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(Bimonthly,Startedin1984)2001CONTENTSNo.1(GeneralSerialNo.91)PromoteSustainableDevelopmentoftheCauseofLandandResourcesbyMeansofScientificandTechnologicalInnovation……HeadofDepartmentofInternationalCooperationandScienceandTechnology,Min  相似文献   

ed control method can compensate the reactive power, improve the power factor and stabilize the DC voltage effectively.Sliding mode variable structure, space vecto  相似文献   

以传统休闲豆制食品的加工过程为研究对象,对生产过程各主要加工环节进行取样分析,探讨主要加工环节的重金属和微生物指标的变化规律,旨在确定影响产品安全的关键控制点。结果表明休闲豆制食品危害控制的关键控制点为:原料选择(大豆、水源、添加剂)、废物处理(废水、豆腐渣)、浸泡、分割与包装、灭菌。危害控制的方法有:规范原材料的选购途径、建立废物处理系统、规范加工工艺、建立食品数据库等。  相似文献   

本文主要针对电力企业党风廉政建设存在的一系列问题深入分析,主要包括其制度漏洞、私设小金库以及利用职权搞体外经营等现象。针对上述的种种问题,本文给出了一系列加强党风廉政建设的意见及建议,比如对相应电力企业加强党风廉政教育、发挥党组织的积极作用、提高监督检查效率等,从而促使党风廉政教育的顺利实施,保证电力企业的应与国内效益,对于相关企业党风廉政建设的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate whether the Brazilian notifications to the TBT and SPS agreements are characterized as retaliation or as cooperation in international agricultural trade in the period 1996–2008. A Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) model is used to estimate game models of bilateral trade between Brazil and its major partners (United States, European Union, and Japan). From the viewpoint of strategic games, the results suggest that the Brazilian notifications are forms of retaliation against the United States, and, regarding the European Union, the best result for Brazil was conciliation. On the other hand, if the results are interpreted as equilibria of bargaining games, they suggest that Brazil has great bargaining power in trade with the United States and that cooperation characterized agricultural trade between Brazil and the European Union in the period analyzed. In the case of agricultural trade between Brazil and Japan, only Japan has characteristics of a country with significant bargaining power.  相似文献   

This study investigates the intermediary functions and the farmers’ perspectives in the development and implementation of agri-environmental schemes in Shiga Prefecture of Japan by employing the innovation journey analysis and the statistical analysis. The innovation journey analysis demonstrates that the prefectural government served as an ‘innovation intermediary’ to: (1) provide a clear vision of sustainable agriculture for farmers and other actors, (2) create and reinforce both technological and market niches and (3) develop actor networks involving local actors. It also identifies the following roles of the Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JAs) and the specialist wholesaler as innovation intermediaries to: (1) develop new farming materials such as fertilizers, (2) translate and deliver practical farming knowledge for farmers and (3) establish the market of environmental-friendly rice. Statistical analysis uncovers that farmers more appreciated the supports from the JAs than those from other intermediaries to participate in the schemes. Complemented by the innovation journey analysis, our findings suggest that the keys to increasing farmers’ participation in the schemes include a clear vision and economic incentives for farmers as well as the coordination among intermediaries who have different expertise.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which Pakistan's growth has been, or is likely to be, constrained by its balance of payments. Evidence presented suggests that Pakistan's maximum growth rate consistent with equilibrium on the basic balance is approximately 5% per annum. This is below the long-term target GDP growth rate of 7–8% per annum. This balance-of-payments constrained growth approach provides some important implications for Pakistan's development policy. Real exchange rate depreciations will not lead to an improvement in the current account. Pakistan must lift the constraints that impede higher growth in exports. In particular, it must shift its export structure towards more sophisticated products with a higher income elasticity of demand.  相似文献   

This article examines how clustering affects the entry and exit decisions of farm households into and from nonfarm enterprises in rural Ethiopia. We find that the existence of clusters of microenterprises in the same district increases the likelihood of a rural household to start a nonfarm enterprise. Similarly, clustering of big manufacturing firms in the same zone is found to increase the likelihood of farm households to start a nonfarm enterprise. Nonfarm enterprises operating in clusters are also found to have a lower probability of exit than those operating outside of clusters. The study further investigates the impact of entry and exit into and from nonfarm enterprises on farm household's well‐being using as indicators total household income, the food security status of a household, and the household's ability to raise enough money in case of emergency. Using propensity score matching to account for selection bias, we find that entry into nonfarm enterprises significantly increases household's income and food security status. Exit from nonfarm enterprises, on the other hand, is found to significantly reduce household's income.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest on ecosystem services (ES) in research, significant knowledge gaps on ES integration in decision making subsist. Particularly, ES-focused profiles of governance frameworks for different policy areas, like spatial planning, are scarce. The goal of this research is to draw a profile on ES integration in the European policy and guidance framework for spatial planning and strategic environmental assessment (SEA). To investigate how this framework might be translated in a particular country of the EU and across different levels of governance, the Portuguese spatial planning and SEA framework is also analysed. To achieve these goals, a content analysis of policy and guidance documents was conducted. We have found a general low level of explicit ES integration, but some notions associated with ES are present in the documents, although more indirectly. Results highlight the potential role of SEA for ES integration. However, in the Portuguese context, the contribution of SEA in practice is currently limited and for the coming years ES will not be specifically targeted or integrated in regional spatial planning practice. Recent changes in the wider European governance framework contribute to potentially higher degrees of ES integration in the future. Nevertheless, bottom-up demand for improved ES integration in plans and policies will be an important driver. Our approach contributes to identify which policies, plans and guiding documents need improved ES integration.  相似文献   

