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作为服务业中份额最大的门类行业,批发零售业在国民经济增长中发挥着重要作用。本文以2003年至2016年中国283个城市为研究样本,运用固定效应估计、系统GMM方法检验批发零售业发展对城市生产率增长的影响。研究结果发现:首先,批发零售业发展对城市劳动生产率的正向影响在统计上不显著,在采用系统GMM方法克服潜在的内生性问题后,这种正向作用变得显著;其次,批发零售业发展对城市全要素生产率增长具有显著的正向促进作用;最后,批发零售业发展会通过消费拉动效应、成本降低效应、就业带动效应与技术溢出效应促进城市生产率增长。  相似文献   

本文对批发零售业的发展阶段进行了划分和分析,对影响批发零售业的宏观因素进行了归纳,研究了批发零售业内部发展变化特点,提出了批发零售业在未来发展中的主要特征趋势 。  相似文献   

本文对批发零售业的发展阶段进行了划分和分析,对影响批发零售业的宏观因素进行了归纳,研究了批发零售业内部发展变化特点,提出了批发零售业在未来发展中的主要特征趋势.  相似文献   

黄新生  彭晖 《价格月刊》2007,(7):23-25,38
20世纪90年代中期以来,随着国有商业企业逐步退出流通领域,建立城市批发大市场成为政府的目标。抚州作为南昌的周边城市逐渐融入了南昌的经济圈。但抚州商业批发、零售业要成为南昌商业批发、零售业的一个分销渠道,成为南昌商圈内价值链上重要的一环,两城市需要加强经贸政策的协调及政府的双边合作,对产业资源进行整合,加强联系。  相似文献   

批发零售业作为备受关注的朝阳产业之一,具有较高的市场毛利率、行业平均利润率。随着我国市场经济的进一步发展,批发零售业占我国GDP的比重也与日俱增。本文以成都市批发零售业为个案,深入研究了批发零售业的商业结构发展特点,这也为我国城市化进程的加快提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

2004年我国零售业市场对外资全面开放,外资巨鳄加速了在我国市场的布局。随着外资零售业巨头抢占中国各大一线城市,并逐步向二类城市和发达地区的三类城市扩张,从根本上改变了中国零售业的竞争格局,导致中外零售企业竞争越来越激烈,差距越来越大,商务部发布的最新数据显示,2007年外商直接投资项目增长最快的行业是批发和零售业。在这一背景下,有必要分析中国零售业自身的不足,提高零售业核心竞争力,零售业供应链管理越来越受到推崇。  相似文献   

2004年我国零售业市场对外资全面开放,外资巨鳄加速了在我国市场的布局。随着外资零售业巨头抢占中国各大一线城市,并逐步向二类城市和发达地区的三类城市扩张,从根本上改变了中国零售业的竞争格局,导致中外零售企业竞争越来越激烈,差距越来越大,商务部发布的最新数据显示,2007年外商直接投资项目增长最快的行业是批发和零售业。在这一背景下,有必要分析中国零售业自身的不足,提高零售业核心竞争力,零售业供应链管理越来越受到推崇。  相似文献   

李芬儒  宋榕 《商业时代》2006,(24):17-18
本文运用连锁经营理论,提出农村批发业发展连锁经营主要通过大型商业批发商、不同业态的城市零售业批发、农村中小批发商之间的连锁经营以及品牌商品批发市场在农村发展连锁方式。并针对我国农村批发业态现状,指出了发展连锁经营的意义。  相似文献   

2018年我国三次产业的构成为7.0:39.7:53.3,第三产业增加值占据首位,在第三产业中,批发和零售业作为第三产业的重要组成部分,具有十分重要的地位,也直接影响着人民的生活,因此,研究批发和零售业商品销售额,从批发和零售业商品销售额的若干影响因素中筛选出显著自变量,有着重要的实践和现实意义。  相似文献   

