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本文分析了河南超硬材料产业集群的形成与发展,认为技术极推动、市场需求的拉动和政府政策扶持是集群得以快速成长的主要原因.本文还探讨了超硬材料产业集群存在的问题及对策.  相似文献   

数控刀具加工制造中,往往会因为一些细节性问题处理不当出现产品质量等问题。随着客户对数控刀具制造加工的要求越来越高,数控刀具制造企业积极应用镜像加工技术,尤其是在一些数控刀具零件轮廓对称、不对称的情况下应用镜像加工技术,可以促使数控刀具制造的轮廓外形加工效果得到优化与改善。在数控刀具制造中应用镜像加工技术不仅能够使加工程序有效缩短,还能有效减少生产中发生错误的概率。数控刀具制造企业可以根据控刀具的镜像特点,在制造生产中积极、合理应用镜像加工技术。  相似文献   

随着钢球加工工艺的不断发展与进步,各种新工艺、新材料的不断涌现,新的加工方法必将逐步取代过去的各种传统加工方法,这主要是因为用户对钢球使用要求的不断提高,促使钢球生产企业改变了对传统工艺的认识和观念。  相似文献   

为了更好满足近年来市场对材料表面改性技术的需求,在刀具制造中应用涂层技术可以有效提高切削刀具的使用寿命,并不断促使刀具综合机械性能得以改善优化,使机械加工效率有效提升。PVD涂层技术在我国刀具制造中的应用已经进入到关键时期,需要相关的刀具制造企业在充分了解刀具涂层技术现状的基础上,积极引进先进技术,促进我国刀具制造水平的不断提升。  相似文献   

Design and problem-solving is a key learning focus in technology education and remains a distinguishing factor that separates it from other subject areas. This research investigated how two expert designers considered experiences with hard materials contributed to their learning design and problem-solving with these materials. The research project used a qualitative approach and conducted semi-structured interviews with two mechanical engineers. They identified their experiences under three key headings that provided them with much of the essential knowledge and understanding they employ today to design and problem-solve with hard materials. These included experience of seeing outcomes that provided feedback on their designs, experiences that informed about materials and material selection and accessing others’ experiences from communities of practice.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a novel test to assess whether, and to what extent, firms might be using low-price guarantees to discourage their rivals from cutting prices. The test is based on a comparison of paired observations of advertised prices that are set by competing firms at the same point in time on similar items, where one price is set by a firm that has a low-price guarantee and the other by a firm that does not have a low-price guarantee. Using data on retail tire prices, we find that the majority of paired observations involving firms that have price-matching guarantees are consistent with what one would expect if firms were using them to discourage price cutting, whereas the majority of paired observations involving firms that have price-beating guarantees are not. This suggests that price-matching and price-beating guarantees may be serving different purposes. The evidence also suggests that guarantees that apply to advertised prices only may be serving different purposes than guarantees that apply to both advertised and selling prices.  相似文献   

为了提升钛合金切削刀具的切削性能,设计了3种不同形貌的微织构刀具,并基于不同切削参数,利用有限元软件对钛合金切削过程进行模拟仿真。对比研究了钛合金切削过程中切削力、切削温度和刀具磨损等主要切削性能要素的变化规律。研究结果表明:在设定的切削参数下,微织构刀具的切削温度和刀具磨损均低于无织构刀具,但其切削力略高于无织构刀具。微织构刀具对切削温度和刀具磨损分布的影响优于无织构刀具。其中V形凹槽织构刀具(T-V)将切削温度降低了25%~37%,刀具磨损降低了27%~39%,综合评价表明其综合切削性能优于T-H,T-N和T-K 3种刀具。不同形貌的微织构刀具的研究可提升刀具的切削性能,为微织构刀具设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of a linear programming model to project selection and resource allocation problems in two industrial R & D laboratories. Mathematical models have not been widely used in practice because of the inherent uncertainty of research. The model discussed here yields information about the outcome of decisions under conditions of uncertainty. The elements of the model are developed, using simple examples, and the form of the complete model outlined. Benefit evaluation is carried out using probabilistic networks and uncertainty in benefits included by utilizing the concept of certainty equivalence. The use of the model in practical situations is discussed, with examples of the information obtained from the solution, and sensitivity studies to investigate the uncertain environment are described. The result is a flexible model, which produces information necessary for planning purposes and which is acceptable to practising R & D Managers.  相似文献   

多目标决策方法在房地产开发中应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多目标决策方法为房地产投资方案的选择提供了一种科学的途径,分析了部分权重信息下多目标决策模型,列举实例说明该决策模型的应用过程。  相似文献   

In many cases, new services are developed based on incremental innovation. Thus, how to identify functional characteristics and how to differentiate new service development are two critical questions. However, previous research has ignored the functional heterogeneity of service when using innovation tools for new service development. In response, we suggest a hybrid approach to differentiating the method of generating new service ideas. A Kano model is first employed to identify whether functional characteristics are core or peripheral, after which different methods are applied for each function. For core functions, a case‐based reasoning approach is used, which focuses on identifying similarity; for peripheral functions, we suggest instead a modified zigzagging approach to identify creative functions. To present the working of proposed approach, we conducted a case study using Appstore application, IreaditNow, and show how to generate alternatives for both core services and peripheral services.  相似文献   

目的探讨农药残留的快速检测方法.方法采用快速测定方法一酶抑制法.结果通过对五种添加农药的蔬菜测定,其回收率为85%~105%,与气相色谱法的测定结果基本一致.结论酶抑制法可以用于蔬菜中农药残留的快速测定.  相似文献   

This article describes a survey of the perceptions of organizational buyers regarding the extent to which their purchasing decisions are influenced by various promotional tools. The results of this survey provide some practical implications for industrial marketers regarding the relative effectiveness of various promotional tools and the relative emphasis that they should place on each of them.  相似文献   

我国煤炭分布较广,在现今开发的大部分煤田当中瓦斯矿井占绝大多数.并且煤与瓦斯突出矿井较为严重,根据具体分析我国煤矿瓦斯涌出状况,根据具体研究利用地质动力区划方法来预测煤与瓦斯突出较为科学.  相似文献   

由于能源供应的再度紧张和价格的快速回升,国人对煤炭资源的有限性和煤炭产品的重要性有了更加深刻的认识。一时间,“煤黑子”变成了“香饽饽”,煤炭企业发行上市股票似乎有了最佳时期,不但好发行,还能卖个好价钱。但是,中国证监会出台的《关于进一步规范股票首次发行上市有关工作的通知》(证监发行字[2003]116号文),给煤炭企业的重组上市当头一棒。用部分  相似文献   

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