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计算机技术的飞速发展带来了信息技术的革命,使社会发展步入了信息时代。信息技术的发展水平、运用水平和教育水平已经成为衡量社会进步程度的重要标志。显然,计算机的广泛普及与应用,使人们传统的工作、学习、生活,乃至思维方式发生了巨大变化。不会使用计算机进行读写,不会利用计算机进行思维、工作和学习,将成为下一世纪的“文盲”。另一方面,计算机技术与其它学科领域交叉融合,促进了学科发展与专业更新,引发了新兴交叉学科与技术的不断涌现。人们若不能很好地使用计算机,将无法掌握最先进、最有效的研究与开发手段,直接影响…  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,多媒体技术迅速兴起、蓬勃发展,其应用已遍及国民经济与社会生活的各个角落,它对人类的生产方式、工作方式乃至生活方式带来巨大的变革。而多媒体技术作为一种新兴的教学手段,也被广泛应用于各科教学中。论文通过对"多媒体"概念及其特性、多媒体教学的应用趋势、《数码摄影基础》教学分析以及多媒体技术在数码摄影课程的应用四个方面展开了对多媒体技术在数码摄影教学中应用探索的研究。  相似文献   

首先界定了有关举债投资领域的相关概念,阐述了我国企业运用举债投资手段的现状,结合实例研究了组合投资和资本结构理论在举债投资中的应用。  相似文献   

森林保健旅游已经成为健康旅游的一大热点。在森林保健旅游的研究中,旅游偏好研究的成果较少。通过引入生活形态的概念,对长株潭地区的城市居民加以细分,来研究生活形态迥异的城市居民在森林保健旅游领域的旅游偏好。研究发现,长株潭地区的城市居民可细分为保守稳重型、消极随意型和积极进取型三个不同生活形态的族群;进一步研究发现,不同生活形态的族群在人口学特征、森林保健旅游项目、信息渠道、出行时段、出游方式、入住方式以及消费意向等森林保健旅游偏好方面存在差异。基于研究结论从产品开发和市场营销角度提出相关建议。  相似文献   

生物共生学说的发展与在其他领域的应用研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文梳理了生物共生学说的产生与发展历程,介绍了最新学术研究状况,概括总结了生物共生的本质;概括并划分了生物共生学说在其它领域三个层面的应用与发展:第一层面将共生现象进行哲学抽象与升华并应用到社会文化领域,第二层面是将生物共生的概念体系与技术方法直接借鉴应用到科技与经济领域,第三层面是在借鉴基础上进行理论创新与拓展。本文认为借鉴与发展并重是共生理论研究与应用的方向。  相似文献   

企业博客和博客营销的概念及其应用在全球范围内受到关注,成为网络营销一个崭新的领域。国外有关调查发现,尽管很多人对博客的概念还比较陌生,但企业博客与博客营销已经开始兴起,并且企业博客在营销活动中发挥了多个方面的作用。本文从博客的概念和现状入手探究企业博客的网络营销价值,并着重探讨了企业的博客营销的应用模式、目前存在的问题,最后从实战角度提供几则案例供大家参考。  相似文献   

陈继初 《新智慧》2008,(12):50-52
本文从会计信息透明度的概念、理论基础、衡量指标、影响因素、实证研究这五个方面对会计信息透明度理论研究的现状进行了评述,指出了现有研究的不足,并对会计信息透明度研究的趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的飞速发展,“计算机辅助”的概念在各个领域得到了广泛地延伸与发展。如:计算机辅助设计(CAD)在建筑设计领域里的应用、计苒机辅助教学(CAI)在教学领域里的应用、计算机辅助制造(CAM)在机械制造领域里的应用等.近年来,软件开发技术在体育运动会竞赛组织上的应用也得到了较好地发展,不步单位自行开发了相关专业的计算机田径运动会数据库软件系统,将过去繁杂的手工编排秩序册、成绩的统计、名次排列等转向由计算机应用软件系统对运动会全过程进行控制,大大地节省人力、物力和财力,提高了田径运动会管理的水平与效率。这无疑是体育界一件值得称赞的事,但就目前计算机体育专业软件在体育领域里的开发与普及应用的水平和层次上尚有许多值得探讨与研究的问题.本文将从计算机体育专业软件系统的普及应用角度探讨全面推行计算机辅助田径运动会管理软件系统的可行性。  相似文献   

基于城镇与农村、恩格尔系数与旅游恩格尔系数等差异,从时间和空间维度出发,利用全国城乡居民2000-2019年消费数据,对居民旅游恩格尔系数与旅游消费关系进行实证研究,由此探讨基于广义旅游概念的2.0旅游恩格尔系数衡量居民旅游消费和生活水平的可行性.以旅游恩格尔系数评判居民精神生活水平,对于"旅游"的认识须处于理性角度.  相似文献   

源泉扣缴这一税收领域的专业术语经常性地出现在我国相关的税收法律法规中以及税款征收的实践中,从学理上对这一概念进行研究,并将其与相近的委托代征进行比较,是十分必要的。文章梳理了源泉扣缴概念的主要观点,并分析其特征得出:源泉扣缴是由持有或收取应纳税收入的单位或个人代扣(代收)并缴纳税款的税款征收方式,包括代扣代缴与代收代缴两种方式。源泉扣缴和委托代征在法律依据、法律责任以及法律关系上具有明显区别。  相似文献   