“入世”对中国商业流通业的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 《总协定》对开放商业流通业的要求“乌拉圭回合”所包括的四大类国际服务贸易中的第一类就有内外贸易,因此,《总协定》的签定,对中国“入世”后批发零售业的对外开放提出了更高的要求,其中服务贸易六大原则无一例外都涉及到批发零售业。虽然《总协定》没有把批发零售业作为独立附带条件提出,但实际上,批发零售是服务贸易的重要组成部分,并且受到相当重视,尤其是市场准入和国民待遇这两项具体义务与批发零售业最为密切。“入世”意味着中国的批发零售业要接受《总协定》六大  相似文献   

随着扩大内需政策的深入,如何进一步拉动农村消费成为中国经济增长的新热点。本文从流通角度研究对农村消费的影响,引入偏最小二乘法,通过运用乡镇企业批发和零售业就业人员数、乡镇企业批发和零售业单位数、农村批发和零售业固定资产投资完成额等指标来建立多元线性回归模型进行实证分析,量化研究农村消费品流通发展与农村居民人均消费之间的关系。模型结果表明,发展流通业能有效拉动农村消费市场,各项指标均对消费支出有着积极有效的促进作用。文章在此基础上提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to consider country of origin in terms of its association with brand heritage and its implications in fashion branding, thus providing a new perspective within the context of retail and wholesale brands. This qualitative study demonstrates how country of origin is widely used as a communicative tool by retail and wholesale brands, associated with brand heritage. However, the way country of origin is manifested and/or associated (e.g., brand name, color, etc.) varies depending on a brand's history, positioning, brand value, and the type of market sector that the retail and wholesale brands are targeting.  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), many of which are small retail shops, remain the largest employer in the western world. Yet the financing of their fixed and working capital investments remains under-researched. This study focuses on this topic by examining Eurozone wholesale and retail SMEs enterprises at the peak of the 2008 financial credit crisis. In order to do this, an innovative analysis of existing theories in retail finance and policy research using generalised multilevel structural equation modelling is performed to establish how retail SMEs sourced capital during this period. This analysis, a first of its kind in wholesale and retail SME research, finds that pecking order theory, the independence of investment and financing, as well as the contest for financial resources between fixed and working capital do not hold for wholesale and retail SMEs. Moreover, it is found that government grants and subsidised loans were not used by SMEs in this sector of the Eurozone as primary sources of finance during the aftermath of the 2008 global credit crisis. Crucially, it is posited that a business environment characterized by stronger legal rights and deeper credit information did not improve SMEs’ access to external finance. The authors recommend that further research should be pursued in this field in order to improve current understanding of the resilience of retail SMEs for future global financial crises.  相似文献   

在人类社会进入 2 1世纪和我国加入WTO之际 ,发达国家的商业发展已经形成了新的特点和趋势 ,影响着我国现代商业的发展。在借鉴发达国家商业的发展经验和我国商业新形式的发展特点基础上 ,业态创新 ,组织创新 ,投资主体与所有权创新 ,经营管理手段 ,批发和零售界定 ,代理以及物流配送中心等 ,是我国商业的创新目标。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):37-54
This essay examines the development of the retail sector in eighteenth-century provincial England, with particular reference to Hamsphire. The move to fixed place retailing is set against a background of changing wholesale and domestic distribution techniques and the significant demographic shifts experienced at the time. The role of the market, fair, and itinerant trader are considered against the rise of the increasingly specialist resident retailer. Innovations in retail practice (fixed pricing, advertising, loss leaders, the promotion of cash, the tightening of credit and the introduction of branded goods) are examined, collectively indicating that retail distribution underwent a significant transformation in the late eighteenth century.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):55-76
The essay examines wholesale purchasing by the retail stores of consumers' co-operatives in north-east England during their rapid initial growth between the early 1860s and the later 1870s. Drawing on society minute books and Co-operative Wholesale Society (CWS) accounts, the complexity and variety of retail co-operatives' trading relations with both the private and co-operative sector are explored. Initially, in the absence of an accessible co-operative source of stock, retail societies developed working relations with a range of private suppliers. The larger co-operatives, in particular, established links with specialist wholesalers and food processors in distant markets that rivalled in their sophistication the systems of supply of substantial private retail grocers. Many co-operatives also seem to have used several different suppliers in the search for the best bargain for consumers as members. This pursuit of local consumers' interests also characterised relations with the CWS which, even after the establishment of a Newcastle branch in 1872, continued to be unevenly supported by north-eastern co-operatives. The commercial and political reasons for this ambivalence are explored.  相似文献   

