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一、关于中国利率市场化背景研究 我国学术界对于中国利率市场化背景的研究是在建立社会主义市场经济体制中逐渐提出来的.  相似文献   

中国的利率管制与利率市场化   总被引:65,自引:0,他引:65  
中国政府的金融约束政策在维系金融体系稳定、促进经济发展和金融深化等方面曾取得令世人瞩目的成就 ,但利率管制的金融约束政策也付出了一定的代价。随着中国加入WTO的临近和中国金融市场的开放 ,利率市场化已经成为历史的必然 ,然而目前实施利率市场化仍然存在着众多的约束。只有解除这些约束 ,中国利率市场化改革方可稳健地进行  相似文献   

国外当代利率市场化理论探讨与实践的借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济的全球化必然导致金融市场国际化。中国加入WTO后,金融领域逐步全面地对外开放,金融业将融入到全球金融服务的竞争中。对于中国金融业而言,如何从理论上和实践上弄清楚利率市场化的问题,借鉴国外的成功经验,加快推行我国利率市场化改革的进程,已是大势所趋,刻不容缓。  相似文献   

利率市场化不仅是当今世界金融全球化的发展趋势,也是我国金融体制改革的大势所趋和客观要求,利率市场化无论对银行、企业和个人,都将产生巨大影响,因此探讨和研究我国利率市场化改革的进一步深化有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

金融发展的路径依赖与利率市场化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国金融改革虽然成效显著,但仍未突破以银行为主导的金融发展路径,并在存款利率等方面形成新的金融压抑,存贷款利差扩大不利于银行创新改革,成为利率市场化的阻碍因素。运用金融发展的路径依赖理论对此进行了详细的分析,并指出在实行赶超型金融发展战略中,为不被旧的路径锁定,使利率市场化顺利进行,减少金融改革中银行业的风险,必须在既有路径中边发展、边修正改造,调整金融结构,变银行主导型为资本市场主导型金融体系,政府在金融活动中的职能也应及早转变,促使政府主导的供给型金融向市场主导的需求尾随型金融转变。  相似文献   

利率市场化:我国金融改革的必由之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周科 《经济师》2003,(6):213-214
文章对我国利率市场化进行了论述 ,同时对我国利率市场化的可行性进行了分析 ,指出利率市场化是我国金融改革的必由之路 ,并提出了政策建议  相似文献   

从历史的视角来看,低水平的利率安排是由我国经济发展所内生决定的,并在渐进改革的过程中得到了维持,它在为国有企业提供了充分的金融补贴的同时。不可避免地出现对资金供给的掠夺,但是还应看到的是,其避免了改革进程中的较大效率损失,因而低利率管制政策成为我国经济发展过程中的一种合理而必要的制度安排,但随着我国经济改革的深入推进,低水平管制利率制度的效率损失正在逐渐上升,尤其是在加入WTO的背景下,外部变量的引入使得利率市场化改革变得极为紧迫而必要,然而当前我国尚不完全具备利率市场化的现实条件,因而,创造条件和沿渐进路径从边际调整中有序推进利率市场化改革无疑是目前工作着力点。  相似文献   

互联网金融给整个金融行业带来了深刻的影响。互联网金融发展的根本原因是存款利率管制导致的利率扭曲,直接原因是证监会的监管创新和互联网技术的发展。由于构建在互联网企业的支付平台上,支付功能的提供使得互联网金融具有货币属性,成为活期存款的替代品。因此,互联网金融的本质是活期存款的利率市场化,它冲击了央行负责的存款利率市场化进程。此外,互联网金融有着较大的流动性风险,可能引发系统性危机,应将其纳入监管框架之下。  相似文献   

马光远 《商周刊》2012,(8):37-37
温州金融改革综合试验区未列入利率市场化议程,也有人认为,利率市场化在目前阶段最好暂时别提。持有这样观点的人应该是多虑了。  相似文献   

我国多年来的金融改革仍未突破以银行为主导的金融发展路径,并在存款利率等方面形成新的金融压抑。存贷款利差扩大不利于银行创新改革,成为利率市场化的阻碍因素。我国在实行赶超型金融发展战略中,为不被旧的路径锁定,使利率市场化顺利进行,最佳选择是在既有路径中边发展边修正改造旧路径,调整金融结构,变银行主导型为资本市场主导型金融体系。政府在金融活动中的职能也应及早转变,促使政府主导的供给型金融向市场主导的需求尾随型金融转变。  相似文献   

Findings from previous studies generally indicate that relying on advice from financial advisors is associated with investment decisions. This study uses data from the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) to mainly investigate three types of advisors: (a) financial planners, (b) accountants, and (c) lawyers. Getting investment advice from financial planners is found to be positively associated with stock ownership, while this relationship is negative for individual investors relying on advice from lawyers. Evidence from this study also suggests that some personal characteristics, such as age, education, risk tolerance may play a key role in shaping individual investors’ investment decisions.  相似文献   

分析了我国进行利率市场化改革的现状、必要性和风险,探讨了我国目前金融监管的缺陷,指出了完善金融监管防范利率市场化过程中可能发生风险的措施.  相似文献   

张其林 《时代经贸》2007,5(2X):114-115
分析了我国进行利率市场化改革的现状、必要性和风险,探讨了我国目前金融监管的缺陷,指出了完善金融监管防范利率市场化过程中可能发生风险的措施。  相似文献   

If society adopts a Pareto-optimal sharing rule, it will, under some strong assumptions, be able to make risky investment decisions with unanimity.  相似文献   

Firms alter investing decisions when there is debt in the capital structure. Security design features can exacerbate the situation. This article studies how strategic debt service may affect investment distortions resulting from debt financing in a dynamic framework. When the production decision involves an expansion option, the shareholders’ option to strategically default on the outstanding debt eliminates bankruptcy costs but, in contrast to previous literature where production decisions are fixed, leads to suboptimal investing decisions. This is due to higher wealth transfers from shareholders to debt holders upon exercise of the growth option. Strategic debt service, therefore, may reduce the value of the firm. The setting of an endogenous production set offers a potential explanation for empirical observations of wide credit spreads and low leverage.  相似文献   

We build a Real Options model to assess the importance of private provision and the impact of expropriation risk on investment timing, business values, governmental costs and social welfare. We consider two types of businesses (essential and non-essential) and two stages (operating businesses and investment opportunities) and answer questions regarding three main topics: the firm's reaction to expropriation risk, the government drivers to expropriate, and the welfare costs of expropriation. Our results show that responding to expropriation risk the private investor is driven to suboptimal investment decisions. When we endogenize the reputational costs of expropriation, our results show that the decision of the government to expropriate largely depends on the type of business being targeted. In terms of welfare, our results show that expropriation is always associated with a loss.  相似文献   

Numerous behavioural factors have been identified as having an impact on household stockholding decisions. Given there is both theoretical and empirical evidence to support the premise that offspring gender can influence specific types of parental preferences, I test the theory that offspring gender has an effect on parental investment decision-making. I find that offspring gender does influence household stock market participation. Specifically, I find that having only female offspring can significantly increase the probability of stockholding. Given stockholding can have large effects on household wealth levels and that family wealth levels affect intergenerational transfers, this finding could have important implications for understanding distributional welfare issues.  相似文献   

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