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本文利用半参数分析的原理与方法,结合商品房销售数据的特点,建立商品房价格指数的半参数回归模型。并进一步讨论半参数模型的估计方法、Hausman假设检验及其参数标准误差的自展法计算。通过实例分析,表明对商品房价格指数的处理,半参数回归分析的效果优于普通的最小二乘法。  相似文献   

本文采用修正的二叉树模型,对影响可转换债券价值的影响因素进行敏感度分析。分析结果表明,基础股价、股价波动率和公司债券利率是可转债价值最重要的影响因素。本文的分析和结论对于将来构建可转债多因素定价模型和从事可转债的套利分析具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

Measurement Biases in Consumer Price Indexes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the cost of purchasing a fixed basket of goods at a fixed sample of outlets over time, and can be thought of as a practical approximation to a "true" cost-of-living index, and a measure of general inflation for the economy. In more recent times, concerns over the possibility that the U.S. CPI overstates the rate of inflation have grown. Annual changes in the CPI are used to adjust social security benefits, and wage contracts are often indexed to CPI changes. To the extent that the CPI overstates the rate of inflation individuals are being compensated for changes in the cost-of-living that have not occurred–with enormous implications for government fiscal budgets. This paper presents an up-to-date survey of the principal sources of measurement error or bias in the CPI. A number of sources of bias are examined, including the commodity substitution bias , the outlet substitution bias , and the elementary index bias . Traditional bilateral index number theory assumes that the number of goods remains constant over the pricing period and furthermore, that the goods are of unchanging quality. Changes in either of these give rise to two further biases: the new goods bias and the quality bias .  相似文献   

吴见平  侯翔 《价值工程》2010,29(13):15-16
本文通过对郑州中低端白酒市场促销效果调研获得的第一手资料,应用SPSS13.0、AMOS7.0等工具对数据进行处理,分析了消费者对价格折让这种促销手段的反应,最后运用结构方程模型从品牌换、品牌忠诚、购买时机、购买数量、产品试用等五个因素验证了消费者应答价格折让促销的影响程度。  相似文献   

The ‘digital divide’ in online activities is believed to arise from differences in Internet access, but this paper advances an alternative explanation that is related to consumer search ability. It argues that this leads to greater price dispersion, causing some consumers to be discriminated against. It analyses price data for the UK Internet motor insurance market, collecting data on 32,255 prices for 110 sub‐markets, where differences in price dispersion across these by age, occupation and sex of the driver are argued to reflect differences in search ability. Allowing for price dispersion to also depend on the insurance risk, it finds greater price dispersion for consumers with weaker search abilities, i.e. older, unemployed, retired or female consumers. As this is not explained by alternative hypotheses, the paper concludes that improved Internet access alone will not close the ‘digital divide’. The implication is that policymakers should address the online search abilities of individuals as well as Internet access.  相似文献   

A bstract A linear programming model is used to measure the rate of inflation in the food component of the consumer price index A diet model to minimize the cost of a diet subject to constraints on nutritive requirements, variety, pal-atabihty, and menu-function is constructed and the rates of increase in a strict minimum cost model and an expanded constraint model are measured for the period 1980-87 Consistent with the consumer utility literature, it is found that the current Laspeyres index approach to measuring the cost of living in fact provides an upper limit on true cost of living increases Results also show that the cost of maintaining a minimum level of subsistence increases more rapidly than the cost of a more palatable diet Finally, the results show that in fact there is very little room for substitution among food items within a reasonable diet model  相似文献   

以刺激-反应理论为基础,从价格促销出发,构建了价格判断、消费者感知质量以及购买意愿之间关系的概念模型。利用方差分析法和回归分析法处理实验获得的数据,研究了价格分布和折扣判断难度对消费者价格判断的影响以及价格判断对感知质量和购买意愿的影响。研究结果表明,影响价格判断的主要因素是折扣判断难度;价格判断正向影响感知质量,也通过感知质量正向影响消费者的购买意愿;折扣幅度和折扣频率对价格判断和感知质量都有影响,即折扣幅度过小或者折扣频率过低,消费者的价格判断偏高,而折扣频率过高会影响消费者的感知质量,产生低质的印象,从而进一步影响消费者的购买意愿。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of 13 million price records underlying the computation of the French consumer price index, we provide a detailed assessment of consumer price rigidity. Our main results are as follows. The average duration of prices is around 8 months. Price durations and the patterns of price‐setting strongly differ across sectors. Price cuts are almost as frequent as increases, suggesting no specific downward nominal rigidity. Price changes typically have large absolute sizes. Time variation in the frequency of price changes and in their size both contribute to inflation fluctuations. Overall there is evidence of both time‐ and state‐dependent price‐setting.  相似文献   

