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尹敏达 《中国经济快讯》2012,(45):I0006-I0007
实现国民经济的可持续发展,走节能减排、绿色建筑发展之路,根本是要转变传统的施工生产方式。我国钢结构企业在这条路上探索了多年。  相似文献   

今年是改革开放三十周年,也是广州高新区走过的第十七个年头。17年来,广州高新区凭借处于改革前沿阵地的优势,坚持走开放式自主创新之路,不断促进对外开放与自主创新相融合,由小变大,由弱到强,实现了快速发展。  相似文献   

邓小平同志曾经指出:农业问题,“最终可能是科学解决问题。”“将来农业问题的出路,最终要由生物工程来解决,要靠尖端技术。”奉化市宁波首开生物科技有限公司就是依靠生物工程和生物技术推进农业自主创新,走出了独具一格的精品高效农业之路。公司通过  相似文献   

10月28日上午。中央党校中直机关分院、国家机关分院的部分部级、司局级领导干部学员、中央党校函授学院和全国党校分院7千多名处级干部学员。通过中央党校远程教学,共同听取了胜利油田管理局党委副书记李玉卿关于胜利文化的讲座。 这是一个企业的文化建设成果第一次登上中央党校的课堂。 在胜利油田的企业文化建设中,自主创新是很重要的一项内容,如他们历时8年研究出了一套世界领先的隐蔽油气藏勘探理论,该理论已经让胜利油田大胆地跳出了胜利,走出渤海湾,征战海内外。如今,胜利油田的勘探面积已达12.4万平方公里,并且预测到中国东部松辽、渤海湾、南襄、江汉、苏北等盆地。隐蔽油气藏在100亿吨左右。而勘探和开发这些油气资源的潜在效益将超过万亿元。 这不仅仅是胜利油田的胜利。它代表着整个中国石油工业的全面振兴。[编者按]  相似文献   

创新是企业持续发展的灵魂,任何企业的成功都离不开创新,包括技术创新、管理创新、制度创新等各方面的创新:高新技术企业的成功更离不开技术创新。  相似文献   

1955年毕业于北京大学经济系,后留校任教1985~1992年任北京大学经济管理系系主任1993~1994年任北京大学工商管理学院院长1994至2005年任北京大学光华管理学院院长2002年至今兼任北京大学国家高新区发展战略研究院院长厉以宁教授简介  相似文献   

1988年5月,经国务院批准,我国第一个国家级高新技术产业开发区——北京中关村科技园区(以下简称中关村)诞生。20年来,中关村在改革中探索,在创新中前行,走出了一条以自主创新为核心的高科技产业发展道路,为国家科技创新和北京市经济发展作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

在我国进入全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的新时期,党的十六大根据我国经济社会转型及工业化进程发展的实际,明确提出要走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子。其后,党中央又提出要实施自主创新战略,建设创新型国家的重大决策。那么,新型工业化道路与自主创新之间存在什么联系?承载着东莞产业升级和城市升级重大使命的松山湖,应该如何探索出一条具有自身特色的自主创新之路?  相似文献   

建设国家自主创新示范区,是我国在后国际金融危机时期增强自主创新能力、抢占新一轮经济和科技竞争战略制高点的重要环节,是推动经济结构调整和经济发展方式转变、实现经济长期平稳较快发展的强大引擎。2009年3月20日,北京中关村获批建设国家自主创新示范区;  相似文献   

谢霞 《宁波通讯》2013,(8):31-31
4月9日,目前世界上最顶级的动车组首次试跑杭甬高铁和杭宁高铁。该动车组编号为CRH380D-6601,是一列综合检测动车组,总共8节车厢,里面装的也是检测设备。理论上,有了这种车,从杭州开到南京,按先期最高限速300公里/小时,如中间不停靠任何站点,50分钟之内就可到南京。宁波到杭州最快也在1小时内。与平常黄色的综合检测动车组不同的是,该动车组车身呈白色。CRH380D型动车组由青岛四方庞巴迪铁路运输设备有限  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the emergence of the new European macroeconomicstructure within EMU. We focus on three important elements:the wage-fixing authorities in each country, the fiscal authoritiesin each country, and the single European Central Bank (ECB).We identify serious problems which might arise in coordinatingboth the wage-setters and the fiscal authorities, and arguethat these problems could be exacerbated if the ECB conductsmonetary policy inappropriately. In the light of this we providerecommendations for the conduct of monetary policy by the ECB.The paper also briefly discusses financial stability issuesand the interaction between the countries in EMU and the restof the world.  相似文献   

