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General consensus exists concerning the relevance of networks and space in poverty situations, despite a considerable dispute on the prominence of each element. While social‐support and poverty debates highlight the joint importance of space and networks, the research agenda on contemporary communities suggests that networks have recently started replacing space in social integration. These debates mainly consider networks and ties normatively and are restricted to the global North, hampering the formulation of comparative interpretations and more theoretical conclusions. This article discusses the relationship between space, sociability and poverty, based on research results on networks of poor individuals in two major Brazilian metropolisesSalvador and São Paulo. Research indicates the existence of great heterogeneity in the networks of poor individuals, although with substantial differences, on average, to middle‐class individuals. Certain types of networks and sociability are systematically associated with better living conditions, employment and income. Additionally, network mobilization by individuals presents important regularities associated with social mechanisms, understood as regular patterns that trigger or cause certain results. These mechanisms explain to a great extent the heterogeneity of networks, and mediate the individual's access to opportunities and everyday assistance. They therefore contribute decisively to the production (and reproduction) of urban poverty.  相似文献   

This article considers the politics of resettlement within ongoing efforts to construct the Tietê River Valley Park (Parque Várzeas do Tietê), a linear park that upon completion will be the largest linear park in the world. Located in the eastern periphery of São Paulo, Brazil, the proposed project uses riverbank naturalization to dampen floodpeaks and bring green space to underserved populations. Due to the presence of low‐income neighborhoods on the river's edge, however, the project calls for the removal of roughly 40,000 people. Drawing from urban political ecology and contemporary concerns about environmentally induced displacement, I consider the conflicts over resettlement that mark the project. I analyze the project itself and situate it within a regional context defined by autoconstruction, regularized flooding, and insecure tenure. I argue that despite claims that the project will yield less risky lives for displaced residents, the form through which the project is being developed actually puts displaced residents in heightened situations of risk. I consider how communities have organized to resist displacement, and call for an approach to governance in peripheral landscapes that takes seriously the histories of collective infrastructural provisioning and autoconstructed housing that have marked them for decades.  相似文献   

This article explores the strategic importance of information systems for social control of networked services on urban and regional scales, and the nature of the information required for that purpose. The standard indicators of infrastructure coverage – by and large based on the number and encompassment of connections – no longer respond to the real conditions of supply and consumption. The technological and managerial innovations in flow control and dispatch, along with the effects of combined access to multi‐mode networks, render the evaluation of services’ connectivity considerably more complex than it used to be in the past. Private domination over the supply structure of these services tends to make the political struggle for equitability more dependent on the technical reliability of information than it could have been under the model of state supply. Networked services’ management has evolved to a more demand‐oriented structure, but this structure has so far reproduced the structural inequalities of Brazilian society in favor of powerful stakeholders, e.g. large consumers. The potential for more democratic control associated with this new balance between supply and demand in networked services can only evolve if more vulnerable social groups have access to sound technological and managerial information. To support this idea the article shows the importance of connectivity indicators in determining the effective access to networked utilities in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo, in contrast to the traditional indicators of services’ coverage. Cet article explore l’importance stratégique des systémes d’information pour le contrôle social des services de réseaux au niveau urbain et régional, et la nature de l’information nécessaire pour cela. Les indicateurs habituels du niveau d’information sur l’infrastructure – généralement basés sur le nombre et la compréhension des relations – ne répondent plus aux conditions réelles de provision et de consommation. Les nouveautés de technologie et de gestion dans le contrôle du mouvement et dans les expéditions, ainsi que les effets de l’accés joint aux réseaux à modes multiples, rendent l’évaluation des liens entre les services beaucoup plus complexe que précédemment. La domination de la structure de provision de ces services par le domaine privé a tendance à rendre la lutte politique pour la justice plus dépendante de la fiabilité des informations qu’elle aurait pu l’? tre dans le modéle de provision par l’état. La gestion des services de réseaux a évolué vers une structure orientée vers la demande, mais jusqu’à présent cette structure a reproduit les inégalités structurelles de la société brésilienne qui favorise des détenteurs de pouvoir, par exemple les gros consommateurs. Les possibilités d’un contrôle plus démocratique associéà cet équilibre nouveau entre la provision et la demande dans les services de réseaux ne peut se développer que si les groupes sociaux les plus vulnérables ont accés à une information technologique et gestionnaire fiable. Pour soutenir cette opinion, l’article démontre l’importance des indicateurs de rapports pour déterminer des conditions d’accés efficaces aux entreprises de service de réseaux dans la région métropolitaine de Sao Paulo, au contraire des indicateurs traditionnels de l’information des services.  相似文献   

Cities need law to thrive, but it is not clear how abstract texts become tangible policy outcomes. Existing research on the role of law in urban affairs conceives law as either an algorithm that shapes urban life or a reflection of political disputes. The former assumes that the meaning of law is obvious; the latter claims it is irrelevant. In contrast to these views, I argue that laws are multipurpose instruments that acquire a specific function when enforced by those government agents who operate at the frontlines of public service. To understand what these agents do and why, I conducted a qualitative study of the Ministério Público and the Defensoria Pública in São Paulo, Brazil. Through this process, I found that these government agencies are not cohesive bureaucracies but heterarchies composed of distinct internal factions with different evaluative principles. Moreover, officials within them are not isolated from other entities in society but tightly entangled with them, and these connections influence what these officials do. Finally, enforcement agents are not always resigned to solving conflicts as they arise. Rather, they strive to find acceptable solutions in the interstices of existing conditions or even change the circumstances that created the conflict in the first place.  相似文献   

