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在单周期产品的生产商—零售商的供应链中,由于市场存在着激烈的竞争,市场需求的不确定性必然会对供应链双方的决策产生很大的影响。借助传统的报童模型,建立Stackberg博奕模型,考虑了一个供应商面对两个不同零售商时的情景,分别分析了当零售商决策依据是最大化期望利润和当两零售商的市场需求相关时,以及在零售商的决策依据是在给定利润水平时最大化其概率的情况下,市场需求不确定会对供应链双方产生怎样的影响。  相似文献   

多生命周期的闭环供应链管理涉及大量的参与实体和广泛的时空范围,覆盖整个产品生命周期的信息对于闭环供应链的运作效率与协调有着重要影响,信息采集与共享是闭环供应链管理的关键之一,必须在产品全生命周期时空范围内,采用适合闭环供应链信息采集的技术构建一个完整的信息采集体系。基于物联网技术的闭环供应链信息采集与共享体系,能够较好地解决其面对的特殊问题,但其自身的实现也面临技术和管理上的诸多挑战。随着我国经济改革与增长方式的持续改进,闭环供应链将日益受到各方重视,基于产品多生命周期的闭环供应链信息采集与共享体系必将成为未来闭环供应链实践中不可或缺的运作与竞争前提。  相似文献   

中国超市经营生鲜农产品和供应链管理的思考   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
消费水平的提高必然导致消费方式的改变,超市的出现必然导致生鲜农产品流通业态的改变,最终必然导致供应链管理方式变革。本文从超市生鲜农产品供应链管理要素入手,在通过对我国超市生鲜农产品供应链管理现状的描述与分析后指出:超市生鲜农产品供应链的管理不能仅依据一般的现代物流管理思想与实践,而要考虑产品特性、技术支持、营销与竞争、组织成熟度、公共政策诸因素。  相似文献   

In today's tightly connected global economy, traditional management practices that rely on “steady‐state” conditions are challenged by chaotic external pressures and turbulent change. Just in the last few years, the world has experienced a string of catastrophic events, including a global economic meltdown, a volcanic eruption in Iceland, an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a disastrous tsunami and power blackout in Japan, and political upheavals in Africa and the Middle East. Managing the risk of an uncertain future is a challenge that requires resilience—the ability to survive, adapt, and grow in the face of turbulent change. This research develops a measurement tool titled the Supply Chain Resilience Assessment and Management (SCRAM?). Data gathered from seven global manufacturing and service firms are used to validate SCRAM?, using qualitative methodology with 1,369 empirical items from focus groups reviewing 14 recent disruptions. Critical linkages are uncovered between the inherent vulnerability factors and controllable capability factors. Through mixed‐method triangulation, this research identified 311 specific linkages that can be used to guide a resilience improvement process. Pilot testing suggests a correlation between increased resilience and improved supply chain performance.  相似文献   

Research on supply chain strategy has emphasized the importance of ensuring the supply chain for a product is appropriately aligned with the characteristics of that product and the market for which it is intended. The current study synthesizes theory from supply chain management, entrepreneurship, and marketing, and examines the results from a case study of multiple supply chains that were formed to launch products based on disruptive innovations to propose new theoretical perspectives on the development of supply chain strategy in this unique market context. The results suggest that legitimacy and value proposition definition and refinement are the initial primary drivers of supply chain strategy and the specific means by which the initial supply chain is formed and structured to achieve successful commercialization. These findings advance theory in both supply chain management and entrepreneurship as well as provide insight to firms seeking to commercialize potentially disruptive innovations.  相似文献   

The learning process between supply chain entities is explored from the perspective of senior third‐party executives. Through grounded theory, a theoretical framework emerged that extends our understanding of learning within a supply chain by identifying the major constructs and learning stages comprising the basic social process of inter‐organizational learning. This framework provides significant insights into the complex process employed in a supply chain to share, disseminate, and store information; co‐create knowledge; and to derive a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

贵州农产品供应链及物流效率问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈卫洪 《中国市场》2007,(19):78-80
在社会主义市场经济条件下推进农业和农村经济发展,必须面向市场,搞活流通。做好农产品市场流通工作,是建设现代农业,繁荣农村经济的重要环节;文章从贵州农产品供应链与物流(效率)现状出发,分析贵州农产品供应链与物流过程中存在的问题及原因,并在此基础上提出相关的对策建议  相似文献   

水产品加工业供应链风险及其控制策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对文献的研究成果,结合对水产品加工业的深入调研分析,本文着重从供应、物流、财务、信息、需求、环境等方面对水产品加工业供应链风险进行剖析。供应链中各种风险因素之间并非独立存在,而是相互影响、互为因果。因此,在明确水产业供应链每种风险产生根源及其变动规律的基础上,提出适宜的风险控制策略,以期规避风险,确保水产业供应链整体安全高效运行。  相似文献   