论我国批发产业的振兴战略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
马龙龙 《财贸经济》2011,(4):73-78,137
针对我国商品流通体系"两头活跃、中间萎缩"的现状以及理论界"批发无用"的观点,本文对批发产业的发展趋势进行研判,并提出批发体制改革的政策取向和具体措施。本文基于对批发产业相对萎缩的内外生动因的分析,指出我国批发产业当前的发展现状既符合批发、零售产业博弈演进的一般规律,也是我国传统体制下积累的批零结构矛盾所致。提振批发产业对我国经济发展具有重要意义;从长远来看,我国批发环节所呈现出的积极发展趋势也将推动批发与生产、零售走向协调和高效。在此基础上,对提振我国批发产业的政策规制应更多着眼于"规范"而非"控制",并将重点置于促进现代化批发流通体系的早日成型以及引导批发与零售动态协调之上。  相似文献   

小额贷款公司相对商业银行而言,资金来源渠道较窄。而商业银行相对小额贷款公司而言,贷款条件较苛刻,独立经营小额贷款成本较高。商业银行和小额贷款公司可以在相互竞争的环境下更好地合作发展小额贷款业务,建立小额贷款批发机制,创新以外包零售业务方式、以资源共享为主和以技术输出为主的双赢的合作模式,为中小企业和"三农"提供更多贷款。  相似文献   

Demand for fresh fruits and vegetables in Indonesia has been continuously growing as the result of increasing incomes, high growth of the urban population, and modern retail development. The growth of modern retail chains in Indonesia in the last few decades has intrigued some development experts and practitioners because it had been expected to provide greater opportunities for linking small farmers to high value globalized market chains. The modern private sector would, it was hoped, incorporate small producers with the goal of both securing supply and contributing to poverty reduction. However, in terms of mangoes, previous studies have indicated that only a very small proportion of local production is marketed to modern retail chains and/or exported. The main objective of this study is to identify the factors affecting farmers' participation in modernizing retail channels. The study randomly selected 636 mango farmers from the two main mango production zones in Indonesia, West Java and East Java provinces. The study shows that an expansion of the modernized retail segment has not always benefitted local producers, especially smallholder farmers. It is demonstrated that smallholder farmer participation could be higher when the level of commercialization in the market is high and/or retail procurement was already more modernized. Factors that increase farmer capacity to participate in the modern retail chain are irrigation, farm tools, and infrastructure. To increase smallholder farmer participation, the study suggests a policy of encouraging enforcement of quality standards at wholesale markets, technical assistance to farmers relating to value-adding postharvest activities, and improvements in rural infrastructure.  相似文献   

长三角和珠三角主要城市贸易增长的空间联动效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用长三角和珠三角地区各主要城市限额以上批发零售销售额数据,借助于偏离-份额分析的空间扩展模型,对长三角和珠三角两大区域的城市贸易增长效应进行了分析,结果显示:长三角和珠三角地区普遍存在贸易商品销售同构现象,城市与城市之间的空间联动作用总体上并不明显;但上海、广州、深圳对周边城市的空间辐射作用比较突出,上海和广州分别承担着周边城市进口港的职能,深圳扮演着境内对香港出口通道的角色。  相似文献   

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