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探讨儿童品牌意识的发展是消费社会化研究的重要组成部分,并且对于针对儿童的营销传播也有指导意义。该文通过问卷调查法分别探讨了儿童品牌回忆和品牌再认的发展,并描绘出7-11岁儿童品牌意识的发展曲线。研究一通过自由回忆和线索回忆考查了儿童的品牌回忆水平,结果显示,随着年龄的增加,儿童品牌回忆的水平逐渐提高,并且,三个年龄组儿童品牌回忆的水平有显著的差异。研究二则通过展示品牌标示要求儿童再认的任务,进一步减轻了儿童的认知负荷,结果发现,相对于品牌回忆,三个年龄组儿童品牌再认的数量都有不同程度的提高,但年龄仍然是影响儿童品牌再认水平的重要因素。最后,该文在数据分析结果的基础上为营销传播提供了一些合理化建议。  相似文献   

树立品牌意识 奠定品牌建设的精神基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代经济中,品牌是一种战略性资产和核心竞争力的重要源泉。品牌意识是一个企业对品牌和品牌建设的基本理念,是企业对其产品自觉维护并创成名牌的意识。品牌意识为企业制定品牌战略铸就强势品牌提供了坚实的理性基础,成为现代竞争经济中引领企业制胜的战略性意识。品牌意识的淡薄在我国已经造成了严重的后果,不但制约了我国企业的品牌建设,而且严重影响我国企业的健康发展。因此,必须通过广告宣传活动、各种社会因素对品牌选择的影响、优化企业品牌运营的社会经济环境,以及培育儿童的品牌依赖等途径,在全社会树立品牌意识,才能使中国的品牌逐渐走向世界。  相似文献   

电视广告主对儿童公平吗?广告主不可能将一个有利可图的和有影响的儿童市场弃之不顾,因而至今仍然直接以儿童为广告目标,充分利用儿童的脆弱性。广告主使用与在任何其他市场所使用的相同推销手段来锁定儿童,广泛使用这些手段,在向儿童推销商品中显现出效力。幼龄儿童轻信并富于幻想,广告主运用其推销技巧捕捉并利用儿童对于这个世界所持的“玫瑰色”看法,逐步向幼龄儿童灌输信仰和价值,使他们确定购买习惯和树立强烈的品牌意识。为达此目的,广告主在电视广告中提供的信息对于教育儿童经常是不充分的和不适当的。电视广告在向儿童推…  相似文献   

本文通过市场调查,从顾客心智的视角,实证研究了产品属性对基于顾客心智的品牌资产的影响。研究结果表明:产品属性包括功能性属性和享乐性属性。其中,功能性属性对感知质量、品牌意识、品牌联想和品牌忠诚均具有显著的正向影响;享乐性属性对感知质量、品牌意识、品牌联想和品牌忠诚也具有显著的正向影响,同时,享乐性属性较功能性属性对品牌资产影响更大。  相似文献   

本文以唐山市为例,对公益性单位与品牌意识进行了研究。介绍了公益性单位与品牌意识的概念,分析了公益性单位必须创建品牌意识的利与弊。提出了公益性单位必须创建品牌意识以及创建品牌意识的对策。  相似文献   

一个企业的品牌形象对企业的发展有着重要的影响。它是企业的重中之重。我国的企业品牌意识十分薄弱,而且十分缺乏品牌意识,当前我国的对外贸易中最重要的问题是如何树立品牌意识,怎么建立优秀的品牌,提高我国对外贸易品牌的知名度。笔者通过分析当前的对外贸易情况,从多个方面提出了改进意见,帮助我国对外贸易进一步发展。  相似文献   

从近年儿童家具业的发展来看,企业的品牌意识已经觉醒。而且已经认识到了品牌对于企业长期发展的重要性。所以,越来越多的企业把品牌塑造纳入了战略规划,如"喜梦宝"、"芙莱莎"、"七彩人生"、"加璐"、"爱心城堡"等等,都已在品牌塑造方面迈出了重要一步或已经取得了一定的成绩。品牌对于起步较晚的儿童家具业显得尤为重要,很多企业都处在同一起跑线上,谁的品牌能最先让消费者接受.让社会认同,并取得一定的知名度和美誉度.这个企业就能领先于其他对手。在儿童家具业崭露头角。儿童家具业迫切需要塑造强势品牌来保持企业真正持久的竞争优势。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的完善和发展,越来越多的企业营销管理将品牌建设放在更加突出的位置,强化品牌意识、加强品牌建设已经成为我国现代企业营销管理中不得不认真思量的重要课题。然而在实际的企业营销管理过程中,很多企业仍然缺乏品牌意识,这与当前投机取巧的企业生存环境以及企业经营者的短视行为有着不可分割的联系。因此,在当前经济环境之下,企业营销管理应从品牌宣传、资金投入、完善制度、转变营销内容及方式等多方面着手,切切实实发挥出品牌意识对企业营销的积极作用。本文主要从企业角度探析了企业营销的品牌意识的相关问题,旨在提高我国企业营销的品牌意识,推动企业良好品牌的建立和发展。  相似文献   

