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最高人民法院《关于审理商品房买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》(下文简称商品房买卖司法解释)第七条规定:“拆迁人与被拆迁人按照所有权调换形式订立拆迁补偿安置协议,明确约定拆迁人以位置、用途特定的房屋对被拆迁人予以补偿安置,如果拆迁人将该补偿安置房屋另行出卖给第三人,被拆迁人请求优先取得补偿安置房屋的,应予支持”。  相似文献   

《城市房地产拆迁管理条例》第二十七条规定:“拆迁租赁房屋,被拆迁人与房屋承租人解除租赁关系的,或者被拆迁人对房屋承租人进行安置的,拆迁人对被拆迁人给予补偿,被拆迁人与房屋承租人对解除租赁关系达不成协议的,拆迁人应当对被拆迁人实行房屋产权调换。产权调换的房屋,由原房屋承租人承租,被拆迁人应当与房屋承租人重新订立房屋租赁合同。”根据此条,在实际操作中我省在拆迁管理条例中作了如下规定:拆迁租赁的公有房屋,拆迁人应当将补偿金额中相当于被拆迁房屋的重置价格结合成新部分补偿给房屋所有人,其余部分补偿给房屋承租人,被拆迁…  相似文献   

《指导意见》第三条第二款中规定:“被拆迁房屋室内自行装修的补偿金额,由拆迁人和被拆迁人协商确定;协商不成的,可以通过委托评估确定。”此款规定采用拆迁人和被拆迁人协商确定不具可操作性,因为房屋拆迁行为中被拆迁人是被动的,一般情况下作为被拆迁人往往希望利益最大化,而拆迁人往往希  相似文献   

城市房屋拆迁,是指拆迁人依法对城市规划区内国有土地上的房屋予以拆除,对被拆除房屋的所有人予以迁移安置以及经济补偿的活动。实践中,通常的方式为,政府向拆迁人颁发拆迁许可证,拆迁人对被拆迁人所有的房屋实施拆迁行为。政府行使行政许可权,拆迁人取得拆迁权,对这些权力必须加以限制,否则必然损害被拆迁人的合法利益,也是对公共利益的破坏。  相似文献   

伴随着城市的飞速发展,“拆迁难”成为目前城市建设中遇到的普遍问题,在拆迁人与被拆迁人的利益博弈中优先维护谁?拆迁活动中被拆迁人相对于拆迁人而言处于弱势地位,如何维护好被拆迁人特别是普通民众的“私房”财产成为政府部门日益关注的焦点。  相似文献   

拆迁中补偿价格确定是拆迁工作的重要环节,在被拆迁人看来补偿价格是核心问题,在拆迁人看来拆迁补偿费是拆迁项目的主要成本,拆迁评估担负了调节拆迁人与被拆迁人利益关系的角色,目前温州市拆迁评估中主要存在着五个方面的问题。  相似文献   

尤慰 《中国房地产》2003,(12):37-38
一、拆迁群访频发的原因在拆迁纠纷发生后,按照拆迁法规规定,拆迁人、被拆迁人都有权申请拆迁管理部门对拆迁纠纷进行裁决,但实践中,申请裁决的多为拆迁人,被拆迁人申请裁决的为数不多;这至少说明,被拆迁人依法维护自身权益的意识亟待加强,对如何维护自己在拆迁中的合法权益的方法、途径还缺乏了解。而发生群访后,由于政府干预,拆迁人往往作出让步,无疑给了被拆迁人一个错误的信号,即“大闹大解决,不闹不解决”,导致了拆迁管理工作的随意和无序。从客观上支持和纵容了破坏社会稳定的行为,使拆迁管理部门依法进行拆迁管理、按照拆迁法规确定…  相似文献   

问题之一:拆迁人采取胁迫、破坏、骚扰等方式强迫被拆迁人搬迁(以下简称强迫搬迂行为) 在拆迁过程中,拆迁人为了加快拆迁进度,在行政执行力度有限的情况下,对有些住户采取停水、停电、停气、恐吓等粗暴、野蛮方式进行施压,促使其尽早搬迁。由于拆迁人的这一行为同时产生了与被拆迁人、公安机关以及房屋拆迁管理部门的一个民事法律关系和两个行政法律关系,问题处理起来头绪繁杂、难度较大,常常形成被拆迁人一味向房屋拆迁管理部门投诉、施压的局面。  相似文献   

