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在计划经济体制下,石油企业在用的计量器具~直采取固定的检定周期,先编制周检计划后执行周期检定的模式,这种模式在保证量值传递的准确性,计量数据的科学性等方面在一定的时期曾起到了一定的作用。但是,随着市场经济的建立和完善,企业要对质量、效益、成本综合考虑,所以探讨新形势下计量器具的周期检定已成为计量工作人员的一个新课题。下面针对计量器具的周期检定存在的问题及解决方法浅谈如下:一是应该将计量器具“日历时间法”周期检定分为“日历时间法”和“在用时间法”计量器具总体上可分为连续测量计量器具和频次测量计量器…  相似文献   

港西油田实施简化优化工程以后,油水井生产、站库数据采集的自动化程度越来越高,应用的各类传感器、变送器等计量器具越来越多,计量器具的管理和正常检定成为了主要的问题.本文将计量器具的检定和计量器具的管理有机的结合起来,减轻了检定员的劳动强度、提高了劳动效率、规范了计量器具的管理.充分发挥了计量工作的监督保证作用,促进了港西油田的技术进步和科学化管理,为“港西模式”的延伸奠定了基础.  相似文献   

计量检定是校验计量器具性能的主要工作途径,在实际工作中需要加强对计量检定工作重要性的全面分析和优化,完善整体技术方案,为后续检定工作提供重要基础。加强对计量检定工作的重视程度,按照主要工作目标和各个检定器具本身的性能,优化整体工作模式,全面提高计量检定工作质量,促进行业的不断进步和发展。  相似文献   

计量器具的准确性对于整个计量工作起着决定性的影响作用,但是在实际的计量工作中经常会出现计量器具在检定周期内出现失准的情况,大大影响了计量工作的正常进行,而作为计量工作者不仅要在计量过程中坚持公平公正的工作原则,同时也要注意计量器具的工作状态,确保计量器具的准确性,从而保证计量工作的工作效率.本文笔者从事计量工作多年,对于计量工作中计量器具在检定周期内出现失准现象颇有研究,现结合自身的实践经验,在本文中重点分析造成计量器具在检定周期内失准的原因,并提出相应的对策.  相似文献   

合理确定在用计量器具的检定周期   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定计量器具检定周期的目的及要求在用计量检测器具 ,由于其自身的变化 (如器具本身物质的老化、结构参数连接状态的老化等 ) ,外界条件的影响 (如振动、辐射、温度、湿度、污染等 ) ,都会使计量检测的量值发生变化 ,经过一段时间 ,量值就可能会超差。因此 ,必须根据计量器具的准确度和使用状况 ,安排合理的检定周期对其进行检定 ,以确保其准确度不超出规定的误差范围。凡计量法规定的强制检定计量器具 ,由政府或其指定部门依法执行强检 ,而企业依法自主管理的计量器具 ,则由企业根据生产管理的实际要求 ,确定检定周期 ,并按期周检 ,做好记…  相似文献   

一、概况 油流量计量器具在石油、化工行业的应用极为普遍,油流量计量器具的量值传递直接关系到相关企业的安全生产与经济效益。当前通用的量值传递方法是,工作用油流量计用标准流量计、标准体积管、三等标准金属量器作计量标准器来检定,标准体积管和三等标准金属量器用二等或一等标准金属量器来检定。油流量计包括容积式流量计和推理式流量计。 《计量法》规定“计量检定必须按照国家计量检定系统表进行”。按照国家现行的计量检定系统表,  相似文献   

付婧 《化工管理》2013,(4):15-15
在油田生产过程中,计量工作作为油田的基础性工作占有重要的地位。油田所使用的计量仪表的精度等级要求越来越高,促使油田从检定、校准到证书出具等各个环节对计量管理工作不断地提高。做好油田标准器具的检定、校准工作,是保证油田产品质量的重要基础。油田标准器具的检定、校准是通过计量标准器具及计量仪器设备来进行的,计量标准器具及计量仪器设备的精度高低将直接反映到油田标准器具上。因此,提升计量工作水平就显得更为重要。  相似文献   

计量检定工作内容是评定计量器具性能、检验计量器具是否合格。结合计量检定工作内容,从压缩天然气加气机结构及工作原理、影响压缩天然气加气机计量准确性的因素入手,以质量法检定及标准法检定为例,探究压缩天然气加气机计量检定实施方法。  相似文献   

结合辽河油田公司与辽河石油勘探局重组后的新形势,阐述了如何做好企业计量器具管理工作。指出要做好计量器具管理工作,须健全计量器具管理制度、科学制定计量器具检定周期、加强工程项目“计量三同时”管理等。  相似文献   

