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绩效特征导向的知识员工考评方法的思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文从工作内容、工作方式和工作性质三个角度综合考虑定义了知识员工,在此基础上,用职业转换的“柔性”和非程序化程度两个维度将知识员工分为四种类型。通过回顾绩效的内涵和结构,指出了关系绩效对于知识员工的重要性和相应的考评方法。从行为和结果两个方面分别对知识员工的任务绩效特征进行了归纳总结。在对知识员工绩效考评方法分类的基础上,结合绩效特征,探讨了与四类知识员工相匹配的考评方法。  相似文献   

知识型员工绩效具有专业性、创造性和弹性化特征,知识型员工的缋效考评有其特殊性。结合各种绩效考评方法的适用范围和优缺点,以A校教师绩效考评为例,运用灰色关联模型考评知识型员工绩效,发现在实际管理中需要根据组织类型和不同类型知识型员工工作绩效的具体特点选择相应的评价指标和方法,并注意评价指标体系的弹性和动态性,才能取得较好的考评效果。  相似文献   

杨春  刘小芳 《商业研究》2006,(12):76-78
在绩效考评中应当重视员工互评的重要性,利用模糊偏序关系的排序方法,来解决绩效考评中员工互评的心理测度的模糊性问题,论证了用模糊偏序关系对心理测度进行排序是一种较好的方法,并用实例验证该方法对员工互评的可行性。  相似文献   

<正>绩效评估的目的,是为了促进员工的工作绩效,将员工的工作与组织的发展目标联系起来。因此,必须将绩效评估的结果反馈给员工本人。绩效面谈是绩效评估结果反馈最主要的渠道。在传统的人事考核中,考核结果不必让员工了解,也没有绩效评估面谈。而现代人力资源管理强调员工参与,目的在于改善员工的未来工作,促进他们的未来发展。因此,绩效面谈是绩效考评中至关重要的一个环节,其重要程度甚至超过了绩效考评本身。  相似文献   

绩效考评是人力资源管理的重要内容,是员工激励和开发的基础,明确绩效的内涵以及选择适当的考评方法是提高绩效考评有效性的前提。本文结合工作的基本特点,集中对绩效的内涵进行深度解析,并总结了绩效考评方法选择的基本理论,提出了工作类型-考评方法的匹配关系,并在此基础上探讨考评方法的选择,以期厘清认识,增强绩效考评的有效性。  相似文献   

本文基于个体-组织交互视角,通过对233名企业知识员工的问卷调查,探讨员工创造力人格、工作特征与个人创新绩效的关系,并考察了工作特征在员工创造力人格与个人创新绩效关系中的调节作用。研究结果表明:员工创造力人格对个人创新绩效发挥显著正向影响;工作特征各维度均对个人创新绩效发挥显著正向影响;工作特征中的技能多样性、工作自主性分别对员工创造力人格与个人创新绩效之间的关系发挥显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

赵懋 《商》2012,(19):27-28
员工绩效考评是组织人力资源管理的重要工作之一,因为,人力资源管理的各项工作,最终都要落实到提高组织的绩效上来,而组织绩效的基础则是员工绩效的高低。为做好绩效考评,管理者首先需要制定出考评的方法。  相似文献   

李云风 《商业科技》2013,(26):125-125
本文立足员工绩效考评的现状,从员工年度星级评定及月度绩效考评的实际出发,思考和探讨员工绩效考评的方法和思路,提出解决困扰员工绩效考评问题的解决办法和对策。  相似文献   

全视角考评方法是绩效考核中较常用的一种考核方法,客观存在主要强调全方位客观地对员工进行考评,它既注重考评员工的最终成果,又将员工的行为、过程和个人努力的程度纳入考评的内容,使得绩效考评更能客观、全面地反映员工的实际工作表现和业绩,因此得到越来越多企业的青睐。本文结合某企业绩效管理实践,阐述全视角考评方法在实践运用中的成效、问题与改进,并总结在推进绩效管理不断改进过程中的体会。  相似文献   

全视角考评方法是绩效考核中较常用的一种考核方法,客观存在主要强调全方位客观地对员工进行考评.它既注重考评员工的最终成果。又将员工的行为、过程和个人努力的程度纳入考评的内容,使得绩效考评更能客观、全面地反映员工的实际工作表现和业绩,因此得到越来越多企业的青睐。本文结合某企业绩效管理实践,阐述全视角考评方法在实践运用中的成效、问题与改进,并总结在推进绩效管理不断改进过程中的体会。  相似文献   

