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Wealth-path dependent utility maximization in incomplete markets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Motivated by an optimal investment problem under time horizon uncertainty and when default may occur, we study a general structure for an incomplete semimartingale model extending the classical terminal wealth utility maximization problem. This modelling leads to the formulation of a wealth-path dependent utility maximization problem. Our main result is an extension of the well-known dual formulation to this context. In contrast with the usual duality approach, we work directly on the primal problem. Sufficient conditions for characterizing the optimal solution are also provided in the case of complete markets, and are illustrated by examples.Received: December 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 91B28, 91B16, 49N15, 49N30JEL Classification: G11The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for their remarks and suggestions which greatly improved this paper. We also thank participants at the Oberwolfach workshop in 2003 for comments and discussions.  相似文献   

K. Larsen, M. Soner and G. ?itkovi? kindly pointed out to us an error in our paper (Cvitani? et al. in Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001) which appeared in 2001 in this journal. They also provide an explicit counterexample in Larsen et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.02087, 2017).In Theorem 3.1 of Cvitani? et al. (Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001), it was incorrectly claimed (among several other correct assertions) that the value function \(u(x)\) is continuously differentiable. The erroneous argument for this assertion is contained in Remark 4.2 of Cvitani? et al. (Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001), where it was claimed that the dual value function \(v(y)\) is strictly concave. As the functions \(u\) and \(v\) are mutually conjugate, the continuous differentiability of \(u\) is equivalent to the strict convexity of \(v\). By the same token, in Remark 4.3 of Cvitani? et al. (Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001), the assertion on the uniqueness of the element \(\hat{y}\) in the supergradient of \(u(x)\) is also incorrect.Similarly, the assertion in Theorem 3.1(ii) that \(\hat{y}\) and \(x\) are related via \(\hat{y}=u'(x)\) is incorrect. It should be replaced by the relation \(x=-v'(\hat{y})\) or, equivalently, by requiring that \(\hat{y}\) is in the supergradient of \(u(x)\).To the best of our knowledge, all the other statements in Cvitani? et al. (Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001) are correct.As we believe that the counterexample in Larsen et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.02087, 2017) is beautiful and instructive in its own right, we take the opportunity to present it in some detail.  相似文献   

Robust utility maximization for complete and incomplete market models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigate the problem of maximizing the robust utility functional . We give the dual characterization for its solution for both a complete and an incomplete market model. To this end, we introduce the new notion of reverse f-projections and use techniques developed for f-divergences. This is a suitable tool to reduce the robust problem to the classical problem of utility maximization under a certain measure: the reverse f-projection. Furthermore, we give the dual characterization for a closely related problem, the minimization of expenditures given a minimum level of expected utility in a robust setting and for an incomplete market.Received: September 2004, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 62C20, 62O05, 91B16, 91B28JEL Classification: D81, G11I thank Hans Föllmer for his help when writing this paper. Furthermore, I thank Alexander Schied for discussing the topic with me and Michael Kupper and the referees for their helpful remarks.  相似文献   

Multi-agent investment in incomplete markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of the expected utility maximization in incomplete markets for a single agent is well understood in a fairly general setting. This paper studies the problem for the multi-agent case. For this case a cooperative investment game is posed as follows: firstly collect all agents capital together at the initial time, then invest the total capital in a trading strategy, and finally divide the terminal wealth of the trading strategy and each of them gets a part. We give a characterization of Pareto optimal cooperative strategies and a characterization of situations where cooperation strictly Pareto dominates non cooperation, and prove that the core of the cooperative investment game is non-empty under mild conditions using Scarf theorem.Received: August 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 91B28, 91A12, 60H30JEL Classification: G11, C71This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 10201031. It is a pleasure for the author to express his sincere thanks to an anonymous referee for valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

In incomplete financial markets, not every contingent claim can be perfectly replicated by a self-financing strategy. In this paper, we minimize the risk that the value of the hedging portfolio falls below the payoff of the claim at time T. We use a coherent risk measure, introduced by Artzner et al., to measure the risk of the shortfall. The dynamic optimization problem of finding a self-financing strategy that minimizes the coherent risk of the shortfall can be split into a static optimization problem and a representation problem. We will deduce necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for the static problem using convex duality methods. The solution of the static optimization problem turns out to be a randomized test with a typical 0–1 structure. Our results improve those obtained by Nakano. The optimal hedging strategy consists of superhedging a modified claim that is the product of the original payoff and the solution to the static problem.  相似文献   

