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高校负债筹资管理及风险防范   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着我国高等教育事业的飞速发展,高等教育经费来源呈多元化趋势,银行贷款的融资方式已被越来越多的高校所采用。本文从高校筹资的现状和存在的问题等方面进行了探讨,提出了政府与高校防范筹资风险的若干对策,以冀望高等教育事业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

当前高等教育经费危机愈来愈成为各国高等教育发展不得不面对的共同问题。如何摆脱教育经费短缺的困境是理论和实践领域都在探讨的热点。通过对中印两国高等教育经费筹措在政府投入、资助制度、私人捐赠、财政拨款机制、学费等方面的比较.探讨了未来我国高等教育筹资多元化的财政对策。  相似文献   

探析高校基金会的筹资政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高校的办学规模日益扩大,办学经费也日趋紧张。为了筹集更多办学资金,拓宽筹资渠道,教育基金会在高校应运而生。本文拟从高校基金会的筹资活动对高等教育的影响,分析影响高校筹资政策的因素,并提出相应的解决措施,促进高校基金会的健康发展。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国高校现有主要的经费筹集渠道,指出了存在的财务风险,并在借鉴发达国家经验的基础上提出了募捐筹资、发行教育彩票、发行高等教育债券等有效规避财务风险的多元化的经费筹集新途径。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国高校现有主要的经费筹集渠道,指出了存在的财务风险,并在借鉴发达国家经验的基础上提出了募捐筹资、发行教育彩票、发行高等教育债券等有效规避财务风险的多元化的经费筹集新途径。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育大众化速度的加快,地方高校逐渐成为我国高等教育大众化的主力军。但是由于地方政府财政投入不足,导致地方高校办学经费十分紧张,从而影响到了地方高校办学水平的提升。本文从我国地方高校当前面临的财务困境出发,分析了当前我国地方高校的筹资现状及财务困境的原因,试图探索出适合当前我国地方高校发展的筹资渠道。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的建立和高等教育体制改革的深入,我国高校以政府财政拨款为主要经费来源的格局正在被开放型、多元化的筹资办学形式替代,其财务管理的任务也随之有了重大变化。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国高等教育事业快速发展,办学规模不断扩大,办学条件不断提高,随之而来的是教育经费的严重不足。不断拓宽经费来源渠道,进行多元化筹资已是必然选择。高等职业教育与其他学科专业教育存在诸多方面的不同,高职院校的多元化筹资也呈现出不同的特点。通过对高职院校多元化筹资的个案分析,可以深入发现高职院校多元化筹资过程中遇到的问题,总结经验教训,寻求其改进方法和努力方向。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国高等教育取得了很大的进步,很多指标都已位居世界前列。但其经费短缺问题日益突出,特别是处于相对落后的中西部地区的地方高校,问题就更加严重了。本文比较系统的分析了中西部地区地方高校筹资难的原因,提出了相对落后地区地方高校缓解筹资难的一些办法和措施。  相似文献   

随着人类步入21世纪,各国政府都在不断地调整政策,将教育的改革和发展作为基本国策,政府在高等教育的发展过程中起着主导作用。但是我国的经济处于发展中国家水平,国家不可能全部承担发展飞速的高等教育经费,政府对高等教育的投入是非常有限的。虽然目前我国高校筹资渠道正在向多元化方向发展,出现了  相似文献   

The recent Funding Options Review identified a minimum additional funding requirement of 900 million per annum for higher education by 2004/05 and also considered more specific needs, such as correcting for past under-investment in infrastructure. At the same time, it contributed to the debate about the'key choice'of funding by government or by the'beneficiaries of higher education.'Government will need to match its aspirations for higher education with adequate funding and the universities will have to be'even more sensitive and responsive to the needs of students.'  相似文献   

The recent Funding Options Review identified a minimum additional funding requirement of 900 million per annum for higher education by 2004/05 and also considered more specific needs, such as correcting for past under-investment in infrastructure. At the same time, it contributed to the debate about the‘key choice’of funding by government or by the‘beneficiaries of higher education.’Government will need to match its aspirations for higher education with adequate funding and the universities will have to be‘even more sensitive and responsive to the needs of students.’  相似文献   

随着我国经济水平的不断提高,我国经济发展不断加快。我国的教育也在良好的经济形式支持下得到了较大的发展。同时,国家为了促进教育,特别是高校教育的进一步发展,对于高校的教育经费投入也在逐渐增加。因此,高校在新形势下,如何管理和控制好国家发放的教育经费成了当前高校资产管理的重要工作内容。特别是国家经费到达学校后的优化使用是高校当前的财务管理重点关注内容,其中,将资产管理与预算管理结合起来能够有效解决这种问题。  相似文献   

