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李玉琴 《价值工程》2013,(12):293-294
伴随着网络技术的不断发展,网络文化开始对人们原本的社会活动进行改变。网络文化要以网络作为基础,依靠网络发挥功能。本文就重点阐述网络给人类的工作和学习等方方面面带来的重要影响。  相似文献   

孙丹 《价值工程》2013,32(1):327-329
科学对于伦理,不能起直接的作用但是能起到间接的影响。它能够提供解决道德论题所需要的事实的信息,能为相对价值的判断提供某种基础。随着生命技术的突飞猛进,我们发现一些被普遍接受的伦理原则却导致道德矛盾,一些适用大多数情况的伦理理论,在特定情况下也不再适用。科学技术在社会中是有两面性的,既有好的一面也有不好的一面。要发挥科学技术的最大社会价值,伦理就是我们必须要考虑到的一大因素。  相似文献   

A bstract . The notion that a social science can be value-free ignores the fact that the concepts upon which the social sciences remain dependent cannot possibly be. The emphasis upon methodology, mainly responsible for that position continues, but in recent years it has been paired with emphasis upon policy, applied social science. Value free social policy is within possibility— but it would be irrelevant.  相似文献   

This paper considers the future prospects for Critical Management Studies and by extension management studies more generally. To explore these, two frameworks from the wider social sciences are deployed. The anchorpoint for the discussion is Michael Burawoy's work distinguishing types of scholarship on the bases of (a) conceptions of knowledge produced by social scientists, and (b) different audiences for that knowledge. Critical Management Studies is founded on critique but its future will be determined by how it makes its way across Burawoy's other domains of professional, policy and public scholarship. To examine this, I draw on John Brewer's recent articulation of the ‘new public social science’. Brewer's problem‐driven, post‐disciplinary approach conceives the public value of social science as its conservation of moral sentiments and sympathetic imagination towards each other as social beings, and its ethical concern about the humanitarian future of humankind. The new public social science is normative and partisan, transgressive, scientific, and impactful. I argue that this provides a potentially fruitful template to guide future management studies. This is a future in which Critical Management Studies – as management studies' critical and emancipatory conscience – has a central role to play.  相似文献   

Both notions elaborated in this article, exclusion and the border, are cultural constructs which can take on different meanings in different milieux. In order to understand socio‐cultural exclusion in the context of EU integration and new centralities created by globalization, the project presented here addressed social, cultural and spatial exclusion in peripheral EU border cities and islands. This article focuses on how borderland residents experience socio‐cultural exclusion of ‘others’ and of themselves, and forge their spatialities and mappings. It makes distinctions on several levels: geographically, between external and internal EU borders, between ‘transborder’ and ‘bounded’ field sites and between variations of spatialities and mappings; culturally, between boundary gateways and walls, and between socio‐cultural and spatial exclusion, isolation and insularity; anthropologically, between social and cultural markers dividing the subject and the ‘other’. Local experiences and spatialities along the border were found to be complex and often in conflict with dominant definitions and preconceptions. This, along with the multiple levels of exclusion and difference found on the EU border, has implications for research priorities and policy restructuring. Les deux notions détaillées dans cet article, exclusion et frontière, sont des concepts culturels qui peuvent prendre un sens différent en fonction du milieu. Afin d’appréhender l’exclusion socioculturelle dans le cadre de l’intégration européenne et des nouvelles centralités créées par la mondialisation, le projet traite l’exclusion sociale, culturelle et spatiale dans les villes et îles situées à la périphérie de l’UE. Il s’attache à la façon dont les résidents frontaliers vivent une exclusion socioculturelle des ‘autres’ et d’eux‐mêmes, tout en établissant leurs spatialités et leurs cartographies. Plusieurs plans sont identifiés: un plan géographique, entre frontières internes et externes de l’UE, entre sites ‘transfrontaliers’ et territoires ‘délimités’, et entre divergences de spatialités et de cartographies; un plan culturel, entre accès et remparts frontaliers, et entre insularité, isolement et exclusion socioculturels et spatiaux; un plan anthropologique, entre les repères sociaux et culturels qui séparent le sujet de ‘l’autre’. Le long de la frontière, spatialités et expériences locales se sont révélées complexes et souvent en opposition avec les définitions et a priori dominants. Cet aspect, allié aux multiples niveaux d’exclusion et de différence découverts sur la frontière européenne, influence les priorités de recherches et la restructuration des politiques.  相似文献   

The rising importance of dimensions such as age, gender, nationality, ethnicity, political attitudes, and multiple choices to organize the notion of life course has made the older class concept appear obsolete to the research sociologist. My thesis is that the current expanding discussions of life styles are not necessarily a substitute but a valuable supplement to social stratification theory. Life style research can contribute to the question of the relevance of the class concept. The result of my investigation shows that life style research, when connected to the writings of Thorstein Veblen, Georg Simmel, and Max Weber, can enrich research in the social sciences.  相似文献   

A closed dynamic Leontief model is implemented for the Business, Government and Household sectors of the Hungarian and the US economies at the end of the past century. It is built on rough estimates of its flow and stock coefficients. The growth rate and the length and pattern of the four most familiar cycles are reasonably well approximated by the model and are similar for the two countries in spite of the large discrepancy in the proportions of the equilibrium quantity vectors. The mathematics of cycles (for discrete or continuous time) is also discussed. Fluctuations are shown to be the elementary, basic and unavoidable consequence of all productive activities. They will emerge even in the absence of any price mechanism.  相似文献   

