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Most Chinese listed companies have been transformed from state-owned enterprises; the resulting institutional transformation is characterized by the emergence of highly concentrated ownership and state-owned shares, which may exert an influence on corporate finance. We examine the relationship between ownership structure and cash dividend preference and then reexamine the same relationship with different levels of growth opportunities. The results reveal a positive relationship between cash dividend preference and state ownership, but the same relationship exists only in firms facing lower levels of investment opportunity. However, the ratio of employee shares and tradable shares correlates significantly and negatively with cash dividend preference.  相似文献   

China has some unique institutional features. For example, the shares of listed firms are segmented into negotiable and nonnegotiable ones. The controlling shareholders, usually connected to the government, hold nonnegotiable shares. We examine how these institutional features affected cash dividend payments in China during the period 1994-2006. We find that dividend payments are positively associated with the proportion of nonnegotiable shares in a firm and the proportion of nonnegotiable shares held by the controlling shareholder; moreover, the 2001 China Securities Regulatory Commission stipulation requiring cash dividend payments does not benefit negotiable shareholders. However, we also find that dividend payments are downside flexible, and controlling shareholders cannot force firms to pay or to pay more dividends when firms' earnings decline significantly. The conventional factors, especially profitability or the capability to pay, still play an important role in determining the dividend policy. The propensity to pay and the payout ratio in China are not high compared to those of other countries.  相似文献   

The Association between earnings and dividend changes has been established since Lintner's (1956) pioneering work. Subsequent research attempted to establish an association between operating cash flows and dividend changes, given earnings, without success (Simons, 1994). Recently, there has been increased attention in cash flow reporting. Regulatory bodies worldwide have stressed the significance of cash flow information in capital markets. Research on the association between cash flows and dividends has been limited, yielding inconclusive results. The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate and extend prior studies by examining the incremental ability of cash flows to explain dividend changes, given earnings. We argue that a positive relationship between cash flows and dividend changes should exist due to liquidity and accruals management considerations. The empirical evidence of this study supports that the dividend changes-cash flow relationship is significantly positive (a) when operating cash flows are low compared to earnings, and (b) when firm growth is moderate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of split-share structure reform on earnings management in China. A unique institutional feature of China was the co-existence of two types of share that endowed all shareholders with equal voting and cash flow rights but different tradability. This split-share structure significantly constrained the tradability of shares that led the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission to make it mandatory for the conversion of non-tradable shares into tradable shares from 2006 onwards. We investigate whether such a conversion has any effect on information quality through reduced earnings manipulation. We specifically examine the incentives for earnings management during the reform-transition period. A unique feature of the split-share reform has been the requirement for non-tradable share holders to compensate the tradable share holders. We argue that the rational response from the non-tradable share holders would be to pay a lower consideration to tradable share holders by portraying a favorable picture through income-increasing earnings management. We also test for the effect of an increase in tradable shares on earnings management during the reform-transition and post-reform period.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of cash dividend payments on stock returns and trading volumes in the stock market. It also investigates whether there is any difference in the investment behavior of investors with respect to the dividend pay out ratio and size in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)from 1995 to 2003. Prices start to rise a few sessions before cash dividend payments, and on the ex-dividend day, they fall less than do dividend payments, finally decreasing in the sessions following the payment. Trading volume shows a considerable upward shift before the payment date and, interestingly, is stable after Thus, cash dividends influence prices and trading volumes in different ways before, at, and after payment, providing some profitable active trading strategy opportunities around the ex-dividend day. The findings support price-volume reaction discussions on the divident payment date and the significant effect of cash dividends on the stock market.  相似文献   

开放是现代经济体系和成熟金融市场的基本特征,资本市场在助力更高水平开放和推动创新转型方面被寄予厚望。本文以现金股利水平为切入点,利用"沪港通"实施构建准自然实验,验证资本市场开放对企业微观行为的政策效应。研究发现,我国资本市场开放显著提高上市公司现金股利水平,这一提升作用主要体现在代理成本高和公司成熟度低的企业中。中介效应检验显示,资金流动性增加和盈利能力上升是资本市场开放提高现金股利水平的重要渠道,而内部治理水平的中介效应并不显著。本文结论为推动资本市场高质量开放提供了经验证据,具有一定启示作用。  相似文献   

肖淑芳  喻梦颖 《会计研究》2012,(8):49-57,97
本文以《上市公司股权激励管理办法》颁布后的2006年1月1日至2011年6月30日沪深两市公告股权激励计划的上市公司为对象,研究了股权激励与股利政策的关系。结果表明,股权激励公司的送转股水平和现金股利水平从公告计划前一年起显著高于非股权激励公司;上市公司公告股权激励计划对送转股和现金股利水平均有正向的影响,但从股利政策影响因素的回归结果来看,上市公司的现金股利政策较为适合自身的特征,但在送转能力不足的情况下依然"异常高送转",表明送转股是管理层眼中最大化其股权激励收益的更为理想的掘金工具。  相似文献   

