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员工作为企业的一种宝贵资源,能够指出组织发展过程中存在的各种问题,对组织中的问题提出建设性意见,提升组织决策的正确性和效率,预防和解决危机。文章在回顾国内外研究的基础上,从个体和组织团队视角分析了建言行为的前因变量和结果变量,并对建言行为的未来研究做了展望。  相似文献   

经济系统的进化是在不同层次共同展开的。通过与生物表型进化的类比,对企业形态结构和行为进化及相互关系作了初步探讨。企业形态结构随环境变化而不断进化适应,且总体趋向于越来越柔性、灵敏;但个体企业形态结构的进化有其自身特点:成长发育和进化过程交织、进化速度快且有突变并能主动选择进化方向等。企业行为是在惯例基础上产生并通过不断适应学习而进化。当企业面临进化选择时,行为进化可以先行,形态结构与之呼应,以实现进化的目的。  相似文献   

员工离职是指从组织中获取物质利益的个体终止其组织成员关系的过程,长期以来的离职研究主要从个体层面探究员工主动离职的决定因素和决策过程.本文在梳理以往离职研究在个体离职模型、群体离职和离职后果等方面进展的基础上,识别了离职研究的多学科背景及其对管理学视角下离职理论的启示,最后分析了离职研究未来可能的理论贡献和实践应用领域,以期为后续研究提供有益启示.  相似文献   

本研究对组织的创新过程进行深入研究,提出从组织创新战略到激发个体创新行为以及个体创新行为产生组织创新绩效的过程中应该存在两次自上而下(分)和两次自下而上(合)的四个过程.并基于该过程提炼出三元融合动态目标的概念,探索个体如何通过建立新的三元融合动态目标,有效的将组织战略转化为个体创新行为,再转化为组织创新绩效,对组织层面的创新战略和员工个体层面的创新行为进行了跨层次的理论构建.  相似文献   

负面人格特质是指在压力或危机下个体表现出的趋向人格障碍的个性特质,这些负面人格特质会导致领导者做出不同的个体行为,进而影响领导者的绩效表现。本文从领导者的决策行为以及人际互动行为两方面回顾了国内外有关负面人格特质对领导个体行为影响的实证研究,并对研究方法、理论依据存在的不足进行评述,提出未来的研究应该:(1)基于具体情境,研究负面人格特质与领导个体行为之间的关系;(2)从组织一员工双向视角考察负面人格特质对双方影响的动态过程。  相似文献   

组织行为学视角下的会计舞弊动因与治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章运用组织行为学理论从个体行为过程和组织过程的角度分析了上市公司会计舞弊产生的原因,并提出了相应的治理建议.分析认为,个体的行为过程是会计舞弊产生的动力,组织过程是会计舞弊能够顺利滋长的"温室",会计舞弊的产生是多方面因素共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

尽管大多数现有与组织公民行为(OCB)相关的文献都宣传这些行为的正面效用,然而国外已有相关学者发现这些行为会造成组织不同层面的负面效应。本文通过系统的文献分析发现,组织公民行为在个体、群体和组织层面均有相应的负面效应。基于此,本文从绩效评估、薪酬管理、鼓励参与决策、培训与发展等人力资源管理实践的角度出发,讨论如何将主要集中在个体、群体以及组织层面中的组织公民行为所产生的负面效应最小化,同时提升实现组织目标与组织公民行为的成效。  相似文献   

<正>一决策行为的研究背景决策是指处于风险或不确定情境时,决策者对若干备择项进行加工分析与选择,从中寻找最优方案并解决最终特定问题的决断过程。决策过程被定义为人类智力的核心成分,是决策者认知加工的高级过程。在决策过程中,决策者本身的认知、情感、预期、态度、动机和人际互动等因素都可能对决策认知过程有显著的影响作用,并最终导致个体决策行为差异。Kahneman与Tversky发现,决策者在面对决策问题逻辑  相似文献   

