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民营企业是中国国民经济的重要支柱,但一些民营企业不能很好地履行对员工的社会责任,表现为不能给员工提供安全和健康的工作场所、拖欠员工工资、不给员工交养老和医疗保险、侵犯员工隐私权等责任缺失。解决的对策是,企业内部实施绩效管理制度,提高员工的工作效率,给员工提供培训和深造的机会,加速企业的经济发展,使其更好地履行对员工的社会责任;员工自身应通过工会这种群众组织维护自己的合法权益,使自身权益不受侵害;加强制度和道德舆论建设,减少民营企业的责任缺失。  相似文献   

Existing research indicates that job seekers are attracted to organizations demonstrating social responsibility. This seems especially true for commercial enterprises that engage in socially responsible practices, but is challenged in the case of social enterprises. While commercial enterprises stay focused on their primary aim of generating financial revenues when engaging in social responsibility, social enterprises’ social responsibility is primary and at the core of their business. However, the attractiveness of social enterprises on the job market has not been the focus of extant research. This study aims to enrich the academic literature by exploring the attractiveness of social enterprises to job seekers. When studying job seekers’ intentions to pursue a job with a social enterprise, we also examine some of the underlying mechanisms that affect individuals’ attraction process to social enterprises. We perform an experimental design study involving 349 Belgian students about to graduate. The results reveal that participants’ intentions to pursue a job with a social enterprise are significantly lower in comparison to their job pursuit intentions with commercial enterprises. Furthermore, factors relating to personal values, like perceptions of value fit and individuals’ prosocial values, play a significant role in the attractiveness of social enterprises.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT 1 : In 2001, the Belgian government introduced a ‘service voucher’ scheme in the field of domestic (housework) services, following a quasi‐market mechanism which fosters competition between providers of different types as regards sector (for‐profit, public, third sector) and mission (seeking profits, home care provision to vulnerable groups and work integration of the unemployed). Empirical evidence suggests that third sector organizations focusing on a social mission recognized by a tutelary regulation are the best performing with regards to the quality of jobs and service organization, leading to a better ‘triangulation’ of the service relationship. On the other hand, for‐profit providers, especially temporary work agencies, seem to favour their capacity of adaptation to the desiderata of their clients and costs’ minimization to the detriment of the quality of jobs which are made as flexible as possible.  相似文献   

我国国有企业具有政府职能与企业职能的双重职能,具有公共性和竞争性双重性质。因此,承担社会责任与其利润最大化的根本目标是不相矛盾的。国有企业履行社会责任已经取得了很大的进展。但是,国有企业在承担社会责任方面应更上一层楼。建设国有企业社会责任要形成良性的制度,要处理好企业、员工和社会三者之间的利益的关系,加强国有企业道德建设,探索和建立国有企业与社会责任相适应的组织体系,不断创新技术和新生产方式,探索国有企业社会责任的外在有效监督体系,探索有效政府企业互动机制,创新国有企业社会责任的履行方式,充分履行国资委的管理责任,完善监督和考核办法,研究制定标准化的社会责任指标。  相似文献   

利润最大化的理论困惑与现实困境使广义的利润目标成为可能,其实现必须拓展主流范式中自涉与稳定的偏好假定并进行偏好的融合,从而融合后的个体偏好是自涉偏好与他涉偏好的统一;是情景依存的,内生于社会制度之中;是异质的;是演化的。基于偏好融合的动态演化分析表明:广义的利润目标是企业生产经营过程中的内生变量,内生于企业的生命周期之中。这对金融危机背景下企业和谐发展的探讨具有较强的学术意义与实践参考价值。  相似文献   

缪凯 《经济研究导刊》2014,(11):164-165
小型微利企业是新时代下影响社会经济发展的重要因素之一。小型微利企业由于缺乏市场竞争力,在经营中存在很大的不确定性;同时,小型微利企业受企业会计准则的影响很大,所以,应着重研究企业会计准则对小型微利企业发展的有利影响。  相似文献   

在全球化进程中,经济、社会、环境问题之间存在着一种强烈的互动性,企业不仅是区域经济的基本组织,也是区域社会的基本组织,更是一个可以直接贡献或破坏自己生存发展环境的一个重要角色。所以,企业不仅要追求自身的"利润最大化",而且要为创造实现"利润最大化"的经济、社会和资源环境作出努力和贡献。  相似文献   

