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Conventional wisdom regarding nonprofit firms is that the absence of a profit motive renders them inefficient. However, the costs and product quality realized by profit-taking firms is determined by how well those firms deal with a variety of internal incentive and information problems, and this should be equally true for nonprofits. This article analyzes the team incentive problem in nonprofit organizations. Holmstrom (1982) showed that the introduction of a budget-breaker into a team permitted the creation of incentives to provide efficient effort when it is otherwise impossible. A similar result obtains for a nonprofit team, but the role of principal differs from that found in profit-taking teams. It is shown that any of: donors, government regulators, or Trustees can fulfill this role in a nonprofit team. One implication of this is shown to be that nonprofit firms may indeed pay employees less than otherwise identical employees earn in identical jobs in profit-taking firms.  相似文献   

Incentives, Information, and Organizational Form   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We model an organization as a hierarchy of managers erected on top of atechnology (here consisting of a collection of plants). In our framework,the role of a manager is to take steps to reduce the adverse consequencesof shocks that affect the plants beneath him. We argue that differentorganizational forms give rise to different information about managers'performance and therefore differ according to how effective incentives canbe in encouraging a good performance. In particular, we show that, undercertain assumptions, the M-form (multi-divisional form) is likely to providebetter incentives than the U-form (unitary form) because it promotesyardstick competition (i.e. relative performance evaluation) moreeffectively. We conclude by presenting evidence that the assumptions onwhich this comparison rests are satisfied for Chinese data.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of theories of hierarchies in organizations where the rationale for hierarchical organization derives from agents’ limited capacities for acquiring and communicating information. In these circumstances, hierarchical organization of agents may serve to reduce the amount of time necessary for completion of production tasks, or to improve the quality of information for decision-making on how to undertake production tasks. An informal discussion of theories of hierarchy is provided as well as a formal presentation of key models and results. Limitations of existing approaches are considered.  相似文献   

企业间网络是合作创新的有效组织形式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代经济社会条件下,技术创新通过合作创新的方式来完成已是大势所趋,合作创新已成为技术创新越来越多采用的方式。技术创新的不确定性特征促使企业采用合作创新的方式,技术的当代特征促使企业采用合作创新的方式。与独立创新相比,合作创新能更好地满足当今技术创新的种种要求,能更有力地推动技术创新。企业间网络在促进合作创新方面具有其独特的优势和作用,如能使企业更为有效地把握外界信息、加速企业技术创新过程、促进创新与互补资产和互补技术充分结合以实现技术的商业化、产生创新协同效应并带来价值增值、帮助企业在复杂多变的环境下降低风险、并有利于知识的传播和技术的溢出等。  相似文献   

盖地  李彩霞 《当代财经》2012,(4):112-121
基于税收考虑的企业组织形式选择也称为最优企业组织形式税务筹划,即选择某种企业组织形式寻求最有效的税务筹划决策,税收成本和非税成本是影响这种有效选择的主要因素。不考虑非税成本时,企业组织形式偏好选择经济模型主要受企业所得税税率、股权转让所得的个人所得税税率、经营所得的个人所得税税率等变量影响。非税成本中的转换成本、牺牲非税优势的成本、协调与沟通成本等也是影响经济模型的重要因素。  相似文献   

There is wide-ranging evidence, much of it deriving from economics experiments, of ‘anomalies’ in behaviour that challenge standard preference theories. This paper explores the implications of these anomalies for preference elicitation methods. Because methods that are used to inform public policy, such as contingent valuation, are based on standard preference theories, their validity may be called into question by the anomaly data. However, on a new interpretation, these anomalies do not contradict standard theory but are errors in stated preference that can be expected to disappear as people become more experienced in relevant decision environments. We explore the evidence for this interpretation and what implications follow for preference elicitation methodology. JEL classifications: C91, D01, D60, D81, D83, H40  相似文献   

高海  李尚红 《技术经济》2008,27(1):69-73
农业生产组织形式必须随着生产力的发展与时俱进。与农业生产合作社相比,公司制民营农场更有利于农业的适度规模经营。在法律制度的构建上,为了协调公司制民营农场破产与土地承包经营权出资之间的冲突,应当创新土地承包经营权出资后的退出机制;为了控制公司制民营农场的内部人控制,应当完善内部人的监督机制。  相似文献   

本文以123个服务性企业的工作团队为研究对象,运用群体内部一致性系数Rwg将个体水平的变量转换成群体水平的变量,采用结构方程模型进行分析,探讨团队凝聚力、团队整体上表现出的组织公民行为与工作绩效的关系.研究结果表明,团队整体上表现出的组织公民行为对团队工作绩效具有积极的影响作用;团队凝聚力是组织公民行为的显著预测变量,并且与工作绩效成正相关.这一研究结论可以为提高服务性企业工作团队的工作绩效提供积极的指导意义.  相似文献   

A substantial literature exists combining data from revealed preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) sources, aimed either at testing for the convergent validity of the two approaches used in nonmarket valuation or as a means of drawing on their relative strengths to improve the ultimate estimates of value. In doing so, it is assumed that convergence of the two elicitation approaches is an “all or nothing” proposition; i.e., the RP and SP data are either consistent with each other or they are not. The purpose of this paper is to propose an alternative framework that allows for possible divergence among individuals in terms the consistency between their RP and SP responses. In particular, we suggest the use of a latent class approach to segment the population into two groups. The first group has RP and SP responses that are internally consistent, while the remaining group exhibits some form of inconsistent preferences. An EM algorithm is employed in an empirical application that draws on the Alberta and Saskatchewan moose hunting data sets used in earlier combined RP and SP exercises. The empirical results suggest that somewhere between one-third and one-half the sample exhibits consistent preferences. We also examine differences in welfare estimates drawn from the two classes.  相似文献   