先发模式下乳品供应链合作关系柔性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,先发模式和后发模式是我国乳业发展中的两种主要模式,在我国乳业发展过程中,“公司 农户”的先发模式发挥了重要作用。但先发模式下供应链难以整合,即使勉强整合,其供应链柔性也明显不足,特别是供应链上游承担了巨大的风险,整个产业发展缺乏后劲。为提升乳品供应链合作关系柔性,提升缓冲、适应和创新三种能力,需加强政府干预和调控,建立风险防范和投融资机制,打造强势核心企业,兼顾供应链合作各方利益,逐步向后发模式发展。  相似文献   

供应链成员企业利益分配优化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化文娟 《中国市场》2008,(10):64-65
本文笔者基于通过对供应链内涵扩展和延伸的分析,分析了成员企业获取供应链合作利益的要素和权重条件,研究了供应链成员企业利益的合理、公正的分配途径;深入探讨了供应链收益的二次分配方法。文章对提高供应链成员企业间竞争力具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

供应链信息管理在供应链管理中起着至关重要的作用,信息共享是供应链信息管理的关键所在,供应链的信息共享影响着整个供应链上的所有企业伙伴多方面的活动。供应链管理的本质就是通过信息共享,优化各供应链参与企业的生产、库存、营销等决策,通过信息共享可以实现供应链成员之间的供需无缝、流畅地在供应链中传递,从而使整个供应链根据客户的需求而步调一致,适应市场环境变化。通过一定的激励方式可以达到供应链企业愿意达成信息共享策略。  相似文献   

王多宏  严余松  张蓉 《中国市场》2008,(41):118-119
建立和完善绿色农产品封闭供应链,可以较好地解决我国当前农产品物流中存在的许多问题,较好地体现了农产品物流的发展趋势。进行绿色农产品封闭供应链的研究和实践,不仅有着理论上的意义,而且有着十分重要的实际应用价值和良好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

供应链金融在农产品电子交易市场的应用前景与作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农产品电子交易市场参与供应链金融服务,不仅有其独特优势,还有其重要作用,农产品电子交易市场作为供应链金融代理机构角色的存在,有助于形成供应链上企业风险共担的格局,有助于通过协调活动促使各企业保持高度信任的状态,起到改善与增强合作关系、协作效率、供应链完整性的效果。农产品电子交易市场开展供应链金融服务,有利于推动供应链企业之间逐步建立长期战略协同合作关系,平衡供应链上力量不对等的状况,破除信息不对称的危害,改善资源配置扭曲状况,有助于自身的完善、发展、壮大,提高农产品供应链竞争力。  相似文献   

基于Shapley值法的农产品供应链联盟利益分配机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用联盟博弈中的沙普利值分析了农产品供应链联盟的利益分配机制,研究发现“农户-农联组织-零售商-消费者”是最佳供应链联盟模式;有利可图可促进联盟的形成;通过沙普利值进行内部收益分配则可维持联盟的稳定运行。  相似文献   

实施供应链管理有利于企业提高顾客服务的满意度水平以及国际竞争力,在实施供应链管理的同时出现了很多信息危机,信息也成为了供应链管理中的重要环节。避免信息失真以减小牛鞭效应、提高信息的共享程度、建立有效的激励机制以及建立有效的信用机制等对策,可以尽量避免信息危机的发生,将供应链管理中的风险降到最小,获得更大经济效益。  相似文献   

We theorize, building on the knowledge‐based view and the theoretical distinction between explicit and tacit knowledge, that knowledge management capability across the supply chain manifests itself in explicit and tacit knowledge, which in turn effectuates supply chain performance. The model is tested with survey data from 195 small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises reporting on their primary supply chain. The results indicate that the supply chain's knowledge management capability manifests itself in both explicit and tacit knowledge, with the latter being influenced more strongly. Moreover, it was found that while both explicit and tacit knowledge influence supply chain performance, the latter exerts a significantly greater impact than the former. Exploratory post hoc analyses add robustness to these findings and investigate mechanisms inherent to the transformation of tacit into explicit knowledge. Overall, this research contributes to academic theory development in logistics and supply chain management by the dichotomization of knowledge types and the demonstration of their differential magnitude of effects, and to managerial practice by providing important guidance for logistics managers structuring their knowledge management efforts across supply chains.  相似文献   

供应链中的“牛鞭效应”研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
牛鞭效应是指供应链中的需求信息在从下游往上游传递的过程中发生的一种扭曲放大的现象。牛鞭效应形成的原因主要有需求预测、库存管理、批量定货、交货周期、价格波动等。“牛鞭效应”对供应链管理带来很大危害 ,产生一些负面效应 ,所以必须采取相应的缓解措施  相似文献   

本文通过介绍供应链、价值链与作业成本法的含义,阐述了三者之间内在的相互关系,并提出三者进行有机结合的有效措施,得到了现代企业进行成本管理和提升企业竞争力的新途径。  相似文献   

供应链融资的风险分析与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李霞 《中国市场》2009,(19):97-98
供应链融资是一种全新的融资模式,是指对一个产业供应链中的单个企业或上下游多个企业提供全面的金融服务,以促进供应链的核心企业及上下游配套企业"产供销"链条的稳固和流转顺畅,以有效解决中小企业融资难的问题。本文对供应链融资过程中面临的风险和表现形式进行分析,并对如何防范供应链融资风险提出了相应策略。  相似文献   

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