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2013年9月11日,夏季达沃斯年会在大连隆重开幕,大杨集团李桂莲董事长作为参会嘉宾应邀出席,并与中国工商业银行董事长姜建清、前国务院国有资产监督管理委员会主任李荣融、凤凰卫视董事局主席刘长乐、美国爱德曼公司总裁爱德曼。一起出席了题为《打造中国新形象》的主题研讨。  相似文献   

其实,丹尼尔·J·爱德曼的故事绝非几页纸可以说透的。在国际公关界,几乎没有哪位公关人士能像他那样,25次受到美国公关协会颁发的“安维尔斯”银质奖。以他名字命名的爱德曼公关集团由  相似文献   

就在 IT 业跳槽现象令人目不暇接的时候,公关业热闹非凡。近期,爱德曼国际公关(中国)公司12名员工先后辞职;原奥美公关国际集团公关经理乔天云跳槽进人爱德曼;凯旋先驱公关北京公司公关小姐钱静进八阿尔斯通公司公关部;美国通用电气(中国)公司招收到来自另一家跨国公司公关部的公关小姐姜岽;爱立信中国公司公关部两名客户经理离去,进八网络公司;西门子中国公司公关部原经理张芳调到德国总部工作,替换她的人是一名德国经  相似文献   

第三届报业竞争力年会将在新平台亮相;海波龙提供超级洞察力体验;趋势科技启动智能安全威胁防护策略;SAP与东软战略合作全面升级;爱德曼开通亚太地区博客.[编者按]  相似文献   

李源 《中外管理》2011,(2):70-71
也许是因为公关行业与人力资源行业有着某些共性,吴彦红,全球最大的公关公司爱德曼中国区人力资源总监,给人的第一印象兼具两个行业的特点:很亲和,很善于沟通。而又像这家大公司在公共资料里给人留下的印象一样,  相似文献   

日前.爱德曼公司在全球发布了2012年度“良好愿景”(goodpurpose)调研报告。报告显示:包括中国、印度、印尼、巴西等国在内的快速增长经济体中消费者对企业和社会“愿景”(purpose)的重视程度不断增强。随着消费水平和购买力的稳步增长。快速增长经济体的消费者对于企业支持公益、履行社会责任的期望值不断增强。他们...  相似文献   

佚名 《经营者》2008,(21):89-89
有这么一对兄弟:哥哥是知名企业的科技带头人,弟弟是摄影师。从小,兄弟俩就表现出截然不同的个性:哥哥很有领导能力。书也一直念得很好。弟弟跟哥哥念同一所学校,比哥哥低一个年级,压力一直很大。更糟的是.哥哥还长得比他帅。  相似文献   

这是一次专门为慈善家准备的舞会,参加者都是些曾经捐出巨款的成功人士。据说,他们之中,最少的都已经捐过百万元以上了。  相似文献   

陈茜 《企业文化》2005,(12):59-62
中国传统的“家”文化导致了 信任的内外有别,于是,中国 的家族企业就试图通过自己 的方式来解决,将“外人”转 化为“自己人”,然后再委以 重任,但这是否是长久之计?  相似文献   

段明珠 《中国企业家》2010,(20):140-140
跨国公司本土化指数榜项目是从5月开始运作的。 这是杂志第一次为跨国公司量身定制的榜单,为了看到一个"谁更中国"的结果,整个项目组更是付出十二分的努力:启动阶段我们广泛拜访企业听取意见;中期又大规模地与六百多家跨国公司电话、邮件等形式介绍项目并邀请参加;后期,连同对外经贸大学的多位实习生一起,没白没黑地从千头万绪的材料中整理出近一百五十家跨国公司信息。  相似文献   

中国政府近几年来非常关注民生问题,例如2007年用于教育、医疗、社会保障等方面的支出竟高达七千多亿,因而人们都发出感谢政府的呼声,这些感谢之声可以从各个媒体的广泛报道中看到。我们认为,政府关注民生是非常英明之举,这对于建立和谐社会有着战略性的重大意义。但问题是我们到底应该感谢谁?我认为我们应该感谢的是纳税人,因为政府用于民生的资金是纳税人缴纳的税收,政府仅仅是对财富进行转移支付的主体,而并不是财富的创造主体。我们关注民生的财富来自于纳税人。我们在普通的感谢政府的呼声中,却忘记了最应该感谢的纳税人,因此,我们应该感谢纳税人!  相似文献   