如今在现代品牌运营的经济中,品牌是战略性资产和核心竞争力的重要源泉。本文从企业品牌意识、品牌定位以及品牌营销出发,品牌意识与品牌定位互动,科学品牌意识导向成功品牌定位,成为企业可持续发展的重要基础。  相似文献   

由于农产品本身的特点,其品牌意识形成及品牌创建有着相当的难度。随着我国农产品贸易的全球化,我国农产品急需树立品牌意识。华中科技大学品牌传播研究所及武汉市工商局进行了关于武汉市农产品商标意识的问卷调查,并从中分析出武汉市农产品品牌意识的现状及特点,结合我国农产品品牌意识现状提出引导对策。  相似文献   

This study introduces a new brand awareness conceptualization; ‘push-based brand awareness’ in the light of available retailing, distribution, and branding literature. Previously, push-based awareness merely defined brand/product availability. This study extends that definition by including available brand awareness created by in-store merchandising. While out-of-stock (OOS) literature extensively interprets product availability and consumers' responses to OOS brands, a brand's effect on consumer awareness remains unexamined. Because such brand awareness may be one of the major reasons behind frequently purchased product success, such consumer awareness deserves closer attention. This study introduces the push-based brand awareness concept with a proposed model including possible managerial implications.  相似文献   

Social media is shaping the way companies and brands engage and interact with consumers, particularly Millennials. In light of this growing trend, this study aims to understand the influence of content quality and brand interactivity within social media on consumers' brand awareness and purchase intentions by proposing an empirical model which is tested using structural equation modeling. The study also explores whether the relation between social media stimuli and offline purchase intention is mediated by hedonic motivation, consumer engagement and brand awareness. Results reveal that the quality of content provided by brands on social media and company-users' interactivity are of major importance to Millennials. They increase the hedonic motive derived by these users from social media, strengthen their online engagement and intensify their brand awareness. This heightened online consumer engagement coupled with an increased online consumer brand awareness leads to an increase in the purchase intention of these brands offline. Consequently, companies are encouraged to invest in producing high-quality content on their social media pages, deploy all possible strategies to enhance brand users’ interactivity given the important role these variables play in entertaining, engaging users online, building brand awareness and influencing their offline purchase intentions.  相似文献   


In this article we examine the interplay between the severity of a brand transgression, consumers’ prior awareness of the firm’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, and the firm’s response (apology vs. apologia) on the rates of forgiveness among consumers. Results of two experiments show that consumers’ prior awareness of the firm’s CSR initiatives significantly differentiates apologia from apology, with the effect of apology on consumer forgiveness being more apparent when brand transgression severity is mild. Results also show that consumer forgiveness mediates the effect of brand transgression severity, firm response, and consumer awareness on repurchase intentions. In this way, the study enables managers to determine whether or not an apology or apologia will be sufficient to solicit consumer forgiveness, using information about the levels of awareness of CSR among consumers.  相似文献   

消费者品牌偏好的形成及行为经济学视野的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,企业品牌产品在生产、销售、服务等价值链活动中的行为及信息传播构成了消费者从外部环境中认知品牌最基础的信息。成功的品牌信息会引起一种情感反应,可以把消费者与产品的距离拉近,品牌如能成为消费者自我实现或表现自我的媒介,消费者就会产生接受、喜欢的行为倾向。文章提出,消费者对品牌功能的预期是形成品牌情感的先决条件,偏好反转现象与消费行为倾向密切关联。  相似文献   

Following the Selective Activation, Reconstruction, and Anchoring (SARA) and consumer‐based brand equity models, high awareness brands are expected to serve as anchors for forming impressions of co‐branded entities. Comparing the brand personality profiles of fictitious brand alliances with high and low awareness brands, the brand anchoring effect is found in Studies 1 and 2. Moreover, Study 3 shows that the effect generalizes to specific brand characteristics and results from making brand‐related information more available. Future research on brand awareness and on the brand anchoring effect is discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