Price indices for heterogeneous goods such as real estate or fine art constitute crucial information for institutional or private investors considering alternative investment decisions in times of financial markets turmoil. Classical mean‐variance analysis of alternative investments has been hampered by the lack of a systematic treatment of volatility in these markets. In this paper we propose a hedonic regression framework which explicitly defines an underlying stochastic process for the price index, allowing to treat the volatility parameter as the object of interest. The model can be estimated using maximum likelihood in combination with the Kalman filter. We derive theoretical properties of the volatility estimator and show that it outperforms the standard estimator. We show that extensions to allow for time‐varying volatility are straightforward using a local‐likelihood approach. In an application to a large data set of international blue chip artists, we show that volatility of the art market, although generally lower than that of financial markets, has risen after the financial crisis of 2008–09, but sharply decreased during the recent debt crisis. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文提出了水价和水税设计的原则,建立了不同情况下的水资源价格理论模型,并就如何向市场化水价和水税制度的过渡提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

This article describes the methodology which is currently used at Statistics Canada to compute price indices, net of taxes and subsidies (net price indices), and to estimate final demand expenditure at factor cost in the Canadian system of national accounts. This methodology involves the use of a specially designed input–output model of the Canadian economy. The model is used to extract the taxes, net of subsidies paid on the inputs used by industries, and to allocate these net taxes to the direct and indirect final demand deliveries of the industries. Downstream interindustry links are established to trace the final demand deliveries of industries. Using these links, the model could easily be extended to decompose final demand expenditure into other cost components, such as the embedded energy cost or the cost of imported inputs. Some empirical results are shown to illustrate how the calculations are made.  相似文献   

物流服务定价博弈分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
兰永红 《物流科技》2004,27(1):42-44
本文从物流服务定价的参与者物流企业和客户的目标着手,构建了物流服务定价的两阶段博弈模型,在完备假设的基础上分析了物流服务定价策略,并由此提出了制定合理物流服务价格的若干建议。  相似文献   

近年,中国房价持续迅猛上涨引发了不少讨论和争议,其中房价和地价的关系也是热点之一。本文以中国房地产为研究对象,借助SPSS16.0和Eview5.0,采用实证研究方法,对中国自1999年第一季度到2009年第四季度的房价和地价数据进行相关分析和格兰杰因果分析,揭示房价与地价的相关性和两者之间的协整关系,以及中国房价和地价在短期乃至长期相互影响的状况,为房价调控策略选择提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new explanation for why retail prices respond more quickly to cost increases than cost decreases. I develop a search model that assumes consumers’ expectations of prices are based on prices observed during previous purchases. This model predicts that consumers search less when prices are falling, which results in higher profit margins and a slower price response to cost changes. I then empirically examine patterns of retail gasoline price response and price dispersion to show that this model predicts observed price behavior better than previously suggested explanations.  相似文献   

我国证券市场开盘价格的形成机制分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
理论研究表明,集合竞价机制在汇总不同的信息上是有效的交易机制。但是,我国证券开盘交易实行的是封闭的集合竞价机制,竞价过程中不披露任何信息。这使得投资者无法合理判断证券的真实价值,导致竞价过程中噪声交易增加以及市场操纵更为便利。本文对不完全信息下证券市场开盘价格的形成机制进行了数理分析。结果表明,在信息不对称的前提下,集合竞价机制能够有效的发现证券资产的价格,并且,由其产生的开盘价格在理论上也比较接近证券资产的真实价值。另一方面,通过对我国证券市场开盘价格的形成过程进行分析,我们发现封闭式的集合竞价降低了价格的发现效率,也削弱了我国证券市场的资源配置功能。本文的研究将为完善我国证券市场的开盘交易制度提供启示性建议。  相似文献   

物价指数与债券内部收益率的理论和实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以附息国债为例,研讨债券内部收益率与物价指数的关系,推导出考虑物价因素的债券投资价值分析的理论模型,对债券内部收益率与物价指数、利率的关系作了实证分析。 一、理论模型 1.债券投资价值分析的基本原理 在1996年以前,我国发行的债券都是到期一次还本付息的。因此,一般都用计算到期收益率来作定量分析,与定期储蓄存款没有什么区别。即任何时点的债券价格都是由未来利息的现值加上债券到期的面值的现值构成。用公式表述为:  相似文献   

蒋永明 《物流技术》2010,29(8):23-24
通过对我国物流企业开展消费式仓储业务的现实意义和可行性分析,提出开展消费式仓储业务的建议,为我国物流行业消费式仓储业务的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

本文在严格阐述净现值法则的基础上明确我国理论及实务界实际应用所谓期望净现值法则的错误,探讨了其错误根源,分析了期望净现值的正确定义及其应用。  相似文献   

梁静国  王新波 《物流科技》2004,27(12):54-56
在我国,企业普遍采用价格策略进行市场营销,价格大战愈演愈烈。本文提出了价格营销存在的困难.并对价格营销进行了系统分析.以及提出了相关的应对措施。  相似文献   

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