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我国当前政府采购中滋生的各种寻租行为,造成了社会资源的浪费和供应商的市场竞争力下降,扰乱了市场经济秩序,导致了经济效率的低下。其原因主要是利益驱动.相关法制建制不完善,寻租成本过低。应规范政府采购的行政权力;健全政府采购法律体系,严格执法;加大寻租成本。 相似文献
我国当前政府采购中滋生的各种寻租行为,造成了社会资源的浪费和供应商的市场竞争力下降,扰乱了市场经济秩序,导致了经济效率的低下.其原因主要是利益驱动,相关法制建制不完善,寻租成本过低.应规范政府采购的行政权力;健全政府采购法律体系,严格执法;加大寻租成本. 相似文献
Luis R. Capó 《World development》1983,11(3):217-222
Cuba's experience during the last 20 years is reviewed as far as international procurement and market intelligence are concerned. The steps taken during that period, in order to provide the Cuban people with the most efficacious medicines at the lowest cost are enumerated and analysed. The paper then discusses several aspects of Cuban drug policy: for instance, promoting national production of drugs; converting active ingredients into pharmaceutical forms; promoting research and development and technological innovation; and establishing an adequate infrastracture, including specialized institutional structures, for the evaluation of technology transfer and development in order to meet the demands made by human beings and animals on the pharmaceutical industry. The article also discusses the functions of Medi-Cuba dealing both with foreign commerce and its role as a drug intelligence centre for the pharmaceutical industry and research establishment. 相似文献
成熟的市场经济是服务型政府构建与运转的重要基础。文章在论证市场经济的这种基础性作用的基础上,分析了中国市场经济不成熟性的种种表现,并结合服务型政府建设的需要对中国市场经济的完善和发展提出了建议。 相似文献
提高政府能力是促进市场经济发展的保证。本文根据政府职能的变化和社会发展需要 ,提出了政府能力建设的重点及途径。 相似文献
金融证券理论认为投资者行为受市场机制约束,政府的作用在于防止投资者脱离投资理性。但我国股票市场是在政府主导下运行的,政府行为不仅导致市场的波动,而且还可以改变市场运行的方向。政府主导市场的结果是扭曲了投资者行为,加大了市场"泡沫",并为利益集团寻租创造了条件。 相似文献
中国房地产市场政府角色定位研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
住房具有生活必需品和投资品的双重属性,并具商品性和福利性二元属性,这就使得住房定价机制较一般商品更具复杂性,政府在房地产市场中的定位更显重要。近年来,由于房地产市场失灵和非理性,同时政府失灵和错位使得房地产泡沫显现并渐趋严重。本文针对目前房地产现状和政府定位作了深入分析,并从多个角度提出了政府角色定位的措施建议。 相似文献
This study addresses the issues of whether foreign firms outperform domestic firms in markups and whether the presence of foreign firms dampens the markup of their local counterparts in the Chinese market. Analysis of a firm-level panel dataset, we find foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs), particularly those not from Hong Kong–Macau–Taiwan, charging a higher markup. Estimations on the determinants of markups highlight the important roles played by technological capability and intangible assets. The potential channels and mechanisms are also discussed. Entering the Chinese market through joint ventures helps FIEs raise markups, and this effect is notable for HMT–FIEs, which might have a relative advantage of cultural proximity than other FIEs. Sharing equality with national capital to construct political connection (guanxi) also helps facilitate markups. Crucially, foreign presence is positively related to local firms’ markups, suggesting that the spillover and linkage effects dominate the competition pressure brought about by foreign direct investment. 相似文献
A “collusion puzzle” exists by which, even though increasing the number of firms reduces the ability to tacitly collude, and leads to a collapse in collusion in experimental markets with three or more firms, in natural markets there are such numbers of firms colluding successfully. We present an experiment showing that, if managers are deferential toward an authority, firms can induce more collusion by delegating production decisions to middle managers and providing suitable informal nudges. This holds not only with two but also with four firms. We are also able to distinguish compliance effects from coordination effects. 相似文献
Neelanjan Sen Priyansh Minocha Arghya Dutta 《International Journal of Economic Theory》2023,19(3):694-752
This paper considers the possibility of technology licensing via fixed-fee, royalty or two-part tariff and tacit collusion between firms that produce homogeneous goods under asymmetric cost structures and compete in quantities. In contrast to Lin (1996), all forms of licensing facilitate (obstruct) collusion, if the initial cost difference between the firms is relatively less (more). Technology will always be licensed, and the optimal form of licensing is either fixed-fee or royalty or two-part tariff, but collusion may or may not be possible post-licensing. Welfare decreases after licensing if the firms collude only after licensing but not collude under no-licensing. 相似文献
Summary If firms meet in a number of markets, they may respond to an action in one market by reacting in another market. Fear for such retaliation may induce multimarket firms to collude across markets. The paper assesses available theoretical and empirical evidence on the multimarket collusion theory. Moreover, the paper suggests that the theory can be fruitfully applied in the context of European integration. The focus is on collusion by firms which meet in product markets as well as in joint R&D projects. A model develops three propositions, which shed light on the subsequently provided (tentative) evidence on multidimensional contact in an integrating Europe. The discussion may serve as a framework for future research into both the theoretical and the empirical domain with applications to the issue of European integration.We gratefully acknowledge John Hagedoorn for providing access to the MERIT/CATI database, and two referees for their comments. Of course, the usual disclaimer applies 相似文献
改革开放以来逐步形成的经济利益关系格局特别是重大的经济利益关系,已经影响了构建和谐社会的基础。本文从经济学的角度,揭示了经济利益关系矛盾的根源在于市场失灵和政府失灵,并提出了相应的矫正措施。 相似文献
美国时间2008年9月14日,注定是被载人全球金融史册的日子。号称“全球金融中央大街”的百年华尔街,又爆出了有一百五十八年历史的雷曼兄弟申请破产保护的消息。紧接着,美林银行、美国国际集团(AIG)也相继被收购和政府接管。一时间,华尔街危机四伏,并引起全球金融动荡。然而,当我们从震撼中稍作平静,探究引发华尔街次贷危机的前因后果时,才发现,美国的金融体系并没有人们想象的那么糟,雷曼兄弟破产,也许是美国次贷危机的终结者。毕竟,百年华尔街经历过太多的风雨,不断有知名公司倒闭,也不断上演着新的传奇。 相似文献
中国传统文化中的"义利"观、"仁爱"观、"内圣外王"观、"修齐治平"观、"重农抑商"观、"和合"观、"人本"观等,其内涵有许多是与现代政府和市场经济的要求和发展相适应的。政府管理者和市场经营者都要深明"义"和"仁"的价值,培育"内圣"的美德和"外王"的才干,这有利于最大可能的减少政府失灵或市场失灵。市场经济的演进和发展,自始至终都少不了政府在其中所起的作用,但过犹不及。必须要做好政府与市场在制度上的安排和创新,协调个人理性和集体理性,这样,政府与市场的关系问题也会迎刃而解。 相似文献