Mrs Thatcher's professed admiration for the family is belied by Government policy on taxation and education, as well as its attitude to divorce. Dr Papps argues that policy should avold distorting the costs and benefits of marriage, so that individuals can make informed choices about Family activity.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to engage with the established debate on the nature of heterodox economics. However, it starts from the position that previous attempts to classify and identify heterodox economics have been biased towards a priori definition. The paper aims to inform the discussion of the nature of heterodoxy with some empirical analysis. The paper examines survey data collected from a small/medium‐sized sample of AHE members on the core concepts in economics. The paper applies factor analysis to the data. It also applies principles of biological taxonomy, and thence cluster analysis to the problem. The paper finds that within the self‐identified community of self‐identified heterodox economists there is little agreement as to whether members are pluralist, or what their attitude is to the mainstream. Indeed, there is little agreement on any core concepts or principles. The paper argues that there is little structure to heterodox economics beyond that provided by pre‐existing (or constituent) schools of thought. Based on this study, heterodox economics appears a complex web of interacting individuals and as a group is a fuzzy set. These results would lead us to question further strict distinctions between heterodox, mainstream and pluralist economists.  相似文献   

Who Appoints Them,What Do They Do? Evidence on Outside Directors from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although reformers often claim Japanese firms appoint inefficiently few outside directors, the logic of market competition suggests otherwise. Given the competitive product, service, and capital markets in Japan, the firms that survive should disproportionately be firms that tend to appoint boards approaching their firm‐specifically optimal structure. The resulting debate thus suggests a test: do firms with more outsiders do better? If Japanese firms do maintain suboptimal numbers of outsiders, then those with more outsiders should outperform those with fewer; if market constraints instead drive them toward their firm‐specific optimum, then firm characteristics may determine board structure, but firm performance should show no observable relation to that structure. We explore the issue with data on the 1000 largest exchange‐listed Japanese firms from 1986 to 1994. We first ask which firms tend to appoint which outsiders to their boards. We find the appointments decidedly nonrandom. Firms appoint directors from the banking industry when they borrow heavily, when they have fewer mortgageable assets, or when they are themselves in the service and finance industry. They appoint retired government bureaucrats when they are in construction and sell a large fraction of their output to government agencies, and they appoint other retired business executives when they have a dominant parent corporation or when they are in the construction industry and sell heavily to the private sector. Coupling OLS regressions with two‐stage estimates on a subset of the data, we then ask whether the firms with more outside directors outperform those with fewer, and find that they do not. Instead, the regressions suggest—exactly as the logic of market competition predicts—that firms choose boards appropriate to them.  相似文献   


The main objective of this paper is to understand the causes and symptoms of currency crises by reviewing the seminal literature and noting some of its significant features. The paper revises the so-called first- and second-generation models and accounts for six different features. Based on this revision and account, the paper suggests the need to view currency crises beyond the traditional line of thought. In effect, to comprehend the process, which may lead to the inconsistency of the exchange-rate-maintenance policies and result in a currency crash.  相似文献   

Based on the premise that ethics education leads to creation of the required (acceptable level of) ethical awareness, the general streamline of accounting ethics literature is strongly in favor of teaching adequate, efficient, and effective accounting ethics. This paper takes the position that this premise must be checked in an educational setting in which accounting ethics education lacks the characteristics of being adequate, efficient, and effective. Accordingly, a questionnaire with two parts was distributed to accounting students about to graduate from the University of Bahrain (UoB). The first part is an exploratory investigation consisting of 21 variables/questions. The second part is an experimental investigation consisting of 13 hypothetical accounting cases representing various ethics violations. The general tendency by an accounting student based on the two parts indicates that he/she holds an acceptable level of ethical awareness, despite the fact that accounting education programs lack an adequate, efficient, and effective approach to teaching accounting ethics.  相似文献   

胥大男 《价值工程》2011,30(14):210-211
"十二五"规划期间,做好高校图书馆工作必须让领导重视,工作人员要有素质高,图书馆藏书质量又多又好,图书馆信息现代化水平高。高校图书馆具备这样的条件,才能更好地为广大师生提供优质服务。  相似文献   

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