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中国乡城流动人口社会网络复杂性特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
借助社会网络等非正式制度方式实现再社会化是乡城流动人口融入城市生活的主要途径之一。对流动人口社会网络的分析不仅可以揭示其网络结构特点,也将为进一步研究流动人口再社会化过程提供理论基础。采用深圳市流动人口专项调查中的整体网络数据,借助复杂性科学,尤其是复杂网络的研究方法,系统分析了乡城流动人口社会支持网络与讨论网络的复杂性特征。在乡城流动人口社会网络中广泛存在小世界现象和无标度特性等复杂网络特征。复杂性科学可以为分析诸如乡城流动人口这样的复杂系统提供有效方法,也是拓展复杂性科学,尤其是复杂网络应用领域的有益尝试。  相似文献   

对社会网络理论的发展和应用进行了回顾,重点评述国内外关于流动人口的社会网络研究。国外利用社会网络视角系统研究流动人口的成果相对较少,而国内的流动人口研究主要集中于农村流动人口的网络结构分析和求职网络研究。多数研究只是对个体网络的基本特性作描述性分析,将社会网络作为研究对象而不是研究方法。对未来利用社会网络分析方法进行农村流动人口的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

对社会网络理论的发展和应用进行了回顾,重点评述国内外关于流动人口的社会网络研究.国外利用社会网络视角系统研究流动人口的成果相对较少,而国内的流动人口研究主要集中于农村流动人口的网络结构分析和求职网络研究.多数研究只是对个体网络的基本特性作描述性分析,将社会网络作为研究对象而不是研究方法.对未来利用社会网络分析方法进行农村流动人口的研究提出了展望.  相似文献   

从农村向城镇流动人口的特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡英 《中国经贸导刊》2002,(5):18-18,20
2000年人口普查结果表明,我国城镇人口达到了45594万人,城镇人口占总人口的比重为36.09%,同1999年人口普查城镇人口比重26.23%相比,城镇人口比重上升了9.86个百分点。城镇人口大幅增加的主要原因之一是农村富余劳动力向城镇迁移。农村富余劳动力进入城镇促进了城镇经济发展,同时也给城镇发展带来了挑战。  相似文献   

随着社会保障制度的不断完善,目前大连市社会救助体系已基本实现了全民覆盖。但是受我国"二元社会结构"影响,流动人口在生活、就业、社会福利及维权方面仍处于弱势地位。分别从最低生活保障、特困人员供养、灾害救助、医疗救助、教育救助、住房救助、就业救助、临时救助、民间救济、法律援助和监督管理11个方面,对大连市流动人口的社会救助现状进行了调研分析。  相似文献   

从流动人口的管理存在的诸多问题入手,并针对这些问题进行了成因分析。在此基础上以十二五规划社会管理创新为导向,提出了流动人口的社会管理理念创新的基本模式。  相似文献   

流动人口是生活在城市当中的弱势群体,由于在空间、政治、文化、政府管理等方面受到排斥,使流动人员在城市的谋生过程中备感艰辛。城市管理人员应本着"以人为本"的理念,关注流动人员在社会中承受的排斥及其流动人口反排斥可能带来的社会威胁;在政府层面上,将流动人员纳入城市居民的管理体系中,排除城市对流动人员的歧视,改变观念,运用多种手段来保护流动人员的合法权益,在此基础上,实现流动人口的规范管理。  相似文献   

利用2017年拉萨市流动人口动态检测报告数据,分析影响拉萨市流动人口社会融入问题并提出合理的对策。文章利用Logit模型分析社会融入影响因素的显著性并以走访数据来补充拉萨市特有问题。从Logit模型显著性分析以及居留意愿与社会融入的数量关系得出居留意愿和社会融入关系呈因果关系,并且居留意愿对社会融入的影响程度最为强烈,同时得出影响拉萨市流动人口居留意愿的因素可以归纳为拉萨市就业环境状况,影响社会融入的因素可以归纳为流动人口的学习能力和拥有宅基地与否。  相似文献   

在快速城市化的背景下,流动人口的社会融合问题逐步成为影响城市管理的重要因素。本文利用对重庆市流动人口的调查数据,从公共服务、经济地位、社会保障、社区参与和身份认同等方面对流动人口的社会融合状况进行了测量分析。  相似文献   

社会变迁让人口流动成为一个社会现象。近年来,流动人口发展为一个庞大群体,因此这一群体的社会融入问题成为社会关注的热点问题。默顿的社会失范理论从文化目标和实现方式不平衡的角度解释了个体行为的失范,这一理论能够被运用到流动人口社会融入问题当中,深入剖析社会融入的障碍。理论的深度分析也为社工的实务介入提供了一定思路。  相似文献   

