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商誉本质研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
一百多年来,会计理论界在商誉本质研究方面进行了诸多卓有成效的探索,提出了多种不同的观点,他们的研究主要沿着商誉构成要素、直接计量以及间接计量三方面进行,但并没有取得根本性的突破。进一步研究首先必须明确商誉的定位,在此基础上再应用相关理论论证商誉的本质问题。  相似文献   

财务共享模式是近几年由国外引进的新兴财务管理模式,其核心思想是通过流程再造实现公司业务的流程化、标准化,一般适用于规模大、业务分散、财务核算业务重合度高的企业。目前国内不少企业开始着手搭建财务共享服务中心,希望推动公司财务管理模式的转型,然而其存在的实用价值尚未得到一致认可。对此选取建筑装饰行业中的上市公司作为研究样本,按照是否建立财务共享模式将行业样本公司分成两类,并通过横向和纵向的对比,分析已经建立财务共享模式的样本公司在构建财务共享模式前后运营情况、盈利能力以及提升公司竞争力等方面产生的经济后果,揭示了公司在推行财务共享模式过程中可能存在的问题,并提出了如何解决的相关建议。  相似文献   

经济政策的制定与实施是监管部门进行宏观调控和塑造良好营商环境的重要手段,经济政策不确定性可能会改变并购双方风险态度,进而影响并购商誉.文章以2008-2017年沪深两市A股上市公司数据为研究样本,考察了经济政策不确定性对并购商誉的影响.研究结果表明:经济政策不确定性显著降低了并购商誉,且在民营企业上市公司、股权集中度高,以及产品市场竞争低的上市公司中表现得更为明显.研究据此提出经济政策预期引导和积极运用经济政策不确定性选择效应的建议.  相似文献   

Policy action to halt the global loss of biodiversity and ecosystems is hindered by the perception that it would be so costly as to compromise economic development, yet this assumption needs testing. Inspired by the recent Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, the leaders of the G8+5 nations commissioned a similar assessment of the economics of losing biodiversity, under the Potsdam Initiative on Biodiversity. Here, we propose a conceptual framework for such a global assessment which emphasizes several critical insights from the environmental economics and valuation literature: contrasting counterfactual scenarios which differ solely in whether they include specific conservation policies; identifying non-overlapping benefits; modeling the production, flow, use and value of benefits in a spatially-explicit way; and incorporating the likely costs as well as possible benefits of policy interventions. Tackling these challenges, we argue, will significantly enhance our ability to quantify how the loss of benefits derived from ecosystems and biodiversity compares with the costs incurred in retaining them. We also summarise a review of the current state of knowledge, in order to assess how quickly this framework could be operationalized for some key ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Because technology is often context-dependent and partly tacit, it is much less transferable than conventional 'innovation and market structure' models have long assumed. Technological know-how is represented in this paper as a combination of formal knowledge and informal practice. The balance of these basic components is viewed as an optimisation of R&D investment structure and level within an oligopolistic framework. We analyse the outcomes of this optimisation in terms of R&D production efficiency and social welfare. With regard to R&D investment structure, we find that the equilibrium outcome is neither efficient nor socially optimal, and the stronger competition is, the larger the divergence from efficiency and social optimum. For R&D investment level, the results are less conclusive, but they imply that competition represents the best conditions for stimulating R&D investment  相似文献   

The Trump administration has embarked upon two large economic policy initiatives at a time of full employment: increasing the budget deficit by cutting personal and corporate tax rates; and increasing protection, especially against countries with which the United States has bilateral trade deficits. These initiatives are meant to reduce trade deficits and increase employment and incomes in the US manufacturing sector. Economic analysis tells us that the result will be larger trade deficits, and weaker total tradeables, including manufacturing employment. There may or may not be a net gain for employment and incomes in those industries which have been the greatest beneficiaries of protection. Trump's protection policies will damage incomes in the United States and the rest of the world; the damage will be greater if other countries retaliate or emulate. Alternative policies that compensate losers from free trade would give better results.  相似文献   

经济发展不等同于经济增长。无论是发展经济学,还是传统的政治经济学,对经济发展的研究都很不充分,不能为发展中国家提供理论指导。笔者认为,从本质上讲,经济发展就是劳动整体的技能水平提高,社会发展的动力是劳动,是劳动主体的智力因素。以往经济学对经济发展研究存在两种认识上的偏差:一是过于强调经济发展中物的作用,二是笼统解释经济发展中人的作用,对高智力复杂劳动的意义估计不充分。  相似文献   

经济网络的不经济性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章用复杂网络的研究方法来分析和定义经济网络,将经济网络定义为以经济组织为节点的一种无标度网络,并对经济网络的特点进行研究。经济网络是一种非均质网络,所以具有非均质网络的特点而具有马太效应;网络内的节点具有利益最大化倾向。经济网络的这两个特点导致的经济网络整体不经济。为了解决经济网络整体不经济现象,可以采用建立经济网络协调人制度的方法。通过经济网络协调人对经济网络内的资源的协调和调控能力,来使经济网络以整体方式运营,解决经济网络的不经济性现象,产生经济网络协同。  相似文献   

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