范公广 《江苏商论》2012,(11):3-5,10
随着消费层次升级和健康理念的变化,消费者品牌意识不断增强,农产品品牌安全问题成为消费者关注的焦点。面对假冒伪劣品牌对农产品品牌市场的非竞争性冲击,农产品企业仅依靠常规性品牌管理策略已举步维艰,品牌保护策略是破解品牌侵权等难题的关键。本文从农产品品牌特征、内涵出发,解析农产品企业在品牌保护上的现状、困境和成因;从战略品牌管理、法律保护、战略联合保护网络和品牌管理策略等方面,提出了完善农产品品牌保护的思路和对策。  相似文献   

基于慈善捐赠的事业-品牌联盟对消费者响应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以企业的慈善捐赠行为为例,探讨了对事业-品牌联盟有重要影响的三个因素.数据分析结果表明,企业捐赠的产品同非营利组织是否契合与事业-品牌联盟受消费者影响大小对消费者品牌态度、质量感知及购买意愿均存在显著影响;企业知名度对品牌态度与质量感知存在显著影响.另外,研究还发现企业知名度与捐赠产品契合度对消费者质量感知存在显著影响,企业知名度作用强于捐赠契合度,当企业知名度低时,捐赠是否契合的作用才会突显出来.  相似文献   

Despite a high level of awareness about organic foods in the marketplace, consumer purchases remain relatively low. This article develops a research framework for translation of relatively high consumer awareness of organic foods to increased consumer purchases. Literature review reveals that both a lack of knowledge in how foods qualify as organic and consumers’ mistrust in the way organizations apply the word organic prevents consumers from engaging in organic food purchases. Furthermore, being organic is no longer enough as organic products have become commoditized in the marketplace. With such an increasing commoditization of organic products, there is a growing pressure for organics to more effectively differentiate themselves. Accordingly, there is a dual branding opportunity for upgrading the current state of consumer awareness into both a higher volume of purchases and expanding the consumer base. This article proposes a research framework utilizing brand communications that could play a central role in triggering higher levels of consumer awareness, translating into increased volumes of organic purchases. This research framework considers consumer benefits an antecedent to brand communications and organic knowledge and consumer trust the mediators in influencing consumer organic purchases.  相似文献   

Drawing from fit research in strategic management, this study develops and investigates a model predicting destination attitude and (re)visit intention. The study introduces the concept of destination personality fit on the basis of how well consumer perceptions of a tourist destination's brand personality fits that of what the destination brand manager wishes to convey. A model incorporating destination advertising awareness as an antecedent of destination personality and consumer‐manager destination personality fit is tested on international consumers with the destination personality of Switzerland as the study setting. Structural equation modeling results reveal that destination advertising awareness does indeed relate positively to both stronger perceived destination personality and destination personality fit in consumers’ minds. Interestingly, the subsequent destination personality–destination attitude relationship is moderated by consumer–manager destination personality fit in such a way that the link grows stronger in cases where fit is high. The results have important implications for destination brand managers in that they reinforce the importance of strong and distinct destination personalities. The findings also show the importance of actively communicating the destination brand to consumers since the positive outcomes of a strong destination personality increase in magnitude when successfully communicated, and the vision of the destination brand manager has been adopted by the consumer.  相似文献   

Brand equity, which is a central topic in modern marketing, may be assessed from three perspectives: customer mind set, product market outcomes and financial market outcomes. Brand awareness (memory) and brand liking are elements of customer mind set brand equity. The factors determining brand awareness and likeability are also determinants of the change in financial brand equity. In order to understand these factors, Signal Detection Theory is employed for finding the components of brand awareness and likeability. Signal Detection Theory has a strong tradition in psychology, but is under‐represented in marketing and consumer behaviour. This study extended the concept of brand awareness to ‘awareness sensitivity and bias’ and the concept of ‘brand likeability’ to ‘liking sensitivity and bias’ using Signal Detection Theory. The effect of divided attention on the extended components was investigated in three laboratory experiments. It was found that, in the attended mode compared with the unattended mode, consumers perform better in preserving a favourable brand awareness and have a conservative reaction tendency. This effect of attention occurs in building brand awareness for short presentations, but not for long presentations. These findings may serve as guidelines for a strategy formulation for enhancing customer mind set brand equity.  相似文献   

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