白让让 《财经研究》2016,(5):111-122
2013年以来,跨国公司主导的价格合谋和价格歧视受到了中国反垄断机构的调查和处罚。文章以汽车配件行业中“日资企业”的价格垄断案为线索,构建了一个纵向股权关联下投入品价格合谋和集团内转移定价的理论模型,通过静态比较分析发现:关联企业之间的价格投标合谋并不符合“利润最大化”的目标,而是跨国公司作为实际控制人在上下游股权比例和盈利能力不对等的条件下,将下游整车合资企业的利润转移到上游配件企业的一种手段。文章从股权比例和企业运营模式的层面论证了利润转移假说的合意性,并结合主要细分市场的结构和利润关系,对“结构-合谋”原理所面临的现实矛盾进行了深入分析。文章的主要政策建议是:中国汽车产业的反垄断立法要实现从行为惩罚到规则干预的转化,要适当增加产业组织分析的证据以提高执法的科学水准,需要更多地使用合理推定原则以避免对企业理性行为的不当干预。  相似文献   

Social Economy encompasses a wide array of private organizations that can be situated along a continuum that ranges from civil society to the business sector, e.g., associations, foundations, cooperatives, social enterprises, social business initiatives. The social sphere populated by SE/TS organizations operates in complex and multi‐layer environments and is particularly sensitive to institutional configuration. This paper deals with the institutional policy and attitude of the EU Commission towards SE/TS organizations in the field of welfare policy. We start with an illustration of the key features of the Social Investment policy framework, that stresses the adoption of an ‘active policy’ orientation and the overriding of more traditional ‘compensatory policies’. Secondly, we analyze the regulatory eco‐system of the EU towards Social Economy in the last three decades. Thirdly, we present the main results of an European research project aimed at analyzing the ‘level of recognition’ and ‘institutionalization’ of the SE sector in ten European Countries. Then, we provide some data about the consistency of the Social Economy in EU, based on several research reports promoted  by European Institutions (EESC). Finally, the main results of the analysis are summarized in order to assess the current conjuncture of the Social Economy sector in Europe.  相似文献   

While nonprofit organizations serve the community in significant ways, their heavy reliance on philanthropic and government funding is increasingly not sustainable, especially in the wake of economic downturns. The application of social entrepreneurial principles — including social enterprise activities — can improve the sustainability of the business model of nonprofits, while bolstering management capacity and enhancing mission. This paper argues that the current funding model of the nonprofit sector should be disrupted in order to achieve a greater level of financial sustainability and mission-driven success.  相似文献   

The last few years witnessed theoretical and practical contributions to the field of social innovation and social enterprise. However, analysis of the interplay between these two different realms is still limited. This article aims to fill some gaps in this respect. We deal with historical reconstruction of the concept of Social Enterprise and Social Innovation, and their conceptual premises. We consider the process of creation of social innovation in social enterprises. As members’ motivations, ownership rights and governance rules in social enterprises create a new relational context and new routines, which are germane to the production of social knowledge and deliberation, social innovation can be considered one of the main outcomes of this setting. Social motivations, collective action of a cooperative kind, multi‐stakeholder governance and socialization of resources, and their interplay are singled out as main drivers of innovation. Social innovation is seen as akin to novelty in social interaction, a non‐standardized and non‐standardizable outcome of the operation of this organizational form.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Amidst pressure to become self‐financing, Non‐Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have become increasingly involved in profit‐generating business ventures. Because NGOs are traditionally financed by donations with the expectation that they focus on their social mission, the commercialization of NGOs has generated criticism. This paper examines the effect of ownership on investment incentives in NGOs’ commercial ventures, using an incomplete contracts framework. NGO‐ownership helps minimize the tension between primary social mission and managerial decisions. However, external ownership provides better incentives to invest in mission‐enhancing innovations. Finally, because relationships with firms are repeated, NGOs may use relational contracts to align their ventures’ incentives. However, such contracts need to be credible to work.  相似文献   

非公新经济组织和新社会组织是创意经济和社会管理的生力军,思想政治工作担当着人的价值建设的历史使命。在对福建省非公新经济组织和新社会组织调研的基础上,提出完善社会化思想政治工作的“三层次四模块”模式,着力建设以“共建共享”长效激励为基石的学习型组织,以推动企业思想政治工作的现代化。  相似文献   

