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This paper uses farm management and socioeconomic data collected in the Small Farm Mechanization Prolect conducted by the International Rice Research Institute. Lo? Banos, the Philippines, during 1979 and 1980 to analye costs and benefits of tractor use in West Java. The main conclusion is that tractor land preparation is the optimum technique at market prices It is also optimum at efficiency prices provrded that tractor land preparation increaser yield and each tractor is used to its full capacity. If tractors do not increase yield. manual land preparation is the optimum technique at efficiency pnces When the analysis is conducted using distnbutional weights. animal land preparation is. in general. the optimum technique.


This paper summarises the methodology, results and lessons of a research program undertaken between 1989 and 1991 on the private rice marketing system in Indonesia. A method of linked interviews, starting from farmers, gave results in the two main areas of seasonal volume flows and competition in rice marketing channels. Sample survey results were used to interpret seasonality in the aggregate rice market It is concluded that price stabilisation remains a valid policy objective in Indonesia, but that targeted interventions could substantially reduce the cost of achieving this goal.


ThepasttwoyearsforChinasindependentdirectorshavebeenaperiodofmarginalizationandskepticism.Skepticsbelievethattheindependentdirectorsystemcannotreallyplayitsroleinraisingthequalityoflistedcompanies,onthegroundsthat,atatimewhenlistedcompanieshavenotyetsolvedproblemsintheirsharestructuresnorestablishedagoodpublicreputation,itisunrealistictocountonindependentdirectorstopreventinsidercontrol,andtoprotecttherightsandinterestsofsmallshareholders.TherecentcaseofLeshanPowerwarnsusthatmeasuresmustbetak…  相似文献   

China began absorbing FDI towards the end of the 1970s. By the end of 2002, China had approved the establishment of 424,196 foreign-invested enterprises, involving a total contractual volume of US$ 828.06 billion, 447.966 billion of which were put into actual use.The probability of transnational corporations monopolizing the market of a host country and their important position in certain industries in China have prompted many to ask: Will transnational corporations  相似文献   

The paper reviews economic structural changes and the resultant effect on the demand for energy. Seen globally, structural change is determined primarily by:
  • shifts In the sectoral contributions

  • technological development

  • increase in the urban population

  • redistribution of income.

The South African situation is analysed with respect to the following factors:

  • changes In sectoral energy use as a result of the development of the economy away from an agrarian economy towards a more industrialised economy

  • urbanisation and the changing energy consumption patterns especially with regard to increased food and water, housing, domestic energy, transport and waste disposal needs

  • redistribution of income and projected future demand for energy.

The importance of structural change in planning for future energy needs is emphasised.  相似文献   

China Railway Express (CRE), which completes most of its transport by rail, makes great success in the past 10 years. In this paper, we make comparison between the traditional transport organization in Chinese state railway and the parcel express transport charged by CRE, and introduce the organization transformation of CRE. We argue that to provide speedy and seamless transport product for the consumers and to continually increasing central control power of the whole transport process are playing more and more import role in strengthening the transport enterprise's competitiveness under new economy.  相似文献   

China Railway Express (CRE), which completes most of its transport by rail, makes great success in the past 10 years. In this paper, we make comparison between the traditional transport organization in Chinese state-owned railway and the parcel express transport by CRE, and introduce the organization transformation of CRE. We argue that to provide speedy and seamless transport product for the consumers and to continually increase central control power of the whole transport process are playing a more and more important role in strengthening the transport enterprise's competitiveness under new economy.  相似文献   

The paper examines the structure of Indonesia's manufacturing sector, using data from the 1980 input-output tables., and supporting data from various industrial surveys and national accounts. An input-output analysis of sectoral linkages and factor demand (labour, proxies for skill and capital, imports) is used to derive implications for growth and employment of two contrasting industrial development strategies — a labour-intensive strategy and a more capital-intensive strategy fostering basic industries. It is argued that a labour-intensive, resource-based, and export-oriented strategy combined with selective import substitution is most likely to achieve the stated development goals of the Indonesian government.


Social policy is an indispensable element of rule and China’s current leadership has moved policy to a more inclusive system based on a notion of citizenship.The extension of social welfare provision is examined through a case study of education and health care in the South China village of Yantian.Yantian lies at the core of the Pearl River Delta,which has become a key link in the global reorganization of manufacturing and production.Consequently,the village is home to some 80 000 migrant workers who complement the 3000 registered inhabitants.A study of education and health-care provision reveals that in terms of equity, registered villagers enjoy significant advantages in seeking welfare resources.Although living in the same village,the two groups inhabit different worlds. However,provision, while selective,has become more inclusive.The present research suggests that social citizenship will precede political citizenship.  相似文献   

