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While data science, predictive analytics, and big data have been frequently used buzzwords, rigorous academic investigations into these areas are just emerging. In this forward thinking article, we discuss the results of a recent large‐scale survey on these topics among supply chain management (SCM) professionals, complemented with our experiences in developing, implementing, and administering one of the first master's degree programs in predictive analytics. As such, we effectively provide an assessment of the current state of the field via a large‐scale survey, and offer insight into its future potential via the discussion of how a research university is training next‐generation data scientists. Specifically, we report on the current use of predictive analytics in SCM and the underlying motivations, as well as perceived benefits and barriers. In addition, we highlight skills desired for successful data scientists, and provide illustrations of how predictive analytics can be implemented in the curriculum. Relying on one of the largest data sets of predictive analytics users in SCM collected to date and our experiences with one of the first master's degree programs in predictive analytics, it is our intent to provide a timely assessment of the field, illustrate its future potential, and motivate additional research and pedagogical advancements in this domain.  相似文献   

We illuminate the myriad of opportunities for research where supply chain management (SCM) intersects with data science, predictive analytics, and big data, collectively referred to as DPB. We show that these terms are not only becoming popular but are also relevant to supply chain research and education. Data science requires both domain knowledge and a broad set of quantitative skills, but there is a dearth of literature on the topic and many questions. We call for research on skills that are needed by SCM data scientists and discuss how such skills and domain knowledge affect the effectiveness of an SCM data scientist. Such knowledge is crucial to develop future supply chain leaders. We propose definitions of data science and predictive analytics as applied to SCM. We examine possible applications of DPB in practice and provide examples of research questions from these applications, as well as examples of research questions employing DPB that stem from management theories. Finally, we propose specific steps interested researchers can take to respond to our call for research on the intersection of SCM and DPB.  相似文献   

Research has emphasized the importance of matching products' characteristics with their supply chain design (i.e., supply chain fit). Fisher ( 1997 ) introduced the notion of supply chain fit and indicated that before developing a supply chain firms must consider the nature of the demand for their products. I expand on the Fisher ( 1997 ) framework by offering a more comprehensive understanding of when it pays off for firms to deploy resources to achieve supply chain fit. I argue that it is simplistic to assume that perfect supply chain fit will always lead to improved financial performance because the benefits generated by perfect supply chain fit might be offset by the resources deployed to achieve that fit. In order to execute this research I use archival and survey data to evaluate the moderating effects of six dimensions of environmental uncertainty (e.g., munificence, market dynamism, technological dynamism, technical complexity, product diversity, and geographic dispersion) on the relationship between supply chain fit and financial performance.  相似文献   

Predictive analytics is impacting many diverse areas, ranging from baseball and epidemiology to forecasting and customer relationship management. Manufacturers, retailers, software companies, and consultants are creatively discovering new applications of big data using predictive analytics in supply chain management and logistics. In practice, predictive analytics is generally atheoretical; however, we develop a 2 × 2 model to explain the role of predictive analytics in the theory development process. This 2 × 2 model shows that in our discipline we have traditionally taken one path to theory development, but that predictive analytics can be a salient component of a comprehensive theory development process. The model points to a number of research questions that need to be addressed by our research community. These questions are not just highly relevant to the academic community but also in urgent need of answers to help practitioners execute the right strategies with greater precision and efficiency. We also discuss how one disruptive trend, the maker movement, changes the nature of who the producers are in the supply chain, making big data even more valuable. As we engage in higher levels of dialogue we will be able to make meaningful progress addressing these vital research topics.  相似文献   


The design of e-business operations is often relegated to the implementation stage of the Internet commerce development process. The objective of this paper is to present a new framework to facilitate continuous electronic communication among trading partners in the supply chain and the seamless integration of electronic operations throughout the e-business development process. As background, the paper reviews e-business design methodology and related supply chain issues. Then, it articulates a demand-driven, sense-and-response system (SRS) framework for guiding e-business operations and monitoring products across value chain networks without hindering human autonomy. The paper presents a model for the SRS integration of business-process enabling strategies, technologies and systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management, Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment, Point of Sale, Radio Frequency Identification Tags, and Global Positioning System. These systems can be instrumental in the ultimate SRS framework realization. The paper also examines ways in which SRS framework implementation may prevent the bullwhip effect by quickly anticipating demand and reducing response time.  相似文献   

