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狍子,学名矮狍,狍子肉质纯瘦,营养丰富。细嫩鲜美,是瘦肉之王,百吃不腻。棒打狍子。瓢舀鱼,野鸡飞进饭锅里的顺口溜只能形容过去狍子等野兽繁多、易于猎捕,而如今野生狍子少之又少.已被国家列为保护动物,但是有这样一些人经过10多年的努力实现了棒打狍子在庭院中喂养。  相似文献   

小城镇土地配置效率探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小城镇土地配置效率探析赵哲远,胡银根土地收益大小是衡量土地配置效率高低的首要标准.小城镇土地配置应当遵循土地收益曲线模式.小城镇建设的处延扩张犹如"摊煎饼",似乎是越大越有份量,一边是占用大量耕地搞建设,一边是城镇内部土地利用不充分,土地配置的效率问...  相似文献   

李冰 《农村经济》2004,(3):76-77
近年来,小城镇的聚集效应得到广泛的重视。小城镇的聚集效应发生作用的前提是农村工业与人口的相对集中。目前,尽管我国小城镇数量与面积较改革开放前有了明显增加,但小城镇普遍缺乏工业与人口内容,聚集效应发挥受到阻碍。本从小城镇的工业人口资源不足这一现状入手,分析了成因,并就政府如何发挥宏观调控作用,做好基础服务工作,积极引导农村工业与人口向小城镇聚集提出几点对策,力图对小城镇聚集效应的发挥机制的探索有所启发。  相似文献   

国家统计局发布2006全国小城镇综合发展水平1000强。行政区划面积仅占全国小城镇总面积2.3%,人口仅占全国小城镇总人口10%的千强镇,2005年所创造的财政收入却占到全国小城镇总财政收入的54.1%;平均每个镇财政收入达2.41亿元,是全国小城镇平均水平的近11倍;人均财政收入3021元,是全国小城镇平均水平的5.2倍。  相似文献   

烟台市是全国首批十四个沿海开放城市之一,但却是一个农业大市,在650万人的总人口中,其中农村人口425万人,农村面积占80%左右,这使得烟台市在统筹城乡发展中任务更加艰巨。为充分发挥小城镇在城乡统筹中的特殊作用,烟台市将全市小城镇的建设纳入镇政府任期责任目标,每年对小城镇按社会发展指标、城镇规划、城镇建设和城镇管理四方面进行考核,促使小城镇发展驶入"快车道",真正发挥了连接城乡纽带的特殊功能。  相似文献   

兵团农牧团场小城镇发展现状分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
一、兵团农牧团场小城镇发展现状(一 )小城镇人口状况及地域分布兵团总人口 2 42 .0 9万。 174个农牧团场的镇区人口约6 8.42万 ,辖区人口 16 1.94万。 174个团场镇区平均人口3932人 ,但实际上各团场镇区人口相差甚大。从人口构成来看 ,兵团各师从事一、二、三产业的人口比为 :5 1.8:2 2 .8:2 5 .4,农业人口占绝大多数。(二 )用地全兵团农牧团场小城镇镇区面积在 5平方公里以上的仅 10个 ;2 - 5平方公里的有 74个 ;2平方公里以下的达 90个 ,分别占全兵团小城镇总数的 5 .8%、42 .5 %、5 1.7%。小城镇镇区面积平均仅为 2平方公里 ,建成区平均…  相似文献   

国家统计局发布2006全国小城镇综合发展水平1000强。行政区划面积仅占全国小城镇总面积2.3%,人口仅占全国小城镇总人口10%的千强镇,2005年所创造的财政收入却占到全国小城镇总财政收入的54.1%;平均每个镇财政收入达2.41亿元,是全国小城镇平均水平的近11倍;人均财政收入3021元,是全国小城镇平均水平的5.2倍。“千强镇”前20名依次是:江苏昆山市玉山镇、广东东莞市虎门镇、江苏常熟市虞山镇、上海闵行区莘庄镇、江苏苏州园区娄葑镇、浙江萧山区宁围镇、江苏张家港市杨舍镇、浙江绍兴县杨汛桥镇、广东东莞市长安镇、河北丰南区丰南镇、广东番禺…  相似文献   