This paper highlights some theoretical arguments and empirical results on whether legal‐based minority protection affects corporate cash dividends in Finland. The Company Act in Finland states that shareholders having one tenth of all shares can demand a so‐called minority dividend, which is half of the profit of the fiscal year, yet not more than 8% of the equity. Minority dividend, as in Finland, is rarely used in EU countries. I find, that minority protection is a better influence over managerial control than controlling shareholders having absolute voting power. When there is no controlling shareholder and coalition costs are lowest, minority protection in Finland is better than minority protection in mandatory dividend countries. Combining strong shareholder rights (as in the USA) and minority dividend (as in Finland) could decrease agency costs both vertically and horizontally.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the case of Citizens Utilities, a firm with one class of common stock which pays stock dividends and one which pays taxable cash dividends. John Long's (1978) study of the two shares' relative prices suggests that investors may prefer cash dividends to equal-sized stock dividends. This paper finds that the cash dividend share's ex-day price decline is less than their dividend payment. Stock dividend shares fall by nearly their full dividend. The disparity between ex-day dividend valuation and the observed prices of the two shares is inconsistent with some explanations of the demand for cash dividends.  相似文献   

We develop new tests of the dividend signaling hypothesis by focusing on the role of liquidity. We allow for two different types of signaling models: one where current dividends signal firm value and the objective is to prevent current dilution, and the other where commitments to future dividends constitute the signal. We find that the results differ by the sign of the dividend surprise. Signaling models of the commitment type explain the market reaction to negative dividend surprises. Interestingly, this result is significant only for the earlier sub-period in our sample due, perhaps, to the well-documented increase in institutional investors with longer horizons. The market reaction to positive dividend surprises, on the other hand, is shown to be consistent with the over-investment and wealth transfer hypotheses. We show that the failure of the signaling model for these firms could be due to lower costs of dividend increases.  相似文献   

关于股改前后现金股利影响因素的实证研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
对股改前后影响现金股利水平的公司治理变量研究表明,虽然股改矫正了现金股利与增长机会之间的关系,使股改后当存在增长机会时,公司会减少现金股利的发放,但是我国上市公司的现金股利尚未呈现出全流通资本市场上作为降低控股股东与中小股东代理成本工具的现金股利政策应有的特征,突出表现在股改前后影响上市公司现金股利支付水平的股权结构变量并未发生变化,股改前后都存在股权集中度、第一大股东持股比例及第二到第十大股东持股比例与每股现金股利呈显著正相关、而流通(非限售)股比例与每股现金股利呈显著负相关的关系。  相似文献   

Donghua Chen  Ming Jian  Ming Xu 《Pacific》2009,17(2):209-223
Some Chinese listed companies pay out high dividends, despite the weak legal and institutional pressure on them to mitigate agency problems by paying dividends. We conjecture that such a phenomenon is caused by the differential pricing for tradable and non-tradable shares during the IPO of these listed companies. Such companies might use high-dividend payments to divert proceeds from an IPO or rights issue to controlling shareholders' pockets. The empirical results support our hypotheses, showing that companies with more differential pricing in the IPO, a recent IPO or rights issue, or more concentrated ownership tend to pay more dividends. Similarly, companies that are ultimately owned by the government tend to pay more dividends. Furthermore, a dividend increase accompanied by large IPO price discounts, a recent-year rights issue, an ROE qualified for rights issue, or great dividend variation is associated with more negative stock returns than other types of dividend increases. These findings indicate that dividends are not used purely for signaling or distributing free cash flows in China. Instead, dividends might be used by the controlling shareholders to engage in tunneling.  相似文献   

传统观点认为,股票回购与现金股利存在替代关系,同时在资金约束以及管理层短视情形下,二者对企业中长期研发投资支出产生负向冲击。而“边分红,边研发”却是目前我国上市公司的普遍现象。基于此背景,利用2014-2017年我国A股上市公司样本数据,在迎合渠道下分析股票回购与现金分红行为对研发投资的影响及差异。研究发现:两种分配行为并非具有完全替代性,虽然二者均会通过迎合渠道对研发投资产生正向影响,但迎合渠道又存在差异。其中,现金股利多通过股权融资渠道发挥作用,而股票回购多通过理性迎合渠道发挥作用。  相似文献   

股权结构与企业投资多元化关系:理论与实证分析   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本文以中国上市公司为样本,对股权结构与企业投资多元化关系进行了理论与实证分析。结果表明,股权集中度,包括第一大股东持股比例与企业投资多元化水平显著负相关;国有股比例与企业投资多元水平负相关,但相关性不显著;法人股比例与企业投资多元水平基本无关;流通A股(社会公众股的替代)比例与企业投资多元水平显著正相关;流通B股对企业投资多元化水平的影响可能是负向的。  相似文献   