在一个组织中,决策至关重要,决策的成败甚至决定了一个组织的兴衰。决策又分为个体决策和群体决策。本文通过个体决策与群体决策的比较,侧重分析群体决策的弊端,提出避免群体决策失误的几点建议。  相似文献   

算法规避行为是指即使算法提供更为准确的预测建议,人们仍然不愿意依赖算法进行决策的行为。这一概念自2015年提出以来,受到多个领域研究者的重点关注。然而,并没有研究者系统梳理与总结该主题的国内外研究现状。本文运用系统性文献回顾方法 ,对检索到的81篇国内外文献进行系统总结与分析,阐述算法规避行为的概念内涵和测量方式,从个体特征、算法特征和个体与算法互动过程三个视角梳理其前因,并揭示其间的中介机制和边界条件。针对现有研究的不足,本研究提出算法规避行为未来在量表开发、组织宏观层次影响因素、理论视角和研究情境等方面有价值的研究方向。  相似文献   

以澳门安保行业为样本,实证检验了人-组织匹配与员工个体绩效之间的关系,研究结果表明:人-组织匹配对员工个体绩效具有显著的正向影响,价值观匹配、需求-供给匹配和要求能力匹配对关联绩效具有显著的正向影响,要求-能力匹配对任务绩效有显著影响;人-组织匹配及其各个维度均对组织承诺及其各个维度具有显著的正向影响;组织承诺在人-组织匹配与员工个体绩效之间起到部分中介作用;组织承诺对员工个体绩效具有显著的正向影响,情感承诺对关联绩效和任务绩效均有显著的正向影响;心理资本越高,组织承诺对员工个体绩效的影响越小,反之,影响越大。  相似文献   

This article integrates previous theory and research on work adjustment, individual performance, human relations, and high involvement systems to develop a model of the individual and organizational factors thought to affect quality-related outcomes. The model suggests that organizational values influence the design of internal organizational systems, and the degree of congruence between individuals and organizational systems influences the attainment of quality-goals. Furthermore, the model emphasizes that the success of a TQM system may depend on the congruence between organizational systems (e.g., human resources practices) and quality goals. A number of research propositions based on the model are offered to motivate future research on quality-related issues.  相似文献   

abstract This paper reports on a collaborative project involving organization scholars and clinicians to examine the ways in which individual and organizational health are conceptualized in the literature. We illustrate how the use of systems theories (in this case complexity theory) in relation to organizational health introduces problems such as the risk of promoting organizational health at the expense of individual well‐being. The phenomena of organizational health and individual health are often presented as having a symbiotic relationship and we suggest some circumstances where this is not the case. Our central argument is that we need to move beyond current conceptual limitations and move towards a more process‐based model of health in organization rather than organizational health.  相似文献   

Cognitive style may be defined as an individual’s inherent and consistent way of organizing and processing information. It is independent of cognitive ability and may have an important bearing on individual performance within and across organizational settings, for example in the areas of selection, vocational and occupational preferences, management competence, team composition and performance, occupational-stress training and development and organizational learning. A model is suggested in which it is argued cognitive ability, cognitive style and cognitive strategies are intervening variables between individual/organizational processes and individual/organizational performance. It is suggested that managers and others within organizations who have a responsibility for human resource issues need to consider ways in which a knowledge of style may be integrated into these important areas of activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate how perceptions of job insecurity and fairness associate with individual well-being (job satisfaction and general health) and organizational attitudes (organizational commitment and turnover intention), under the condition that the psychological contract as perceived by the employee includes a promise on job security, or not. More specifically, we suggest that (H1) job insecurity is negatively related to individual well-being and organizational commitment and positively related to turnover intentions when job security is expected as part of the psychological contract, (H2) that job insecurity is negatively related to fairness perceptions when job security is expected as part of the psychological contract, (H3) that fairness associates positively with individual well-being and organizational commitment and negatively with turnover intentions and (H4) that the association between job insecurity, individual well-being and organizational outcomes is mediated by fairness under the condition that job security is expected as part of the psychological contract. Thus, we propose a model of mediated moderation. Results based on a sample of Belgian employees (N = 559) supported our hypotheses for organizational outcomes. For individual well-being, the mediation framework was not conditional upon a perceived promise of job security as part of the psychological contract. We conclude that employees' perceptions of job insecurity and fairness are important factors in employees' well-being and their attitudes towards the organization. More importantly, these perceptions can in part be shaped by organizational agents such as managers and supervisors. Additionally, the active utilization of the psychological contract in management strategies seems to have favourable results for the fostering of pro-organizational attitudes among employees.  相似文献   