to be the parents of‘Niitaka’were also included. PCR-RFLP analysis of genomic DNAs of the 12 cultivars, nucleotide sequencing of amplified fragments and sequence analysis were performed. As the results, the ten cultivars of Niitaka line were genotyped as follows: ‘Niitaka’(S3S9), ‘Whang Keum Bae’(S3S4),‘Sujeong’(S3S9), ‘Joseng Whang Keum’(S3S4), ‘Soumi Tuniitaka’(S3S9), ‘Yewang’(S3S9), ‘Jinqiu’(S3S9), ‘  相似文献   

China's recent political and economic inroads into Africa have generated much interest in the current literature, with scholars and policymakers endeavouring to assess the merits and risks implicit in this renewed engagement. Absent from the literature, however, are systematic analyses of African perceptions of these rapidly growing China–Africa links, and what determines these perceptions. This article fills this void by examining not only African attitudes towards China's African presence, but also investigating the considerations that inform these views. Using multi-level modelling techniques, this article estimates the effects of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI), Sino-African trade and notions of democracy and human rights on African attitudes towards “China-in-Africa”. The results suggest that Africans' views of China are nearly equivalent to those that they hold vis-à-vis Western countries. The perceived impact of imports from China has a negative effect. However, this effect is counter-balanced by perceptions of China's impact on poverty alleviation—in line with its greater focus on economic, social and cultural, as opposed to civic and political human rights—in particular through FDI. Among those who value civic and political human rights, in contrast, attitudes towards China are less favourable. This finding is echoed with respect to democratic governance, though the effect is less stable. The results are derived from Afrobarometer data covering 20 African countries.  相似文献   

中共中央纪委《关于加强廉政风险防控的指导意见》将风险管理理论和现代质量管理方法引入反腐倡廉建设,理论基础科学系统,可操作性强,非常切合国有企业基层单位预防腐败的实际。笔者参与了该《意见》的基层实践,认为根据《意见》进行廉洁风险梳理排查,直到每个岗位、每位员工,形成全覆盖责任体系是开展岗位廉洁风险防控最有效的方式,收效非常明显。  相似文献   

中共中央纪委《关于加强廉政风险防控的指导意见》将风险管理理论和现代质量管理方法引入反腐倡廉建设,理论基础科学系统,可操作性强,非常切合国有企业基层单位预防腐败的实际。笔者参与了该《意见》的基层实践,认为根据《意见》进行廉洁风险梳理排查,直到每个岗位、每位员工,形成全覆盖责任体系是开展岗位廉洁风险防控最有效的方式,收效非常明显。  相似文献   

阐述粮食水分测定在粮油检测中的重要性以及2种实验室常用粉碎机的结构特点。测试了从2007-2010年不同年份产稻谷、长粒型稻谷和短粒型稻谷、国产一级、二级、三级大米和进口泰国大米以及不同水分梯度稻谷样品的水分,结果差异一般均在0.1%~0.3%。分析了产生误差的原因。  相似文献   

No.1(General Serial No.97)Enormous Development of High Technology in China's Marine Exploration …………………………………………………………………………GAOPingetal.( 1 )A Discussion on Assessment System for Fossil Resource in Guizhou Province…………………………………………………………………YANGRui-dongetal.( 8 )Management of National Land Property in Anhua Country, Hunan Province………………………………………………………………HUANGFeng-shengetal.(14)A Study of Populatio…  相似文献   

Scientific and political interest in measures of human progress and development is increasing, but the indicators are far from capturing all we need to know. They place Western liberal democracies at the leading edge of progress, and present them as models of development; Western nations typically occupy all but a few of the top 20 places in progress indices. However, indicators are measuring modernisation rather than optimal quality of life or well-being; modernity’s benefits are counted but its costs are underestimated. In particular, the measures do not adequately acknowledge the ‘psychosocial dynamics’ of human societies: the complex interactions and relationships between the subjective and objective worlds. Unless we pay more attention to these dynamics, we will not develop solutions which match in scale the problems they are intended to address. Indicators need to allow a transformation in our worldview and beliefs as profound as that which gave rise to modernity.  相似文献   

中共中央纪委《关于加强廉政风险防控的指导意见》将风险管理理论和现代质量管理方法引入反腐倡廉建设,理论基础科学系统,可操作性强,非常切合国有企业基层单位预防腐败的实际。笔者参与了该《意见》的基层实践,认为根据《意见》进行廉洁风险梳理排查,直到每个岗位、每位员工,形成全覆盖责任体系是开展岗位廉洁风险防控最有效的方式,收效非常明显。  相似文献   

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