目前我国城镇房屋拆迁中存在的突出问题有两个:一是政府和拆迁人、被拆迁人之间公权和私权的矛盾与冲突,二是拆迁人和被拆迁人之间私权和私权的矛盾与冲突.  相似文献   

哈尔滨大力推行拆迁补偿资金发放“一单式服务”哈尔滨市拆迁办继2005年推行拆迁补偿资金“登门送款”便民服务举措后,针对拆迁补偿资金发放环节中存在的矛盾问题,2006年再推便民新举措,全面推行拆迁补偿资金发“放一单式服务”。哈尔滨市自实施房屋拆迁货币化补偿以来,货币化补偿资金发放一直实行被拆迁人与拆迁人签订协议后,由拆迁人向被拆迁人签发《货币补偿款存单办理凭证》,被拆迁人持办理凭证和其他相关手续到银行办理取款手续的模式。从几年来的实际工作情况来看,有个别拆迁人将签发办理凭证作为制约被拆迁人的一种手段,以种种借口拖…  相似文献   

拆迁问题引发的社会矛盾愈演愈烈,制度设计的缺陷难辞其咎.论文在抽离拆迁行为的基础上,构建公益性房屋拆迁模型与商业性房屋拆迁模型,并以物权的变动为线索,剖析现行拆迁制度,旨在对拆迁立法的完善提出更有针对性的建议,以规范相关物权的归属与保护;并对<国有土地上房屋征收与拆迁补偿条例>(征求意见稿)进行评析.  相似文献   

The selection process involves a very difficult balancing act for employers who have to weigh the rights and concerns of applicants, current employees, the organization itself, and society as a whole. Each of these perspectives brings with it its own set of concerns and issues that need to be considered in the broader hiring arena. Applicants assert the right to be treated fairly while being evaluated for a position; current employees assert the right to productive coworkers who will not harm them on the job, organizations assert the right to hire qualified employees while remaining cognizant of the legal issues that surround the hiring process; and society as a whole asserts the right to a process that benefits the greater good. But, with each of these groups pursuing these rights, an important question arises as to whose rights prevail when there is a conflict. This paper, through the use of a true scenario, explores the difficult balancing act between rights and concerns of applicants, current employees, organizations, and society as a whole and discusses whose rights should take priority when they conflict.  相似文献   

社区土地信托制度及其与经济适用房制度的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国社区土地信托制度是解决低收入家庭住房问题的一种模式.在社区土地信托制度下,社区土地信托公司或组织持有土地所有权,低收入买房人得到的只是房屋所有权和一定年限的土地使用权.因住房价格中不包含土地价格部分,从而保证了低收入家庭对住房价格的可负担性.社区土地信托的住房保障资源的可循环利用、非营利组织运作、促进社区发展的视角等优点,对完善经济适用房制度具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The right to the city   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The right to the city is not merely a right of access to what already exists, but a right to change it. We need to be sure we can live with our own creations. But the right to remake ourselves by creating a qualitatively different kind of urban sociality is one of the most precious of all human rights. We have been made and re‐made without knowing exactly why, how, and to what end. How then, can we better exercise this right to the city? But whose rights and whose city? Could we not construct a socially just city? But what is social justice? Is justice simply whatever the ruling class wants it to be? We live in a society in which the inalienable rights to private property and the profit rate trump any other conception of inalienable rights. Our society is dominated by the accumulation of capital through market exchange. To live under capitalism is to accept or submit to that bundle of rights necessary for endless capital accumulation. Free markets are not necessarily fair. Worse still, markets require scarcity to function. The inalienable rights of private property and the profit rate lead to worlds of inequality, alienation and injustice. The endless accumulation of capital and the conception of rights embedded threin must be opposed and a different right to the city must be asserted politically. Derivative rights (like the right to be treated with dignity) should become fundamental and fundamental rights (of private property and the profit rate) should become derivative. But new rights can also be defined: like the right to the city which is not merely a right of access to what the property speculators and state planners define, but an active right to make the city different, to shape it more in accord with our heart's desire, and to re‐make ourselves thereby in a different image.  相似文献   