流通费用和交易费用都是相对生产成本而言的非生产成本,二者有着相似或相同的地方。但流通费用和交易费用的内涵、性质及在各自研究体系中所起的作用都是不同的。因此,认清流通费用和交易费用间的区别和联系具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

绿色消费与绿色营销的互动关系及启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
绿色消费是绿色营销产生和发展的时代基础和思想基础,绿色营销能有效引导和促进绿色消费。文章基于绿色消费和绿色营销的互动关系,揭示了其间隐含的营销策略启示,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

(1) Johnson demonstrated the formal equivalence between the free-rider problem and monopsony. (2) Vickrey's method for eliminating the inefficiencies resulting from monopsony (monopoly) works by converting simple monopsonists (monopolists) into perfectly discriminating monopsonists (monopolists). (3) We show that three recently proposed solutions to the free-rider problem have the same rationale, i.e. they use ‘Clarke taxes’ to convert Johnson's simple monopsonists into perfectly discriminating monopsonists. The three mechanisms are those of: (i) Clarke and Groves; (ii) Groves and Ledyard; and (iii) Arrow. The relationships between these mechanisms, and between each of them and monopsony, are analyzed diagrammatically.  相似文献   

以448个员工为样本,分析了组织伦理(自利导向、关怀导向和规则导向)气候对组织情感承诺的影响,并检验了组织信任的中介作用和组织自尊的调节作用。实证研究结果表明:自利导向伦理气候对组织情感承诺、组织信任有显著的负向影响,关怀导向伦理气候和规则导向伦理气候对组织情感承诺、组织信任有显著的正向影响。组织信任在自利导向和关怀导向伦理气候对组织情感承诺的影响中具有部分中介效应,在规则导向伦理气候对组织情感承诺的影响中具有完全中介效应。组织自尊在自利导向伦理气候对组织信任的影响中不具有调节效应,在关怀导向伦理气候和规则导向伦理气候对组织信任的影响中具有显著正向调节效应,说明组织自尊对积极伦理气候具有放大效应。  相似文献   

组织公平和组织承诺对于组织公民行为有显著的正向影响.由于工作的特殊性,某些组织中(如电力系统)临时工较多,甚至超过了正式工的人数.临时工和正式工对于组织公平感的不同感知会影响到组织公民行为,并且临时工和正式工对组织承诺的不同会对组织公民行为产生显著影响,这证明了雇用形式对于组织公平感与组织公民行为关系,以及组织承诺与组织公民行为关系的调节作用.  相似文献   

The institutional design of the Spanish labour market has been subjected, during the last three decades, to permanent pressure fuelled by two beliefs. On the one hand, by the assumption that a higher degree of flexibility would help to reduce unemployment; on the other, by the assumption that such increased flexibility would also help to reduce inflation rates and, consequently, the inflation gap between Spain and the rest of the European countries. The recent history of the Spanish labour market is, therefore, the history of the reforms implemented to increase the flexibility in such a market. The aim of this paper is, firstly, to describe the main features of these reforms, showing the measures implemented in order to increase the flexibility in the labour market and, secondly, to show the degree of flexibility reached in the labour market. Finally, we will briefly analyse the macroeconomic consequences of these reforms.  相似文献   

自Brown等将领地性概念引入组织管理领域以来,至今已有十余年,但到目前为止,领地性议题尚未引起学界广泛关注。在回顾国内外现有文献的基础上,对领地性概念的延伸与对比、量表发展,以及领地行为的前因与后果变量进行了梳理,展望了未来的研究方向,以为本土化理论构建提供崭新视角与实践指导。  相似文献   

组织创新路径成为提升企业竞争力的重要因素。已有研究表明,组织情绪能力是促进组织创新的关键因素。但是,先前文献多局限于单一中介机制研究,忽略了可能存在的链式中介机制。基于此,引入心理安全和失败学习两个变量,构建链式中介模型,探讨心理安全、失败学习以及二者共同对组织情绪能力与组织创新之间关系的中介作用。结果表明:组织情绪能力能够显著提升组织创新,心理安全、失败学习分别在组织情绪能力和组织创新之间起中介作用,心理安全与失败学习共同在组织情绪能力和组织创新之间起链式中介作用。研究结论丰富了组织情绪能力影响组织创新内在机制的研究,可为探索组织创新路径提供决策参考。  相似文献   

In addition to choice questions (revealed and stated choices), preference surveys typically include other questions that provide information about preferences. Preference-statement data include questions on the importance of different attributes of a good or the extent of agreement with a particular statement. The intent of this paper is to model and jointly estimate preference heterogeneity using stated-preference choice data and preference-statement data. The starting point for this analysis is the belief that the individual has preferences, and both his/her choices and preference statements are manifestations of those preferences. Our modeling contribution is linking the choice data and preference-statement data in a latent-class framework. Estimation is straightforward using the E-M algorithm, even though our model has hundreds of preference parameters. Our estimates demonstrate that: (1) within a preference class, the importance anglers associate with different Green Bay site characteristics is in accordance with their responses to the preference statements; (2) estimated across-class utility parameters for fishing Green Bay are affected by the preference-statement data; (3) estimated across-class preference-statement response probabilities are affected by the inclusion of the choice data; and (4) both data sets influence the number of classes and the probability of belonging to a class as a function of the individual’s type.  相似文献   

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