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This study investigates whether the globalization of financial markets enhances the efficiency of national stock markets. To this end, we have developed a dynamic representation of cointegration which is consistent with hypothesis that stock prices reflect the efficient discounting of new information on market fundamentals and testes for market efficiency in five industrialized markets (the United States, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany) over the last two decades. Our empirical analysis indicates that the U.S. and Canadian stock markets obey the long-run equilibrium path implied by our dynamic cointegration model, but the Japanese, British, and German markets do not exhibit such characteristics. Thus, it can be claimed that the stock markets of the United States and Canada are informationally efficient, whereas those of Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany are not. [G15, G14]  相似文献   

This paper examines the short‐ and long‐run linkages in pre and post global financial crisis among Middle East and North Africa (MENA) stock markets, between MENA and Chinese stock markets and also between MENA and developed (United States and United Kingdom) stock markets. Results indicate that both long‐run co‐integration relationships and short‐run causal linkages among MENA stock markets increased in post‐crisis than that in pre‐crisis sub‐period. The degree of integration between MENA and Chinese stock markets increased in post‐crisis than pre‐crisis. We also find that the degree of integration between MENA and developed (United States and United Kingdom) stock markets increased in post‐crisis than that in pre‐crisis. The presence of increased linkages among MENA markets, and between MENA and Chinese stock markets and also between MENA and developed (United States and United Kingdom) markets has important implications for portfolio investors and policy makers.  相似文献   

This study explores the effect of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) in four countries or regions (China, Japan, Europe, and the United States) on the contagion risk of investments in the global stock market. The stock returns of 22 stock markets worldwide are analyzed to determine which region’s EPU exhibits the greatest effect on regional systematic risk in the global stock market and on volatility risk in individual stock markets. First, all of the samples, the markets of different continents and the spillover indices of the developed and emerging markets, are calculated to observe the dynamic correlation among these markets with the aim of quantifying regional systematic risk and further examining the contagion risk effect of EPU. The results indicate the following: EPU in China is the most influential, and its contagion risk spreads to different regional markets, except for Europe; the effect of EPU in the United States is inferior to that in China; EPU in Japan merely influences contagion risk in emerging markets; contagion risk in European markets is not influenced by the four EPU indices; and EPU in Europe is not influenced by contagion risk in the global stock market. However, according to the volatility risk in each market, the EPU in Europe and China respectively influence Asian countries and European countries the most. These results may be attributable to the extremely high trade dependence among these countries because the performance of international enterprises is mainly determined by the economic policies of their trading partners.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the New Zealand equity market is integrated with the equity markets of Australia and the G7 economies by applying both the Johansen (1988 ) and Gregory and Hansen (1996 ) approaches to cointegration. The Johansen (1988 ) test suggests that there is no long-run relationship between the New Zealand stock market and any of the other stock markets considered in the study. The Gregory and Hansen (1996 ) test finds that the New Zealand and United States stock market is cointegrated, but the New Zealand stock market is not cointegrated with the other stock markets in the study. This suggests that in order to avoid some of the risk through international portfolio diversification there is potential for investors to purchase shares in the New Zealand market and either the Australian market or most of the world's leading equity markets.  相似文献   

This article examines the long-term equilibrium relationships between the Singapore stock index and selected macroeconomic variables, as well as among stock indices of Singapore, Japan, and the United States. Upon testing appropriate vector error-correction models, we detected that changes in two measures of real economic activities, industrial production and trade, are not integrated of the same order as changes in Singapore's stock market levels. However, changes in Singapore's stock market levels do form a cointegrating relationship with changes in price levels, money supply, short- and long-term interest rates, and exchange rates. While changes in interest and exchange rates contribute significantly to the cointegrating relationship, those in price levels and money supply do not. This suggests that the Singapore stock market is interest and exchanges rate sensitive. Additionally, the article concludes that the Singapore stock market is significantly and positively cointegrated with stock markets of Japan and the United States.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze whether the Softwood Lumber Agreement between the United States and Canada imposed significant economic costs on industries that use softwood lumber in the United States. To ascertain this impact, we use an event study. Our event study analyzes variations in the stock prices of lumber‐using firms listed at the major stock markets in the United States. We find that the news of events leading to the Softwood Lumber Agreement had significant negative impacts on the stock prices of industries using softwood lumber. The average reduction of stock prices for our sample of firms was approximately 5.42% over all the events considered. (JEL F13, F23)  相似文献   