A bstract . Rigorous tools which are well known to philosophers can be put to use in the analyses of many concepts pertaining to social reality. This paper attempts to apply the distinction between brute and institutional facts advanced by John Searle to the analysis of property rights over land. It might be commonplace to suggest that all rights are entities whose existence is an institutional fact, i.e., it is the result of human conventions. In the case of property rights, it is not merely at this level that institutional reality confronts us. The object over which the property right falls, a land parcel, is itself an entity whose existence is an institutional fact. This doubly institutional character of property rights makes it easier to see that property rights over land have many important differences with other sorts of property rights. Of course, some of these differences have been pointed out before, say, by appealing to the seminal distinction between movables and immovables, but never with the rigor or the justification that I attempt here. As a result of taking seriously the nature of the object over which the right falls, we can see that property rights over land have more in common with other sorts of relationships, such as political conceptions of sovereignty, than with other forms of property rights. Real estate is just one of a myriad of social objects that we encounter every day. The ontology developed here is but one example of how philosophical analysis of everyday objects enriches our understanding of the social world, and offers us tools for clearer, practical treatment of these objects.  相似文献   

指数关联债券——城市公租房建设融资的途径探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《十二五规划纲要》中提出的五年内建设3600万套保障性住房至少需要投资4万亿元,其中绝大部分需要地方政府融资.针对其中公租房存在的融资瓶颈,本文分析了发行市政债券的必要性,提出发行一种创新型产品——指数关联债券(Index Linked Bond),以促进地方政府的信用建设,改善融资环境.另外,本文量化分析了公租房的造...  相似文献   

本文基于对北京全境18个区县的大规模电话调查所获的2008年数据,研究了家庭户住房产权状况及其变动与居住迁移的相关关系。研究发现,有住房产权与无住房产权的家户相比较而言,迁居率和迁居意向明显较低。迁居时产权变动的情形不同,对迁居距离和迁居流场都有影响。流动人口的迁居较少伴随住房产权的转换,流动人口跨圈层的迁居多与获取住房产权相关。  相似文献   

孙龙  雷弢 《城市问题》2007,(2):56-59
基于2006年完成的问卷调查和分析,认为当前北京城区居民的邻里关系在总体上呈现表面化和浅层次的特点;邻里之间日常互动的频率相对比较低,而拥有住房产权和不拥有住房产权的居民之间、北京出生和外地出生的居民之间、楼房和平房居民之间在邻里交往方面存在一定的差异性;尽管北京城四区居民的居住格局发生了很大的变化,邻里之间仍然存在着非常重要的守望相助这一日常的社会支持功能.  相似文献   

The Common Heritage Principle:   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bstract An effort is underway to apply the common heritage principle to certain unique global resources while promoting economic development Under this precept, property rights to such resources are said to belong to all nations and their citizens rather than being subject to national sovereignty The doctrine is examined in theory and as applied in the outer space and law of the sea treaties Its possible application to Antarctica is explored in relationship to the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) which is now considering a minerals regime for the continent Assessing the international political situation suggests the powerful bloc of ATS nations will ignore the common heritage principle However, a different outcome is possible, given a convergence of the Antarctic mining and global atmospheric issues of the greenhouse and ozone varieties Under this scenario, the global atmosphere and Antarctica would be common property resources whose property rights are owned by all nations  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国物权法》规定了我国的不动产预告登记制度。预告登记是指为了保全以不动产物权的得丧变更为标的之债权请求权而设立的一项登记制度,经由此种登记,债权请求权也获得了公示的效力,从而得以对抗第三人。不动产预告登记制度,在实务中的作用集中表现在对商品房一物二卖的有效抑制。有了该项制度,可以较好的控制卖房人尤其是房地产开发商的不当交易行为,更好的保护买房人的权益。  相似文献   

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