A system has been set up in China which provides for independent directors of listed companies. Whether these independent directors could play an effective role has, however, always been a matter for dispute. The recent case of Leshan Power shows that under the legal framework and share structure which currently exists in China, there is very narrowscope for independent directors to carry out their function. After discussing the main obstacles to implementation of independent directorship of China‘s listed companies, the authorpoints out several measures that must be taken in order to enhance the effectiveness of boards of directors. Finally this paper concludes that without the necessary conditions forindependent directors to actually have a functioning role to play, invitation of independent directors by listed companies will be a matter of form only.  相似文献   

This article presents basic guidelines of “input–output” approach for decision-making in the field of economic policy. Special attention is given to modern approaches to the analysis and forecasting of economic development by using a cross-sectoral approach. The paper discusses the limitations of structural development of the Russian economy and describes the capabilities of modern interindustry models in the field of macrostructural forecasting.  相似文献   

Guilin Jiqi is a pharmaceutical company listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1997. Possible motives for her accounting fraud in 2000 are thoroughly analyzed. Guilin Jiqi made up the accounting profit in the semi-annual report. Interestingly, the employee shares of Guilin Jiqi began to be tradable from June. After rejecting other possibilities, we find that this accounting fraud is possibly intended to help her employees, except top managers, to sell their shares at a huge profit.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the merits and demerits of public works programmes in general as well as in the specific context of South Africa. Insofar as the latter is concerned the paper recommends basic guidelines that may be regarded as prerequisites for the implementation of such a programme in this country. With regard to the proposed guidelines, the South African Government's 1985 unemployment relief package is examined critically.

In conclusion, the paper favours the introduction of a well‐conceived and adequately scaled programme of public works as a powerful means of combating unemployment and alleviating widespread poverty in the country.  相似文献   

Certificate‐of‐Need (CON) programs for new hospital construction are intended to foster the best selection among competing hospital applications, given demands for hospital care in the community. Yet, the merits of CON depend in part on the quality of the comparative review process. This article examines a case study in Florida to illustrate the utility of empirical evaluations using patient choice models. I estimate such models to show how patients would respond to a change in hospital choices. By simulating the welfare effects of the proposed hospitals, I can further predict how prices of hospital care differ by applicant. Results suggest that empirical analysis using data on patient choice of hospitals may better inform the review process. At the same time, however, it may not give a unique ranking without additional analysis of the fixed costs of proposed services in the context of existing marketwide capacity.  相似文献   

I. Introduction Today, the private sector is the most important component of the Chinese economy. It grows especially fast in the eastern coastal areas, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shandong provinces and Shanghai Municipality. The development of the private sector started firstly in southern Jiangsu province with township and village enterprises (TVEs) in110 Zhikai Wang / 109 – 120, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2006 ?2006 The Author Journal compilation ?2006 Institute of World Economics…  相似文献   

The history of theory development indicates that the study on the price theory of the mineral resources has moved from the mineral resources paid use to the property of value and pricing mineral resources. The core of the study of mineral resources management system is in fact the analysis on the system changes of the mineral resources paid use and resources marketization. We have formed a mainstream view of the system change that is based on the value, capitalization and marketization. Besides, we must use policies made by the government to eliminate market failures, improve and perfect mineral resources accounting system, make mineral resources planning, and control investment direction and finally bring about the sustainable development of mineral resources.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionSinceChinasentryintotheWTOinlate2001,thenationsenterpriseshavefacedincreasinglyfiercecompetition,mainlywithregardtoattractingforeigninvestment,whichisconsideredasanimportantengineinnationalandlocaleconomicgrowth.Becauseoflowbusinesscostscomparedwithothercountries,Chinahasabsorbedalargeamountofforeigninvestmentinrecentyears.However,asgreateramountofforeigncapitalflowintoChina,businesscostswilltendtoincreaseinsomeareas,especiallythecoastalareas.Laborcostsarethemostimportantaspec…  相似文献   

Campus smart card project is widely implemented across China. Its implementation largely changes the educational management situation of colleges and raises the managerial and educational efficiencies. Nowadays, it faces the problem of evaluation after its implementation. This paper adopts the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method from the point of studying its investment and output effectiveness and builds up a mathematical model.  相似文献   

In 1985 an amount of R6OO million was allocated for special employment projects. The most important ones were labour intensive projects by the public and private sectors, projects to support the small business sector, and the training of unemployed persons.

Various conditions were set for the programmes. Regarding the labour‐intensive projects for instance, a relatively small allowance was paid to the unemployed person in order to accommodate as many persons as possible, and to ensure the workers were not diverted from other employment opportunities. Furthermore, at least 50 per cent of the total funds allocated had to be for the wages of the unemployed persons. In terms of acceptability among both training institutions and the persons involved, the scheme for the training of unemployed persons was particularly successful.

Only a relatively small part of South Africa's unemployment problem can be addressed with a programme of this nature. Measures to address the structural unemployment problem remain first priority.  相似文献   

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