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贫困问题是全球面临的重大难题,亦是古今中外治国理政的大事。我国为响应全球治理贫困的需求,同时为化解国内严峻的贫困形势,2013年在农村地区开始实行"精准扶贫"战略,实践取得了巨大成功。反观城市贫困人口的数量却一直居高不下,不仅缺乏精准化救助理念与形式,而且在治理主体与体系方面也缺少精准性,为实现城市与乡村的协调发展,也为实现共同富裕的目标,在分析精准扶贫对城市反贫困的契合基础上,欲运用精准扶贫作为指导,从救助理念、形式、主体、体系这四个方面进行精准化设计,实现精准性城市贫困治理。  相似文献   

我国农村贫困治理体系演进与精准扶贫   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着经济社会发展和减贫形势变化,我国农村贫困治理体系结构先后呈现出农村经济体制改革为主、贫困县瞄准为重点、贫困村瞄准为重点等阶段性演进特点。精准扶贫是进入全面建成小康社会关键阶段,国家推动新一轮扶贫攻坚和构建政府、市场、社会协同推进扶贫开发新格局的一项重要扶贫机制创新。当前精准扶贫实践中存在帮扶资源供给与扶贫需求未能最优匹配,帮扶资源动员非制度化,社会组织等其他社会力量参与精准帮扶的制度供给不足等突出问题,需要通过不断完善精准扶贫工作制度加以解决。  相似文献   

王欣然 《发展》2016,(3):89-90
2014年,我国政府转变扶贫思维模式,创新扶贫开发新方式,提出“精准扶贫”.甘肃省建立了精准扶贫工作机制,深入实施“1236”扶贫攻坚行动计划.本文从陇南市宕昌县的贫困状况入手调查,分析当地居民家庭贫困的基本状况,对政府扶贫工作提出一些建议.  相似文献   

贫困问题一直以来都是限制国民经济总体发展水平的关键因素,从世界各国的经济发展状况来看,每个国家都存在贫困地区,脱贫致富已经成为世界各国的经济发展目标。就我国的脱贫工作来看,早在2013年,习近平总书记首次提出精准扶贫的发展理念,希望可以采取因地制宜,实事求是的原则,开展扶贫工作,这也是近些年来进行扶贫工作的主导思想。现已经将精准扶贫作为脱贫致富的核心内容。脱贫计划中指出,要在2020年全部实现全面脱贫的目标。在开展脱贫工作时,东部的一些经济发达省份成为精准扶贫的重点关注对象。我国的山东济宁区域在开展扶贫工作时,通过分析贫困现状和制订脱贫目标等多种手段取得了良好的效果。文章从多个方面入手,对山东精准扶贫的模式展开研究。  相似文献   

通过文献和案例法,从中国农村贫困社区发展面临的问题出发,构建了六轮驱动扶贫模式。XMN106个项目和4个典型社区的扶贫发展案例证明,六轮驱动扶贫模式能够增强贫困户发展意愿,提升贫困户的知识和技能,建设有序的社区组织,促进社区产业发展,拓展农产品市场和完善社区公共服务。六轮驱动扶贫模式能够促进个人和社区的改变,能力提升,自然资源可持续利用和成功的市场链接促进社区的可持续发展,六轮(六个维度)协同发展才能帮助贫困社区实现脱贫致富。  相似文献   

农村多维贫困问题的研究有助于精准扶贫和乡村振兴战略的有效实施。本文基于2016 年中国家庭追踪调查数据库(CFPS),运用A-F 测度方法对农户的多维贫困进行测度和分解,着重探讨了互联网使用对农户多维贫困的减贫效应。研究结果表明,财产性收入、农户家庭住房、生活燃料、受教育年限和社会保险等方面的贫困发生率较高;财产性收入、受教育年限对多维贫困的贡献率最大,在农户脱贫过程中起关键作用;农户家庭使用互联网对农户多维贫困的减贫效应显著,而且在高维贫困上的减贫效应更大,个体特征、家庭特征、村级特征等也都对多维贫困产生影响。因此,加大农村地区互联网基础设施建设力度,注重信息化的普及和推广,贯彻落实“互联网+”扶贫政策,能够有效解决贫困农户的“能力贫困”问题,有助于实现贫困户脱贫及脱贫质量的提高。  相似文献   

在精准扶贫的背景下,分析了高校贫困大学生宿舍人际交往的影响因素,针对贫困大学生,提出宿舍人际交往的思想政治教育新路径,一是加强事前干预,建立宿舍公约;二是引导产生同理心,塑造健全人格;三是辅导员介入处理,运用团体辅导。  相似文献   

习近平扶贫理念随着时代发展而完善,从“摆脱贫困”到“精准扶贫”再到“精准脱贫”,其理念一脉相承,其思想内涵与时俱进,不断拓展深化,形成了从理念到理论再到实践的“知行合一”理论实践体系。习近平在福建任职期间进行了“摆脱贫困”理论及实践探索,提出了许多富有创造性的扶贫脱贫观点,如“扶贫先扶志、念好山海经、科技兴农、建设农村党组织、四下基层、滴水穿石”等,明确了“扶持谁一谁来扶一怎么扶”的扶贫脱贫思路,在精神扶贫、扶贫策略、扶贫路径、扶贫组织保障、多元扶贫力量、脱贫内生动力、脱贫长效机制等方面蕴含着精准扶贫精准脱贫理念。  相似文献   