肖红军  阳镇 《经济管理》2020,42(4):37-53
本文沿着“认知—行为—评价”的基本思路,基于平台属性与平台情境的异质性,通过推演出四个核心命题厘清平台企业社会责任的一般性与特殊性,实现平台企业社会责任逻辑起点的正本清源。在此基础上,从“目的属性—内容嵌入”和“组织情境—主体选择”两种视角解构了传统社会责任实践范式的内容构面,并基于“情境选择—战略导向—平台基础”三维框架,将平台企业社会责任实践范式归结为“平台嵌入式”“平台嫁接式”“平台撬动式”与“平台新创式”四种类型。本文的研究为重新认识平台企业社会责任提供了一种新的逻辑框架,为平台企业更好地开展社会责任实践提供了新的范式选择思路。  相似文献   

企业作为社会组织必然嵌入已经积累了人类文明成果的社会土壤。除了自生自长以外,企业必然消耗其赖以生存的自然社会资源。企业消耗的社会资源对国家和社会而言是负债,应当通过可以控制和计量的手段加以确认并予以清偿,达到回补社会再生产、保持可持续发展的平衡目标。企业履行社会责任除了要对自己消耗掉的社会成本即债务加以清偿平衡的原因外,还有基于我国特定文化内蕴的对社会反哺平衡的原因。国家行政权需对企业社会责任履行的反哺平衡进行科学设计和有效控制,以保证反哺平衡目标的实现。  相似文献   

试论政府对引导规范企业承担社会责任的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘畅 《现代财经》2007,27(10):89-92
与跨国公司相比,我国企业在履行社会责任方面仍存在一定差距,企业公民意识淡薄。应对跨国公司履行社会责任的动机和我国企业承担社会责任现状进行分析,构建企业社会责任的成本与收益关系模型,并借鉴国外成功经验探讨中国政府在企业履行社会责任中应发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

李停 《经济与管理》2011,25(2):5-12
对国有企业和私人企业进行多层次的博弈分析,比较不同情形下不同所有制企业间的效率差异以及社会福利含义,论证在线性需求、成本相等的假设下,国有企业过高的社会负担的确是其与私人企业利润差距的根本原因。私有化并不是解决国企低效率的充分条件,国企改革思路应放在如何把国有企业培育成真正的市场竞争主体上。即便是承认国有企业比私人企业经营成本高,国有企业仍有存在的效率基础。对于转型期的中国经济,竞争比产权更重要。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The social enterprise sector in the UK is going through a period of rapid growth, and is being seen by government as another important vehicle for delivering public services. As a result the issue of public trust in social enterprise is of growing importance. While there is a growing literature on the governance of voluntary and non-profit organizations, with some exceptions (e.g. co-operatives) there has been little research on the governance challenges and support needs of social enterprises. The research reported here aimed to help fill that gap. Based on interviews and focus groups with governance advisers, board members and chief executives it explores the typical governance challenges faced by social enterprises. Based on the research the paper develops a new, empirically-grounded typology of social enterprises based on their origins and development path, and presents findings about some of the governance challenges that are common across the sector and some that are more distinctive to the different types of social enterprise.  相似文献   

Social cooperatives represent the most notable form of non‐profit organizations operating in Italy in the social services field, the birth and development of which has been strongly linked to, and conditioned by, the needs and resources of territories and communities. This paper intends to demonstrate how certain socio‐economic factors, recognized in economic literature as antecedents of the development of social enterprises, may account for the spread of social cooperatives in different Italian regions. Furthermore, the research results demonstrate an inter‐regional differentiation of the shape social cooperation has entered into in Italy.  相似文献   

杨波  涂军  凌士勤 《经济与管理》2005,19(8):36-38,77
古典经济学理论认为利润最大化是企业的根本目标,但是科斯、阿尔钦、FAMA、张五常等当代经济学家在其经典论文中分别对企业的本质、规模、相互关系、委托代理机制等方面进行分析时均从成本最小化的角度进行分析的。本文通过论证企业成本最小化和利润最大化的对称性和可转换性,解释了从成本最小化进行分析的原因。同时提出由于利润最大化的不确定性和成本最小化的易操作性,企业在相对确定的条件下,可将利润最大化目标转化为成本最小化形式进行实际运作。  相似文献   

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