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The purpose of this study is to explore how lean–agile operations and supplier–firm partnership can improve garment small and medium enterprise (SME) supply chain performance. This study is based on cross‐sectional survey research that provides longitudinal evidence to show how lean–agile operations and partnership strategy influence supply chain and garment SME performance. To clarify the relationships among these constructs, structural equation model (SEM) is conducted to examine the model fit and the five hypotheses. The result shows that agile supply chain and partnership strategy are critical for garment SMEs because these strategies influence their supply chain performance. However, the leanness strategy does not necessarily influence their supply chain performance. The supply chain performance and partnership strategy have a positive influence on the SME performance.  相似文献   

Drawing on faultlines and challenging the assumption that family board members form a homogenous subgroup, we hypothesize that the distinction between executive and non‐executive family board members can create faultlines that affect firm performance. We propose that the discrepancy between results and goals can activate and exacerbate faultlines. Using a sample of 421 family small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs), we find a U‐shaped relationship between the ratio of family executive board members and firm performance showing the consequences of relationship‐based and task‐related faultlines. Moreover, we find that the U‐shaped relationship occurs when firms perceive that they under‐achieve their objectives, whereas a reverse J‐shaped relationship appears when firms over‐achieve their objectives.  相似文献   

This study examines how pay‐for‐performance (PFP) systems affect the performance of small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). We decompose PFP into two dimensions: scope and depth. PFP scope captures the variety of performance measures and reward types included in a firm's PFP system, and PFP depth reflects the relative amount of performance‐based pay compared with total pay. We posit that PFP scope has a positive whereas PFP depth has an inverted U‐shaped effect on employee participation, which in turn enhances SME performance. Analysis of data collected at both employee and firm levels of 444 SMEs during 1999–2006 supported these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Downside performance measures relate above target returns with lower partial moments. They were developed to resolve restrictive assumptions of the classical Sharpe ratio. While the Sharpe ratio evaluates whether portfolios of a mutual fund and the risk‐free asset dominate passive portfolios of the benchmark and the risk‐free asset, this characteristic cannot be transferred to downside performance measures with arbitrary targets. We show that downside performance measures assign different values to passive benchmark strategies if the target differs from the risk‐free rate. This effect can lead to reverse rankings of financial assets. Therefore, downside performance measures are only applicable in asset management if the target is set equal to the risk‐free rate.  相似文献   

We examine the joint influence of post‐acquisition integration management and acquisition focus on long‐run post‐acquisition performance. We develop a financial measure related to integration that is based on changes in net purchases/disposals of physical assets. For a sample of acquisitions by Australian listed firms, we find that the main effects and the interaction of our integration measure and focus are related to performance in the direction suggested by theory. Our results suggest that inconsistencies in previous studies of the focus‐performance relation are partly explained by the failure to consider the post‐acquisition asset management strategies.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between firm multinationality and financial performance with a focus on firm-specific assets and dispersion of these assets for MNCs from emerging markets. Drawing upon internalization theory, the authors reveal that while the financial performance of manufacturing MNCs depends on technological assets, service MNCs are more dependent on marketing assets to succeed in international markets. Study findings further emphasize the critical role of the industry context in emerging markets as the authors demonstrate that international asset dispersion weakens the effects of internationalization on financial performance more for MNCs in manufacturing industries than for MNCs in services.  相似文献   

标的资产“高溢价”导致上市公司业绩下滑、资产承诺业绩未达标事件激增,其中尤以定增并购标的资产与上市公司终极控制人关联交易最为突出。本文以我国沪深A股2007-2018年对终极控制人及其关联方实施过定向增发资产注入的上市公司为样本,分析终极控制权特征对标的资产估值的影响。结果表明:终极控制人的控制权与定增标的资产评估增值率呈“U”型关系,现金流权与定增标的资产的资产评估增值率负相关,两权分离度、控制权复杂度、定增前后终极控制人控制权的分离程度与定增标的资产评估增值率正相关;终极控制人在董事会占据席位的比例越大,经理人由终极控制人任命或担任的,定增标的资产评估增值率更高;民营性质的相较于国有性质的终极控制人,定增标的资产评估增值率更高,反映了机会主义行为动机下终极控制人的控制权地位显著影响定增标的资产估值,虚增的注入资产价值加剧了定增并购中的业绩承诺风险。终极控制人借助定增并购资产估值转移上市公司财富行为更具隐蔽性,投资者和监管部门需关注定增并购资产估值环节,有效预防业绩承诺风险。  相似文献   

