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密西西比红耳龟原产于美国,于上世纪90年代末大量引入中国,由于繁殖能力和适应能力较强,已经成为一类重要的外来入侵物种,严重破坏了本地龟的生活环境,使得我国龟种数量大量下降。本综述对红耳龟的生物入侵问题进行介绍,讨论应对策略。  相似文献   

国际贸易视角下的“生物入侵”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物入侵是当今世界最棘手的三大环境难题之一,国际贸易是其发生的重要渠道。文章通过对生物入侵途径的深入分析,提出了应从加强外来入侵物种引入的经济控制机制、完善相关的国际贸易政策及实施机制和加强国际多边合作等方面来进行生物入侵的防范。  相似文献   

生态功能需求的演进及城市森林景观调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任何生态系统都具备一定的生态功能,生态服务功能概念的提出则反映出政府部门、商业界和普通民众的生态功能需求的提升,期望维持和谐的人与自然的关系、生态系统的整体性和功能过程的完备性.目前,在城市化进程加快和城市的快速扩展过程中,城市人居环境也面临着新的生态问题,城市森林具有减少或净化污染物质、美化环境和游憩等生态服务功能.如何利用景观生态学的原理来调控森林景观要素,充分发挥其生态功能,是目前许多城市建设特别是森林城市、生态城市或园林城市应考虑的问题.  相似文献   

记者从此间召开的“第二届国际生物入侵大会”获悉,进入21世纪以来。随着全球经济一体化进程加快,中国确认的外来入侵物种已达544种,成为世界上遭受生物入侵最严重的国家之一。  相似文献   

由生物入侵到城市竞争与区域协调   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
将生物入侵和生态位理论引入城市竞争与区域协调的研究中,指出企业对外入侵既是城市发展的主要动力,同时也是触发城市间竞争的主要根源.由此分析了由城市竞争引发城市冲突的表象和根源.在简述已有相关研究的基础上,提出区域协调的几点认识.  相似文献   

<正>引言近年来,随着国际贸易和旅游业的发展,经济全球化进程的不断推进,人类从新石器时代就开始了外来物种的引进活动,当今世界的在这一领域更为活跃,外来物种入侵的机率亦大大增加。生物入侵,这将引起全球范围内的  相似文献   

一个城市的景观绿化工作需要比我国的自然森林中的景物更加的丰富,面对我国在城市建设方面存在绿化覆盖率相对低下以及城市在绿化建设方面刚刚起步的现状,我国在城市高速发展过程中的城市绿化规划建设以及种植、养护工作的压力不断的增大,而这些又极易引起一些相对复杂化的绿化问题,进而造成我们在城市建设时候的资金浪费等现象的产生,甚至还会产生一些可以引起人身安全方面的重要问题。本文主要是通过概述我国在进行城市森林生态体系过程中的建设以及研究情况,进而对我国在城市规划,尤其是园林绿化方面的重要作用进行阐述和研究,为实现我国在城市森林生态体系的建设以及城市建设中的和谐、可持续发展提供相关的参考和研究。  相似文献   

张琪慧 《活力》2014,(11):30-30
一、外来物种入侵的概念 外来物种入侵,也可以称为生物入侵,其基本含义是指当任何一种生物体进入以往未曾分布过的地区,并能繁殖延续自己的种群,给当地生态系统带来一定正面或负面影响的生物迁移活动。  相似文献   

外来务工人员是城市建设的保障,近年来,随着慈溪市经济的不断发展,外来务工人员的人数在不断上升,为了确保经济的顺利发展,让外来务工人员有归属感,进而能安心落户,参与经济建设,显得尤为重要,而对其住房保障更是首当其冲.本文从外来务工人员租住房建筑安全的角度入手,分析其存在风险的原因,并提出切实可行的对策.  相似文献   

我国城市林业建设正在兴起,各城市在城市林业上各有特色,而且尚处在理论和发展的新时期.同时,"让森林走进城市、让城市融入森林"已成为提升城市形象和竞争力、推动区域经济持续健康发展的新理念.  相似文献   

梁本固 《价值工程》2011,30(26):55-55
船舶压载水的随意排放是造成生物入侵的最主要途径,本文结合压载水问题的产生,阐述和分析了船舶压载水的处理方法及最新研究进展。  相似文献   

围绕生态城市目标规划城市绿地系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对普兰店市城市绿地系统规划建设案例的分析总结,探讨了当前县域城市绿地系统规划建设的发展方向,并从城市绿地系统布局、保护城市生态系统的生物多样性和原有环境、完善法规制度等方面提出了城市绿地系统规划的建议.  相似文献   

How should we understand the relationship between urban environments and infectious diseases? This article addresses this question from three particular perspectives: that of the materialities of health, that of nature and that of networks. The first perspective analytically blends biological dynamics, environmental influence and social practice. The second perspective, mainly influenced by multispecies ethnographies, foregrounds the liveliness and unboundedness of cities. Finally, the third perspective analyses how health is drawn into the domain of security. The article argues that while globalization and urbanization are often discussed as having triggered the emergence and spread of pathogens, urban epidemics are not self‐evident and ‘natural' consequences of these pro‐cesses. They do not fall neatly into universal categories of space, modernity or risk; rather, they are produced and shaped by a range of social, political, biological and economic sites and scales. Accordingly, the emergence of pathogens depends on its articulation through specific analytical frameworks. This article suggests that a critical focus on how infectious diseases manifest themselves differently in different local contexts may not only provide insights into the manifold forms of urban life, but also into the multiple, complex and highly political constitution of health.  相似文献   

