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刘玉菲 《特区经济》2015,(1):140-142
世界遗产作为一种公共产品,是全人类的共同财富,建立一套符合世界遗产地的管理体制十分重要。雁荡山是国家级的风景名胜区,符合世界自然遗产的三个标准,近年来,雁荡山一直为申报世界自然遗产努力。我国的世界遗产地面对许多问题,最为突出的是保护与开发的矛盾,而这种矛盾的关键在于我国世界遗产管理体制本身存在的一些弊端。本文从世界遗产的概念和标准出发,通过对雁荡山资源的可行性分析,发现雁荡山具备申请世界自然遗产的资格,并且从立法机制、管理机制、资金机制、经营机制、监督机制五方面对雁荡山进行了一套管理制度设计。  相似文献   

美国是自然文化遗产资源丰富且管理较为成功的国家,其基本的管理理念是根据遗产资源的公益性确定遗产资源的使命,然后建立与使命相应的资金机制、管理机制、经营机制、监督机制等,以保证管理能力、管理手段与管理目标相适应。本文以美国国家公园体系为例介绍了这种理念的形成过程和体现方式,分析了中国自然文化遗产管理体系、体制与美国的差别,并结合若干重要问题提出了中国自然文化遗产管理体制改革应该借鉴的基本思路。  相似文献   

国家自然文化遗产是指分布在国家内的自然遗产、文化遗产和自然文化双重遗产。我国的国家级自然文化遗产资源保护区域包括世界遗产、国家级风景名胜区、国家级自然保护区、国家森林公园、国家湿地公园、国家地质公园、国家水利风景区等。建立国家公园体制保护我国自然文化遗产资源,不仅保护和留存了我国丰富的生物多样性和生态系统本底资源,而且传承了中华文明和传统文化,从制度上保证了遗产资源被人民长期享有。  相似文献   

我国于1985年签订《世界文化与自然遗产公约》,自1987年至今已有30项世界文化自然遗产和2项人类口述和非物质遗产列入《世界遗产名录》.世界遗产真实性和完整性的维护,已成为社会关注的热点问题,本文对张家界武陵源世界自然遗产区旅游资源现状和原因进行分析,阐述维护世界自然遗产真实性和完整性应加强立法、理顺体制和提高全社会的保护意识.  相似文献   

我国于1985年签订《世界文化与自然遗产公约》,自1987年至今已有30项世界文化自然遗产和2项人类口述和非物质遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产真实性和完整性的维护,已成为社会关注的热点问题,本文对张家界武陵源世界自然遗产区旅游资源现状和原因进行分析,阐述维护世界自然遗产真实性和完整性应加强立法、理顺体制和提高全社会的保护意识。  相似文献   

李湘 《辽宁经济》2012,(10):73-76
首次进行的对锦州大笔架山岛(简称"笔架山岛")全面系统的理论研究为其深度开发奠定了理论基础。笔架山岛是国内唯一保存完好的、原生态地貌的天然海洋陆连岛,是我国乃至世界珍稀的海洋地质资源和景观资源;笔架山岛符合联合国教科文组织《实施<世界遗产公约>的操作指南》关于世界自然遗产的定义要求,已建议辽宁省启动申遗程序;如果进入世界遗产《预备名录》,笔架山岛将是我国申报世界自然遗产的第一个海洋景观,并将填补此项空白。  相似文献   

武陵源世界自然遗产具有十分独特的自然景观和不可多得的科学研究、审美和启智价值.在现有的管理体制安排下,开发利用和资源保护这两个目标之间存在着内在的矛盾,要解决矛盾必须加强立法,尽快出台<世界遗产保护法>;淡化行政直接干预;精简武陵源遗产区内的行政管理机构;武陵源世界遗产管理委员会应直属于中央管理或湖南省人民政府管理.  相似文献   