This article explores the transmission of daytime and overnight information in terms of returns and volatility between Chinese and Asian, European and North American main stock markets. We propose a bivariate analysis with China as benchmark. By testing the constancy of the conditional correlations, we use an extended constant or dynamic conditional correlation GARCH model. The empirical findings show that across the daytime information transmissions, the relationships between China and Asian markets are closer than China and non-Asian markets, whereas through the overnight information transmissions these relationships are inverse. The analysis provides, before the crisis, that the overnight volatility spillover effects are from China to the United States and the United Kingdom. During the crisis, China affects the United Kingdom in terms of daytime volatility spillovers, whereas in terms of overnight volatility spillovers China affects the United States and is influenced by Japan. After the crisis, daytime volatility spillovers are from Taiwan to China, whereas the overnight volatility spillover effects are from China to the United States and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

We analyze whether the linkages between the stock markets of the NAFTA member countries (Canada, Mexico, and the United States) reflect movements in fundamentals or speculative bubbles. To this end, we estimate a state-space model to decompose the stock market indexes of the three NAFTA member countries into fundamentals and speculative bubbles. We analyze the linkages of the three stock markets by means of cointegration techniques. Evidence of cointegration linkages between fundamentals is stronger than evidence of cointegration linkages between speculative bubbles.  相似文献   

We examine how fluctuations in financial and housing markets in the United States affect asset returns and GDP in Hong Kong. In contrast to studies using linear specifications, which find that the United States and Hong Kong are virtually delinked in terms of the asset markets, our regime‐switching models indicate that an unexpected change in US stock returns, followed by the TED spread, has the most significant effect on Hong Kong asset returns and GDP, typically in a regime of high return and low volatility. For in‐sample one‐step‐ahead forecasting, the US term spread is the best predictor.  相似文献   

How are Asian financial markets interlinked and how are they linked to markets in developed countries? What is the main driver of fluctuations in Asian financial markets as well as real economic activity? To answer these questions, we estimate the spillover index proposed by Diebold and Yilmaz and gauge the degree of interaction in both financial markets and real economic activity among Asian economies. We first show that the degree of the international spillover in stock markets is uniform, irrespective of the groups of countries concerned, such as the G3 and ASEAN4. This suggests the importance of global common shocks in stock markets. We then discuss the macro‐finance dissonance. In stock and bond markets, the United States has been the main driver of fluctuations. However, China has emerged as an important source of fluctuations in real economic activity.  相似文献   

《Applied economics letters》2012,19(13):1279-1283
This study employs threshold error-correction model with bivariate Glosten–Jagannathan–Runkle-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model to examine the relationship between the Vietnam stock market and its major trading partners, the United States, Japan, Singapore and China. The results indicate that the Vietnam stock market and return risks are influenced by Japan and Singapore stock markets. We also find that the volatility of stock market in Vietnam and its trading countries have an asymmetrical effect. These findings could be valuable to individual investors and financial institutions holding long-run investment portfolios in the Vietnam stock market.  相似文献   

We re-examine the efficiency of real estate markets based on the Escanciano-Lobato (2009) autocorrelation test which we improved by means of wild bootstrapping. Through Monte Carlo simulation, we find that the wild bootstrap-based autocorrelation test has very good performance even in small samples. We apply the improved test to examine the efficiency of 14 international securitized real estate markets—Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States. Our results show that only six of these markets—Australia, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Sweden and the United States are efficient while the rest are inefficient. We also find that the degree of efficiency or inefficiency of each of these markets varies considerably across time. These findings indicate that real estate markets are relatively less efficient as compared to stock and bond markets in general and may also offer an explanation as to why existing studies on real estate market efficiency have mixed results.  相似文献   

Based on a theory proposed for the possible link between financial market integration and nonlinear cointegration, this study reinvestigates international stock market linkages by performing both conventional linear cointegration tests and newly developed rank tests for nonlinear cointegration. The stock price indexes of Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States are used, with daily data spanning from 29 May 1992 to 10 April 2001. Much more evidence of market integration emerges from nonlinear than linear cointegration analysis, suggesting that comovements among various national stock markets may well take nonlinear forms. Our findings challenge the conclusion of market segmentation reached in some previous studies that only conducted linear cointegration analysis.  相似文献   

This study examines whether a volatility/risk transmission exists between the Dow Jones Islamic stock and three conventional stock markets for the United States, Europe and Asia during the pre- and the in- and post-2008 crisis periods. It also explores the volatility spillover dynamics between those markets and US Monetary policy, oil prices, global financial risk and uncertainty factors. The recently developed Hafner and Herwartz (2006)’s causality-in-variance test provides evidence of risk transfers between these seemingly different equity markets, indicating a contagion between them during the full sample and the subperiods. The volatility structure of these markets is dominated by short-run volatility in the first period and by high long-run volatility in the second period. The volatility impulse response analysis indicates a similar volatility transmission pattern although it is characterized by a more volatile and short-lived structure in the second period. It also appears that the Islamic equity market responds to shocks from the risk factors and not from the oil price and the US economic policy uncertainty index during both periods.  相似文献   