杨亚莉 《价值工程》2014,(28):155-156
随着高校招生的扩大,高等教育事业的蓬勃发展,办学模式趋于多样化,高校教育经费来源不断增加,使得高等院校的财务管理工作日益多元化和复杂化,作为高校管理重要的组成部分,财务管理面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。本文分析西安科技大学财务管理现状,以此探讨高校财务报账的发展趋势,针对各高校出现的财务报账突出问题,结合高校办学模式的实践经验,给出了优化财务工作的策略,对完善该校财务工作有实践指导意义。  相似文献   

How to allocate limited resource to higher education institutions has always been a critical problem with significant social and economic relevance. Researchers and educational administrators have long proposed that resource allocation should be linked to performance. In this paper, we develop a performance-based method for a central planner to allocate research funding to different universities to better stimulate the research output. The method builds on existing works on resource allocation via efficiency analysis. The method takes multiple dimensions of research performance into account, including number of publications, number of patents, and revenue from knowledge transfer. We apply the method to a set of 64 major universities in China based on performance in 2014–2016. The application is particularly pertinent at the moment, since the Chinese government is developing a new funding program called the “double first-class” plan, which features performance-based funding as a central pillar of government funding.  相似文献   

Policy goals in UK higher education encourage the publicly funded universities to become more-specialised and larger in size without compromising output quality. Efficiency gains are expected to flow from this increased specialisation in accordance with universities’ comparative research and teaching strengths. Mergers to reap further gains from economies of scale are also being actively encouraged. Given this scenario, the paper investigates whether best-practice efficiency measurement based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) provides empirical support for the current policy goals. It also assesses whether such support is dependent on the specific type of efficiency measure used in the DEA modelling. This assessment finds that a selection of (nine) commonly used, variant efficiency measures generally support the current policy goals. The paper also uses the principal-agent framework to explore the issues involved in using computed DEA-based efficiency scores for policy evaluations and possible funding guidance in UK higher education. This highlights empirically how policy-makers and universities can have very different preferences about which efficiency measure is to be used for policy evaluations and possible funding guidance.  相似文献   

The end of the Cold War, which resulted from the collapse of communism and the spread of free market ideas in the former Soviet Union, China, and nations in Eastern Europe, has brought about many dramatic and momentous changes on the world scene. One remarkable development not widely recognized outside specialized academic circles is the emergence of new institutions of higher learning in the private sector of previously command economies and also in many developing countries that had been wedded to a culture of socialism for decades. The “privatization” of higher education is by all accounts a global phenomenon. Very few systematic studies of these new trends in private post‐secondary education exist to date, although the impact of this development could be far‐reaching not only for higher education but also for the social and economic development of many societies in the world. In this paper we attempt to analyze the phenomenon of new private universities in non‐Western nations, focusing on the developing world in general, and Asia in particular. What missions have these institutions chosen? Which models are these institutions following? What challenges do they face? How are they coping with their relationship to existing public universities? How are they dealing with tuition and budgetary issues? What sources of funding are they tapping into? How are they dealing with issues of equity, excellence, and access? In the composition of their faculty, student body, and curriculum, are these institutions sufficiently international? How are the funding institutions and universities in the West helping these fledgling universities? Are these trends expected to accelerate in the future? We attempt to answer these questions within the context of a few case studies that reflect the breadth and diversity of this revolutionary growth in post‐secondary higher education.  相似文献   

贾琰JI  Yn 《价值工程》2014,(4):203-204
近年来,我国的高等教育的发展十分的迅速,各个高校为了扩大招生规模不断的进行校舍的建设,但是由于各个高校的筹资渠道单一导致各个高校的经费严重不足,各高校如何开拓新的融资渠道满足高校的扩建和发展是摆在我们大家面前的一个重要的课题。本文主要针对目前关于高校融资方面的定性研究比较多而定量研究比较少的现状而展开了山东省内部分高校的融资情况进行的定量调查研究,总结出目前存在于高校中关于融资情况的问题。最后在理论分析和实例分析的基础上并结合我们国家当前的融资政策,从市场经济发展的角度提出了完善和拓展我国高等院校融资渠道多元化发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

周蕾  朱文凯 《价值工程》2011,30(25):164-165
目前我国高校中存在着相当数量的家庭经济困难学生,做好贫困生的资助工作,帮助他们解决学习生活中的经济困难和思想问题,使其走出困境顺利完成学业,已成为高校辅导员工作的特殊任务。通过将诚信教育、励志教育、感恩教育和心理疏导有效(三个教育一个疏导)的教育融合于奖助金的评定当中,用思想教育引领资助工作,破解家庭经济困难学生群体的教育难题,是做好大学生思想教育工作的题中之意。  相似文献   

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