员工个人企业家行为是一个新兴的组织行为学变量,环境干预和个体特征对其的影响有待进一步研究。调查样本来自西安高新技术和文化服务产业企业中的基层员工。研究结果表明:情感性支持(AS)、物质支持(MS)、关系支持(RS)、工作发展支持(JDS)等四个维度均对员工个人企业家行为中的个人创新行为维度有显著的正向促进作用;除AS外,MS、RS、JDS等维度均对营造创新氛围这一维度有显著的正向促进作用;内部动机对员工企业家行为有显著的正向促进作用;内部工作动机在POS中的AS、RS、JDS这三个维度与员工企业家行为中的两个维度之间起到部分中介作用。该结论证实了自我决定机制在环境因素影响个体内部动机从而影响个体行为中的作用,揭示了组织支持感影响员工个人企业家行为的心理一行为路径。  相似文献   

Despite the recent popularity of multiple perspective feedback systems, there is little theory to guide research in this area and to promote the successful implementation of multiple perspective feedback in organizations. By integrating organizational development and individual performance perspectives, a theoretical framework is developed that illustrates the mechanisms by which feedback can lead to improved individual, work group, and organizational performance. According to this framework, when the structure and systems of the organization are congruent with the goals of the feedback program, feedback positively influences individual performance determinants (e.g., declarative knowledge, motivation). This leads to improved individual performance, which contributes to desired organizational outcomes. Based on this framework, practical questions that should be addressed before a feedback process is implemented are presented.  相似文献   

面向组织客户的客户价值评价体系设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵宛婧  齐佳音 《价值工程》2012,31(2):116-119
客户根据其是否具有组织特性而分为个人客户和组织客户,组织客户对于一个企业的重要性和战略意义越来越不容忽视。而目前关于客户价值评价方法的研究没有明确其对象,由于个人客户与组织客户在许多方面存在较大差异,因此本文将针对组织客户提出客户价值评价方法,将在前人研究的基础上从直接价值和间接价值两个角度给出组织客户价值评价体系,并通过专家访谈修正该体系,主要从组织自身和其所在网络两个角度进行分析,丰富和完善组织客户间接价值评价维度。  相似文献   

论文基于社会认定理论、匹配理论以及计划理论分析了个人组织价值观匹配如何影响新生代员工工作积极性,并探索组织承诺在两者之间所发挥的作用。研究结果表明,当个人组织价值观匹配程度越高时,新生代员工工作积极性越高,且组织承诺在两者之间存在着中介的作用。此结论丰富了论文的相关理论,同时对企业提高新生代员工积极性有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Empowering nets of participation.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To test the implications of field work in a psychiatric hospital for children, this study focuses on the effects of network properties of organizational units, personal network position, and other individual attributes, on individual power. The contextual analysis is carried out by two linked regression equations, one at the individual and one at the contextual level, a procedure that has methodological advantages over a single regression model. The results suggest that sheer complexity can undermine inequalities among bureaucratic units and occupational groups, and that organizational democracy is fostered when complex role relations promote extensive interunit communication. Specifically, we find that a main mechanism that endows individuals with power is found in the local domains of participation, i.e., the organizational units of which they are members, and that the capacity of such a unit to empower its members depends on its integration in organization-wide communication networks. The basis of this integration is conceived as overlapping circles of weak ties that inhibit segmentation along occupational or organizational lines and sustain wide participation by rewarding those who participate.  相似文献   

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