The Assessment: EMU, Four Years On   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reviews the functioning of the Economic and MonetaryUnion over the first 4 years of its existence. Monetary policyis viewed as having been of the ‘inflation-targeting’type, but with a tendency towards delay and conservatism inadjustment, which may also reflect over-optimistic output growthforecasts. The resulting pressure on the Stability and GrowthPact (SGP) illustrates the weakness in the ‘consensusview’ of the harmonious interaction of monetary, fiscal,and supply-side policies, which requires policy in all threeareas to be ‘correct’. In discussing reform of theSGP, a looser but still constraining form of fiscal agreementis advocated. The supply-side and balance-of-payments issuesinvolved in inter-country adjustment also interact importantlywith the SGP and are identified as key areas of difficulty ina still ‘immature’ monetary union, with separatelabour-market structures. Here the mechanisms for coordinationare more or less absent.  相似文献   

After a brief overview of the fiscal theory of the price level, we consider the insights it provides into monetary policy formation under certain kinds of deflationary and inflationary stress. Then we consider how the institutions of the EMU are equipped – or unequipped – to deal with such stress. The conclusion is that fiscal institutions as yet unspecified will have to arise or be invented in order for EMU to be a long-term success.  相似文献   

Currency unions and trade: The special case of EMU   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the impact of the adoption of the euro on the commercial transactions of EMU countries is investigated. It seeks to disentangle the effects of eliminating exchange rate volatility — and those of other policy factors that promote integration — from the influence of the emergence of the European currency union. Since EMU is a relatively new phenomenon, a panel estimation of the gravity equation in a dynamic framework is used in order to capture effects like trade persistence. The main finding is that the adoption of the euro has had a positive but not an exorbitant impact on bilateral trade between European countries (ranging between 9 and 10 per cent). The impact is much lower than that shown in the recent literature on a larger and heterogeneous set of countries. One reason for this divergence seems to be that the euro was adopted after decades of integration policies had already worked through in Europe. JEL no. F4, F15, C230  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence that the choice of the foreign exchange regime is not of first order importance for achieving high output growth. It is argued that due to the forward looking nature of the foreign exchange market, exchange rate stability hinges on the current and anticipated coherency of monetary and fiscal policies. We demonstrate this empirically on a panel including potential EMU accession countries. By means of rank regression analysis we uncover the partial links across the regime specifics of the representative country versus the German regime during the 1990s.  相似文献   

The Impact of EMU on Trade Flows. — In this paper we quantify the impact of exchange rate volatility on trade flows within the EU with the help of a gravity trade model. We consider bilateral instead of total exports, and we use panel data. Moreover, we introduce dynamics into the model, taking lagged exports as explanatory variable. The estimation of this model for the period 1962–1995 leads to significant negative coefficients for the proxy of exchange rate variability. We use these estimates to calculate the potential trade-creating effect of a monetary union, setting the exchange rate volatility equal to zero.  相似文献   

The Impact of EMU on Inflation Expectations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses the impact of the monetary regime change from the Bundesbank to the ECB on inflation expectations. In the theoretical part, the Barro-Gordon model is used to derive the potential effect of a new central bank on inflation and inflation expectations. The econometric investigation is based on a flexible specification of expectation formation which allows both for rational and adaptive elements. The results indicate that the monetary regime change did not have a strong and lasting impact on the formation of inflation expectations and that the credibility of both central banks is not perceived to differ significantly anymore. JEL Classification Numbers: E 58, E 31  相似文献   

Developments in fiscal policies since the start of Economic and Monetary Union have time and again raised the question of whether the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) provides an appropriate framework for fiscal policy coordination. Critics have argued that the SGP, in particular the set of rules specifying the application of the 3% deficit reference value of the Maastricht Treaty, is too rigid as it could force countries to restrain fiscal policies in difficult times and exacerbate cyclical volatility. Moreover, the SGP has been accused of inhibiting growth by limiting useful public expenditure (e.g. on investment). Supporters argue that the SGP provides a constructive, and indeed indispensable, framework for fiscal policies in Monetary Union. It is credited with securing stable and sustainable public finances within adequate bounds of flexibility. In the current dire state of public finances in many Member States and at the euro area level, this debate has reached a new peak.I would like to thank Philipp C. Rother for his valuable contributions.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionChina’s urban population reached39.1percent by theend of2002,up from the rateof36.22percentin2000,and achievedtheworld’saveragelevelfordevelopingcountries(CCTVprogram,11/12/03).Thebenefitsofasuccessfulurbanizationaremany-fold,including,forexample,creatingnon-farmjobs toalleviateurban-ruralincomedisparity,promotingeconomicand socialequality,and boosting domestic demand,especially the potential demand of China’s rural residents.Urbanization thusbearsdirectlyon thesustainabilit…  相似文献   

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