在当前就业难的背景下,贫困大学生由于多种因素导致就业竞争力不足,总体就业情况不理想,解决贫困大学生就业问题已经成为高校毕业生就业工作中的重点,受到社会各界广泛关注。培育提升贫困大学生的就业竞争力,首要的是对贫困大学生身份精准甄别,其次要精准剖析贫困大学生就业竞争力不足的原因,最后通过培育贫困大学生内化隐性就业竞争力、外部显性就业竞争力、外部环境就业竞争力等方面,全面提升贫困大学生就业竞争力。  相似文献   

治贫先治愚、扶贫先扶教。教育扶贫,是扶贫助困,治贫治愚的根本之策,是我国整个扶贫教育的一个重要方面。经历了几十年的发展,我国教育扶贫相关研究取得了显著的成果,本文总结了近年来扶贫理论的发展,针对贫困地区教育扶贫的多元合作机制的不足,提出了针对性建议和对策。  相似文献   

We investigate how alternative national and international policies and circumstances impact the Clean Development Mechanism’s (CDM) contribution to sustainable development and the pursuit of poverty eradication goals in developing countries. In particular, we focus on the importance of technology-specific versus technology-neutral environmental regulations in the project host regions. We also consider alternative CDM benefit-sharing arrangements between the host and client regions. An analytical impure-public-good model is developed which considers CDM projects as a conditional transfer exerting price and income effects. These, in turn, induce changes in the use of environmental technologies, and with it global and local environmental protection levels. Aided by model simulations using empirical data for China and the European Union, we seek to assess conditions in which CDM transfers are more favourable towards improved environmental protection and welfare in developing regions.  相似文献   

Globalization and rural poverty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

新时期新疆反贫困存在的制度缺陷及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
如同资本和劳动一样 ,制度也是经济发展不可缺少的要素 ,贫困地区正是由于制度缺乏或缺位才导致经济发展落后 ,本文以分析新疆贫困地区制度存在的缺陷作为制度创新的逻辑起点 ,得出市场化的反贫困制度创新是反贫困的核心。  相似文献   

Conclusion The misery of America’s rural black farmers and farm workers continue as a reproach to the nation; black farmers and farm workers, numbering about 328,000 in 1970, have not adequately shared in the enormous productivity of American agriculture and in the rising prosperity of the nation.Despite modest steps to improve their level of living, they remain, by and large, at subpoverty-income levels, lacking adequate health care, ill-housed, malnourished, and poorly educated.6 The annual migration rate of rural black youth is insignificantly lower today than during the great migration flows following the world wars; this is a testimony to the barrenness of the alternative lifestyle under which they might live.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the different aspects of poverty in rural India. Based largely on data from a region of Bihar, the various characteristics and sources of poverty are enumerated and discussed, including food intake, other consumption, health, security, education and status as characteristics; and occupation, employment, wages, assets, organization and demographic factors as sources. It is argued that poverty must be seen as a multivariate phenomenon; policy to affect any one aspect of poverty is likely to be rendered ineffective by negative feedback from other variables in the poverty complex. Only a simultaneous attack on all aspects of poverty can be successful.  相似文献   

A multidimensional analysis of poverty in China from 1991 to 2006   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most studies have reported non negligible improvements for China in terms of poverty during the last three decades. However, this result is potentially hampered by two limitations. First, it may be contingent to the specific choices made regarding the poverty line and the poverty indices used for the analysis. As a consequence, it may collapse if one uses alternative poverty lines or poverty measures. Second, it results from a focus on the sole monetary aspects of poverty. As income does not cover all facets of well-being and since the relationship between these two concepts are quite fuzzy, it may be worth using a broader view of well-being, hence opting for a multidimensional approach of poverty analysis. In the present paper, these two issues are addressed using multidimensional stochastic dominance procedures on the joint distribution of income, education and health in seven Chinese provinces.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of Vietnam's transition on the welfare of different ethnic groups in rural Vietnam. It draws on three rounds of national household surveys in 2002, 2004 and 2006. It is first observed that the pace of poverty reduction for minorities surpassed the majority over the period 2002–2006, although poor people were still concentrated in the minority groups throughout the period. Secondly, the disparity in living standards has been widening. In particular, inequality within both the majority and minority groups increased over the period. Thirdly, the study shows that the effect of economic growth on poverty is estimated to have been greater if inequality remained constant. It is also noted that the impacts of economic growth on poverty vary across different ethnic groups. Finally, regression decompositions of within inequality have confirmed that the main driver of inequality is not the same among ethnic groups. Given the diversity across different ethnic groups, we can conclude that government policy aimed at equal access to infrastructure and more equal distribution of assets, such as land, for ethnic minority groups would lead to more equal distribution of consumption and poverty reduction of those groups. Also, consideration of local needs would be necessary in designing and implementing public policies, given the heterogeneous socio-economic circumstances surrounding each ethnic minority group.  相似文献   

文章通过构建贫困人口内生动力不足的概念体系,包括个人内生动力不足、家庭内生动力不足、组织内生动力不足,找出造成贫困人口内生动力不足的原因,构建了精准脱贫的长效机制,根据内生式发展理论建立个人自我强化机制、根据家庭功能理论建立家庭核心力量引领机制、根据巢状市场理论建立精准脱贫新市场机制。  相似文献   

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