小城镇在城乡统筹发展中担承着重要的作用,特别是具有较大发展潜力的重点小城镇.本文针对当前青岛市小城镇发展的实际情况,基于城乡统筹发展理论对小城镇发展潜力评价方法进行了有益的探索,构建了一套适宜于青岛市小城镇发展潜力评价的指标体系,采用多因素加权综合计分模型,得到各个小城镇的发展潜力指数,并对青岛市的小城镇的发展潜力进行...  相似文献   

张亚  柳会  刘铁鹰 《农村经济》2008,(3):102-104
本文认为四川省在小城镇建设上应以循环经济理论指导,经循环济理论指导建设的小城镇应该是生态循环型小城镇,并对四川省生态循环型小城镇建设存在的问题进行了探讨,提出了四川省生态循环型小城镇建设的对策和措施.  相似文献   

研究目的:研究小城镇可持续发展下的土地产权制度改革。研究方法:文献资料法和归纳推理分析法。研究结果:在梳理中国现行法律法规中有关小城镇土地产权内容的基础上,剖析了小城镇土地产权制度的缺陷及负面效应,提出了小城镇土地产权制度建设的基本目标和思路,从制度政策评估的角度考察了小城镇土地产权制度建设和改革设想对小城镇发展的影响。研究结论:土地产权制度改革不仅对小城镇土地利用直接产生影响,而且对小城镇发展的市场建设、产业发展、农民就业、政府管理方式转变等方面带来积极影响。  相似文献   

Although many contemporary studies of agriculture associate larger properties with higher relative productivity, this assumption has limited relevancy for the analysis of situations in which property owners profit more from large-scale property accumulation itself rather than any superiority in exploitation opportunities offered by increased size. In Brazil, the efficiency-of-scale paradigm has been used to criticize peasant agriculture as unproductive and hide contradictions deriving from land concentration. As this paper argues, however, small-scale agriculture is actually responsible for most of Brazil's food production, rural employment and agricultural income. The paper utilizes a land governance perspective to analyze the implementation of structural reforms aimed at turning back the land monopolization tide as well as efforts to weaken long-standing legal principles that socially condition individual property “rights” in Brazil.  相似文献   

随着乡镇企业和地方经济的发展,小城镇土地区域差异越来越大,客观上要求对小城镇进行土地基准地价测算。相对于大城市来说,小城镇基准地价测算样点有类型少、分布不均等特点,文中从实际出发初步探讨了小城镇基准地价测算方法的选择。  相似文献   

本文运用能值分析理论对以康金镇为代表的黑龙江省耕作黑土生态系统进行研究。结果表明:2005年~2009年康金镇耕作黑土生态系统的总能值投入呈上升的趋势,工业辅助能值占总能值投入的61.8%,其中,自然资源能值占总投入的37.8%,可更新有机能的投入仅占总能值的1.6%。耕作生态系统对于购买能值的依赖使得系统的环境压力增大,环境负载率持续增长。黑龙江黑土耕作系统的净能值产出率低于全国平均水平,并呈逐年下降的趋势。生态系统能值可持续发展指数(ESI)为1.41,可持续发展潜力较大,也呈逐年下降的趋势。这些能值指标表明,农业生态系统处于传统农业向现代农业的过渡阶段,有待于进一步发展。  相似文献   

在大兴安岭兴安鹿业有限公司筛选了年龄4~7岁健康公梅花鹿(CervusNippon)200头随机分为两组,每组100头,采用单因子配对试验,一组夏季天饲喂杨树嫩枝叶,春秋和冬季饲喂杨树叶颗粒饲料,另外一组常年饲喂干羊草;经过两个完整的生物学周期试验,结果表明,在其他饲养条件相同的情况下,用杨树叶颗粒饲料替代羊草饲喂梅花鹿,成本低,适口性好,而且脱盘时间提前了半个月,产茸量提高了0.19kg,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