This article attempts to extend the complete market option pricing theory to incomplete markets. Instead of eliminating the risk by a perfect hedging portfolio, partial hedging will be adopted and some residual risk at expiration will be tolerated. The risk measure (or risk indifference) prices charged for buying or selling an option are associated to the capital required for dynamic hedging so that the risk exposure will not increase. The associated optimal hedging portfolio is decided by minimizing a convex measure of risk. I will give the definition of risk-efficient options and confirm that options evaluated by risk measure pricing rules are indeed risk-efficient. Relationships to utility indifference pricing and pricing by valuation and stress measures will be discussed. Examples using the shortfall risk measure and average VaR will be shown. The work of Mingxin Xu is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant SES-0518869. I would like to thank Steven Shreve for insightful comments, especially his suggestions to extend the pricing idea from using shortfall risk measure to coherent ones, and to study its relationship to utility based derivative pricing. The comments from the associate editor and the anonymous referee have reshaped the paper into its current version. The paper has benefited from discussions with Freddy Delbaen, Jan Večeř, David Heath, Dmitry Kramkov, Peter Carr, and Joel Avrin.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the question which path-independent claims are attainable through self-financing trading strategies in an incomplete market. For continuous-time stochastic volatility models we show that only affine payoffs can be replicated. We provide a simple proof for this proposition based on the requirement that, for replication, the stock and the claim must be locally perfectly correlated, and based on the partial differential equation that any path-independent claim has to satisfy. Moreover, we show that this result does not carry over to discrete setups.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that stock market price indices follow a random walk is tested for five European emerging markets, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Turkey, using the multiple variance ratio test. In four of the markets, the random walk hypothesis is rejected because of autocorrelation in returns. For the Istanbul market, which had markedly higher turnover than the other markets in the 1990s, the stock price index follows a random walk. This contrasts with the results of earlier research, carried out for periods of lower turnover, which rejected the random walk hypothesis.  相似文献   

A valuation algorithm for indifference prices in incomplete markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A probabilistic iterative algorithm is constructed for indifference prices of claims in a multiperiod incomplete model. At each time step, a nonlinear pricing functional is applied that isolates and prices separately the two types of risk. It is represented solely in terms of risk aversion and the pricing measure, a martingale measure that preserves the conditional distribution of unhedged risks, given the hedgeable ones, from their historical counterparts.Received: 1 September 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification: 93E20, 60G40, 60J75JEL Classification: C61, G11, G13The second author acknowledges partial support from NSF Grants DMS 0102909 and DMS 0091946.  相似文献   

We consider the exercise of a number of American options in an incomplete market. In this paper we are interested in the case where the options are infinitely divisible. We make the simplifying assumptions that the options have infinite maturity, and the holder has exponential utility. Our contribution is to solve this problem explicitly and we show that, except at the initial time when it may be advantageous to exercise a positive fraction of his holdings, it is never optimal for the holder to exercise a tranche of options. Instead, the process of option exercises is continuous; however, it is singular with respect to calendar time. Exercise takes place when the stock price reaches a convex boundary which we identify.  相似文献   

In this paper the neutral valuation approach is applied to American and game options in incomplete markets. Neutral prices occur if investors are utility maximizers and if derivative supply and demand are balanced. Game contingent claims are derivative contracts that can be terminated by both counterparties at any time before expiration. They generalize American options where this right is limited to the buyer of the claim. It turns out that as in the complete case, the price process of American and game contingent claims corresponds to a Snell envelope or to the value of a Dynkin game, respectively.On the technical level, an important role is played by -sub- and -supermartingales. We characterize these processes in terms of semimartingale characteristics.Received: June 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000):   91B24, 60G48, 91B16, 91A15, 60G40JEL Classification:   G13, D52, C73The authors want to thank PD Dr. Martin Beibel for the idea leading to the proof of Proposition A.4 and both anonymous referees for many valuable comments. The second author gratefully acknowledges financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Graduiertenkolleg Angewandte Algorithmische Mathematik at Munich University of Technology and by the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung at Vienna University of Technology.  相似文献   

Weighted norm inequalities and hedging in incomplete markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Let be an -valued special semimartingale on a probability space with canonical decomposition . Denote by the space of all random variables , where is a predictable -integrable process such that the stochastic integral is in the space of semimartingales. We investigate under which conditions on the semimartingale the space is closed in , a question which arises naturally in the applications to financial mathematics. Our main results give necessary and/or sufficient conditions for the closedness of in . Most of these conditions deal with BMO-martingales and reverse H?lder inequalities which are equivalent to weighted norm inequalities. By means of these last inequalities, we also extend previous results on the F?llmer-Schweizer decomposition.  相似文献   

We use a continuous version of the standard deviation premium principle for pricing in incomplete equity markets by assuming that the investor issuing an unhedgeable derivative security requires compensation for this risk in the form of a pre-specified instantaneous Sharpe ratio. First, we apply our method to price options on non-traded assets for which there is a traded asset that is correlated to the non-traded asset. Our main contribution to this particular problem is to show that our seller/buyer prices are the upper/lower good deal bounds of Cochrane and Saá-Requejo (J Polit Econ 108:79–119, 2000) and of Björk and Slinko (Rev Finance 10:221–260, 2006) and to determine the analytical properties of these prices. Second, we apply our method to price options in the presence of stochastic volatility. Our main contribution to this problem is to show that the instantaneous Sharpe ratio, an integral ingredient in our methodology, is the negative of the market price of volatility risk, as defined in Fouque et al. (Derivatives in financial markets with stochastic volatility. Cambridge University Press, 2000).  相似文献   

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