As the likelihood of worldwide crises increases due to globalization and the resulting economic contagion, understanding why some multinational enterprises (MNEs) prevail in such environments becomes ever more critical. Drawing from the concept of dynamic managerial capabilities, we posit that MNE in-crisis performance is associated with the pre-crisis development of asset management capabilities, or the capacity of managers to orchestrate assets so as to extract more value from the firm’s resource pool. Specifically, we argue that because dynamic managerial capabilities evolve as a response to a firm’s task environment, MNEs that operate in dynamic industries develop stronger asset management capabilities. However, we also posit that whether these capabilities contribute to in-crisis performance is contingent upon the munificence of the industry environment in which the capability evolves. Asset management capabilities that evolve in munificent environments would encompass a wider spectrum of routine-altering activities, and thus increase the ability of the MNE to react to more revolutionary events, such as global economic crises. Conversely, asset management capabilities that evolve in resource-scarce environments will result in more strategic lock-in due to firms' constrained ability to experiment with novel resource configurations, resulting in poorer in-crisis performance. We test our hypotheses using a sample of 854 MNEs in the context of the global financial crisis of 2008, and find support for our hypotheses. We discuss implications for the dynamic capabilities view and MNE resilience.  相似文献   

Collaborative innovation has received the attention of management scholars for decades. The primary focus of our research is to explore the mechanisms that drive innovation catch‐up of latecomers in an emerging economy through research and development collaborations (i.e., academic and industrial collaborations). Using a sample of 1,066 firms in a high‐tech cluster in China, we find that collaborative innovation strategy has an inverse U–shaped effect on a firm's innovation performance. In addition, the relationship between collaborative innovation strategy and innovation performance is positively moderated by absorptive capacity © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question “How does the fight against organized crime affect regional entrepreneurship?” We focus on asset confiscation in relation to alleged connections of their owners with organized crime, a highly debated policy measure against organized crime. Extending work on institutions and regional entrepreneurship, we propose that confiscation has contrasting effects on regional entries. On the one hand, confiscation of economic assets associated with criminal organizations’ legitimate activities in a region reduces competition and triggers renewal, fostering new entries. On the other hand, seizure of criminal organizations’ operational assets weakens their ability to exercise sovereignty, creating an institutional vacuum that lowers founding rates. Our results, based on a longitudinal study of Italian provinces between 2009 and 2013, provide support for both hypotheses. We also find that the negative effect associated with the confiscation of operational assets is mitigated when local governments have policies facilitating asset redeployment.  相似文献   

By complementing agency theory with behavioral assumptions, we explore the effects of family involvement on small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) performance. We identify three separate dimensions of family involvement and hypothesize nonlinear, direct, and interaction effects on the performance of an SME. The evidence on 787 SMEs suggests that an inverted U‐shaped relationship exists between family ownership and performance, and ownership dispersion among family members negatively affects performance. Balancing family and nonfamily members in the top management team (TMT) is found to be beneficial to SMEs’ performance, but the family ratio in the TMT becomes crucial only at high levels of family ownership.  相似文献   

Focusing on the legal protection of minority shareholders in Japan, which suggests that manager‐owned firms are better governed than corporation‐owned firms, this study presents a new test of two dividend models: the substitute model and the outcome model. In support of the latter, I find that manager‐owned firms pay higher dividends than corporation‐owned firms. The paper also examines the association between ownership by the largest shareholder and dividend payments. I find an inverted U‐shaped relationship for manager‐owned firms and a U‐shaped relationship for corporation‐owned firms between them. These results can be explained by the benefits and drawbacks of concentrated ownership.  相似文献   

We extend the literature on sharp reductions in current account deficits by taking into account not only short‐term determinants, but also the deviation of net foreign assets from their long‐run equilibrium level. First, we analyse the long‐term relationship between net foreign assets and a set of explanatory variables and construct a measure of imbalances. Next, we model current account reversals by incorporating this new measure and compare the predictive power of this model with the baseline specification that does not account for long‐term imbalances. Our new model has a superior performance in and out‐of‐sample, especially when we control for the sign of imbalances. We also find that low net foreign assets do not necessarily lead to sharp reductions in current account deficits; it is rather the situation when they are below their equilibrium level that triggers reversals. Finally, we document that our new measure of net foreign asset imbalances is important only for developing countries, whereas standard models perform well for industrial economies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the relationship between the international experience of small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) and their economic performance using intangible and financial asset stock, competitive strategy, and international intensity as mediating factors. The RBV provides the theoretical framework to develop a theoretical model postulating that international experience has an indirect effect on foreign growth and economic performance. This model was used to test a sample of 394 Spanish SMEs through the modelization of a structural equations system. Results show that superior economic performance is only achieved by SMEs that can turn the knowledge they gain from international experience into a large endowment of internationally exploitable intangible assets (irrespective of the fact that these assets form the basis for strengthening international intensity) and into a differentiation competitive strategy.  相似文献   

