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Special Report for Trend of China‘s Metallurgy Mine recently released by Morgan Stanley stated that the key of China‘s steel industry lies in the equilibrium between supply increase and consumption demand. It is predicated by this bank that China‘s consumption for major metals will double in next five to six years, and furthermore China‘s borrowing consumption pattern is the factor to promote the increase in global demand for metal. As China‘s income per capita just reaches the critical point that caused substantial increase in metal consumption per capita in the history of other countries, China‘s metal consumption still stays at the early stage of increaseof high speed.  相似文献   

February 18,2005marked an agreement between Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS).Together,Wharton‘s Snider Entrepreneurial Research Centre (SEC) and CEIBS‘ Centre of Entrepreneurship and Case Development Centre will work together creating a series of cases to be used in each institution‘s entrepreneurship courses.……  相似文献   

As good neighbors of China,Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia play important roles in China‘s diplomacy. In recent years,the relations between China and these three countries have developed rapidly. Leaders frequently conduct visits, cooperation in various fields are advancing, economic and trade ties grow stably,and wade volumes keep on increasing annually.According to the statistics of China‘s Customs, in 2003, the total trade volume between China and the three countries reached US$5.064 billion (Sino-Vietnam US$4.634 billion, Sino-Laos US$110 million and Sino-Cambodia US$320 million), about 40.5% higher than the previous year, among which China‘s export reached US$3.572 billion and import US$1.492 billion.  相似文献   

Three outstanding institutions,Tsinghua University′S China Centhe for Financial Research(CCFR),the MassachusettS InstitUte ofTechnology’S(MIT)Sloan School ofManagement,and the China Europe International Business School(CEIBS),came together to promote the country’Sreform and opening of its financial markets in China at the Shanghai International Conference Centre on July 8 to 10,2004.The conference provided an openplatform to bring together researchers  相似文献   

China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) an nounced that their global management programme, which holds significant relevance to China and which is jointly run by the IESE Business School, is attracting a number of top executives from across the board. CEIBS quoted China‘s evergrowing importance in the world economy as an important influencing factor.  相似文献   

China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) was authorized by law to regulate and supervise all the banking institutions in China and their business activities. CBRC plays an active role in China‘s banking reform. According to a press release by the State Council on December 5, under the leadership of the central government and the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of“ Three Represents,“ the CBRC continues to practise the scientific concept of development, deepen the banking reform, further the opening up and enhance banking supervision, so as to ensure a safe and sound development of China‘s banking sector.……  相似文献   

China‘s focus on the sustainable development and efficient usage of natural resources echoes Daimler-Chrysler‘s idea of long-term growth, Li Jie, Vice-President of Daimler-Chrysler China Ltd. (DCCL), said recently in Beijing.  相似文献   

China‘s focus on the sustainable development and efficient usage of natural resources echoes Daimler-Chrysler‘s idea of long-term growth, Li Jie, Vice-President of Daimler-Chrysler China Ltd. (DCCL), said recently in Beijing.……  相似文献   

July 15, 2003 is the 50th anniversary of the First Automotive Works Corp(FAW), and also the 50th birthday of China‘s auto industry.  相似文献   

The year of 2005 not only celebrates the China-France culture year, but it 2005,also China-France Culture Year also,marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationships between China and Europe. On a one-week visit, Mr.Laurent Fabius, former Prime Minister of France and Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, has recently come came to CEIBS(the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) to give a series of lecturesfor a one-week visit and research as a prelude to celebrate the anniversary. These lectures were given at CEIBS over four consecutive days from February 21 to 24 on “History of the European Integration“ “EU‘s Economy“, “EU and China“ and “EU‘s Future“.……  相似文献   

The Supreme People‘s Court and Supreme People‘s Procuratorate of the People‘s Republic of China have issued ““Judicial Explanations on Handling the Criminal Cases of Infringing the Intellectual Property Right““, which entered into force on December 22,2004.  相似文献   

In the early days of China's reform
In later 1970s when China first launched"reform and open"policy,there were numerous business opportunities all around China,so were there all kind of uncertainties and obstacles.At the beginning of his business,  相似文献   

After Mongolian President Bagabandy‘s visit to China in July this year, China and Mongolia strengthened neighborly and friendly bilateral relations and opened a new chapter for cooperation in many fields. More than two months passed since then, how are the cooperative agreements that both side signed going on? What will the two countries do in future? Below is the interview with H.E. L. Amarsanaa, Ambassador of Mongolia to China, in which he stated the President‘s visit and introduced economic and trade cooperation between two countries recently.  相似文献   

The view of this economist, who plays a very important role in making policies on the national economy, has conveyed a message to us that macroscopic readjustment and control will still guide China‘s economy in 2005.  相似文献   

Editor   China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC), as the No. 1producer and supplier of crude oil and natural gas as well as the No.1 producer and supplier of petroleum smelting and chemical products, has a wide business range covering prospect for petroleum and natural gas, petroleum smelting and chemical production,pipe transmission, sales of smelting and chemical products of petroleum and natural gas, service of petroleum project techniques, petroleum machinery processing and manufacturing, petroleum trade and so on. It has taken a leading role in the production and processing of China‘s petroleum and natural gas,as well as the market.……  相似文献   

Any reference to Mr. Long Yongtu conjures up in people‘s mind the long and formidable negotiations China has gone through for its accession to WTO. Mr. Long, SecretaryGeneral of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) delivered an impressive speech in China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) on May 11.Mr. Long‘s outspoken style and informative speech have always been sympathized  相似文献   

In 1993, Zhengzhou Yutong Group was established on the basis of Zhengzhou Passenger Bus Factory. After over ten years' development, by 2005, Yutong's sales has broken 20,000, with the sales income of RMB6.6 billion. At the same year, Yutong Group realized export of 1098, with the export value of US$80 million (RMB63 million), accounting for 19.98% and 34.4% of the national passenger buses export volume and value respectively, accounting for 39% of the export of the same kind of products. Why Yutong can achieve this great result? China's Foreign Trade reporter interviewed Yutong to explore Yutong' s road to success.  相似文献   

In the 21st century,China has be come a powerful engine to pro mote the world economy.Confronting with the world-class competitions,Chinese industries will deal with the unprecedented challenges and opportunities.China‘s entry into WTO also leads us to a boundless business environment of economic system and globalization.The ever-growing co-operations on foreign trade raised new subjects to our foreign services.Under the new situation and developing trend, foreign services must play an important role on the stage of Chinese economy.As a trade association in this field,what are China Association of Foreign Service Trades(CAFST)‘s current situation and future development? Recently, the writer interviewed with the secretary-General of CAFST,Mr.Zhao Naizhen.  相似文献   

The baking industry is a part of the food industry. Since the beginning of the 1980s, China has carried out a strategy of developing instant foods. The baking industry has developed rapidly, and has introduced big changes in the structure of its varieties, quality of products, decoration of packages and technical equipment. So far, there are 4, 000 enterprises baking foods in China with 360, 000 staff and workers and an annual capacity of baked foods of two million  相似文献   

At the end of this year, for the “four promotion tasks” of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and current situation and prospect of China‘s introduction of foreign talents, our reporters interviewed Mr. Liu Yongzhi, Deputy Director General of Department of Regulations and Liaison of State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs on those topics which foreign relevant organizations and institutions concerned.  相似文献   

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