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朱溪  杨杨  林佳 《大经贸》2003,(9):20-22
盛宴不会重开 "这是商业秘密!" 在北京长安街远洋大厦的一间小会议室,当记者问到具体的发卡数量,昂朝文笑着说.  相似文献   

地域文化是旅游产品的灵魂与精髓,地域文化的挖掘和融合对旅游产品起着至关重要的作用,将北海特有的地域文化价值转化为旅游产品,科学而创新地对旅游产品进行开发设计,才能提升旅游产品的生命力和吸引力,使其在琳琅满目的旅游产品市场中脱颖而出,同时对地域文化进行有效的传承和发扬光大,促进旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

董洁 《中国市场》2014,(24):105-105
随着社会经济的发展,我国城镇化率也在快速升高,进而促使景观建设迅速发展。虽然大家都在注重传统文化的弘扬,但文化缺失、文脉混乱、文化异化、标识不清等现象依然广泛存在于中小城镇建设当中。地域文化是当地自然地理背景及悠久历史条件下形成的文化传统,本身具有很强的可识别性。打造地域文化背景下的城镇标识系统具有非常重要的现实意义。本文对地域文化背景下的标识设计原则及思路进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

我国发展村镇银行的机遇和挑战   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
林俊国 《商业时代》2007,(18):67-68
村镇银行是我国社会主义新农村建设和农村金融体制改革的产物,村镇银行在为农村金融发展提供巨大机遇的同时,也带来严峻的挑战。本文在论述我国发展村镇银行的机遇与挑战的基础上,提出了发展我国村镇银行的几点建议。  相似文献   

CTR市场研究发布《中国消费者银行渠道使用研究报告》,数据显示,由于排队时间长,银行柜台成为满意度最低的银行渠道,但却依然是最主要使用的渠道。自助设备、网上银行等电子渠道有巨大发展空间,但如何鼓励消费者更多使用电子渠道仍是一大问题,银行依然面临很大挑战。  相似文献   

兰若 《三联竞争力》2006,47(1):64-66
手中这部笔记本电脑,苹果(APPLE)PowerBookG4,已经用了好几年。虽然灰白的边缘有些剥落的痕迹,但其黑色“键盘及外圈灰色表面依然优雅如初,触摸上去,温和舒适。不用时关上机盖,清净的银灰中镶嵌着一枚白色的苹果,可爱趣致,留在书桌上,简单疏雅。  相似文献   

加拿大蒙特利尔体育中心是当地居民永远的骄傲,也成为奥运史上最富象征性和纪念标志之一.但是,这座建筑也是蒙特利尔居民心中抹不掉的苦涩.  相似文献   

随着零售银行客户的金融服务需求日益多样化,竞争加剧,零售银行纷纷从产品导向转向以客户为中心,以增强其市场竞争能力。而我国零售银行客户服务方面,却面临着客户满意度下滑、客户的忠诚度全球最低等挑战。需要通过开发以客户为中心的零售银行业务模式、简化业务和操作模式、全渠道整合和转型创新来应对,提升自身的竞争优势。  相似文献   

张蕙显 《江苏商论》2010,(1):134-136
村镇银行在经营中既面临着农业生产风险大、金融生态环境差、规模小、公信度低、业务拓展难等的强烈的挑战,同时也拥有着生存空间广阔、金融需求潜力大等的广阔的机遇。因此,合理定位、公司治理、服务创新、完善机制等策略的推行便成了当务之急。  相似文献   

随着我国商业银行信息化水平的不断提升以及业务创新的发展,我国商业银行的电子银行业务在近十多年里,经历了爆发式的发展,目前电子银行渠道已经成为各商业银行的主要业务渠道。本文回顾了电子银行发展历程,在对当前电子银行业务发展现状和面临挑战进行分析的基础上,从提高战略重要性认识、优化组织结构、提高市场敏锐度和科技支撑和引领业务创新等方面,提出进一步促进电子银行业务健康快速发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Leadership and culture in the MENA region: An analysis of the GLOBE project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on leadership and culture in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, using data from the GLOBE Project. The results show that cultural practices are manifested by higher in-group collectivism and power distance, whilst cultural values are represented by a common desire for higher performance and future orientation. Examination of the leadership prototypes shows a preference for honest, just and inspirational leadership that encourages loyalty. Further examination of the leadership prototype using cluster analysis produced four sub-clusters of leadership profiles. These revealed the similarities and differences among the MENA region's leadership preferences. Opportunities for further research and implications for managers were discussed.  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化趋势推动下,世界范围内地域及民族视觉形象与文化现象在我国商业环境中日益显现并受到广泛关注,其经济价值和社会意义已毋庸置疑.本文就现今我国商业市场中的中国、美国、日本地域及民族视觉文化形成、风格与特点及其分类做了详尽分析,指出不同地域及民族地域视觉文化传播不仅丰富和开阔了人们的视野,而且对我国现代商业市场产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