李思衡 《中国西部》2012,(23):70-73
1972年11月16日,联合国教科文组织在法国巴黎通过了一项著名的国际公约——"世界文化和自然遗产保护公约",其目的在于通过国际合作,更积极有效地保存和保护对全人类具有重大价值的文化遗产和自然遗产。今年是联合国世界遗产中心成立40周年; 中国的自然遗产和文化遗产具有十分重要的世界意义,迄今为止,已经拥有42处世界遗产。尽管成就裴然,但是,作为世界著名的文明古国,40年拥有42项,与我国自然多样性、生物多样性以及文化多元性是不相称的,。也许人们并不知道,  相似文献   

国家公园起源于美国,世界上第一个国家公园于1872年由美国国会建立。国家公园的建立能够较好地保护一定区域内的自然生态和历史人文遗产资源,因此,世界范围内兴起了建设国家公园的浪潮。美英国家拥有完善的国家公园体系,可以为其他国家和地区的国家公园建设提供经验。改革开放之时中国也开始了类似国家公园的遗产保护地的建设,近几年中国也开始了国家公园试点的建设。虽然中国积极开展了国家公园建设的探索,但在国家公园的建设道路上还存在一些阻碍。  相似文献   

丽江的旅游资源得天独厚,列入世界文化遗产名录的丽江古城、列入世界自然遗产的三江并流以及列入世界记忆遗产的纳西族东巴古籍以及传说中的香格里拉,正吸引着每年300多万的世界各地游人。  相似文献   

为更好地了解国内外微生物学领域发展趋势,为相关科技决策和科学研究提供有价值的参考,基于ESI(基本科学指标数据库)和InCites平台,以2017—2021年微生物学领域的129 965篇论文为研究对象,从区域、机构、研究主题等方面进行文献计量分析。结果表明:美国、中国、德国、英国是发表论文最多的几个国家,美国的论文数量和整体影响力均居首位,中国在论文整体影响力、专利引用率等方面与美国、德国、英国尚有较大差距;法国研究型大学联盟、美国加州大学系统、中国科学院等是主要的研究机构,美国卫生与公众服务部、中国国家自然科学基金委、美国国立卫生研究院等是资助论文量最多的机构;临床与生命科学是微生物学领域研究的主体,其中肠道菌群和冠状病毒相关论文数量近两年呈显著增加趋势。总体上,中国本土微生物学领域整体研究水平和成果转化率偏低,国际合作显著提升了中国论文的影响力。建议通过加强微生物研究布局、注重人才培养等途径提高中国本土微生物学研究水平,同时加强国际交流合作,尤其与相关研究方向国际优势机构的合作,并注重产学研融合。  相似文献   

In this paper, we address two questions. First, what determined the growth of GDP per worker in Indonesia from 1960 to 2014? We examine Indonesia’s economic performance, using a growth accounting framework. We show that economic growth during the Soeharto era after 1975 was mainly determined by an increase in capital accumulation. Negative growth in total factor productivity (TFP) during the Asian financial crisis was more noticeable in Indonesia than in comparable ASEAN countries. In Indonesia, the contribution of TFP growth turned persistently positive after 1999. Second, what are the key determinants of the GDP per worker differences between Indonesia and the United States? Using data from the recently updated Penn World Table database and employing a levels accounting method, we find that the gap in physical capital deepening between the two countries is of declining importance in explaining the gap in labour productivity between Indonesia and the United States. We then compare our findings with data from the World Bank’s Changing Wealth of Nations 2018.  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of Japanese immigrant economic achievement in the continental United States before World War II. Japanese immigrants to the United States were a select group in terms of their occupational background and education relative to the Japanese population as a whole because of the restrictions imposed on Japanese immigration by both the Japanese and U.S. governments. Furthermore, the selective nature of Japanese immigration contributed to the economic achievement of Japanese Americans before World War II, when their occupational position underwent a dramatic improvement. This finding differs from the standard cultural explanation of ethnic economic achievement.  相似文献   