井玉颖 《化工管理》2013,(10):17-17
检定证书是法定计量检定机构向用户出具的具有法律效力的证明文书,合格的检定证书代表对应的被检计量器具经过合法准确测量。检定证书的准确性和统一性直接关系到使用单位的生产安全,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The title of Table 4 on page 336 should read: “Ancova of factors that might influence respondents' decision to leave the field”. The covariaties listed in the footer to Table 4 should read: “graduation cohort, experience at present”.  相似文献   

对原油计量交接中遇到的K值特殊情况下的查表问题展开讨论,综合了《数值修约规则》及《石油计量表》等标准,提出切实可行的解决办法,满足了生产现场的需要。  相似文献   

We have learned recently that the stories of King Arthur and his Round Table may be more fact than fable. There is certainly more fact than fable in the story told here by Irving Calish and Donald Gamache. They deal with the realities of managing new ventures.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the new Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis recently published by the AIChE Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). CCPS was formed soon after the disasters in Mexico City and Bhopal. CCPS was established in 1985 by the AIChE to develop and disseminate technical information for use in the prevention of major chemical accidents. The center is supported by over 60 industrial sponsors in the chemical process industry (CPI), who provide the necessary funding and professional guidance to its technical committees. The major product of CCPS activities has been a series of guideline books. Table I presents a list of the currently available CCPS guidelines. The first book, Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures (HEP), presented various structured qualitative techniques (HAZOP, FMEA, etc.) that could be used to identify possible hazards in a chemical facility. The Technical Steering Committee of CCPS decided that a sequel to HEP should be developed which would present quantitative methods for acute process hazards. The Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis (CPQRA) resulted from that decision.  相似文献   

Round Table on Telecommunications and Equality, organized by the Institute for Economic and Social Research into Telecommunications (IREST),1Paris, France, 25 June 1979  相似文献   

编制投入产出表涉及大量的数据与计算,滞后问题严重。根据电力与经济呈正相关的原理,将已有的投入产出表及已知相关数据作为经济体的初始状态,以用电量及公布的宏观经济数据作为经济体运行的目标状态,采用ARE(智能体响应均衡)模型,模拟宏观经济的运行。并以用电量为约束的迭代算法让经济体达到目标状态,推出新的投入产出表。在ARE模拟中,各行业的模拟用电量与实际用电量之间的误差越小,得到的投入产出表精度越高。以此方法更新的投入产出表滞后期减少1~2年,可为其他经济模型研究及政策制定提供基础。  相似文献   

The above article (DOI: 10.1000/smj728) was published online on 20 November 2008 in Wiley Interscience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). Printing errors were subsequently identified in the article: Page 14. Table 1: row 13 should be labelled ‘Post‐integration financial return’. Page 14. Table 1: row 14 should be labelled ‘Post‐integration market position’. Page 17. lines 48‐50: ‘Improving financial return requires removal of critical organizational elements with which organization members feel tightly connected.’ should read ‘Improving financial return requires removal of critical organizational elements such as company names, departments, products, and people with which organization members feel tightly connected.’  相似文献   

Round Table on Electronic Mail, organized by the French Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales sur les Télécommunications, Paris, France, 29 November 1977.  相似文献   

The main purpose of US Public Law 480 is to make food available to deficit countries on concessional or credit terms by using domestic US agricultural surpluses. Food aid under Title I is intended to provide a resource transfer to resource-poor countries; Title II (Food for Peace) shipments are intended for famine relief, the alleviation of malnutrition, and are generally targeted at the neediest people, especially children, in poor countries. Under Title III, sales proceeds are earmarked for programmes for agricultural development. The following three articles illustrate differing beliefs held about the effectiveness of PL 480 food aid, and particularly the value of Food for Peace. Table 1 shows the total shipments and budgeted acquisitions under Title II.  相似文献   

In response to the Bhopal disaster and several repeated chemical releases (even though of less dangerous magnitude) in New Jersey, the state of New Jersey passed a bill on January 8, 1986, which is aimed at the prevention of such catastrophic releases in the state. This bill is officially referred to as the Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act (TCPA). The TCPA identified eleven specific Extraordinarily Hazardous Substances (EHS). Table 1 lists these eleven EHS identified in the Act and their reportable quantities. The TCPA aims at the prevention of the release of these EHS into the environment. The Legislature did not provide the basis and background of the development of the reportable quantities of these eleven EHS. The TCPA mandates that the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) shall expand the list of these EHS and shall “… correlate the substances with the quantities required to produce the potentially catastrophic circumstances.”  相似文献   

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