冯馨 《商品储运与养护》2013,(10):206-207,205
随着中国对外开放的逐步深化,对外贸易持续增长的同时,也会带来一些负面的影响,其中就包括生物入侵问题。以松材线虫为例,它给生态环境造成严重破坏并造成了巨大的经济损失,文中从国际贸易视角下分析松材线虫入侵及其防范问题。  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of armed conflict on the drinking water service of Basrah from 1978 to 2013 through an ‘urban warfare ecology’ lens in order to draw out the implications for relief programming and relevance to urban studies. It interprets an extensive range of unpublished literature through a frame that incorporates the accumulation of direct and indirect impacts upon the hardware, consumables and people upon which urban services rely. The analysis attributes a step‐wise decline in service quality to the lack of water treatment chemicals, lack of spare parts, and, primarily, an extended ‘brain‐drain’ of qualified water service staff. The service is found to have been vulnerable to dependence upon foreign parts and people, ‘vicious cycles’ of impact, and the politics of aid and of reconstruction. It follows that practitioners and donors eschew ideas of relief–rehabilitation–development (RRD) for an appreciation of the needs particular to complex urban warfare biospheres, where armed conflict and sanctions permeate all aspects of service provision through altered biological and social processes. The urban warfare ecology lens is found to be a useful complement to ‘infrastructural warfare’ research, suggesting the study of protracted armed conflict upon all aspects of urban life be both deepened technically and broadened to other cases.  相似文献   

Deliberations about how to govern complex problems of urban health and wellbeing sustainably have often been implicitly biased by ideas such as being ‘human-scale’ or ‘people-centered.’ With increasing urban populations and increasing urban system interconnectivity, many cities have transformed into city regions or clusters, and the external effects of urban growth are carried mainly by the marginalized and the environment putting urban health increasingly at risk. Here we address the question of why human societies have not been better at collectively adapting to the challenges of urbanization and global environmental change? We build a theoretical framework of multi-level selection, complex systems evolution, and governance, following which we then present ‘human-scale’ and ‘people-centered’ ideas of urban development as expressions of two types of socio-political organization with different degrees of self-organization. We found several reasons for which the maladies of current urban development emerged and the seeming inability to resolve them. First, urban systems became increasingly interconnected and evolved into ultrasocial superorganisms, displaying preference to sustain themselves as a whole rather than their subordinates. Second, the difference in scaling effects between the biological and the social network contributed to the mismatch between rapid urban growth and slow adaptation. Furthermore, institutions of decreased variety reinforce themselves and become dominant, creating a positive feedback mechanism and promoting invasive and exploitative exponential growth, but they also reduce the creativity and resilience of urban systems. We also found that both the “human-scale” and the “people-centered” approaches acknowledge the exponential growth and decreasing variety in urban systems, and advocate for correcting the mismatches. To incorporate people's needs and values for long-term, truly sustainable urban health governance, we recommend combining the self-organizing, evolutionary feature of “human-scale” and the coordinative, political feature of “people-centeredness.”  相似文献   

长春市城市综合防灾规划技术路线研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长春市综合防灾规划技术路线是长春市综合防灾规划的专题研究之一.本文从规划的研究方法、研究内容入手,对综合防灾规划的步骤、内容、方法进行详尽的探讨,并在组织方式上提出自己的建议.这里参考了王江波的<我国城市综合防灾规划编制方法研究> (规划师2007.1)、翟宝辉等编著的<城市综合防灾>及周锡元教授的<城市进程中的安全与减灾> (提纲2004.12)中的部分.最重要的是在结合长春市常见灾种的情势下,从内容、方法、研究思路上有所创新.在最后结论与建议中指出:城市综合防灾规划是关系国计民生的一件大事,已经引起国家有关部门的高度关注.目前全国许多城市正在做城市综合防灾规划方面的研究,这是一个好的兆头.城市综合防灾规划及研究正在形成一种态势.为此,鉴于城市综合防灾规划研究的重要性、迫切性,建议长春市应结合城市总体规划的修订,编制城市综合防灾规划.  相似文献   

美国都市空间蔓延中的城乡冲突与统筹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱晨  岳岚 《城市问题》2006,(8):87-92
20世纪后半叶美国等西方国家经历了逆城市化和都市蔓延,分散开发建设模式致使大量的农田被侵蚀,农业生产用地和产业链的连续性遭到破坏.由于传统规划在理念和技术方法上都无法应对这一问题,所以在这一背景下一些政府和学者展开了建设开发和农业保护的城乡统筹研究.首先对城乡冲突的问题和传统规划的缺陷进行分析,然后对地块开发引导、开发权转让等城乡统筹的主要技术手段进行描述,并针对我国的城乡发展和规划问题进行剖析.通过对美国城乡统筹的研究,力求为我国目前城市化快速发展时期的城乡问题提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

A bstract . Latin Americans , principally Cubans , have entered Miami in large numbers since 1950. Although most who arrive have both urban and middle class backgrounds, which greatly facilitate their economic assimilation within the city, they have come in such large numbers that they are not becoming residentially assimilated with the non-Latin population. Instead, through invasion and succession they are creating their own ethnic ghettoes , a fact which is proven in this study through use of the location quotient and indexes of dissimilarity. Miami's Black population has always been isolated from both the Latin and non-Latin White populations. The city's major ethnic and family-cycle groups, however, have steadily become more isolated from the Latins since 1950. Furthermore, following the departure of these groups from neighborhoods invaded by Latins, they have relocated throughout the city in a way so that they are becoming increasingly more isolated from each other.  相似文献   

在综述了国外城市政治学核心文献的基础上,通过对中国城市化过程的深入评估和分析,依次从城市发展的主体性、城市服务对象、城市空间观、城市社会结构、城市生长、城市文化、城市建设、城市管理与服务、城市边界和城市内部结盟十个方面探讨了中国的健康城市化问题。  相似文献   

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