发生于1995年的日本阪神大地震,举世震惊,伤亡惨重,同时也留下了美妙绝伦的自然景观,可惜该遗址却一直没有成功申报"世界遗产"。作为同样震惊全球的汶川大地震,要想借此申报"世界遗产"则必须借鉴日本阪神地震遗址憾别世界遗产的失败经验,并且高度重视申报主体、合理界定保护范围、科学规划、保护生态原真性和做好公共教育等问题。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between savings and growth in the United States and in Japan within a simple Granger causality framework. For Japan, growth caused savings before World War II while after World War II savings caused growth. For the US, growth caused savings after World War II. These results suggest that the savings-growth relationship may depend upon the stage of development.  相似文献   

The recent empirical investigation of conditional volatility in real GDP growth rates of Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States by Hamori [Jpn. World Econ. 12 (2000) 143] finds no evidence of asymmetry. This paper re-visits the issue of asymmetric volatility using a similar approach with some modifications. We find statistically significant evidence of asymmetric volatility in the real growth rates of the United States and Canada. As such, it may be premature to conclude that business cycle indicators generally do not exhibit volatility asymmetry.  相似文献   

英国城市复兴经验及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯圆圆 《特区经济》2009,240(1):83-85
近十几年来,城市复兴已经成为了欧美城市规划界使用频率最高的词汇之一,关于城市复兴的规划实践也在如火如荼地进行,在对城市复兴产生发展的过程、相关理论以及实践进行综述总结的基础上就我国现阶段城市复兴应注意的问题提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

Flooding is the most frequent disaster type among all severe weather events in the United States. Over the 20‐year period from 1996 to 2015, a total of 107,743 floods resulted in 1563 fatalities and over $167 billion in damages. Climate models suggest that the risk of major flooding will increase in the coming years. In this article, we provide new analysis of the life‐saving role of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) using county‐level data for the United States over the years 1996–2015. The integrated view of the physical, social, economic, and political elements of disaster vulnerability guides the empirical analysis. Our analysis indicates that people most affected by floods are those who have weaker economic and social bases; lower education levels and poor housing quality increase flood vulnerability. We also find that local government spending on public safety and welfare significantly reduces overall flood vulnerability. Importantly, our estimates present new evidence that ex ante floodplain management and mitigation efforts required for participation in the NFIP have played a vital role in reducing flood‐related fatalities.  相似文献   

Before about 1900, most strikes in the United States were either won or lost by the workers who called them. Relatively few strikes ended in any sort of compromise. Sometime during the last decade of the 19th century, however, the pattern begins to change, with the fraction of strikes ending in compromise peaking at nearly half during World Wars I and II. What explains these changes in strike outcomes between the late 19th century and 1945? We explore the effects of macroeconomic conditions, industrial organization and product markets, labor organization, law and public policy, and immigration and trade on the costs and benefits of achieving strike compromises. We find that temporary government intervention in settling strikes during World War I helped move labor and management away from an adversarial equilibrium, and thus allowed growing acceptance of organized labor to be reflected in a permanent increase in the rate of compromise. We conclude that changes in the nature of strike outcomes represent an important and neglected aspect of broader changes in the place of organized labor in the American political economy.  相似文献   

Is the real appreciation of the Chinese yuan essential for correcting global imbalances? The present study offers a new perspective to the debate by drawing upon the rich international experience embodied in World Bank's World Development Indicators database. We find that the price levels of China and the United States are both low relative to the world's average. Therefore, the discrepancy between the price levels of China and the United States has been, in fact, close to zero since 2002. The difference in per capita income can fully account for the price difference between China and the United States. However, the Balassa–Samuelson effect is not a reliable guide for projecting the trend of real appreciation. According to the experience of those economies that have experienced real currency appreciation against the US dollar in 1985–2005, the mode of faster wage growth and inflation is as common as nominal appreciation, far more common for economies with a low initial price level. We do not find empirical evidence to substantiate the claim that low price levels tend to cause external surpluses. But real appreciation has a powerful effect in boosting job creation in the service sector. Therefore, the real appreciation of the Chinese yuan would contribute to restructuring the Chinese economy towards a domestic demand-based growth track.  相似文献   

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