社会责任,并对在华跨国公司和其在母国承担社会责任的情况进行比较。研究发现,在华跨国公司的社会责任无论是从标准的严格程度还是从实践内容的完整性上都低于母国。  相似文献   

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