The benefits of good decision making by a distributor often have broad leverage across a supply chain, and data science provides a comprehensive framework for making this possible. We present a case study of an ongoing partnership between the authors and corporate managers at a distributor of heating, ventilating, and air‐conditioning products. We describe in detail the “vertical integration” of our analytical tools through a long chain of data scientific activities, backward to raw data, and forward to visually appealing output, in an organization with legacy information technology infrastructure. The models are applied to a large‐scale data set, and spreadsheet‐based decision support tools that include useful visualization capabilities for the firm are illustrated. We also offer this case as a blueprint for building a collaborative research relationship between academia and industry.  相似文献   

激励机制、信息反馈与供应链绩效的持续改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟祖昌  王洁 《中国市场》2008,(19):101-103
进入21世纪,企业与企业之间的竞争正在演变为供应链与供应链之间的竞争,供应链管理是一个动态的过程。本文对供应链绩效持续改进的内在机理进行了深入的分析,指出动态信息反馈是供应链绩效改进的基石,供应链绩效评价与供应链战略的匹配是供应链绩效改进的拓展空间。  相似文献   

近年来,供应链管理实践中产生的数据量呈指数增长,大数据分析在供应链中存在巨大的发展空间,然而,当前对于供应链中大数据分析应用还缺乏深入研究。通过相关文献梳理,对国外供应链中大数据应用进行深入探析,结合国内外研究成果回顾了不同行业供应链中的大数据应用及其商业价值,鉴于已有研究,对未来该领域研究进行大胆展望。文章将丰富国内供应链中的大数据分析应用理论,为学术界和实务界在供应链管理各个方面实施大数据分析应用提供指导。  相似文献   

The article titled “Defining Supply Chain Management” published in 2001 in the Journal of Business Logistics has been cited over 4,900 times in the last 17 years. In this paper, we first provide a historical review of how the article originated and the contributions the article made to both the theory and practice of supply chain management (SCM). Next, we highlight the key market and technological changes that have emerged in SCM followed by how the theory proposed in the 2001 article can still be relevant to support SCM research and practice going forward. We also propose ways of configuring a supply chain and partnering across companies to serve customers in an optimal way. We conclude with a call for research on developing new frameworks to better describe, explain, predict, and shed light on the evolving nature of SCM.  相似文献   

Given their proclivity to occur despite managers' best efforts, disruptions often result in lost sales, lead to large financial losses, and have a negative impact on shareholder wealth and operating performance. Less attention, however, has been paid to improving the process of managing a disruption from its discovery through to complete recovery. This entire process is not, in fact, fully understood. Clearer insights are needed surrounding the following issues: factors influencing the recovery process, how those factors interact to play a role in managerial decision making, and the company's actual ability to recover. While it is possible to determine basic recovery process factors, a more complete picture of disruption management can be built from analysis of data collected through qualitative in‐depth interviews. This research delivers insights around the interactions and relationships among factors, providing the foundation for a set of propositions useful for further investigation in the following areas: discovery of the disruption event, causes of the event, and recovery performance. One finding indicates that while internal disruptions are faster to recover from, they more likely lead to negative perceptions about the recovery performance outcome.  相似文献   

We opened our 2010 paper in the Journal of Business Logistics with a 6th century quote by Heraclitus – “The only constant is change.” This immutable law certainly holds in today's volatile business world, especially for supply chain management, and has been the driving factor behind the interest in resilience. Since the seminal works of the mid‐to‐late 1990s and early 2000s, the supply chain discipline has progressed toward a common understanding of resilience. But we're not there yet. This paper reflects on the impact of our 2010 paper, and envisions future opportunities for advances in resilience that will improve both day‐to‐day business continuity and long‐term sustainability. We are honored to be selected for this 40th Anniversary Issue of the Journal of Business Logistics, and proud that our paper has been recognized as the most cited of the decade.  相似文献   