选取留存收益股权比反映公司成熟度,研究不同金融发展水平下,公司成熟度与现金股利的关系,实证结果显示,伴随公司成熟度的提高,公司实施积极现金股利政策的动机会显著提升;金融发展在提高公司成熟度与现金股利支付倾向正向关系的同时,由于提供更多的投资机会,却弱化了公司成熟度与现金股利支付水平的正向关系。进一步研究发现,金融发展水平的提升能够推迟成熟公司首次对外支付现金股利的时机;其对公司成熟度与现金股利政策关系的影响作用主要源于金融发展的"治理效应"路径;将金融发展分为信贷市场发展和股权市场发展,发现与信贷市场促进公司成熟度与现金股利支付倾向正相关关系不同,股权市场抑制了公司成熟度与现金股利支付倾向及支付水平的正相关关系。  相似文献   

We argue that cash dividend is a type of arbitraging cost that short sellers tend to avoid. We find that dividend announcements lead to temporary short squeezes, causing the prices of highly shorted stocks to overshoot and fully revert over time. These stocks also experience excessive buy-initiated trades and abnormal trading volume in response to dividend announcements. These results are driven mainly by stocks with unpredicted dividends, low lending fees, and high dividend yields. Overall, results suggest that news of a dividend distribution is magnified by short squeezes due to increased short costs and generates excessive nonfundamentals-driven price fluctuations.  相似文献   

Equity ownership in a listed Chinese firm can have as many as five different classes: state-owned shares, legal-person (LP) shares, tradable A-shares, employee shares, and shares only available to foreign investors, a phenomenon that is unique to the Chinese equity market. In this paper, we investigate whether and how the corporate performance of listed Chinese firms is affected by their shareholding structure. The sample consists of all firms listed in the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SHSE) from 1991 to 1996. It is found that firm performance is positively related to the proportion of LP shares but negatively related to the proportion of shares owned by the state. Additional analyses indicate that firm performance increases with the degree of relative dominance of LP shares over state shares. Moreover, for the subsample of firms that do not have both state and LP shares, the return on equity (ROE) of firms with LP shares but no state shares is higher than that of firms with state shares but no LP shares by 3.84%, and this difference is statistically significant. On the other hand, there is little evidence in support of a positive correlation between corporate performance and the proportion of tradable shares owned by either domestic or foreign investors. These findings suggest that the ownership structure composition and relative dominance by various classes of shareholders can affect the performance of state-owned enterprise (SOE)-transformed and listed firms.  相似文献   

Dividend taxation is an important component of investors’ taxes and has attracted the attention of policymakers and financial economists. However, the theory of dividends and the reform of dividend taxation remain a puzzle. This paper analyzes the effect of dividend taxation on firms’ dividend policies. Using a natural experiment and difference-in-difference estimation, we find that China’s dividend tax cut in 2005 led firms to increase their dividend payments. Companies with higher proportions of tradable individual shares or investment fund shares were more likely to increase their dividend payments. However, opportunistic behavior also exists, where companies with higher proportions of shares held by executives were also more likely to increase their dividend payments. These findings support the existence of a causal relationship between China’s tax cut and firms’ increased dividend payments and imply that the reform of dividend taxation in 2005 achieved its goal.  相似文献   

论文分析了金融危机对上市公司现金股利政策的影响。研究发现,在金融危机期间,上市公司会降低现金股利支付水平,以应对未来的不确定性。但是,相比非流通股比率低的公司,非流通股比率高的公司在金融危机期间更有可能支付更多的现金股利,以满足非流通股股东对于现金的需求。研究还发现,如果公司在金融危机期间发放现金股利,则市场反应更积极,这说明公司通过股利政策向市场传递了积极的信号。但是,非流通股比率高的公司支付现金股利的市场反应要显著小于非流通股比率低的公司,这可能是市场担心非流通股股东利用现金股利侵害中小股东利益。本文研究结论为完善上市公司的现金股利政策和保护中小投资者利益提供了现实启示。  相似文献   

基于2011-2015年A股上市公司的样本数据研究发现:我国上市公司的每股现金股利与公司管理层能力呈正相关关系。原因是随着管理层能力的提升,其对资源的使用效率得到提高,为企业创造了更多的利润;基于代理理论控制自由现金流以及信号理论向外界传导有关于企业与管理层声誉的有利信号的目的,上市公司会选择发放更多的现金股利。进一步研究还发现:管理层能够通过发放现金股利来增强自身的能力效应,即发放现金股利能够正向调节管理层能力与企业绩效之间的关系;这种关系还会受到融资约束的影响。  相似文献   

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