Financial crises are normally associated with negative effects on financial markets. In this article, we investigate whether the most recent global financial crisis (GFC) had any positive impact on the G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States) indices. To conduct the analysis we employ the mean–variance (MV) analysis, CAPM statistics, Hurst exponent, runs test, multiple variation ratio test and stochastic dominance (SD) tests. Our MV and CAPM results conclude that most of the G7 stock indices are significantly less volatile. The results from Hurst exponent, run tests and multiple variation ratio confirm that efficiency improved in the post-GFC period. Finally, our SD results conclude that there is no arbitrage opportunity and the markets are efficient due to the GFC, and, in general, investors prefer investing in the indices after the GFC. Overall, we conclude that the GFC led to markets that are more efficient and mature, confirming that crises can also have positive impacts on stock markets. These findings provide important information for investors and market regulators.  相似文献   

Studying capital market efficiency is important because result may infer that there are predictable properties of the time series of prices of traded securities on organized markets. We examine the weak form of the efficient markets hypothesis to indicate its usefulness in terms of the results of this study. Furthermore, this study of individual securities prices of traded securities on the organized markets of Hong Kong and Japan corroborate previous findings of studies of individual stocks and market indexes both in Asian nations, the United States and other stock exchanges in the United Kingdom and Europe. Daily patterns are present in the times series of securities prices. You will note also, that the models identified reflect the returns on individual firms listed on the two of the three largest Asian Stock Exchanges.  相似文献   

2007年7月以来,美国次贷危机持续笼罩全球金融市场,导致美国房价大跌,资金紧缩,对世界股票市场、期货市场造成极大的冲击.随着金融危机对全球实体经济影响的日益加深,我国银行业也出现投资资产价值下降、零售业务放缓等迹象.因而,我国银行业应针对信贷管理中存在的薄弱环节,采取积极的措施,防范金融风险,保障商业银行健康发展.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the Taiwan stock market and examines its price and volatility linkages with those of the United States. In particular, it tests the hypothesis that the short-term volatility and price changes spill over from the developed markets, mainly the United States, to the emerging Taiwan stock market. The model and the test are built upon Engle's ARCH (autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity) and Engle and Kroner's M-GARCH (multivariate generalized ARCH) models. The paper differs from previous studies on the Taiwan stock market in three respects. First, instead of using daily closing prices, it uses close-to-open and open-to-close returns to avoid the problem of overlapping samples. It carefully models the day-of-the-week effect in daily data to avoid misspecification of the model. Second, to circumvent the generated regressor problem arising from the two-step estimation procedure, it also employs the M-GARCH model where all parameters are estimated simultaneously. Third, the misspecification test is carried out on various kinds of asymmetric ARCH factors. A substantial volatility spillover effect is found from the US stock market to the Taiwan stock market, especially for the model using close-to-open returns. There is also evidence supporting a spillover effect in price changes. The findings can be explained by the recent gradual opening of the Taiwan stock market to foreign investors.  相似文献   

This paper employs four cointegration test approaches, PO, HI, JJ and KSS, to test for pairwise long-run equilibrium relationships between Taiwan's stock price index and each of the stock price indexes of four European markets – French, German, Dutch, and British stock markets. The results from these four tests are robust and clearly consistent in suggesting that the Taiwan stock market is not pairwise cointegrated with the four European stock markets. This provides strong evidence that there exist long-run benefits for Taiwan investors diversifying in the equity markets of Taiwan's major European trading partners, France, Germany, Holland, and the UK, over the sample period considered from 6 January 1998 to 30 May 2002. These findings could be valuable to Taiwan individual investors and financial institutions holding long-run investment portfolios in the equity markets of France, Germany, Holland, and the UK.  相似文献   

This paper provides further evidence of the comovements and dynamic volatility spillovers between stock markets and oil prices for a sample of five oil-importing countries (USA, Italy, Germany, Netherland and France) and four oil-exporting countries (United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela). We make use of a multivariate GJR-DCC-GARCH approach developed by Glosten et al. (1993). The results show that: i) dynamic correlations do not differ for oil-importing and oil-exporting economies; ii) cross-market comovements as measured by conditional correlation coefficients increase positively in response to significant aggregate demand (precautionary demand) and oil price shocks due to global business cycle fluctuations or world turmoil; iii) oil prices exhibit positive correlation with stock markets; and iv) oil assets are not a good ‘safe haven’ for protection against stock market losses during periods of turmoil.  相似文献   

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