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This paper estimates open-economy macroeconomic models of the Chinese economy allowing for the structural change caused by the 1992 reforms. Unrestricted vector autoregressions, VARs, and cointegrating vector error correction models, VECMs, are estimated on quarterly data for the early reform period 1980–1992, and the late reform period, 1993–2018. Two long-run cointegrating vectors are identified, which can be interpreted as a long-run, money demand function and a long-run IS type income equation driven by export demand. The 1992 reforms involved a move to a more market oriented system and a transformation of financial institutions and this seems to be responsible for a change in the direction of effect of interest rates in both the IS and LM relationships.  相似文献   

Forecasting the Euro Exchange Rate Using Vector Error Correction Models. — This paper presents an exchange rate model for the Euro exchange rates of four major currencies, namely the US dollar, the British pound, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc. The model is based on the monetary approach of exchange rate theory which uses fundamental macroeconomic variables to explain the exchange rate. A crucial point when using such a model is its proper estimation through cointegration analysis. The euro exchange rate model is therefore estimated in the form of a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model with cointegrating vectors (VECM). We find that when cointegration analysis is undertaken properly, the naive random walk prediction can be out-performed for the US dollar, the British pound and the Japanese yen, but not for the Swiss franc.  相似文献   

We develop an evolutionary algorithm to estimate Threshold Vector Error Correction models (TVECM) with more than two cointegrated variables. Since disregarding a threshold in cointegration models renders standard approaches to the estimation of the cointegration vectors inefficient, TVECM necessitate a simultaneous estimation of the cointegration vector(s) and the threshold. As far as two cointegrated variables are considered this is commonly achieved by a grid search. However, grid search quickly becomes computationally unfeasible if more than two variables are cointegrated. Therefore, the likelihood function has to be maximized using heuristic approaches. Depending on the precise problem structure the evolutionary approach developed in the present paper for this purpose saves 90 to 99 per cent of the computation time of a grid search.  相似文献   

The difficulty of estimating a stable money demand function has been blamed on financial innovations of the past two decades. Gurley and Shaw's [1960] thesis implies that a proliferation of money-like assets resulting from financial innovations increased the interest elasticity of money demand. However, Hafer and Hein [1984] provided empirical evidence to the contrary. This paper presents the empirical results of the M2 demand for money using an error correction model for the period 1959:1–87:4 and two subperiods 1959:1–73:4 and 1974:1–87:4. The findings suggest lower interest and price elasticities for money demand in the second sample in which money substitutes proliferated.  相似文献   

基于云南1980—2019年时间序列数据,在能源、资本和劳动三要素C-D生产函数框架下,利用Johansen协整检验、向量误差修正模型、Granger因果检验等定量分析工具,对能源消费与经济增长的短期和长期关系进行实证检验。结果表明:二者存在相互促进的长期均衡关系,而短期不存在因果关系,说明云南经济结构优化向好,能源依赖度低;此外存在纠偏机制,误差修正项对能源消费的调整速度显著快于对实际GDP的调整速度,说明云南能源产业具有良好的自我调节功能。最后指出云南能源产业今后的发展重点是加快建立系统整合的能源-经济决策架构,同时政府应着力营造稳定的宏观经济环境。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between mergers, welfare, and concentration, using a two-stage oligopoly model that generalizes the Cournot and Stackelberg models. This model has been used to show that some profitable mergers raise welfare and that some welfare-lowering mergers are unprofitable. Based on this, one might conclude that policy designed to restrict mergers is unnecessary or even counterproductive. This present paper examines in greater detail the implications of this model and finds that a merger's effects depend not only on the reduction in the number of firms, but also on premerger and postmerger firm behavior. In fact, most mergers lower welfare, and many of these are profitable. Usually, but not always, changes in concentration and welfare are negatively related.  相似文献   

