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本文研究了经济活动中信息不对称与经济结构问题。首先,分析了信息不对称经济系统中的经济行为与资源配置过程,在微观机理上搞清信息不对称的经济行为所产生的外部性对经济效率的作用。其次,通过典型的代表性案例分析和模型论证,提示了信息不对称经济活动中外部性和社会居本的产生与存在及其影响经济效率的作用机理,分析证明了信息不对称在与其相应的经济结构和环境下所造成经济活动中的社会成本增与经济非均衡加剧是其影响经济效率的根本要害。最后,我们证明,只要经济活动(系统)的外部环境确定(如社会信息、产权关系等)和充分竞争的经济结构,那么,都不想把“蛋糕”做小的理性就可以使得经济活动实现有效率的合作与“协同”。  相似文献   

This paper reports on an innovative UK-based ‘Supply Chain Learning’ (SCL) initiative to encourage the corporate sector to consider supplier diversity in respect of ethnic minority businesses. This follows academic and policy interest in programmes to empower ethnic minority enterprises to achieve breakout to mainstream markets and business growth. The first phase of the initiative, entitled Supplier Development East Midlands (SDEM) is examined. By adopting an inter-organisational action learning approach, some of the key attributes of the programme are delineated, focusing on the recurrent action-reflection cycle taking place in a learning group comprising SDEM, LPOs (Large Purchasing Organisations) and small EMSs (Ethnic Minority Suppliers).  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a study that examines how formal analysis is actually used in practice in three different organizations. Four main groups of purposes for formal analysis--information, communication, direction and control, and symbolic purposes--are identified and related to the nature of the social and hierarchical relationships between those who initiate analysis, those who do it, and those who receive it. It is concluded that, far from being antithetical as often assumed, formal analysis and social interaction are inextricably linked in organizational decision making and that different structural configurations may generate different patterns of use of analysis.  相似文献   

The article gives an overview of key issues in strategic HRM in the Netherlands. the experiences and needs of practitioners act as a starting point for this analysis. Based on an inventory of recent publications in the professional journals and conferences for practitioners the following key issues were identified: linking HRM policies and practices to corporate strategy; from specialist staff to regular line management and external agencies; improving quality; measuring the outcome of HRM activities; and redesigning HRM tools from flows thinking to competency building. the state of the art in each of these areas is outlined and this is followed by an analysis which traces underlying causes and factors. Future perspectives inspired by case study evidence from leading companies in the area of strategic HRM are explored.  相似文献   

常代奇 《价值工程》2014,(2):139-140
高校经济活动在当前社会经济活动中的比重越来越重,但在其发展的过程中也出现了一些问题。本文主要论述了高校经济活动中存在几种常见的问题,并给出了解决问题的有效建议和具体措施。  相似文献   

This paper unravels the relations between different categories of the informal economy and their spatial distribution in the geographical setting of Brussels. Micro perspectives (households as economic agents) and macro perspectives (the informal economy related to economic recession) are combined in order to deal with categories of informal activities which are homogenous in terms of their spatial logic. In the first part we review several classifications of informal economic activities and assess them in terms of their congruence with the distinctions of economic actors and spatial logic. The second part elaborates on the raisons d’être of three large categories of informal economic activities in relation to urban development and on the production environments of these activities in Brussels: the domestic sector and suburban development; economic recession and survival strategies in the inner city; and, finally, flexibility and informalization in urban light industry. Polanyi’s concept of modes of economic integration (market, redistribution and reciprocity) offers a powerful tool to understand informal economic activities as a set of interrelations between households and other economic actors in order to gain access to their living resources — Ce texte analyse les relations entre différentes catégories d’activités économiques informelles et leur répartition spatiale à Bruxelles. Les perspectives micro (les ménages en tant qu’agents économiques) et macro (l’économie informelle liée à la récession économique) sont combinées pour aboutir à des catégories d’activit’és’économiques informelles homogènes en termes de logique spatiale. Dans une première partie nous considérons plusieurs classifications des activités économiques informelles pour évaluer au niveau théorique leur congruence avec les types d’acteurs et les logiques spatiales. La seconde partie décrit les raisons d’? tre de trois grandes catégories d’activités économiques informelles et les met en relation avec le développement urbain et leurs milieux de production à Bruxelles. On distingue ainsi le secteur domestique liéà la péri-urbanisation, les stratégies de survie liées à la récession dans le centre-ville et la flexibilité et l’informalisation de l’industrie urbaine. Le concept de modes d’intégration économique de Polanyi (échange marchand, redistribution et réciprocité) constitue un outil d’analyse efficace pour comprendre ces activités économiques informelles en tant que combinaisons précises d’interrelations entre ménages et autres acteurs économiques permettant aux premiers d’accéder à leurs moyens d’existence.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an overview of Dutch HRM Research in the last decade, based on a content analysis of academic journals in this area. Also included is a comparison between UK and USA research, on the one hand, and Dutch research, on the other. Looking back, we conclude that HRM research in the Netherlands has had a relatively institutional character and has been less focused on HRM activities in a narrow sense. Dutch HRM researchers have paid less attention to the strategic positioning of HRM, to the redesign of HRM tools in the area of through-flow and performance management (appraisal, reward systems, feedback mechanisms) and to the monitoring of the effects of HRM. In this way HRM research has not reflected the key HRM issues occupying the attention of practitioners. From more recent patterns, however, we expect Dutch HRM research increasingly to reflect managerial concerns. This does not imply full convergence with US patterns, especially given the Dutch traditions in industrial relations and personnel management. The challenge for Dutch research on HRM is to find the right balance between market forces and institutional arrangements, including a fair position for the workers; this will have to do justice to the long established tradition of industrial democracy and consultation practices among the various stakeholders.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, much debate has revolved around Karl Polanyi's concept of the “dis/embedded economy,” generating some light and not a little heat. This paper looks at three reasons that account for part of the “heat.” It begins by tracing the sources upon which Polanyi drew. They include Karl Marx, Ferdinand Tönnies, and Max Weber, along with anthropology of the inter‐war period, and German and American Institutionalist economics. After exploring the differing ways in which these varying currents conceptualize the relationship between economy and society, I explore the different interpretations of what Polanyi means by embeddedness, and the different purposes to which contemporary economic sociologists have put the term. For some, he is held up as the originator of a line of sociological analysis that treats “the economy” as a subsystem “embedded in” a social system. In this reading the emphasis is upon the moral underpinnings of market behavior, in contrast to the naturalism of Ricardo, Malthus and their heirs. For others, his “disembedding” thesis contains a more radical tale: of the market economy coming to dominate “society,” bringing forth a sorcerer's apprentice world of untrammeled market forces that, although human creations, lie beyond conscious human control.  相似文献   

