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Here, the relation between stock price reactions to announced dividend changes and the yields of the underlying securities is examined. A significant positive (negative) relationship is detected between announcement date returns and yield for dividend increases (decreases) even after controlling for the magnitude of the dividend change. Price reactions associated with dividend increases vary directly with the change in yield and, on average, low-yielding companies do not experience abnormal returns when they increase their dividends. Implied in these results is that the information conveyed through dividend changes varies with the yield of the underlying security and the market response is a function of factors beyond the pure information effect.  相似文献   

Previous studies show that firms with long records of paying stable dividends are unique. However, research on the relation between dividend yields and stock returns focuses on shorter-term dividend yield measures without considering long-term dividend stability. This article shows that high-yield stocks are not in fact homogeneous, but that stocks with high yields and stable dividends behave differently from stocks with only a high yield. These differences persist even after controlling for firm size, the January effect, and systematic risk, suggesting distinctive risk characteristics for stocks with both high yields and stable dividends.  相似文献   

Currently, there is a limited amount of empirical evidence suggesting that stock splits are associated with a decline in trading liquidity. This evidence directly contrasts with managements' professed intentions for undertaking a split. The evidence to date, however, is of a short-run nature. This study reexamines the liquidity effects of stock splits and stock dividends by assessing both their short- and long-term effects on trading liquidity (i.e., proportional trading volume and percentage bid-ask spreads). The results suggest that stock dividends are associated with decreased proportional trading volume in both the short term and long term, but stock splits are not. The results also indicate that neither stock splits nor stock dividends have an effect on percentage bid-ask spreads.  相似文献   

In this study I examine whether the Tax Reform Act of 1986 has an effect on ex-date stock return behavior. Results indicate that the tax reform has a significant effect on ex-date returns for NASDAQ stocks, but not for NYSE/AMEX stocks. Further analysis suggests that the ex-date returns on NASDAQ stocks are primarily determined by the tax premium. However, the ex-date returns on NYSE/AMEX stocks are more influenced by short-term trading.  相似文献   

The ratio of price changes to dividends is sometimes used to assess personal tax rates and detect tax clientele for dividends. It is suggested here that the model is unable to detect possible tax effects, given the sample sizes available to most researchers.  相似文献   

In this study we replicate and extend an agency-transaction cost model of dividend payout previously hypothesized and supported in the literature. We find no statistical difference between the estimated regression model obtained for the original seven-year sample period, 1974–80, and that obtained for our seven-year period, 1981–87. The latter period is characterized by significantly lower inflation, stronger economic growth, and lower taxes. The intertemporal stability of the model suggests that it is useful for predicting dividend payout at the individual firm level.  相似文献   

This study provides a further test of whether the price change-volume relationship is asymmetric as Epps' theoretical model and empirical evidence indicate. Testing during periods of known information arrival supports his hypothesis that the ratio of volume to absolute price change on price increases is higher than that ratio on equivalent price decreases. There is some contrary evidence when the testing occurs over trading days for which there is no known information arrival. This reversal of results could be due to the combined effect of positive transaction costs and no information arrival. There is evidence in support of this explanation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the announcements of dividend increases on the volatility of underlying stock returns implied by option prices, and analyses whether the impact is related to the label associated with the dividend increase. The results suggest that the announcements of labelled dividend increases are accompanied by a decrease in implied volatility, while the announcements of unlabelled increases in dividends are associated with no change in implied volatility. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that signal implicit in the announcements of dividend increases provides noisy information about the firm's volatility.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine stock price reactions to contemporaneous and noncontemporaneous dividend and earnings announcements. Overall, the stock price reaction to joint announcements is significantly greater than the reaction to just one signal. This implies that there is information content to two signals being given simultaneously, and that announcements are not perfect substitutes. Some evidence shows that the reaction to a joint announcement is approximately twice that to a noncontemporaneous announcement. On average, the stock price reaction to joint contradictory announcements is not significant. Finally, for joint announcements where only one of the two announcements is expected to affect the stock price significantly, the market reaction is determined by the nonzero signal.  相似文献   

There is considerable discussion about controlling volatility by imposing price limits on asset prices. We examine the effects of price limits on a stock market by testing the volatility spillover, delayed price discovery, and trading interference hypotheses in a leading emerging market, the Istanbul Stock Exchange, which has a unique market microstructure as related to price limits. Our results support the volatility spillover, delayed price discovery, and trading interference hypotheses. We also show price locks at limits provide significantly stronger evidence regarding the effects of price limits than limit moves only. Finally, price limits have a significant effect on the stock market, casting doubt on their effectiveness.  相似文献   

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