08年美国金融危机席卷全球,众多世界知名企业纷纷破产,由此引发本文对中国企业内部控制方面问题的思考,主要结合企业文化分析如何利用企业文化解决企业目前内部控制中存在的主要问题,使企业的内部控制能够制定的更加完善和执行的更加有力,企业文化也能够真正的融入企业.  相似文献   

We explore the relevance of the « coopetition » concept within Montreal's circus sector and the Montréal Complètement Cirque's festival in particular. Our analysis is based on the cluster phenomena found in coopetition studies, which is a strategy used by companies in the technology sector. We formulate propositions that suggest these collaborative practices allow reduce tensions related to the innovation and creative processes' intrinsic uncertainty and also moderate the effects of a firms' limited resources. These practices are also related to public policies aimed at ensuring the sector's sustainability, the existence of interpersonal relations, and the need for more visibility on the sector and its actors. Copyright © 2017 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bank of China, the nation's third largest lender, said on December 7 it would beef up efforts to optimize credit structure to avoid systemic risk and realize sustainable development.  相似文献   

The recent literature on women’s entrepreneurship shows that they are underrepresented in the main stream economy when compared to their male counterparts, a phenomenon typically observed in other urban contexts. Approximately 30% of the entrepreneurs in the Montreal metropolitan area are women, active in a variety of sectors of the general economy. Their underrepresentation is still greater in the new economy, that is, those sectors that are knowledge-based and/or specialized in information technologies and communications. In this article, we examine the place of female entrepreneurs in the larger economy and in the new economy as related to their immigrant and/or ethnic origins. We seek in this paper to establish a comparative analysis of the situation of women entrepreneurs in immigrant-origin groups, focusing our attention on both the presence of women in entrepreneurial positions and the differential impact associated with membership in an immigrant-origin group. Based on data derived from Scott's Directory of 2007, we first determined an operational definition of the new economy and then analyzed the data from the perspective of sex and ethnic/immigrant origin. New economy enterprises represent approximately 12% of businesses in the Montreal metropolitan area, the majority of which are of the knowledge-based variety, and there is a relative, statistically significant absence of women from such enterprises. At the same time, there is a significantly greater presence of women drawn from minority groups, that is, from groups other than the Anglo-Canadian and French-Canadian dominant groups.  相似文献   

E-business systems, the most recent generation of information systems, can be effectively used in teaching. One such system was developed and used in a collaborative project that involved teaching of negotiation theory and practice to students from Austria and Canada. The system provides customized course materials and a platform to conduct various e-negotiation activities. The design allows combining e-learning technologies designed to support students in their independent and individual learning with conventional face-to-face training. Our experience indicates that professional negotiation training accompanied by e-learning, and tools to support decision-making and negotiation can foster students' appreciation of the technology as well as demonstrate its limitations. The combination of technology-intensive and conventional resources contributed to students' awareness of social influences on negotiations, importance of communication, and focussed their attention on the problem and its solution. Deeper customization of the course content and delivery may further contribute to effective learning and acquiring of both communication and analytical skills.  相似文献   

石俊 《北方经贸》2014,(12):50-52
从20世纪后半期开始,印刷术时代没落,随之而来的是电视、广播、互联网乃至手机媒体的蒸蒸日上。以手机为代表的新媒体开始以全时、全速、全域、全民的特点充斥在快速成长的青少年生活中,青少年作为主流文化消费者在文化消费中所表现出来追求时尚、注重体验、忽略发展性消费的特点在一定程度上对传统文化家庭的消费决策产生影响。这种影响从根本上不可逆转地改变了传统家庭交流方式,家长被青少年感染,变身孩童化大人,青少年在相对自由的环境中真正得到了身份认同。由此看来,青少年的流行风格与传统家庭文化的碰撞,技术的发展和创新有利于推动传统文化机制的现代化创新。  相似文献   

Policy statements on ethical issues abound. If all organisations which produce mission statements, codes of practice or ethical codes were, therefore, ethical in conduct and performance, business ethics would be non-problematic. However, the effectiveness of corporate codes of ethics is dependent, inter alia, on the day-to-day behaviour of managers.Interest in the impact of ethical codes and mission statements on managerial behaviour has grown in recent years. The assumption underlying this paper is that one way of enriching our understanding of the ethical behaviour of managers is to focus on actual behaviour in real organisations.This paper reports the findings of a research project aimed at discovering the extent to which the British Cooperative Bank's Ethical Policy influences the behaviour of those managers at the Bank who are responsible for achieving the Bank's objectives in acquiring new business in the corporate market.It seeks to explore the impact of the Bank's Ethical Policy on the day-to-day behaviour of a significant group of the Bank's managers.Alan Kitson obtained his first degree in Politics and his doctorate in the political theories of Hegel and Marx from the University of Nottingham. He is Head of Bolton Business School at the Bolton Institute, England and teaches business ethics to undergraduate and MBA students.  相似文献   

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