This article maps risk perception across the pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC) in Brazil. Our paper employs the method orders-of-magnitude analytic hierarchy process to rank risks as perceived by industry, distributors, hospitals and pharmacies. We show that players have a siloed perception of risk and impact of those risks. While upstream players emphasize cost, downstream players value service; moreover, both prioritize operational risks over strategic risks. We call for further studies in Latin America: although interest in risk is growing, few studies address the PSC and even fewer realities outside the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

World population growth and increased consumption stemming from economic leveling are leading to scarcity of a number of natural resources on a global scale. Scarcity of critical natural resources such as oil, water, food, and precious metals has the potential to greatly impact commercial activity as the twenty‐first century progresses. The challenge of continuing to provide needed goods and services in the face of these constraints falls to supply chain managers, who are ultimately responsible for delivering utility to customers. Unfortunately, there has been almost no research focused on supply chain strategies aimed at mitigating natural resource scarcity’s (NRS) potential effects. The current research positions NRS as a supply chain risk and proposes an NRS typology based on key resource attributes. Supply chain mitigation strategies to counter each resource status are offered, with an overall objective of improving supply chain performance. The study recommends future research aimed at further developing theory and methods for countering NRS based on resource, systems and behavioral theories. In addition, this study has critical implications for practitioners faced with the growing threat of NRS in their supply chains.  相似文献   

Although agility has been identified as one of the most important issues of contemporary supply chain management, the theoretical basis for understanding supply chain agility is fragmented. This research addresses the gap related to the ambiguity surrounding the dimensions and definitions of firm supply chain agility by employing a multidisciplinary literature review to gain an in‐depth understanding of agility. In addition, a comprehensive measurement instrument that draws on the foundations of social and life science theory is developed and empirically validated. The results of the research indicate that firm supply chain agility is composed of five distinct dimensions including alertness, accessibility, decisiveness, swiftness, and flexibility. Based on these elements, a comprehensive definition of firm supply chain agility is developed for further theoretical testing of the concept.  相似文献   

实施供应链管理有利于企业提高顾客服务的满意度水平以及国际竞争力,在实施供应链管理的同时出现了很多信息危机,信息也成为了供应链管理中的重要环节。避免信息失真以减小牛鞭效应、提高信息的共享程度、建立有效的激励机制以及建立有效的信用机制等对策,可以尽量避免信息危机的发生,将供应链管理中的风险降到最小,获得更大经济效益。  相似文献   

郑明亮 《中国市场》2007,(36):114-114
分析网络经济对企业的影响,在此基础上,分析供应链管理的实质,挖掘网络经济时代通过供应链管理挖掘供应链在资源、信息、知识和合作关系各层次上协同网络的潜能。  相似文献   

李玉勇 《中国市场》2009,(2):127-129
本文在分析敏捷供应链管理机理的基础上,提出了敏捷供应链管理系统的优势和实施步骤,阐释了在我国实施敏捷供应链管理系统的障碍因素及可行性措施。  相似文献   

Demand and supply integration is the subject of increasing scholarly attention. The theoretical emphasis on combining market and supply chain data as the basis for strategic and operational decision making is particularly relevant in the context of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) supply chains, and offers the basis for advancing our understanding and knowledge in this field. Point‐of‐sale (POS) data are commonly used as the demand signal in CPG supply chains. Using empirical data, this research demonstrates that POS data can be influenced by nondemand factors. We present a number of issues raised by this finding.  相似文献   

Research on supply chain strategy has emphasized the importance of ensuring the supply chain for a product is appropriately aligned with the characteristics of that product and the market for which it is intended. The current study synthesizes theory from supply chain management, entrepreneurship, and marketing, and examines the results from a case study of multiple supply chains that were formed to launch products based on disruptive innovations to propose new theoretical perspectives on the development of supply chain strategy in this unique market context. The results suggest that legitimacy and value proposition definition and refinement are the initial primary drivers of supply chain strategy and the specific means by which the initial supply chain is formed and structured to achieve successful commercialization. These findings advance theory in both supply chain management and entrepreneurship as well as provide insight to firms seeking to commercialize potentially disruptive innovations.  相似文献   

The academic field of supply chain management (SCM) is comprised of scholars holding four different worldviews based on their academic heritages. This situation presents both threats and opportunities for SCM scholarship and practice. In this brief paper, we explain why we see this occurring, and actions that academics might take in order to form a more cohesive and effective SCM discipline.  相似文献   

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