高效有序地推进农业转移人口市民化是以人为本的新型城镇化发展的重要议题.分别从概念内涵、转化成本、制约机制三个方面对农业转移人口市民化的相关研究进行系统梳理并进行展望.农业转移人口市民化的转化成本问题主要涉及市民化程度评估、市民化核算口径和市民化成本测算三个方面,而其制约机制则包括市民化的成本分担机制、投融资机制和户籍制度、土地流转制度等四个方面.未来农业转移人口市民化研究亟需明确新形势下户籍制度改革的制约效应,构建更为完整、统一的成本核算体系,细化新政策条件下的成本分担机制和创新更具针对性的多元化投融资应用.  相似文献   

采用2005年深圳农民工整体网络调查数据,分析了农民工社会支持网络和社会讨论网络的核心边缘结构.无论社会支持网络,还是社会讨论网络,都有一部分农民工处于网络的核心位置,而另一部分则处于边缘位置.女性农民工群体中少数个体处于核心位置,多数个体处于边缘位置,男性农民工群体正好相反,男女混合农民工群体核心成员也较少,边缘成员较多,但两者的数量差异要小于女性农民工群体.总体而言,社会支持网和社会讨论网核心边缘成员之间在个人属性特征和流动特征两方面都有所差异.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - This paper investigates how social enterprises navigate through the ethical complexity of social change and extends the ethical quandaries faced by social enterprises...  相似文献   

The ethical governance of the global Internet is an accelerating global phenomenon. A key paradox of the global Internet is that it allows individual and collective decision making to co-exist with each other. Open source software (OSS) communities are a globally accelerating phenomenon. OSS refers to groups of programs that allow the free use of the software and further the code sharing to the general and corporate users of the software. The combination of private provision and public knowledge and software, and the seeming paradox of economic versus social motivations have stimulated a wide debate between researchers and policymakers. In this article, we analyze OSS communities from the viewpoint of “intrinsic motivation,” knowledge creation, and collective Internet governance. We believe that the growth of global OSS has fundamental implications for business ethics and the governance of the global Internet in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the influence of religious beliefs on social or work-related ties of managers who are member of organizational networks representing two different ideologies (religious and secular) in Turkey. In this research, the emergence of secular and devout entrepreneurs is considered as a phenomenon, and special attention is paid to religious transformation and secularism in Turkey. Social network analysis method is used to define the nature of communication links among 80 chairmen who are the members of two conflicting and dominant groups in Turkish business system. The findings show that Protestant work ethic suggested by Weber with regard to Christianity have attained a similar place over the past decade in Islamic organizational networks. The concern of political power in religion leads to organizational networks being nourished by religious norms and creeds in many developing countries. Especially in societies like Turkey where the state is dominant in the business life, organizations and managers prefer to be included in religious networks to make close contacts with the state. Another significant finding is that efforts of the members of religious networks—in spite of their relatively closed characteristics—in terms of being at the center of a network and taking the brokerage role, are highly developed on the contrary to the literature.  相似文献   

The payday lending industry has grown dramatically over the past two decades, with lenders increasingly marketing their products on the Internet. However, little is known about payday loan (PDL ) marketing through social media networks. Our study is the first to report the PDL promotions on Twitter. Out of 23,276 tweets related to PDLs from June 29, 2015 to October 2, 2015, 71% were commercial tweets, most of which came from a small percentage of users. The overall impact to the general public was large and we observed a range of opinions in our sentiment analysis. Commercial tweets had an average sentiment score of 34.9 while noncommercial had a total average sentiment score of 50.7. Commercial tweets were more concentrated in states with restrictive or hybrid regulations on PDL . Our findings provide evidence for enhancing online PDL regulations and using social media data for real‐time monitoring of PDL lending.  相似文献   

Resource reallocation problems aim to determine an allocation maximizing a given objective function. Numerous applications are based on the assumption of restricted contacts between entities but, up to now, studies have been based on unrealistic contexts. Indeed, most of the time, agents are omniscient and/or have complete communication abilities, which are not plausible assumptions in many applications. A solution does not only consist in an optimal allocation, but in a sequence of transactions changing an initial allocation into an optimal solution. We show that the individual rationality does not allow the achievement of socially optimal allocations, and we propose a more suitable criterion: the sociability. Our method provides a sequence of transactions leading to an optimal allocation, with any restriction on agents’ communication abilities. Provided solutions can be viewed as emergent phenomena.  相似文献   

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