A re-evaluation of the marketing concept appears to be in the making. The focus of research designed to facilitate this re-evaluation is likely to be of considerable importance to the future development of marketing theory. Research designed to better define the role and scope of the marketing concept seems to offer the most promise. Such research would be an aid to determining where the marketing concept should fit into a comprehensive theory of marketing. Limitations of the marketing concept are well documented in the literature suggesting a need for a broader framework of marketing theory. It seems imperative that academicians accept the responsibility for developing a more comprehensive general theory of marketing, one relevant to both the micro and macro aspects of a functioning system. Such flexibility seems to be a minimal requirement.  相似文献   

当前国内市场营销专业课程体系存在教育理念滞后、专业内涵模糊、课程内容庞杂、学时分配失衡等诸多问题。基于研究性教学的内涵,需从树立研究性教学理念、设置研究性课程、创新实验实践教学和推进研究性教材改革等方面来优化市场营销专业课程体系。  相似文献   

While the controversy concerning the validity and purpose of broadening the concept of marketing is still an ongoing one, the present article focuses on the field of political marketing and compares its historical development with that of American business. In doing so, it is shown that political marketing, viz., the process by which political candidates and ideas are targeted at the voters in order to satisfy their political needs and thus gain their support, has gone through the stages of (1) candidate orientation. (2) sales-management orientation, and is presently experiencing a transition to a (3) marketing concept orientation. These orientations parallel the development in the orientation of American business from product to sales to marketing focus. In addition, the article also suggests that marketing and political marketing share many basic concepts and tools. Consequently, it is concluded that political marketing should be included within the boundaries of the existing marketing theory. The author would like to thank Professor Philip Kotler for his insightful comments on an earlier version of this paper, and for his encouragement.  相似文献   

房地产行业竞争的加剧,使房地产后营销理念在房地产市场营销中体现了巨大的作用。加强房地产后营销理念研究,对促进我国房地产行业和企业的发展,满足和改善购房者需求,具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

针对美国市场营销学会对营销概念的重新界定之弊端,本文以服务和关系营销为研究的逻辑起点,对一般意义上的营销概念进行了拓展,提出了新的营销定义。首先,对传统和新的营销概念进行深层次分析;其次,结合营销定义最重要的构成要素,对营销作为一项组织职能的拓展与延伸进行了探讨;最后,通过对上述命题的分析,将营销概念与承诺管理等概念进行耦合,阐述本文所提出的新营销概念的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

Numerous marketing crises have gained media attention in recent years. The author examines the development of the concept of the crisis by political scientists, sociologists, and organizational theorists. Upon this base, a tentative definition for the marketing crisis is developed and a number of implications are drawn. Furthermore, the author suggests some directions for future research into the area of marketing crises.  相似文献   

Relationship marketing of services—growing interest,emerging perspectives   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Relationship marketing is an old idea but a new focus now at the forefront of services marketing practice and academic research. The impetus for its development has come from the maturing of services marketing with the emphasis on quality, increased recognition of potential benefits for the firm and the customer, and technological advances. Accelerating interest and active research are extending the concept to incorporate newer, more sophisticated viewpoints. Emerging perspectives explored here include targeting profitable customers, using the strongest possible strategies for customer bonding, marketing to employees and other stakeholders, and building trust as a marketing tool. Although relationship marketing is developing, more research is needed before it reaches maturity. A baker’s dozen of researchable questions suggests some future directions. holds the J. C. Penney Chair of Retailing Studies, is a professor of Marketing, and is director of the Center for Retailing Studies at Texas A&M University. He is a former national president of the American Marketing Association. His research interests are services marketing, service quality, and retailing strategy. He has published numerous journal articles and books, includingDelivering Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations (Free Press, 1990),Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality (Free Press, 1991), andOn Great Service: A Framework for Action (Free Press, 1995).  相似文献   

绿色营销:中国企业的必然选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色营销是人类环境保护意识与市场营销观念相结合的一种现代市场营销观念,随着可持续发展战略的提出,绿色意识的加强,为有效突破贸易壁垒,提升企业形象,增强企业竞争力,倡导绿色营销必将成为我国企业市场营销的必然选择。  相似文献   

The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science was started 40 years ago, at a time when “marketing in society” issues were capturing much attention from marketing scholars. Since that time both the field and this journal have grown and matured, but the marketing in society area has become somewhat removed from the dominant perspectives of marketing scholarship. This paper provides an historical perspective on these developments and offers an examination of the fundamental role of societal interests in our field. Six basic topics are explored: (1) the hundred years of history of marketing thought development, as reflected in the “4 Eras” of marketing thought; (2) the ebbs and flows of attention to marketing in society topics during these 4 Eras; (3) two illustrations of difficulties brought about by this area’s move to sideline status in the field; (4) our concept of the “aggregate marketing system” as a basis for appreciating the centrality of this research area for the field of marketing; (5) the nature of marketing in society research today; and (6) a discussion of several research challenges and opportunities for the future.  相似文献   

随着加入 WTO的脚步日益临近 ,知识经济浪潮下的中国农业面临转型 ,我国农产品营销体系亟待创新。本文将农产品营销与电子商务相结合 ,提出农产品电子商务概念 ,并通过对其特点及发展过程中存在的问题的思考 ,探求创建全新的农产品营销方式  相似文献   

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