Customer-sales employee encounters: a dyadic perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although researchers have suggested that the performance of the salesperson during sales encounters is critical, many of the underlying mechanisms that govern the interaction between salespersons and customers are still unclear. In this research, we investigate sales encounters from a new approach based on the field of research of interpersonal perception. Results demonstrate that drivers of customer satisfaction may also be satisfying for the contact employee. Additionally, we find that customer satisfaction is not only determined by the customer’s own perceptions, but also by the perceptions of the employee. Similarly, employee satisfaction is driven by the customer’s perceptions. Finally, our study identifies that perceptions of employee performance and satisfaction do not only reflect the unique interaction between the customer and the employee, but also relatively stable characteristics of the employee.  相似文献   

From security cameras to GPS tracking systems, nearly 80% of organizations use some type of electronic performance monitoring (EPM). EPM uses technology to gather, store, analyze, and report employee behavior (e.g., productivity, use of company time, incivility). The objective, real-time data that EPM systems collect can be used for performance appraisal, training and development, logistical tracking, wellness programs, employee safety, and more. Despite the organizational benefits of EPM, these systems can have adverse effects on employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, fairness perceptions, and employee behavior. Research provides evidence, however, that these downfalls can be mitigated by implementing these systems with employee attitudes and privacy perceptions in mind. Using theory and empirical research evidence, we offer five recommendations for maximizing the positive effects and minimizing the negative effects of EPM: (1) Be transparent with employees about EPM use, (2) be aware of all potential employee reactions to being monitored, (3) use EPM for learning and development rather than deterrence, (4) restrict EPM to only work-related behaviors, and (5) consider organizational makeup when implementing an EPM system.  相似文献   

The performance appraisal process is increasingly seen as a key link between employee behaviour and an organization’s strategic objectives. Unfortunately, performance reviews often fail to change how people work, and dissatisfaction with the appraisal process has been associated with general job dissatisfaction, lower organizational commitment, and increased intentions to quit. Recent research has identified a number of factors related to reactions to performance appraisals in general and appraisal satisfaction in particular. Beyond the appraisal outcome itself, researchers have found that appraisal reactions are affected by perceptions of fairness and the relationship between the supervisor and the employee. To explain the relationships among these factors, the present article proposes a moral cognition perspective. We suggest that employees judge a performance appraisal from the perspective of its moral justifiability, and that appraisal reactions will be determined, at least in part, by the perceived moral justifiability of the process. The proposal was supported by results from a survey of government employees using measures of performance ratings, leader–member exchange, perceived utility, and organizational justice.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined relationship behaviour linking enterprises and consumers from the enterprise perspective rather than the consumer perspective, including consumer approval and relationship maintenance. To redress this imbalance, this study investigates three issues linking the enterprise and consumer perspectives. The first issue involves analysing the influence on the consumers that arises from integrated internal and external environmental resources using service orientation business strategies. The second issue involves exploring the foundations of the relationship factors based on consumer identification that serves to establish consumer relationships. The third issue involves discussing consumer and staff evaluations and experiences of the service. The following opinions can be induced based on the analytical results. Both internal and external environmental characteristics positively affect the service orientation of business. Service orientation positively impacts consumer perceptions of employee service performance. Consumer perceptions of employee service performance have positively impacted consumer identification.  相似文献   

创业团队的优势在于能将具有不同特征、知识、技能和能力的人聚集在一起并创造更好的创业绩效。本文从团队创业研究的宏观层面入手,围绕创业团队成员构成特征特别是异质性特征与创业绩效之间的关系研究,对其中一些重要文献的研究逻辑、实证方法及主要结论进行了初步梳理,并对未来研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

针对目前大多数企业员工绩效考核准确性差、可信度低、显失公平等问题,可以运用可拓学理论方法建立一种定性与定量相结合的绩效评价方法,以某公司中营销人员的绩效评估为例,以品德素养、工作实践、智力素质、推销技巧和销售量五个方面的指标作为评价要素,具体分析该方法的应用。结果表明:通过可拓方法的应用,企业员工的绩效考核更具客观性,从整体层面上限制了评测员的主观臆断,提高了员工绩效考核的公平性。  相似文献   

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