This paper tests the collective model against the unitary model by estimating the labor supply of both the husband and wife. Using data from a developing country, China, we reject the hypothesis that distribution factors have no effect on household time allocation decisions. On the other hand, we cannot reject restrictions implied by the collective model. Thus the unitary model is not supported while the collective model gains credence in this study. Our findings suggest that the traditional patriarchalism in Chinese families is giving ways to power sharing between spouses.  相似文献   

Structural models of exchange rate determination rarely forecast the exchange rate more accurately than a naive random walk model. Recent innovations in exchange rate modeling indicate that changes in the exchange rate may follow a self-exciting threshold autoregressive model (SETAR). We estimate a SETAR model for various monthly US dollar exchange rates and generate forecasts for the estimated models. We find: (1) nonlinearities in the data not uncovered by the standard nonlinearity tests and (2) that the SETAR model produces better forecasts than the naive random walk model.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper a theoretical model of exchange rate determination in the dual exchange rate mechanism is established. The role of interest arbitrageurs, speculators and hedgers in the official and the financial markets (both spot and forward) is analysed. For each of the categories of participants excess demand functions for foreign exchange are derived, which lead to the equilibrium condition for the various market segments. Also the main links between the different markets are discussed.This paper is based on chapter II of my Ph. D. dissertation submitted to the John Hopkins University. I am grateful to Professors Bela Balassa and Kirg Niehans for helpful comments. Also Zoran Hodjera (IMF) and Paul De Grauwe (KUL) provided stimulating criticism.  相似文献   

Summary Korteweg extended the Barro, Lucas, Sargent, Wallace type of rational expectations model to a small open economy. This paper tests Korteweg's model with Dutch data. A major error in the specification and estimation is pointed out and corrected: the differenced expected variables are not defined consistently. This error implies that Korteweg's and Bomhoff's previous empirical results on the model are invalid. The test results for the corrected model indicate that this model has to be rejected for The Netherlands. The restrictions implied by an extremely simple empirical alternative are, however, not rejected.I would like to thank Dr. Th.E. Nijman, Professors F. van der Ploeg, W.H. Buiter and J.J.M. Theeuwes and Dr. A. J. de Zeeuw for their stimulus and helpful comments on previous versions of this paper, and Professor P. Korteweg for his open-minded attitude towards this research. Responsibility for the contents remains, of course, with the author. Financial help, from the Stichting Bekker-La Bastide-Fonds and the Stichting A.A. van Beek-Fonds is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This study uses a relative purchasing power parity (PPP) model based on price indexes (consumer, CPI or traded-goods price indexes, TPI), interest rate differentials, and a linear forecasting technique to determine the horizon over which such a model outperforms a random walk in forecasting the Yen/U.S. Dollar exchange rates out-of-sample. The results improve if one adjusts a simple CPI-based PPP-model by interest rate differentials, while the best results are obtained using a TPI-based PPP-model. For example, the TPI-based model, adjusted by interest rate differentials, is able to statistically significantly outperform the pure random walk starting at forecast horizons of 1 month.  相似文献   

There was an error in the specification of the regression equation(23) (p.100) in the original paper of Fingleton and McCombie(1998), although it does not greatly alter any of the estimatedcoefficients of interest.  相似文献   

Testing for output convergence: a re-examination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates output convergence for the G7 countriesusing panel time-series techniques. We consider both the nullhypotheses of no convergence and convergence. It is shown thatinferences on output convergence depend on which one of thetwo null hypotheses is considered. Further, the no convergenceresults reported in previous studies using the time-series definitionmay be attributed to the low power of the test procedures beingused. Our results also highlight some potential problems oninterpreting results from some typical panel unit root and stationaritytests.  相似文献   

A new social accounting matrix is constructed for Malaysia for the year 2000 to analyze sources of income inequality among ethnic groups in Malaysia. The analysis reveals that income inequality can be decomposed into the interaction of: (i) hourly wages; (ii) working hours per week; and (iii) number of dependents per household. The results of the analysis suggest that occupational differences are the main factor contributing to wage inequality in Malaysia. Ethnic Malays tend to work in low‐wage industries while ethnic Chinese and Indians are more likely to work in higher‐wage industries.  相似文献   

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