This paper formally models the Public-Private Investment Partnership (PPIP), a plan for U.S. government sponsored purchases of distressed assets. This paper solves both the problem of the asset manager buying toxic assets and the banks selling toxic assets. It solves for the fair market value of toxic assets implied by subsidized toxic asset sales, and it estimates the size of the government's subsidy. Moreover, this paper finds the circumstances under which banks and asset managers will meet at mutually acceptable prices. In general, healthier banks will be more willing sellers of toxic assets than zombies.  相似文献   

Extant research offers two alternative mechanisms for relating the asset specificity of a cooperative relationship to partnership performance. Transaction cost economics argues that the specific assets invested in a partnership increase the hazards of opportunism. As firms select appropriate governance structures to reduce opportunistic behavior, performance increases. On the other hand, relational exchange theory suggests that asset specificity enhances the trust between partners, which in turn leads to more cooperative behavior and higher partnership performance. This paper tests both mechanisms simultaneously on a sample of procurement relationships between Hong Kong trading firms and their Chinese suppliers using SEM methods. Our results support the predictions of relational exchange theory more than those of transaction cost economics. The paper also discusses the role of the Chinese context on theory application.  相似文献   

刘建勇 《财贸研究》2012,23(2):134-142
以股权分置改革后已完成大股东资产注入的上市公司为样本,通过统计大股东资产注入前后上市公司与大股东之间关联交易的变化以及资产注入前后上市公司经营业绩的变化来检验大股东资产注入的产业链整合效应,研究发现: 大股东注入的资产大多与上市公司产业相关,相比资产注入前一年,资产注入后一年上市公司与大股东之间的关联交易量以及非公允关联交易量均显著下降,并且上市公司各项经营业绩指标也均比资产注入前一年有所上升,表明大股东资产注入降低了上市公司与大股东之间的关联交易,改善了上市公司经营业绩,具有积极的产业链整合效应。  相似文献   

This study reexamines gold and government bonds as potential safe‐haven assets (SHAs) during market turmoil from daily data in 16 international markets over the past 20 years. We apply the extremal quantile regression model by Chernozhukov and Chernozhukov and Fernandez‐Val for empirical investigation. The outcomes indicate that a government bond is more likely to be qualified an active SHA, which can increase in value during market turmoil. Gold can be generally evaluated as a passive SHA, which is uncorrelated with market slumps. However, at the extremal 0.001 quantile level, neither asset can be qualified as a SHA. Since both assets exhibit a similar number of cases of being qualified as SHAs, we cannot significantly differentiate the “flight‐to‐liquidity” and “flight‐to‐quality” hypotheses. In terms of market selection, United States and Singapore are the top two choices while France and Hungary are the least commended markets to invest their local gold market as SHA.  相似文献   

This study has two main objectives. Firstly, volatility transmission between stocks and bonds in European markets is studied using the two most important financial assets in these fields: the DJ Euro Stoxx 50 index futures contract and the Euro Bund futures contract. Secondly, a trading rule for the major European futures contracts is designed. This rule can be applied to different markets and assets to analyze the economic significance of volatility spillovers observed between them. The results indicate that volatility spillovers take place in both directions and that the stock‐bond trading rule offers very profitable returns after transaction costs. These results have important implications for portfolio management and asset allocation. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:1066–1094, 2008  相似文献   

From the perspective of agency, resource‐based view, and resource‐dependence theories, we explore the impact of the presence of outside directors on firm performance in family small and medium‐sized enterprise (SMEs). Using survey data from 369 Spanish family SMEs, our findings show an inverted U‐shaped relationship between the proportion of outsiders on the boards of first‐ and second‐generation family firms and firm performance. The results show that a balanced presence of outside directors contributes to value creation in family SMEs and confirm that the composition and the roles of the board of directors differ from generation to generation in family firms.  相似文献   

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