Small-scale farmers are known to produce the greater proportion of food consumed in the Third World, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The various national and international agricultural research centres located in these parts of the world have developed agricultural packages which have been proven, at experimental levels, to be highly productive. However, small-scale farmers in these areas continue to produce at levels far below the capacities of these packages as predicted from experimental results. Consequently, these farmers, despite their relatively large number, could not produce enough to feed themselves let alone the general population. To improve the quality of life of these farmers in particular, and the population of the Third World in general, there is a need to study the various factors responsible for low agricultural production at the household level. Models relating production to the various factors need to be formulated to improve our understanding of the functional relationships. This in turn could lead to relevant national and international policies with respect to small-scale farmers in the Third World. In this paper, we develop models to predict production given these factors. For simplicity, the parameters of the models are limited to land size (or herd size), environmental effect and management effect. A statistical examination of our model fitted to a set of survey data on this subject revealed that improving the farmers' management level could greatly enhance their production. Further statistical analysis of the data set showed that the various factors constituting the farmers' management level could broadly be classified into three groups: resources (labour and farm implements), personal characteristics (educational level and age) and external assistance (contact with extension agents/assistance) in that order of importance. We discuss the importance of these findings in the formulation of policies concerning small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

针对小城镇在城乡一体化中的重要作用。探讨了小城镇可持续发展的战略意义;分析了小城镇可持续发展指标体系研究现状;提出了小城镇可持续发展评价指标体系的建立原则、方法和程序;建立了小城镇可持续发展一般指标评价体系并探讨了其存在的问题。  相似文献   

小城镇发展综合性强,牵涉面广,用地规模的大小,土地利用结构调整、空间布局的落实都应立足于土地利用的方针政策以及土地利用的客观规律;在小城镇的建设过程中,只有通过科学规划,合理布局等一系列有效措施和途径,才能做到小城镇的建设与土地合理利用的有机协调,为小城镇创造良好的发展空间。  相似文献   

县域城镇体系建设是加快中国城镇化进程的重要组成部分,山区县的城镇建设存在很多制约因素,其独特的城镇体系结构具有重要的研究意义;分析了闽北山区松溪县域城镇体系历史演变特点,分别从城镇体系的规模等级结构、空间布局结构、职能结构3个方面对县域城镇体系的现状特征及成因进行了深入分析,探求松溪县域城镇体系存在的问题;提出了城镇体系结构调整的构想和对策。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a time-series production technique to quantify the deer harvest and deer hunting benefits of controlled burns or prescribed fire. The time series regression model showed a statistically significant and positive effect of prescribed fire on deer harvest. The net economic value of the resulting additional deer hunting benefit was estimated using the Contingent Valuation Method at $ 98 per additional deer harvested. The initial deer hunting benefits of an additional 1,000 acres of prescribed burning are between $ 2,674 and $ 3,128 or $ 2-3 per acre. The costs of prescribed burning greatly exceed these benefits, suggesting that deer hunting benefits represent only a small part of the multiple use benefits of prescribed fire.  相似文献   

Farmer-to-farmer transfer or dissemination of technologies is a neglected area of research even though successful diffusion of many researcher and farmer-developed technologies is highly dependent upon farmers' private initiatives. This is particularly true in many developing countries where formal market mechanisms used in dissemination are often ineffective. Successful dissemination of new technologies to marginal farmers require greater knowledge and use of indigenous dissemination methods. The determinants of farmer-to-farmer transfer of new bean varieties experimented with by small-scale farmers in Uganda are investigated. Farmers were experimenting with new varieties received through earlier on-farm trials and were transferring small quantities of grain to other farmers for experimental purposes. On-farm trials may thus be an effective, but limited method for diffusing new varieties. Factors directly associated with the transfer decision were farm size and variables identifying a willingness to experiment with new varieties. The Production risk reducing strategies of intercropping and sowing of a larger number of non-climbing bean varieties were negatively associated with the probability to transfer grain. The quantity of grain available to transfer was not associated with the transfer decision. Farmers were not transferring grain of the five varieties at different rates even though significant differences in yield were found.  相似文献   

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