This article deals with the state policies of urban infrastructure in São Paulo, Brazil, from 1975 to 2000. Working with primary information about the investments made by the state in public works, we discuss a series of arguments present in the urban studies literature about the patterns of state investment in urban spaces and propose an alternative explanation for state action in Brazilian urban spaces in recent decades. We analyze the main elements that have influenced the overall pattern of investments, describe the main characteristics of this policy over time and in each of the municipal governments of the period, as well as develop an evaluation of the spatial distribution of the resources among each of the main social groups in the city.  相似文献   

Standard economic theory proposes that public goods (equally available to everyone) will be underprovided by private markets. Individuals can benefit without having to pay, so there is little incentive to invest or manage resources efficiently. The punishment of criminals is an example of this, since everyone in a society benefits from reduced crime whether they pay to apprehend criminals or not. On that basis, it is widely presumed that governments must provide criminal justice services, including prisons. But the evidence in favor of that view is ambiguous. Stateless societies throughout history have found ways to maintain public order without ever building a prison. Nations with adequate social safety nets and a high degree of equality are also likely to rely on alternatives to incarceration. Strong forms of public goods theory, when applied to punishments and prisons, are shown to be false, since crime control does exist without a centralized state. Furthermore, the available evidence suggests that centralized government provision and management can also suffer inefficiencies from overproduction. Only comparative institutional analysis can speak to the efficiency potentials of punishment, wherein the costs of underproduction are assessed against the likely consequences of overproduction.  相似文献   

This interview examines Telefónica's projects and efforts in the area of corporate social responsibility. Telefónica is one of the world's largest multinational firms in the telecommunications sector. It is present in 25 countries, serves more than 260 million customers, and employs a staff of approximately 285,000 professionals. The company is still advancing and finding new opportunities to increase its capacity to innovate, improving ways of doing business, enhancing customer satisfaction, and helping educate customers. In this interview, Oscar Maraver (managing director of the human resources area), Jose Buqueras Dobato (director of HR planning), and Alberto Andreu Panillos (director of corporate reputation and identity and environmental affairs) explain and share their vision of policies developed both internally with employees and externally with customers. Their approach includes a strong emphasis on corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

Economists have studied the effect of diversity on the provision of social goods and the stock of social capital. In parallel, management scholars have studied the effect of diversity in the workplace on firm performance. We integrate these two growing literatures and explore these questions with a unique dataset. A firm provided eight years of individual‐level employee survey data, which include measures of the stock of social capital, plus office‐level measures of diversity and performance. We find some evidence that more gender‐homogeneous offices enjoy higher levels of social goods provision but those offices do not perform any better and may actually perform worse.  相似文献   

Abstract . Government inefficiency arises from failure of preference, production, and delivery The first occurs when government produces a different mix of collective services than is socially desirable; the second when government produces services less efficiently than it could at given cost levels; the third when the targeted beneficiaries fail to receive the intended level of services. A taxonomy of causes of each type of failure is developed and the conclusion drawn that some inefficiency is inevitable when collective services are provided. At issue is how much inefficiency should be tolerated when the gains to society from the provision of collective services outweigh the costs and how existing inefficiencies can be reduced to lower levels.  相似文献   

In science and in society at large, there is a big debate going on about the existence and potential impact of ‘neighbourhood effects’. The dominant question is: does the social composition of the neighbourhood have specific positive or negative effects on the career prospects of those who are living there? We seek to contribute to this debate by investigating the relationship between individual social mobility and the social composition of the residential environment. For that purpose we analysed new longitudinal Swedish data, which is available at the individual level. We particularly focused our attention on the employment careers of individuals in relation to the levels of employment or unemployment in their individual environments. Environment effects on social mobility were isolated, controlling for relevant variables that were available at the individual level. We were also able to control for changes in the environments over time. Individual longitudinal data could be used over the period 1991–9. The analyses revealed that their environment appears to have a moderate yet clear impact on the employment prospects of unemployed individuals. The academic relevance of the article is in its contribution to the theoretical underpinnings of the human–environment relationship; the societal relevance is to the area‐based policies and the housing policies aimed at social mixing, which are currently being developed in many places in the Western world.  相似文献   

Concernabout local government ability to provide public services inan effective way is increasing in Spain as these functions arebeing decentralized from the central to regional governments.The goal of this research is to provide state and local officialswith a decision making tool that allows evaluation of the quantityand quality of the public services--infrastructure and equipment--thatthey are responsible for offering. We characterize performanceamong similar administrative observations, e.g. municipalities,by defining effectiveness improvement strategies--basedon selective funds allocation--that identify and rank thosesectors and variables that present provision deficits and requireprior attention. In order to evaluate provision at the municipalitylevel we define an additive effectiveness measure making useof Data Envelopment Analysis techniques which are enhanced toaccount for the presence of standards. The statistical data arefrom the Spanish Local Infrastructure and Equipment Survey.  相似文献   

Various authors have argued that common understandings of neoliberalism are flawed because they do not adequately account for its geographical contingency or internal contradictions. Many have suggested that neoliberalism is either too internally riven with contradiction to be considered a singular consistent project, or that its implementation is so locally contingent that we cannot plausibly speak of one ideal‐type placeless ideology. Primarily based on interviews with over half of the municipal housing providers in Ontario, this article explores the extent to which the meta‐ideas of neoliberalism are filtered and manifest (or not) locally. Social policy has been neoliberalized in Ontario at least since the advent of the ‘common sense revolution’ in 1995, when a Tory government was elected on a platform of neoliberal reform. The experience of social housing in the province, before, after and during the transition offers a useful window into the debate about the dissonance (or lack thereof) between ideal‐type and contingent neoliberalism. Based on this case, we argue that, despite its obvious conceptual flaws, it is politically and analytically important to understand ideal‐type neoliberalism better.  相似文献   

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