This article argues that symbolic boundaries and their spatial manifestation into embedded enclaves have become new forms of urban social exclusion. Based on participant observation and interviews among lower‐ and middle‐/upper‐class residents in the city of Sari, Iran, the article analyzes how the poor's physical circulations in the city and their performances of class and status have led to an elite backlash, as the latter find more refined markers of social separation in an effort to bolster their own exclusivity. Social distancing through the denigration of the poor and the construction of embedded enclaves brings to the fore the class tensions that are temporarily masked by the urban poor's spatial practices and cultural mimicry. As an advanced form of codified status inequality, embedded enclaves rely on the poor's citywide circulations and on increasing inter‐class interactions in order to communicate difference. Embedded—rather than cordoned off—in prominent areas of the city, such enclaves function as a reminder to the poor of all they cannot have. The upsurge of such establishments in the wake of Iran's shifting economic environment represents an attempt to shore up social position and restore the status quo.  相似文献   

A bstract . A method of social planning is presented which can be used to fulfill a social welfare criterion with normative values. The purpose is to show how a social welfare model which includes cultural norms can be optimized using classical control theory. Current literature stresses the importance of incorporating social indicators in welfare economics. Given a social welfare function which actively includes a hierarchy of cultural values , control theory can be used to set social policy to reach social goals. The approach is to define a set of desired cultural norms at some future time and then determine the social policy necessary to reach this state. Control theory is used to find the social plan consistent with attaining the set of desired values.  相似文献   

Most of the literature focused on the social capital‐growth nexus has followed the one‐size‐fits‐all approach, neglecting that regional disparities might modify this relationship. This article analyses the role of two social capital indicators on the growth of 237 European regions in the period 1995–2007 by implementing non‐parametric regression, which relaxes the linearity assumption and allows the data to give the underlying functional form. The results show that social capital effects on growth are nonlinear. Parameter heterogeneity could also be examined, showing heterogenous effects across regions and over time. In particular, social capital is mostly negative in regions from Eastern and Central Europe during the first years of transition from socialism to market economies. However, this pattern has changed in the more recent period.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of the breakeven inflation rate (BEI) on U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities. After controlling for several measures of liquidity, inflation expectations and inflation uncertainty; financial fear itself (proxied with the Volatility Index or VIX) remains a primary influence on BEI. To delve into the mechanism underlying this association, the VIX is decomposed, using intraday data, into conditional variance and the variance premium capturing risk aversion. Aside from the 2008 crisis, most of the effect emanated from the variance premium. Following the crisis, indicators of bank insolvency risk gain prominence as well. Lastly, an automated nonlinear model finds convex effects of variance, and diminishing returns to insolvency risk and liquidity.  相似文献   

城镇贫困:结构成因与文化发展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
贫困成因分析主要有两个理论取向 :结构性和文化性。我国城镇贫困是在社会转型的基础上发展起来的结构性贫困。但是随着时间的推移 ,贫困者的境况若得不到改善 ,就可能向文化性贫困发展 ,影响的可能是几代人。反贫困政策应当立足长远 ,注重制定战略性的反贫困措施与方案 ,以防范“贫困文化”的产生。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of social networks in enterprise development by comparing personal trust (as inherent in social relationships) to collective and institutional trust (derived from the wider cultural, political and legal environment). The findings indicate that there is a shift from personal towards institutional trust as the firm develops and grows, but they also confirm enterprise behaviour being based on a mixture of different trust forms. Moreover, the findings underline the difficulty of studying trust empirically, recommending longitudinal qualitative approaches for further research.  相似文献   

陈国华 《价值工程》2014,(31):327-328
文章以河南戏曲文化创意产业发展为切入点,对电视传媒技术和互联网多传媒技术对河南戏曲创意产业发展的影响进行了分析,并通过对《梨园春》栏目和河南戏曲动画的实证和个案研究,有针对性地对现代化的传媒技术对河南戏曲文化创意产业发展的影响进行一些探析,研究如何提高河南文化创意产业发展的方法和途径,进而推动河南文化创意产业向深层次发展,为从科技的视角出发研究河南文化创意产业的运行规律提供一些思路。  相似文献   

马恩经典作家所描述的“未来社会”是与两个等式相联系的 ,即 ,资本主义 =私有制 =市场经济 ,社会主义 =公有制 =计划经济 ,而邓小平理论则对这两个等式作了实质性的修改。按照邓小平理论和中国改革开放 2 0年的实践 ,社会主义可以用这一等式表述 :社会主义 =混合经济 +社会公正 +社会所有。混合经济是社会主义在经济上的表现形式 ,它是“看不见的手”与“看得见的手”的有机结合 ,包含有市场经济一般特征和内容 ;社会公正是社会主义的本质特征 ,离开了社会公正 ,也就没有社会主义 ,社会公正包括公平的价值观和高度的民主政治 ;社会所有是社会公正的基础 ,也是社会主义的基础 ,包含以下三层意思 :个人积累的财富很大一部分转化为社会所有 ,社会每个成员可以充分享受社会财富的积累给个人带来的好处 ,生产资料以个人所有的集合体形式出现。中国的社会主义实践正在不断丰富和深化上述认识。  相似文献   

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