内生经济增长理论认为,人力资本通过影响技术创新和传播间接贡献于经济增长。本文利用省际数据,引入空间回归方法,包括空间滞后模型和空间误差模型,首先估计了人力资本对技术创新水平的影响;再进一步引入二阶段回归模型,加入空间依赖性,来估计人力资本通过创新影响经济增长的间接作用。本文的主要实证发现包括,从业人员接受高等教育的比例与省域技术创新活动有着显著的正相关关系,但对经济增长的间接贡献不明显。  相似文献   

李艳  刘彩华 《价值工程》2007,26(11):41-43
系统地阐述了经济增加值(EVA)的基本理论,在与传统业绩评价指标进行对比的基础上总结了其优越性;并通过设置奖金银行账户来建立激励薪酬机制,以此来全面地认识和了解经济增加值。  相似文献   

In many countries governments not only regulate business activities, but also become involved in the corporate governance of individual firms through ownership and board ties. While existing studies usually focus either on benefits of political connections or on costs of government influence, a political embeddedness perspective helps us consider both advantages and constraints associated with ties to the government. In particular, firms with direct ties to the government will experience significant costs associated with government officials' involvement in the corporate governance process. In contrast, firms with ties to state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) are connected to the government indirectly and thus, while getting access to state‐owned resources, avoid costs associated with the government's interventions. This study compares the performance consequences of board and ownership ties to the government with the consequences of board and ownership ties to SOEs. I find that ties to SOEs are associated with higher profitability, while no significant differences are discovered for firms with direct ties to the government.  相似文献   

The figure of the global architect is often quoted in public discourse but loosely used. This article focuses on Norman Foster, the prolific British architect, and seeks to examine his successful exploitation of the processes of architectural globalization. Yet it also seeks to unravel the varying meanings of Foster — as ‘creative’ individual, as visual design style, and as architectural practice or firm. To illustrate this, I consider the architect in multiple ways: as an individual creative designer within an increasingly globalized architectural ‘star system’; through his corporeal presence at various stages of project design or commissioning; as the manager and leader of a design process and studio; and through a discussion of the relationship between ‘signature’ and brand, questioning the nature of authorship in contemporary architectural production. L’architecte planétaire est souvent mais imprécisément évoqué dans le discours public. En se consacrant au prolifique architecte britannique Norman Foster; cet article examine son exploitation pertinente des processus de mondialisation architecturale, tout en démêlant les sens que revêt Foster — individu créatif, style de conception visuel, et exercice ou cabinet d’architecte. Pour ce faire, l’homme est observé de plusieurs façons: comme concepteur créatif particulier dans un ‘star system’ d’architectes toujours plus mondialisé; à travers sa présence physique à divers stades de conception ou de réception du projet; en tant que dirigeant et chef de file d’un processus et d’un studio de création; et via une discussion sur le rapport entre ‘signature’ et marque, mettant en doute la paternité des productions architecturales contemporaines.  相似文献   

To better understand how businesses' motivation and support for green projects varies by their organizational objectives and characteristics, this study investigates a case of urban forestry carbon credits in a broader context of climate change mitigation efforts. Companies and organizations currently participating in the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) were surveyed regarding their perception of consumers' concerns with climate change, attitudes toward government regulations, factors important to their emission management decisions, and their interest in buying and paying premiums for carbon credits sourced from urban forestry. Statistical analysis of the responses reveals noticeable differences among various types of business organizations. The findings are useful for understanding how businesses respond to different kinds of green products and will help in the development of green product markets. Finally, the results will help in developing effective environmental policies that respond well to businesses' objectives and preferences. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

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